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TAU VOLANTIS | private, Washington - Printable Version

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TAU VOLANTIS | private, Washington - Cosmic - 07-07-2018

I was still getting adjusted to clan life and the way it worked, and their traditions so far were amazing. I was loving that aspect of life. There is one part of my history, however, that most folks don't know about. The fact that I had been reincarnated several times into different universes from several video games I used to play when I was human. Well, fuck man. I'm still human, but you know what I mean. When I still had a human body, life, and name. Now I'm... Playerone here. Playerone Kennedy. Funny, really. It was like Leon Kennedy. Should I throw on the last name Clarke for good measure? To honor Isaac Clarke? Meh. Names were a headache. May as well carry all the names in the world.

It's not like anyone's going to believe my ass. Honestly. It's... a really long story, and it's so... out there? Like the work of a fucking madman. They'd think I was fucking insane and lock me up in an asylum, and to be honest I wouldn't blame 'em. I'm nuts anyway. I don't even know if I trust my human memories or this current time period. Who even knew if this was all real? It's a byproduct of the Writer, isn't it? Even the Writer as a Writer. It's a huge gigantic mess of cosmic proportions. It's just... a disaster. Uh... right... onto other topics, I guess.

The Roy guy at my joining didn't seem too happy about me joining the Ascendants. It's as if he didn't trust me. Or trust anyone, for that matter. Was it just the way he came off, perhaps? Bast and Suite are calm enough, Cooper too. I hold onto the hopes that I'm still remembered, liked, and missed in my past life. It was time to make a new story in this universe, I suppose. I didn't like leaving stories unfinished, nor not leaving my mark on one that was coming to a close. Maybe it's because I bounce between universes so much I don't understand up from down anymore.

If I'm honest... It's really been weighing on my mind heavy. I don't know how much longer i can take all this jumping between universes and being reincarnated thing. I feel like my head could explode sometimes from all the memories... trauma... death... it all feels so surreal if anything. I can't put my finger on it. You would have to experience the things I have to really get somewhat of a tadte and understanding of it. This... It's all so much. I am so confused... lost...



I feel so fucking alone. I just want my life to be normal for one fucking second so I can actually bond with people. Get to know folks. Perhaps even folks that knew about all these planets and universes I visited before coming to this one as a felox. Would they understand or even care about the hardships I had faced on the Ishimura? Would they know what happened to Raccoon City? All the viral outbreaks? Or even the original circumstances that caused me to pass before all of this had started?

I need people who were once... well, people. And people that actually gave a shit about me. I have so much mental fuckery going on and no one to talk about it with. If I tried to talk to anyone about this...


It's hopeless.

I had been walking around the Ascendants  territory for a long time. How long you might ask? Well, I have no idea either as I had been venturing for quite some time trying to clear my damn head. I was so sick of this. Would there ever be an end?!

I stopped, wherever I happened to be, crouched to the ground, body trembling with frustration and this... depressing yet panic inducing feeling. Wh-What is this?!


Re: TAU VOLANTIS | private, Washington - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-07-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Everything had gone to shit. That's what he should have expected as there was always that sliver of a chance that there would be another Freelancer that had made their way to where he was. Part of him had been hoping that it would just be a Freelancer that he didn't really care. Which was impossible because he had grown up basically to know all of the Freelancers and their individual personality and fighting styles. The one that he probably knew the least would have been Agent Florida, but the guy was certainly capable. Especially with the power that he showed during the raid to get equipment that had basically been stolen from the organization. Either way, after all the memories that were erased from his own and were replaced completely, Washington wasn't sure if he could trust someone that came from the same place he came from. He had originally thought in his mind that he was just going to attack the first Freelancer that ended up appearing around this area. As there seemed to be a correlation between the simulation troopers and the Freelancers too. An explosion from the sound of it.

Well, that's what Church had ended up telling him when he questioned the other, and it took that span of time for him to realize that the other was indeed a simulation trooper from Project Freelancer. Meaning that he was probably going to be one of the worst soldiers that had to be picked for a problem like that. But, when Washington had made up his mind that he was going to attack the next person that he saw from Project Freelancer, he had believed it. There wasn't going to be any sort of hesitation in the movements that he would make. One of the main issues though was that he still didn't know how he was going to work his body. He still wasn't over the effects of him basically starving himself either. He was weak in almost every regard of the term, and the only thing that was probably protecting him at all would be the titanium alloy armor that he had, and the size that he was. Most animals that he did approach didn't seem to be used to the aspect of larger animals. Meaning that he almost seemed to immediately start intimidating others. It was hard not to look intimidating when he looked the way he did but he was going to try a little bit. He never had anyone look at him like he was someone that was indeed scary.

Except maybe Church when Washington had yelled at the simulation troopers for going against a direct order. The plan that he had set himself for the rest of the Freelancer's though were put onto its head as soon as Agent Carolina arrived. Without her armor, there was no way for him to figure out that it was actually her. Instead, he had just approached the female because she looked a little distraught and confused. Which had been what he had looked like when he had basically crash landed in this outpost in the beginning. There were two other members that were there before everyone and their grandmother decided to see what was happening. Washington didn't stand a chance against the Freelancer that had been the best of the best. Not only that but she had led the Alpha squad for a very long time too. Everyone trusted her orders and followed them without question because she had experience and was extremely smart on top of it all. They had no reason to try and go their own separate ways. They were a team. They were a family. Usually, when someone attacked Washington though, he usually managed to come out on top. He was a Freelancer after all and was capable of defending himself. There had been one time that York had called him one of the worst fighters, he wasn't wrong, but he was still damn good shot.

But it was different now that he was some kind of animal. He still wasn't entirely sure if he would be able to live this way if he was stuck. He wasn't about to start losing faith in the idea that he wouldn't be able to turn back. He had to keep some thoughts in his mind to make sure that he didn't completely go insane. The last thing he had expected though was for him to completely get his ass kicked by another Freelancer because he wasn't able to recognize them immediately. The only way he had known that it was a former teammate had been by her voice. A voice that he had gotten used to for basically the four years that they had worked together. The Freelancer didn't stand a chance against her speed and the fact that he wasn't all that healthy in the first place. He was knocked on the ground and she put him into a position that despite her smaller size would be capable of snapping his arm given the leverage she would have. Then everything divulged into chaos at everyone considering Carolina to be a threat. She indeed was, but he wasn't going to tell the group that because they wouldn't have let her stay if he did.

He made it seem like as long as he was around he would be able to keep some semblance of control about Carolina, but that wasn't entirely possible for him to do. He didn't exactly want to get his arm chewed off by the best Freelancer in the field. It was nice to have her around, but the anxiety that she brought with her was certainly taking its toll on his entire mind. The armored smilodon had barely managed to get an hour of sleep since the other female had arrived here. There was so much yelling that it was making it hard to get any sort of rest. What he would have given to have a little bit of coffee, but these were animals and he couldn't possibly be that lucky. The Freelancer was just going to have to run on his own will, something that he was used to doing. But even he had his limits. Blinking his golden eyes he was on his daily patrol around the territory. Considering that he had recently found someone like him at the border, he was increasing the amount of time he was going through his patrols to make sure that he didn't miss anything. His head was on a constant swivel, but thanks to his helmet it was basically impossible for him to catch any scents. There were vents that prevented any smells from getting inside of the helmet, precaution if he walked into poisonous gas. While he was walking around though, Washington had managed to hear a screech not too far from where he was at. This caused the Freelancer to stop for a couple of moments. What was that? He didn't really know anyone around here other than the name was. If he had to say who he got along with the most, that would probably be Imperia.

The soldier debated what could have caused someone to scream out. Was someone being attacked? Was Carolina attacking someone? That would have certainly brought on an issue if that was the case, and having no other idea what was going on the male followed the sound of where he was sure it was coming from. If he had his motion radar it would have been easier to basically find everyone but he didn't and he was stuck like this. The armored Freelance came to a slow stop noticing that there was an animal on the ground. Well, he certainly hadn't expected that. The other seemed to be in some sort of pain. But he wasn't any sort of medic and only had basic knowledge. There didn't seem to be any physical wounds on the other's bodies, and since he had no idea that powers existed the male didn't know that there were mental powers someone could use to make someone writher in pain. He swallowed heavily as he wasn't skilled enough to handle this situation. Great. He didn't have time for this. He made a cautious step toward the hybrid his helmet moving left and right as if to make sure this wasn't a setup for some type of ambush. The lion-sized animal still kept his distance though. He remembered soldiers feigning injury for them to get close only to be shot. He still had the scar from it. "H-Hey are you okay? What's wrong?" It was obvious that the female wasn't okay in her current position. But Washington wasn't exactly great when it came to his social skills and was sometimes awkward. This just wasn't his day it seemed. Or really his week. What he would give to have York's luck with everything. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: TAU VOLANTIS | private, Washington - Cosmic - 07-15-2018

The sound of Washington's voice began to slowly pull me out of my panic, and I looked up at him, almost shocked. He... was really asking if I was okay? The soldier dude didn't seem the type that would even asked, more like, 'keep your chin up, kid', type of guy. This was surprising. A welcome surprise, nonetheless. I shook my head before attempting to stand and face him properly.

"I-I'm fine." I lied, still shaking from the crisis I was currently enduring. No, no I wasn't fine. This endless fucking cycle would never fucking cease. I knew it. I would relive eveey fucking game. Every fucking lifetime. I fucking despised it. I just wished for one moment of fucking peace and be able to stick around with the friends and acquaintances I aquired over my soul's lifespan. But no. Everything was always ripped from me and I was back at square one. This was a fucking rollercoaster ride I wanted off of immediately. Please... please.

What's wrong? There was so much fucking wrong. There was no fucking way I could express it. No way at all. He had to experience it to believe it, but there was no way he was believing me. He was a fucking soldier for gods sake. He wouldn't believe shit. Any sort of shit. And would he even listen? Should I even out in the effort? Goddamnit.

"..." I paused, looking up at him with light green-gray eyes that showed wisdom beyond my age, the constant non-stop trauma I endured, the hallucinations... it was the look of someone who was broken beyond repair, but pushed on. Like a soldier. Stubbornness, but a high, unmistakeable intelligence. My eyes completely betrayed the words I spoke, and subconsciously I just wished someone could fucking help me before I fucking lost it.

"Wash..." I nearly mumbled, but held my ground. A heavy sigh rolled past my lips as I just shook my head. "You wouldn't believe me. All this shit in my head... the shit I can't explain to anyone because they have to experience it for themselves..." My voice trailed off as I suddenly looked down at the ground, fidgeting with my paws.

"You won't believe me... will you?" I wanted to cry. I could feel the warm tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I couldn't tell anyone about my experiences. They wouldn't get it. They wouldn't be able to experience it. I...

I just started sobbing. I... I didn't know what to do anymore. I NEEDED someone to believe me. Just PLEASE. I needed it... now at this time especially.

"I-I'm sorry, W-Washington. I'm s-sorry..."