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had to bear ☀ sick - Printable Version

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had to bear ☀ sick - arcy - 07-07-2018

Izuku hadn't been good at taking care of himself for a long time now. He'd been okay, when he'd still been human. He'd still been eating and sleeping and he hadn't had a care in the world. Or -- well, he had. He'd had a lot of worries. But the Izuku of today? Well -- he wasn't as great at all of that. The days he remember to eat were between far and few, and mostly when the hunger pains really get him. If it weren't for the thick fur over his pelt, his ribs might've been more obvious. But as it was, it wasn't really obvious. His fur wasn't really patchy or thin despite any of this for some reason. For that matter Izuku hadn't slept in at least a few days and everything was gross and awful. He'd been trying so hard to catch up on his studies that everything was falling apart around him. Which was probably why Izuku hadn't actually noticed the symptoms -- everything was gross as was, with his eyes and his paw and all of the crying. He just thought it was normal.
Unfortunately, that wasn't .. quite .. the case. Yesterday had been pretty bad -- everything was so hard to recognize and he'd thrown up once or twice. He'd waved it off, of course. That happened sometimes, and everything had been fine after a reluctant nap. Besides, that just .. happened .. sometimes. Today he was less lucky. Everything hurts. It'd been more subtle on the days before and especially when he'd walked so far to events. But he hadn't done anything today. And it wasn't even based around his leg, his bones just .. hurt. Not quite in the way it would when it came to his quirk, but ... he doesn't know. He'd already vomited a few times and his stomach hurt, too. He's not even entirely sure where he is -- somewhere in the snow around the village. He's curled up in a little ball, both paws wrapped around his stomach even though it's really uncomfortable to hold. Not only because of his injured paw, but just cause cats weren't meant to really do that. But the human-like gesture is enough to provide him comfort as he shakes next to a pile of his own vomit, shaking and gasping. Wh .. where was he? He w .. he was .... somewhere. He's not sure, but he's kind of scared and he's ... alone. He doesn't want to be alone.
His throat burns -- everything feels too warm sometimes, but he doesn't get that 'cause he's in the .. cold, and sometimes its really cold which he does understand, at least. He needs ... something. A lot of things, really. His mom, All Might, his friends. He can't exactly get those, but that doesn't quite occur to the poor boy. What he can get is medicine, but Izuku doesn't know what he needs. Mari ... no, nonono that wasn't right. Storebought? Of course, his mom would .. no. Nono that wasn't right either. What was right? Something. He needed something and he didn't know what and he doesn't know. Ginger, berry, cinnamon, close but not right. Why does he know .. ? .. He doesn't know .. where he is. Or .. what's going on. He squeezes his eyes shut. Hurts. Hurts. He doesn't know .. what to do. Home ..? Where .....? He tries to lift his head, but only opens his eyes for a moment before shutting them. Bad. Too bright, his head. Tiring. That's okay, he'll just .. he'll just lay here. It's fine. He'll be ... he'll be okay. Mom will collect him. .. She won't. She won't, she won't see him again. His breath hitches, but he knows he knows he knows. What's wrong? He doesn't know. Somebody will ... somebody will, at least. He thinks. God. His thoughts are disjointed and he doesn't .. get it.

//tl;dr somebody PLEASE get this sick, sick boy out of the snow :^(
ok so!! starting as of this weekend im gonna inactive so i decided to finally put this plot into action lol. itll last for about,, 2 weeks i guess?? ill post retro posts whenever i can but everythings kinda Fucked
so, explanation of how this will develop since im not sure ill be there to post update threads all the time. so, for the first few days, it'll just seem like a really bad unidentifiable illness. he'll be rlly delirious and in pain, throwing up very frequently. These symptoms will grow worse as time goes on. He'll start rapidly losing weight regardless of what anybody does. For a few days in the middle of the whole thing, he'll be in a coma-like state and like,,, on the verge of death idk. esp since he's like,, half of his original weight, which,, wasn't really heavy to begin with?? After this, though, he gradually starts to recover, and by the last few days he outta the woods, basically. ill try to post a thread regarding him waking up or something by then but it might be kind of delayed lmfao
what was i worth

Re: had to bear ☀ sick - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash knew that Izuku had been sick for a while, and she felt bad for him, especially considering he was their sole healer now - even if he wasn't promoted to Frosthealer just yet. Jacob left him for himself, but Atbash kinda understood that; being Chief and Frosthealer had been rough, but leaving Izuku like that was a bit harsh. But Atbash wasn't entirely innocent here, either. She had been encouraging the Tenderfoot to go out to allied events with her, when she should have demanded he stay back and take care of himself.

