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wait out the plastic weather. private - Printable Version

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wait out the plastic weather. private - Coronet - 07-07-2018

ooc; hey! I got er' done!

Yawning, the purple mutant sluggishly lifted his lashes to see the brightness of early afternoon shimmer through crevices. Ugh, time to get up already? Coro slowly picked up his head, glancing over to the orange lump snuggled tightly at his side. That made a big grin glamor his tired face. What a cutie, he's a total furball in the mornin'. Soft, and uneven rumblings bounced lightly off the stone walls of the two toms shared cavern. Coronet had begun purring so much he was certain his chest would go numb, but he couldn't help it. All tucked in like two kits, he snuggled in more beside his partner Trig. It had been a wonderful three days of quiet, cuddiling, and enjoying life as it was. They unfortunately, could not continue their travels until the storm was completely over. Still it had given the former 'travelling partners' some time to bond, and discover each others true emotions. It wasn't an unknown thing to Coro that the storm would be over soon, but he didn't feel like being the one to break their little romantic bubble. So instead he nuzzled Into the small leopards cheek, ceasing his purrs to mumble quietly. "C'mon hun, time to get up. It's well past sunrise, and we should do some hunting before it starts to rain heavy again." That was one little blessing added to their charming three days, that prey was plentiful in these secluded hills, and that the rain would sometimes lighten up enough for a good hunt.


Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - COSMIIX - 07-07-2018

✧*:・゚ He had been so comfortable cuddled next to his partner although he couldn't help but let out his own soft purrs though when he heard Coronet start to nudge him that's when he would start to growl a little bit. Was it really past sunrise? He opened a single eye to glare at Coronet with a dangerously narrowed pupil only to stuff his face into the others neck fluff "Give me another five minutes. . ." He was so tired though he wasn't known to be lazy, he supposed that he might as well rise so he could eat something as he would slowly rise to his paws flinching at the sudden movement though he shook himself out. He would sit down lifting up his forepaw and licking it before he started to comb down the fluff on his cranium before grooming the rest of his body, the strawberry kissed leopard would eventually part his jaws revealing his rather nubby teeth. Unlike his canines, the rest of his teeth weren't as sharp but he could still pack a bite if he wanted to, of course, he slowly stretched out with his claws digging at the earth underneath him with a soft growl. His molten honey gaze would lock onto Coronet for a brief moment soon passing the other but only after he gave the other a tiny nip on the ear, a small smile on his maw but it wasn't visible since Trig was already out of the cave with both curved ears angled forward. He felt some raindrops hitting his nose causing his muzzle to wrinkle a bit and realize a sneeze, he just hoped that he wouldn't have an incident where there was a bunch of water bunched up in one area. He didn't want to be a shivering mess while he hunted for some kind of animal, he was still a bit sore after their "trip" and well, this is when he began to stretch out his hind legs with a soft huff. Unlike most leopards, Trig was rather lithe and more skinnier than any leopard known to mankind. Sometimes he would be confused for a cheetah though he didn't blame them for thinking he was a cheetah, it was mainly his feminine form that made him appear as such yet he didn't mind. "Hurry up, lazybones." He finally called out to his partner despite him being the one who demanded to have another five minutes of rest.

Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - Coronet - 07-07-2018

The bigger feline chuffed at his lovers agitated looks, and grumpy response. He couldn't help but laugh lightly at the childish behavior, and invasion of his neck fluff. Looking down he gave Trigger a gentle brush on his back with a large paw. "Not gonna happen, c'mon." He gave a little drawl to the 'o' in gonna, and a chuckle as his orange companion slowly stood up. Well that was weirdly fast. It was a known thing that Trig hated mornings, Coro wasn't a big fan, but he could handle it better. He too stood up, and then bent into a 'U' shape. Flexing his shoulders, haunches, and neck. A satisfying 'crackle here and there made the leopon sigh with satisfaction. Going back to full attention, his violets trained on his boyfriend. Holy shit he's already out! "Why ya' always leaving me! I'm comin, I'm comin." His voice held no legitimate irritation, if anything it was playful, and still a bit groggy from sleep. He gave a little snort before brushing his pelt against Trig's, and knowingly looking down "Hey, look who's talkin." Finally his eyes braved looking into the brightness of early afternoon. It was still a little cloudy, muggy, and wet. Though the scenery was dead-drop gorgeous to see. Mixture of stone, rolling hills, shrubbery, and little sections of trees. I don't know if I ever want to leave. Now that, was a strange thought coming from his head. Usually, Coro loved the adventures in store when it came to travelling. Going place to place, learning new things, and experiencing it all with Triggerwarning. He loved everything about it, but after coming together just a few nights ago... Maybe he was ready to settle for awhile. They weren't old perse, nor very young, but they had a few good months in their age. They'd known one another most their lives anyhow, so what harm would settiling do for just a bit. Edging out of his mind for a minute, but definately keeping that thought in the back burner. Coronet mewed "So, wanna talk about whats next while we hunt?" He was sure Trig wluld catch what he was hinting at. 'Their next move' but he didnt want to say out loud.


Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - COSMIIX - 07-07-2018

✧*:・゚ Trig had the bad habit of running off without giving anyone a warning which was quite ironic since his full name was Triggerwarning yet no one got the pleasure of calling him that namely because he was usually called Trig or Kan anyways. Feeling Coronet brush up against him made the leopard flick an ear back before he would press against Cor in return though he would innocently pipe in "But did I sleep the five minutes I wanted, hmm?" No, he did not. He did not sleep those extra few minutes because his boyfriend wouldn't let him, what a bum. His nose twitched for a moment staring out at the area itself and well, he couldn't help but admire it since it was quite beautiful. Maybe not at night when thunderstorms are brewing but alone itself at day was rather nice despite how he could already feel mud plastering themselves onto his white socks. He wrinkled his nose a bit starting to shake off some of the mud from his foot though stopped when he heard Coronet speaking to him about discussing on what was "next". He could feel the heat rushing to his face trying not to think about that one night even if it was permanently lodged there until the day he died, the leopard drew a soft breath with a raise of his eyebrows "Why not, I suppose it would be a good subject to g-go over. . ." Until they found something to eat that is, Trig would start to take some steps forward only to hiss as his paw sunk into a puddle of mud and shook his paw with frustration. He supposed that was what he got for rushing off, he wanted to glare at the sky yet he knew that wouldn't get him anything out of it though talking about the future or the "next move". What was the next move? They've known each other for years now and - Oh God, was that the next move? Well surely. . . His mind went absolutely blank and he wasn't able to muster any words not even sharp remarks, which was Trig's specialty.

His long tail lashed to the sides as he contemplated this over and over in his head yet it still went blank like a computer that wouldn't properly load the screen. He turned to face Coronet "You coming?" He finally uttered those words out with his whiskers twitching, the strawberry furred bigcat would glance around with his curved ears swiveling to pick up any noises. The smell of rain still clung to the air so it was proven a bit difficult to actually scent any of the prey animals at the moment, he supposed he could continue talking to his boyfriend about the next move and hopefully it wasn't what he thought it was. Was it too early? They had known each other for years though they were never this close to one another and back then, Trig would have rather died than give up his celibacy morals "So, what is this next you are referring to. It can mean several things," He began calculatedly before finishing "I just want a clarification, since we often don't think alike and I don't want to confuse this next process with something else."

Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - Coronet - 07-07-2018


He could hear the stumble in words, and Trigs suddenly closed off expression. Uh-oh overthinkin it. It was too late to take back what he asked, but now what mattered is how he would go about it. Even if it felt a little off and prodding. It wasn't like Cro was gonna flat out ask to marry, have a couple pups, and settle in. N-no... That's much too silly to think, yeah? Not to mention they just FINALLY became a couple, why the hell would he blow it with chasing the one good thing he had off. So, this was just like a break! Yeah! So they could focus on how to build a future together, maybe even make some friends. Yeah, That's how he would go about it. He almost got left behind again, but thankfully his motor skills kicked in for him. The hulking mass of muscle, and fur, tromped through the mud without a grimace. Albeit a pretty humored smirk roused at the site of Kan grumbling at the mud like it just committed a crime. What a dork. "I'm on my way mr.impatient." After getting through the icky part of the slope, he came onto firmer ground. It probably was more absorbent to the rain, but his weight still pressed some of the grain over his paws. Eh, didn't really bug him much, it was nature. Speaking of, he lifted his head up. Maw coming partially open to take in the scents around. Large ears flicking back, and forth, to try and catch a scuttle. If he was lucky he'd get another boar today, but they were awfully smart critters. He was certain the stink of death still lingered, so he doubted they'd be brave enough to travel in the shark end of the pool. His focus was clamped down for a minute at his partners uneasy gaze, and choked question. Ah, shit how do I word this? Uh. "I was thinkin' we could maybe go stay with a group? Like in the old days? Ya know, be round others?" That sounded incredibly vague, if not a little dumb, but he tried his best to make it sound enticing. Hopefully, Trig wouldn't somehow find a way to turn it into a bad idea. "Ah...cuz I think with us bein' a couple now, we should settle for a little. Ya know? Focus a bit more, have some security, socialize, all that fun stuff." God he's gonna call me dumb in a second, I bet it.


Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - COSMIIX - 07-08-2018

✧*:・゚ / hA SCRUB

Trig would twitch his ears a bit when Coronet called him "Mister Impatient" and he couldn't necessarily counter it since he was a bit impatient unlike Coronet who waited years before he got any action from him. Trigger would would let out a soft sigh with a small shake of his cranium "Hmm." With a shake of his head once again trying to hide a grin though he would trot along a bit more listening to what Coronet said trying to explain what was the next move. Staying with a group? He hadn't been in a group since his brother had been a leader, his eyes dulled for a moment with his curved ears flicking back trying his best not to remember Luciano. He had been away from civilization for such a long time and the only kind of socialization he had was Coronet, he was agreeable and actually listened to him. He knew he wouldn't be able to get that with anyone else and that was fine, he understood really he did yet he didn't like the idea of it too much. "I suppose we could. . ." He frowned not turning to look at Coronet and well, he just wasn't sure though he decided to keep the rest of his thoughts stuck in his head and not say anything that would get a bad reaction out of his boyfriend. "Well, we might as well find a place then. . . I hope there isn't a cult of sorts, I frankly don't want to be in a warbound group." He finally said soon spotting a rabbit though his claws would tap against the ground briefly.

/ sorry rushed

Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - Coronet - 07-13-2018


The little hmm eased his nerves, but the silence perturbed him. Of course he'd think it all over an' stuff. He was glad Trig didn't flat out give him a dead drop glare, but instead had a very conflicted look. He perked up when the other tom gave an approving answer... Well a very promising maybe was a better chalk up. Coronet intently listened, but for once his eyes trained on the scenery around him, rather than ogling his very orange boyfriend. What? He was hungry alright! It'd been a whole day and a night since his last big meal, and even though cuddling was fantastic, and intellectual talk was fun. Food was gradually becoming much more prominent in his mind. Though Trigs answer was much more valuable in the conversation. Snorting softly at the mention of a cult, all he could think realistically of how many cult-like groups had surrounded their former home. Also, their own groups cult like attitudes. Hopefully, in the moons we've been away, things changed for the better. At least kan was agreeing, and seriously considered settling for awhile. Maybe things really were changing for the better, because he had expected much more protest from the other. Clearing his throat, and keeping his voice low in the chance of prey nearby Cro mewled "Well, it's a go then. Tho' I doubt we'll run into any cults. If it is tho', better have some sorta' magic, magic is cool as hell." He chuckled at his own silly input, but sobered up. "So, after a good munch - wanna start packing? Maybe head out late afternoon to go scope some of em' out?"


Re: wait out the plastic weather. private - COSMIIX - 07-14-2018

✧*:・゚ Trig didn't think joining a cult was that much of a funny matter to begin with and this seemed to appear on his face as he raised a non-existent eyebrow at his boyfriend "I don't necessarily find the idea of a cult being pleasant at all," He said not elaborating why he didn't want to specifically go join a cult and the reason why he didn't want that was because it wasn't something or let alone a place he would want to bring up kids in. . . Not like he'd have any at the moment, at least, he hoped not seeing as he and Coronet's scandalous night wasn't exactly supportive of safety. Which was surprising especially Trigger usually put most of the stops before he would do anything. He didn't want to somehow settle in a cult and realize he was probably, maybe, not necessarily plump with kids. That would cause a whole search and joining process plus having to settle down again to their own liking, hell, he didn't even like the thought of it. The hermaphrodite would twitch his whiskers nodding slowly "It sounds good. . . Maybe we could. . . Rest a bit before going." Not even a week and Trig felt attached to the cave in which they had taken refuge within but he knew better than to get attached, his eyes landed onto the rabbit once more making a swift movement towards the rabbit only to manage to catch it bringing it over. He set it down on a somewhat dry rock.m.