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I KEEP FAILING - private; ROY - Printable Version

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I KEEP FAILING - private; ROY - rhosmari - 07-07-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]What was she doing wrong? What was it? Everything she did, everything she had set out to do went wrong each and every time and even now she had been turned into some animal and forced to live like this. Force to have to adapt to walking on four legs, to fighting on four legs and having to deal with- with imbeciles! She was angry that much was understandable but she was only angry because of everyone else or so she liked to tell herself. But her anger came from deep worry about Washington and his condition. She'd never seen him so angry before and it almost seemed desperate in a way. That twitching of his head as if he had something that he just couldn't get out and his harsh breathing. Oh, god, she just wanted him to be okay. The woman could care less about what happened to herself at this point because she knew that Agent Washington was someone she could rely on and a Freelancer she could trust was her best bet so far in this world. If-if he, no, no, she couldn't think about that because she wouldn't allow for something like that to happen.

The woman while she had been thinking had already paced a worn path near the edge of the lake. She had no name for the body of water in which she had come upon after leaving the Observatory but that hardly mattered to the ginger leopard. Instead she just paced back and forth along the edge of it tearing up the grass and leaving a sodden path of dirt that made her paws turn brown with muddy water and soil. Her tail swayed back and forth and she debated about going back because that was all there was to it right? Just make sure he was okay but something held her back, like icy claws digging into her pelt and holding her down. It made her pause where she stood, glaring eyes looking at the surface of the water that was before her. Her image as a feline came to her clearly, dark ginger colored fur with almost peach colored spotting. Bright high yellow green eyes that held a menacing hate to them. For a moment she just stared back at herself before she lifted a paw and suddenly sprang forward, shattering the surface of the water and digging her claws into a fish that had passed by. She pulled the flopping silver creature upon the shore and just stared at it, the fight having left her. "This is so god damn stupid..."

[member=312]Col. Mustang[/member]

Re: I KEEP FAILING - private; ROY - Roy Mustang - 07-10-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy knew what it was like to feel anger and confusion brew inside his chest, he felt the same exact way the moment he woke up in Ascendants. While Carolina hasn't been here for a long time, while Roy on the other hand has been enduring this new life for three months, it was still frustrating for the bobcat. It made him feel like a failure to his unit, country, family, and friends. It was like everything he worked for- his goal to become Fuhrer of Amestris, help bring Ishval back onto it's feet, were for nothing. All of those goals went down the drain the moment he stepped foot on the activated array, a mistake on his part. And now, he's still learning and adjusting to this life with each passing day. It's a slow process to adjust, Roy wasn't able to accept his fate easily. This kind of change, it's not something that can be adjusted in one night, as that's simply impossible to do. It's hard to forget the people you've left behind, as well as goals and other important things.

When Roy first arrived in the Ascendants, he was completely alone. Carolina was lucky, when she arrived, there was someone she recognized. Even though she originally attacked him, it was better that she was here with a colleague than just herself. Roy surely would have lost it if Riza didn't eventually show up, as well as Hughes. While his first reunitement with Riza was short, she wasn't gone forever, as she surely would follow him into hell. This place might as well be their hell, it's like Truth is punishing them for getting caught in the middle of an activated human transmutation circle. Stuck as animals, forced to abandon their human lives to live out this life they weren't expecting. While he knows that there's no way for him or Riza to return to humans, maybe Agent Washington, Carolina, Church and Caboose can find a way for themselves. Even though Roy doesn't trust them entirely, he's fully aware of how hard this situation is for them. Perhaps it can be better for them than it is for him and Riza, it probably wouldn't be good if they too discovered there's no way to be human again.

Roy was padding through the Ascendants territory, with a slight limp in his step. It almost seemed like getting used to padding around on four legs turned out to be useless- when he lost his back right leg a few weeks ago. What some people don't know is that it was self-inflicted- the Flame Alchemist got caught in a rock slide, his back right leg getting shattered and stuck under a large boulder. Roy hates to think about it, as it reminds him of the feral, unfamiliar animal instinct that he experienced that day. That animal instinct, it was something that Roy didn't have as a human, and he didn't know how to properly react to it during the whole ordeal. Now, he knows better for the future, and has to continue living on with the consequences of his panicked mind.

Roy came to a pause in his steps when his blue gaze landed on the golden leopard, who was emerged into the water, staring at a fish she just flung to shore. He glanced at the fish for a moment, watching it flop around, gills crying out for the desperate need for water. His gaze was quickly torn off of the prey she just caught, and onto her. Roy was well aware how she felt about him and the other Ascendants members- she didn't seem to be a fan of them at all. He certainly hasn't forgotten how she disrespected him. Ears drawing back to his cranium, the Flame Alchemist decided to speak up. "Now now, you can make this far easier for yourself and your three comrades if you'd just tell us what you're hiding." He said with an authoritative tone, eyes narrowing slightly. Roy had a feeling as if this attempt to make her talk wasn't going to work, but it was worth a try. Roy couldn't help it but be curious what they aren't telling them. He wants to know, he'll find a way to somehow figure it out.

Re: I KEEP FAILING - private; ROY - rhosmari - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her eyes snapped up from where she had been watching not even mere moments before. Truth be told she had wished that they would just leave her alone and scurry the other way when they saw her instead of trying confront her or whatever it was they were trying to do. It was starting to get underneath her skin and she narrowed her eyes upon the form of the male as he spoke up to her about sharing what she was hiding. Her muzzle curled, sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight as she felt a sudden need to lunge at the other. Although no such action was done because she was well in control of herself despite her predatory instincts from being trapped as a ginger leopard. Instead she gave a low groan and lifted a paw to rub it against the side of her muzzle. "You've got to be kidding me..." It was this again and she didn't understand how many times she had to tell them the same thing over and over again. At this point it was starting to become tedious and she allowed a breath to exhale thickly from her lungs before she took in a large breath and turned her back to him. No point in repeating herself but she supposed that some were hard of hearing.

"I'm not hiding anything, Colonel. You are seeking answers you aren't going to get. My life is my own and I'll be damned if I spill it to some lackey." Her tone was decisive and she looked back to the water. Her ears picked up the sound of the fish as it flopped against the ground, desperately trying to survive on land where it didn't belong. Sort of how she felt right now. Truth she knew she didn't belong here and neither did Washington but they were trying to survive here. Trying to thrive in a place that didn't understand them. But the difference between her and Wash might very well be the fact that he may be trying to work with them while she didn't want to. She couldn't trust them, couldn't depend on them and she would never call herself a member of a society as scrawny as this one was. Twisting in a sudden move, her claws lashed out and tucked deep into the fish's body before she jerked back and slung it back into the lake. The throw was aggressive and the fish hit the middle of the lack with a hard slap. It probably killed the thing but she didn't care. "You can go away now."