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Bast had... had... brought her back?

Admittedly, Margaery was still a bit stunned. Genevieve was not someone who so easily gave up something she fought to acquire, especially given her vengeful nature. Her locking Margaery in the confines of their shared mind right next to Maarit and Ingrid had been some sort of twisted punishment. She had done the same to her counterpart so many times before and knew that she was angry about that. It didn't exactly surprise her that what had happened happened, but after wearily watching Genny run rampant for the past week or so, she certainly regretted it. The things that she said... the things that she did... they had been absolutely atrocious. She had spoken so cruelly to Hazel, among others, and then had the audacity to pout the moment that her clanmates rejected her. She supposed she could understand that last part though... nobody save a few seemed to get that she and Margaery - she and Genevieve - were the same person. There was no alternative soul, no spirit possessing her... Margaery's own entity had just been fractured and split into four after centuries of life. But even still, she should have been more careful than to let the monster have free reign of their body.

Margaery sighed a bit only to close stormy gray eyes. It was strange - so strange - to be conscious once more. She could feel the breeze ruffling her fur, the ground under her feet, even her own, insatiable hunger burning tirelessly in the pits of her stomach. She wasn't used to it, not after so long of being depraved of everything. Sights, sensations, they all did much to overwhelm her and she had retired to her rose garden in result of that. Away from the hustle and bustle of her clanmates, she could relax and hopefully begin to contemplate an apology. She didn't expect forgiveness nor could she exactly ask for it. Claiming that Genevieve was her own, separate entity would be a deceitful and wrong lie and as much as she and her counterpart didn't get along, Margy couldn't do that  to her. She had to be honest and hope that they at least heard her out. Aside from that, she couldn't expect much else.

Tucking her paws under her body, she perked her ears and waited. Surely, someone would come along shortly and then she could begin to ramble on and on about the situation and how completely awful she felt. Fun. She couldn't wait.


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Simon was young, certainly not old enough to tell the difference between Gen and his actual mother. So when he saw the point feline lying in the garden, his first instinct was to run because Genevieve had been so cruel and cold. But, Uncle Cooper had told him to go find his mother, that it would be okay. That he had a good feeling about this. Poor Uncle Coop, he was still locked away in his room on Rin's orders, after emotionally and physically exhausting himself for everyone else's sake.

"M-mama?" called the kitten as he carefully crept forward, the grass the he brushed against tinting his fur green. "Uncle, Uncle Coop said I should come see you?" he said softly, eyes on the grass and roses around him. He stuck out like a sore thumb around the flora.

Re: GOLD LEAF ACROSS YOUR LIPS | OPEN, APOLOGY - Warringkingdoms - 07-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]If anything could convince Warringkingdoms that she did not have any control over her life, these past few weeks would have done it.

  Margaery was possessed by a being that was unlikely to ever give up control. Bastille’s souls were coming out to play, which combined with his withdrawal issues made it nigh impossible to tell what she needed to do next. Cooper was working himself sick, to the point that she had to order him to stay in his room. She had absolutely no idea what was going on with Radeken, either, and whether the other medic was still around or had finally run off to join a drug ring.

  Yet, despite everything going on that she struggled to keep up with, she did still have a modicum of control. She had a decent chance of finding a new Halo, one that she could actually trust. Several people were returning to her life. Despite everything, she was still alive and sane, and that alone counted for something.

  Noticing Simon walking across the grass towards Genevieve, Rin sighed and followed him over. She had a feeling that this was going to spiral into a fight, one that she ought to diffuse as soon as possible. Maybe she could control this little sequence of events, at least.

  Upon coming within a few feet, though, she could see that the older woman’s eyes were no longer crimson, but instead their normal gray.

  ”Thank the stars, you’re back,” Rin murmured, hurrying forwards and examining Margaery. Marg didn’t appear to be physically injured, but she would almost definitely have been impacted mentally by the whole ordeal. Furrowing her brows, Rin asked, ”What happened? How did you get her to leave?” Just asking “are you okay” seemed laughable; she would get a far better answer from listening to Marg talk about the situation than from any question she could ask about her mental state.

Re: GOLD LEAF ACROSS YOUR LIPS | OPEN, APOLOGY - Suiteheart - 07-07-2018

She had felt the change. Suiteheart had been fixing one of the border markers she put up when everything seemed to shift within her - no, within Genevieve. The assassin was secretive; she often only showed Suite the surface of her feelings and whatever the hell she was up to. She was more than shocked to peak into their bond and see Gen relinquishing control. A tiny, soft smile rose to greet her lips at that. It wasn't that she didn't love Genevieve - she did. Oh, God, she did -, but the appearance of her set the Admiral on edge. It made her feel too unstable for her liking. The sudden reemergence of Margaery was a breath of fresh air.

The white feline finished up the work on her sign before rising. 'Gen's gone so soon?' she teased through their bond as she padded in the direction of her wife, drawn to the chocolate point by their soul connection. 'I was just starting to like her too.' The playful tone soon melted into something more gentle. 'I missed you.'

When she entered the scene, she moved to stand beside Simon and Warringkingdoms. Baby blues looked over her wife in joy. That was her Margaery. There were those aegean-hued eyes she loved so much. Suite was wearing a bright, goofy smile - one that was almost too big for her face. It was the type of smile she only reserved for her wife, for Margaery. "Look at those eyes," she beamed. "I never get tired of those eyes." And without waiting, she moved forward to embrace Margaery. It was in that moment that she realized she hadn't hugged her wife in weeks. She tightened the embrace just a bit at that.

[b]"Bastille did a good job."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Anything supernatural was well beyond Washington's comprehension. Even if someone were to explain it to him, he would have so many doubts. If there were any such thing as ghosts, then there would have been plenty of ghosts that would be following him right now. He had left hundreds of soldiers that died in battle, well maybe not that amount but he had been part of squads that usually got decimated by the enemy pretty quickly. Something that he would never want the repeat to happen of course. Washington had been through a lot with the aspect of the army and had seen some terrible things. The aliens that they were going against wanted them dead, and that meant they had a right to defend themselves from the likes of extinction. Seeing the technology that the aliens used. Instead of bullets, they used energy that could easily bore a hole through someone's chest. A feeling that Washington had felt before when an ember of said energy landed on his arm and almost had gone through the entirety of it all. It had been one of the most painful things that he had ever experienced. He didn't think that he would have been able to continue to fight, but the energy had at least cauterized the wound so he didn't have to really worry about bleeding out. But because he had waited so long to get his arm treated, it wasn't healed to its full strength as there was some damage.

Luckily it didn't seem to affect any part of his mobility, which had been his only concern. The other army that they were going against had similar weapons that they did, but in his mind, they were more dangerous. They had strange rocket launchers and weapons that could affect an entire radius. Get shot by too much from this one weapon and it would cause a change reaction that would make the ammunition blow up once it was attached to you. They had grenades that could attach themselves to soldiers and they would be left to watch as a Marine exploded. There had been instances where a grenade was indeed thrown and it attached itself to a Marine's helmet, where they were able to take it off before it did explode. There had been no instances of a Marine being capable of taking off that grenade if it touched any form of flesh. It was horrible yes, but that was war and there was no changing war either. They had tanks, sniper rifles, shields, and they also seemed to have an unlimited amount of units that their disposal. On their side, they were only one species, that species being human, while on the other side it was around four different species in one army. Which meant that they could expend quite a few different species if they needed to. It wasn't fair to those that were left to die but it was strategic whether they liked it or not. Either way, he could believe something as strange as aliens and new technology.

But while he was younger there, of course, had been stories about mythology. Books that told about the dinosaurs and the ancient past of what humans used to be before they started to evolve into what they were now. But something such as supernatural was quick to go over his head. Everything about it didn't even remotely seem to be logical to Washington He was a soldier, and when it came to something simple as possession, maybe he could believe it, but only if it was a computer program, aka an AI. There was no such thing as ghosts. There was no such thing as demons. They just didn't exist, and unless he was given an example he would basically refuse to listen. Agent Washington was already starting to struggle with the idea of the animals that were capable of existing on this Earth. Because he had figured out that they were indeed on Earth now. Probably making the situation worse. The Freelancer was struggling with being an animal, what he was capable of eating. The armored smilodon had just got done figuring out where he was going to get something to eat. Having gone to Imperia and asking if she had any food that she would be willing to give him for the time being until he could make some of his own.

The smilodon was glad that he was able to grab some jerky, and stuck it in between the gab of his armor in his chest plate so that he didn't have to carry it. Not like he could carry anything in his mouth thanks to helmet. Considering how new Washington was to this place he didn't know about the female's situation. He didn't even know the name that had belonged to her, just that her overall demeanor was something that was pretty questionable. Either way, he had been walking around when he noticed two animals were starting to gather around a number. Was he missing a meeting or something? He had gone to each meeting individually to make sure that he didn't miss what was happening in this outpost. The Freelancer made his way over, his armor lights on like usual with each step that he took. And as usual, he remained a decent distance away from everyone else. He liked his personal space after all. Luckily his helmet hid the confused look that he had on his face. "Uhhh are we gathering around for a specific reason?" Agent Washington would question no one in particular. His gold gaze looking at the three animals that he didn't know. Should he introduce himself? Well, it was definitely too late for that now. The small tail he had flicked back and forth as the anxiety began to build. Something that he wasn't used to having happened, but with recent events it was easier to put him into more of a panic or make him nervous."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: GOLD LEAF ACROSS YOUR LIPS | OPEN, APOLOGY - Margaery - 07-07-2018

[b]"Multum bellator, my little warrior. I've missed you, sweet. I hope Genevieve didn't scare you too badly," Margaery extended softly, beckoning her son to come a few paces closer to her. She had surfaced very briefly when Genevieve thought to near her child, her influence over her counterpart the only thing that encouraged her to behave. She was still worried though, word spread quickly within the Ascendants and any of Genevieve's more questionable actions could easily have been passed to Simon. She didn't want her son to view her as a monster (even if that was what she was at her core) and desperately hoped that he knew that his mother was still looking out for him, even when she wasn't physically present.

She would blink stormy-gray eyes as Rin arrived, studying her friend carefully. "How did you get her to leave?" Genevieve wasn't actually gone nor did Margaery believe she'd ever be. They were one entity, two sides of the same coin, eliminating Genevieve would mean eliminating Margaery and vice versa and honestly, the question stung a bit. As terrible and awful as her counterpart was, she did lead quite the tragic and undeserving existence. Nobody had ever wanted her. Not even Aerona. "Well, she's still with me, love," Margaery decided to offer, biting a lower lip, "We're the same. But Bast helped convince her to relinquish control. He's the only reason I'm here right now." He had actually attempted to understand Genevieve and in that, came her desire to return to the depths of Margaery's mind. This entire encounter would have been proceeding a lot differently had he not sought her out.

Her thoughts were dismissed the moment she heard Suite's voice traveling down the bond, a smile appearing upon her chocolate hued lips. The day you actually like Genevieve is the day that pigs sprout wings and begin to fly, She responded, a laugh spilling physically from her lips. Her clanmates probably wondered why, of all things, she was laughing suddenly, but she hoped her reasons were explained when Suite arrived and pulled her into an embrace. "I never get tired of you, mea vita. I'm sorry," She breathed, tightening her own grip on Suiteheart. It had been so long since the pair had hugged and Margaery would not lie: she missed this. Genevieve cared only for Aerona,  not any other facet of Suite... to say that she was a bit touch deprived would be an understatement.

Her attention would flicker briefly to Washington and she'd offer him a smile. "I don't think we've officially met. I'm Margaery Mikaelson-Folie, Suiteheart's wife." She didn't know who Genevieve had met and who she hadn't during her brief visit in the Ascendants leaving Margaery to scramble to reintroduce herself. It was a bit of a strange process, she would admit, but not one she was opposed to. Cleaning up Genevieve's mess came with the job description. "I swapped places with another facet of myself, to put it simply. But I'm back now," She paused in her explanation to contemplate her apology a bit more. She had successfully lulled four individuals in, she might as start with her sorries. "Speaking of, I'm... I'm so sorry for the things Genevieve said and did. I know that I shouldn't expect forgiveness because we're the same and I'm responsible for her, but I feel absolutely horrible. Vampirism and years of hatred have made her cruel. I hope you all understand and... And..."

She bit her lip.

"I'm sorry again."


Gordon did know that Bastilleprisoner had brought Margaery back, though she did have a tendency to linger around Margaery's room to try and hear Genevieve coming, so she had time to prepare herself rather than be spooked. So as she saw a mass of people heading to a specific area, the little Starstruck Guardian decided to investigate. Sure, people made her nervous, but these were people she knew and trusted. Her nerves were still on edge, but she could at least calm herself down, especially with Suiteheart around. Spotting the white feline, Gordon tried to squeeze in beside her, looking up at Margaery. "Margaery?" She mewed out, blinking. "Is-is that really you?" Sure, she just introduced herself as so, and she sounded normal, but Gordon still couldn't help but feel that prickle of unease.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: GOLD LEAF ACROSS YOUR LIPS | OPEN, APOLOGY - Roy Mustang - 07-08-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy couldn't help it but feel a sense of relief run through his chest when he heard that familiar voice ring through his ears. For the past few days, Roy had been worried about Margaery. When he first met 'Genevieve', he thought Margaery was possessed, but that wasn't the case. She and Genevieve were the same person, which wasn't something that you hear everyday. It was hard to accept that Genevieve had a connection with the Cosmic General, while Gen wore Margaery's face, they were nothing alike. Genevieve was rude, snappy, and honestly, not a joy to be around. That friend he grew to care about was replaced without a clear explanation, and he had no idea what he could do to get his friend back. It came to a point where Roy feared that Margaery wouldn't be coming back, especially when Genevieve had that body switch. Genevieve was full of control at that moment, he even heard her say the change might be 'permanent' herself. Thankfully, Margaery didn't have to live under the shadows of Genevieve for much longer.

He was surprised, and relieved, that Bastilleprisoner managed to convince Gen to give the reigns back to Marg. Roy knew that at times, he and Bast butt heads and have their disagreements, but he really has to give it to the kid. He did a good job on getting Margaery back safely. It seemed like he understood the way to get Marg back, while the others like Roy himself, didn't. Roy certainly didn't come to an understanding with Gen, that's for sure- Gen and Roy were not friends. Roy wasn't a fan of Gen and Gen enjoyed to push his buttons. Roy wasn't even coming close to understanding Gen, he wanted answers on what she did to Margaery, while Bastilleprisoner made comments on how they're the same person. Really, how foolish had Roy been acting? It was so simple to get her back, and his angered head didn't want to think about it.

"Margaery," The Flame Alchemist said as his three paws took him over to the scene, his blue eyes instantly landing on those gray optics of hers. Roy hasn't seen those eyes in so long, it was relieving to see those optics once again. It had been tiring and concerning the longer and longer he saw those copper eyes that Genevieve fancied. Once he heard her begin to apologize, Roy's blue eyes blinked, listening closely as his ears pricked up. "It's okay Marg, I'm just glad you're back and okay," The bobcat said after the vampire apologized one more time, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked over at his friend with a soft smile on his features.

Re: GOLD LEAF ACROSS YOUR LIPS | OPEN, APOLOGY - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

He didn't know the majority here but he knew this feeling and he sympathised with her for it - no one should be a prisoner in their own bodies, or subject to the darker half made manifest.

idly his clawed paw reached up to rub absentmindedly over the spot where his scar that his collar concealed was, the wound seemed to throb at the reminder of such things - Anz winced slightly, pushing the memories away, a panic attack over things past would do no good and raise more questions he didn't want to deal with right now.

still the large beast padded over with a nod to her "Anzarel Grimm, a pleasure to meet you miss Margaery - though I knw i'm a stranger, still you should know that you should not blame yourself for actions of another, even if it was via your bod they used as the instrument of such things" his tone was friendly but tinged with the bitter edge of someone who knew from experience.

his piece said he stepped back a tad to allow those more familiar and likely much more personally involved forward - they were strangers to each other at this moment after all and largely everyone seemed to be happy to see her again, no need to take up more time than necessary.



[align=center]hazel elise caelum . eight months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Hazel wouldn’t pretend that what Genevieve said hadn’t hurt her.

Generally, as long as Margaery’s body was alive and well, Hazel was aware there was nothing she could do to relieve Genevieve of her position. So she’d tolerated Gen, not exactly content with the situation but knowing she was powerless in the face of it. But she’d missed Margy; she’d missed her so much. She’d missed the scent of roses in the air and the gentle comfort of a mother; the warmth and reassurance.

So to see Margy’s eyes, to hear her gentle voice? Hazel stepped over, listening to the apology.Noli commoveri, Margy.” She murmured, unable to look Margy quite in the eye. “We understood.” She did understand, truly; but she still hurt, and it was difficult to set that aside. It wasn’t aimed at Margy, just Gen.
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]