"Izuku?" Atbash called for the green feline around camp, and it seemed like nobody knew where he was. To which Atbash immediately felt panicked, mostly for the poor guy's health and safety. The Chief soon found herself running out of camp in search of Izuku, her thoughts swarming. Did Caesar get him? What if he fell into the lake, or got caught by humans, or - Her thoughts were cut off as she found a lump of green fur laying in the snow, and Atbash quickly made her way over to where Izuku was laying on the ground. She slowed down as she neared him, trying not to kick up any of the snow on him. "Izuku! Are you alright? Can you hear me?" She asked frantically, trying to gently nudge him.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: had to bear ☀ sick - arcy - 07-08-2018

Honestly, Izuku was just the worst at knowing his health in the first place. He could have a broken hand and he'd forget till he moved it. He's sorry to say this but honestly, thank god for pain. Sometimes. Other times it was just a nuisance. Like now. It was awfully scary. He hadn't even seen it coming considering he just brushed literally every symptom off like it's fine. And honestly? Yeah, whatever. Izuku didn't care about his health, anyways. Just so long as he could keep doing what he was doing he was fine with whatever was going on. Because he was stubborn and reckless and people didn't tend to stop him so he just kept on going 'till he just .. couldn't, anymore.
Honestly, though. The little, bitty semi-coherent part of him right now wasn't really .. expecting anybody to notice or care about his absence for a while. He did always had a tendency to wander off into the great unknown just for fun, but then again, Izuku was injured. Too injured to do that, he means.
"Mmn," Izuku grimaces at the nudge, and Atbash's voice is like .. he's not sure, like a bee or something. a very annoying bee. Not that Atbash was annoying, but he also didn't really have the cohesion to understand. Well, until, wearily, he looks up to see her. And, with a lapse of memory, he's .. startled. Oh god that's a yellow cat, he thinks a little hysterically, and it was talking and where even is he why's he in the snow. Where's his mom? It takes a little glance at his paws and then. Oh god. He's maybe a little panicked and he's definitely delirious and then -- oh, right. Reality, once again, hits him like a truck, and the shaking little form of Izuku looks back up at Atbash. "'Bash" He mumbles, then his head is falling back against the snow with a little plop. Hurts. Moving had hurt, too. He doesn't even know how he .. got here? In the snow. He keeps on forgetting and he doesn't .. like it. Doesn't like any of this 'cause none of it makes sense and he doesn't like how he feels. Something. Medicine. Needs something and he can't get it. Oof.
what was i worth

Re: had to bear ☀ sick - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Shit. Izuku was definitely out of it, and Atbash's mind was swirling around as she tried of thinking of ways to take care of him. She really should have been paying attention when he had that mini lesson, shouldn't she? Atbash mentally shook those thoughts off, focusing on Izuku. The present mattered more now than focusing on the past. She was the Chief, she was supposed to take care of her group. Get him out of the snow. That was probably the best option right now, wasn't it? That was going to be tough with her only being a feline, but luckily she had conjuration now, huh?

"I've got you," Atbash promised, her voice soft as she briefly tried to touch Izuku with her nose as a reassuring gesture. Regardless if she had been able to do this, the she-cat stepped back a few paces and conjured up a stretcher, hoping to get Izuku on it and drag it back to camp. With this, she drug the stretcher towards where the Tenderfoot laid, and tried gently nudging and shoving him towards it, trying to at least get him to move onto that. She knew it had to be hard for him to move, but god she was hoping he was able to do at least this.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: had to bear ☀ sick - arcy - 07-08-2018

Well, if all else failed, Atbash could at least consult some medicine books. God knows Izuku had a lot of those, with his own set and Jacob's. Also the handful that would be in the library with the rest of the guide-lesson books. Izuku hadn't looked through those ones yet, though -- at least, not most of them. He had started on a new series of medical books to memorize from, 'cause they all had different ways of doing things. He'd been planning on another re-read on his old ones afterwards 'cause his memory when it came to medicine was pretty awful. But! This is way, way besides the point.
Moving Izuku doesn't pose much of a difficulty, really. Once he'd recognized Atbash, he hadn't been resistant to her presence. He was probably calmer, knowing somebody was there at all. Besides, he basically trusted her with his life already. As such, when shuffled onto the stretcher, it's not any bit difficult at all. He probably would have been a bit more helpful if he was coherent, but even so, he does drag himself just a little sometimes. Key word, sometimes. That was probably all you could really ask of a sick person, really. Anyways, once he's on, dragging him shouldn't be .. impossible, at least. He was kind of small and light for a Maine Coon cat, luckily for Atbash, even if he was kind of big compared to a regular cat. Which Atbash was .. not, as a Savannah, somewhat luckily. Anyways. Izuku doesn't really seem fully aware of whatever developments as he lays on the stretcher now, just happy enough he was not, in fact, laying directly in the snow. It was soft but it was cold, wasn't fun.
what was i worth

Re: had to bear ☀ sick - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash let out a sigh of relief as she was able to get Izuku on the stretcher, and the she-cat took a quick seconds to catch her breath. Not that Izuku was heavy or anything, she was just incredibly stressed and worried for the poor guy, and powers took a toll on her. Luckily conjuration doesn't take a lot of energy, but it's enough to wind her a bit. Once making sure that Izuku was stable, the Chief grabbed one of the arms and pulled, dragging the stretcher back to camp as much as she could. Stay with me, Izuku. Atbash willed mentally, watching the poor guy as carefully as she could while trying to move him.

It took Atbash a couple of minutes, but she did eventually reach camp. But unfortunately for her, she didn't exactly memorize where Izuku's cabin was, but what she did know, however, was the library and how it had a fireplace in it. Sure, there was a medical den but she could just run in there and get stuff if Izuku needed it. What matter right now is getting Izuku warm and out of the cold. As she reached the entrance of the library, Atbash let go of the stretcher and took a couple of seconds to get her air back. "Izuku...?" She tried talking to him again, trying to see if he was able to comprehend her now. It wasn't much of a change in weather, but at least maybe being in camp would help.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi