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who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Printable Version

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who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Simon F.M. - 07-07-2018

//For the sake of making this flow better and keeping things easier on me, Coop will be written into Simon's posts.

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — White paws churned against brown fur as the snowy kitten curled on cooper's flank, toying with the white heart-shaped marking that the canine had. "Uncle Coop, what if this is a bad idea?" murmured the kitten, who was soon to be a fireball, slowly crawling up to be near Cooper's head.

The canine, who was giant compared to the ice-colored feline, lifted his head to look at the kitten of his best friend. He gently nuzzled the small Dwarf Star, pushing the kitten into a sitting position. "We don't have to do it if you're not comfortable with it, Little one" rumbled the dog as he rasped his tongue over the kittens forehead, grooming the poof of white fur.

The kitten gave a huff, collapsing into a laying position. "I mean, it's kinda too late, isn't it?" commented the kitten, seeing as how Cooper had already sent an NPC to grab those they were waiting for. At the sound of paws steps nearing Coopers room, the small kitten gave a squeak and tumbled off of Cooper, hiding out of view from the door behind the large canine.

Cooper shook his head but let the kitten stay put. This had to be done on the dove-colored kitten's time and in the dwarf stars own comfort. That's why Cooper was here, to help the kitten even he hadn't experienced what his adopted family member was going through before. The vampire kitten had explained it to Cooper after hearing a story of the canine's old friend Denise.


Re: who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Margaery - 07-07-2018

When an NPC first found her and requested that she join Simon and Cooper, Margaery was a bit nervous. She could not even begin to fathom what such a meeting would entail and hoped to the gods above that it did not mean that tragedy had befallen one of her children. She was paranoid and nervous as she followed behind the NPC, listening intently to the whispers in the back of her mind that came from Ingrid, Genevieve, and Maarit. In a short, they all told her that she should expect disaster. She felt sick.

Which was why she was so happy when she arrived to see Cooper and Simon simply sitting near each other, picturesque and almost happy. She smiled too, in spite of her worries, and perked a single ear forward. [b]"Is everything alright, you two? She scoured the both of them for injury, wondering if all of this was a facade, before deciding that Genevieve had put her on edge and sitting down. Everything was fine and soon enough, she'd see why she was called here.

Re: who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Suiteheart - 07-07-2018

Suiteheart hated to admit that she, too, was somewhat worried about this meeting. Cooper had been (for a lack of a better word) cooped up in his room for a while. She feared something had happened to him, that her son, Simon, had found him in trouble. However, from the calm tone of voice the NPC presented her, she let her anxious thoughts melt. If something had been wrong, the NPC would have been in a panic. She willed herself to calm down as she made her way towards Cooper's room.

It hadn't taken long. Her pawsteps were practically on autopilot as she made her way to her best friend's residence. She tried to recount the many times she had made this trek in the nighttime, but she had lost count. Now, during the day, she couldn't help but wonder what this meeting would cover. She hoped it was good news, whatever it was. She hated to think otherwise.

"Aw, I wish I had my camera," Suiteheart purred as she entered the room seconds behind Margaery. The smile upon her face was bright and happy as she gazed at Cooper and Simon. She was glad they got along so well. Simon needed someone like Cooper in his life. "How's everyone today?" she asked, brushing gently into her wife's side.

After a beat, she arched a fiction eyebrow. "What's this little family meeting about?" The smile on her lips brightened a bit. Family. That felt so nice to say.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - BASTILLEPAW - 07-08-2018

Bastille spent more and less time with the kids than he had anticipated. On one hand, when he'd first learned about the pregnancy, everything had been relatively good. It was simply accepted that he would spend a lot of time with the kiddos, looking after them, because they were practically his siblings. But tension with Suiteheart made things a little awkward sometimes, and for a while there, he wasn't sure if he'd seen them so much. It turned out that he did: not all the time, such as when Suite had them, but he saw them solo and still looked out for them even when their mother was around. It was... a pleasant balance.

He yawned as he arrived, a few paces behind Margy. His gaze found Si, tucked behind Coop, and he offered him a small smile in greeting before he settled. He had no idea what this was for, or what he was doing here in particular if both mothers were present to reside of matters, but he would never turn Si down. Or Coop, for that matter. "Hey, Si. Whatcha doin' back there?" he greeted, after a vague nod to the others.

Re: who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Simon F.M. - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Margaery was the first to arrive and she seemed understandably confused and worried. Cooper would flash her reassuring smile and say "Everything's perfectly fine, though its best we wait for the others to arrive before we continue. How are you though, dear?" He was quite behind on everything, seeing as how he had been put on house arrest.

He felt small paws kneed against his back and he looked at the nervous kitten. He muttered something softly to the kitten before looking at Suiteheart as she entered. Cooper's tail began to thump against his bed in an excited wag at the appearance of his best friend. "It's nothing bad, one of your kids simply wants to tell you something! All we need is for Bastilleprisioner to arrive!" he barked, turning to look at the kitten and motioning for the little vampire to move up onto his back properly.

It was as Bastille entered the scene that the kitten's chance to get it all out appeared. The white kitten would slowly peered up over Cooper, studying the three new faces in the room. Suiteheart, one of two mothers and a larger version of the kitten, Margaery, the other mother who the kitten was still a bit unsure on after the Genny situation, and Big Brother Bastille who represented safety for the tiny vampire. This was going to be okay, this three could be trusted.

Slowly clambering over the large canine, the kitten would slide down Coopers side to face the others and return the smile that had been given by Bastille. Taking a deep breath, the kitten would start to speak in a quick stammering voice. "It uh... It's Diya actually" she said, peering up at the family gathered. As she tried to thing of what to say next she began to absentmindedly gnaw on one of her paws, fangs lightly scraping through the fur, never enough to draw blood. Letting the paw drop slightly, her tail flicked behind her. "I've been uh... I've been think- thinking for awhile and I think I'm- I'm a girl... if that... if that makes sense?" she said, tears brimming in her eyes as anxiety built in her chest.

She felt Cooper's tail curl around her and she began to knead it anxiously as she waited for a response. Everything in her yearned to bury herself in her Big Brother's fur, searching for the safety he represented. But she couldn't. She had to wait for the reactions of her family, watching them all attentively.

Re: who I am || PRIVATE || is not who I want to be - Suiteheart - 07-12-2018

Suite grinned at Cooper's excitement, and she couldn't help but feel the same thing at seeing him. He was one of her closest friends here, and he always made her smile. He was good one, and she trusted him - obviously, he was the uncle of her children and often doubled as a caretaker because he loved them so much. As for her worries, they were settled completely now. Everything seemed fine she noted as Bastilleprisoner arrived, which prompted her mini-me to finally speak.

"Diya," she echoed her child, and in a single heartbeat, a massive smile marked her lips. The name was perfect. She padded forward, noting the tiny girl's anxieties and tears with a sad smile. She craned her neck before attempting to nuzzle her daughter's cheek. Pulling back, she said, "I think that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

God, she was proud of her daughter. It took courage to come forward and announce something like that. While Suite and Margaery taught their children that they would be accepted no matter what, the task of explaining things such as this was always difficult. Suite could relate. And she was happy. She was so glad Diya had made the decision to tell them. She was so glad Diya was finally going to be who she was all along. "I'm proud of you, mon petit cœur, and I love you!"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI