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I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - Printable Version

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I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - jacob w.c. - 07-06-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — It had been a long trip, dragging all his things behind him, but this would be the last one he'd have to make. Jacob had never intended to lead for this long and he'd only ever done it as a favor to Leigh in the beginning. He was a doctor, not a chief, and he'd like to keep things that way. Finally, after months, he'd found someone who could properly lead Snowbound and who actually wanted to do it. Atbash seemed right for the role and she's accepted immediately when he asked. After that, he'd talked it over with Harrison, packed his things, and left promptly. He knew the journey to Typhoon would be long and difficult, even more so than usual with all the things he had to bring with him, but thankfully it would be the last time he'd have to make this trip for quite awhile. No more stolen moments with Pincher, no more wishing he could just show Goldie how to prepare his recipes, no more being apart from the people he'd come to love here. Of course, he was sad to leave behind some of his friends in Snowbound, and of course he intended to visit Harrison constantly, but he was happy. He was where he wanted to be. He felt like he could breath and his legs felt more at ease in the hot, sticky weather.

The husky arrived at the border, letting out a soft sigh as he settled down with a light smile on his maw. "Hello? 'S anyone around? 'S Jacob! 'M 'ere ta' join." He didn't intend on wasting any time. He'd find a nice hut to drag his things to, preferably one that was at least somewhat close to the submarine that his boyfriend called home. Jacob knew it was silly but he still held onto the dream of making a big dinner for at least a few family members and having a nice meal with them nearly every night. He was sure Deniz and Goldie wouldn't want to do it every single day but it'd be nice if he could easily get back and forth from the submarine to his hut and vice versa. He was only a few steps from that image in his mind. Just a few more steps over the border and a few words of acceptance and he'd be there. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - bubblegum - 07-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
when goldie had heard that mister jacob stepped down, she was worried. she didn't expect him to do that and she wanted to make sure he was okay. atbash told her he was fine, just stressed, but that only made her feel even more concerned. she didn't want him to feel stressed. she wanted him to feel happy! he was practically family and family was more important than anything else. that's something she strictly believes. everybody in her family should feel happy and she would do everything in her power to help make them feel happy. if they're happy, she's happy.

she would have visited mister jacob. she really would have liked to. but, her injuries already made it hard enough to walk a couple feet - she couldn't even imagine what it'd be like to try and cross over territories. her family probably wouldn't appreciate it much, either. she might worry them if she tried to do something like that. she and they both knew she wasn't physically capable of doing that right now. so, instead she'd worry quietly, planning things. planning things to do with mister jacob to help him feel better. she had lots of ideas.

partially these and other ideas was what had brought her so close to the flooded border. she was looking for things to collect for future presents that she could give to others. she had lots of presents she would need to make and give. especially with miss roxanne's return. but, the girl's attention was drifted from a shiny rock when she scented snowbound. and, more specifically, mister jacob. her face lit up as she looked over and saw him in the distance.

she approached quickly, her legs shaking from the movement. she almost fell over, but was able to mostly keep her balance as she stumbled closer. when she heard his words, her face would only brighten more. mister jacob is joining! she would leap with joy if she knew she wouldn't probably fall over in the attempt, so instead her burned tail would wave back and forth excitedly. the thought of mister jacob joining them was so exciting! she needed to help him get settled in right away!

"i'm so glad you wanna join, mister jacob!! welcome to the typhoon!" the girl said quickly and joyfully. she gave a wide grin to the male, almost falling over again. she was feeling a little light-headed from all the excitement and movement so, she sat down in a wobbly fashion. "do you know where you're gonna stay? i could help you pick out a hut! or maybe you'd live with papa and i!"

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

Caesar was absolutely pissed upon hearing of the news of Atbash leading Snowbound, although the details of her leadership had slipped past him. He assumed Jacob had been killed, honestly, but that still didn't stop the anger he felt as he saw the husky mix at the border. "Oh, wonderful." The demon said in a sarcastic tone as he stood next to Goldenluxury, his cold black eyes staring at Jacob. "So you just ditched Snowbound, then?" And left my sister in charge? Maybe he'd bring up that point eventually because boy did he have some words for the former Chief. He hated Goldie's enthusiasm over him staying, and Caesar tried to block out her words as much as he could, because he just wanted his anger to fester and grow so he can just snap at Jacob.

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - purgatory - 07-09-2018

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - jacob w.c. - 07-11-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — When he saw Goldie, any question he had about whether or not he'd done the right thing by coming here left. Of course this was where he was meant to be. His family was here. It might not be Jersey or Vito or Harry or Lottie but that's because they weren't replacements. Nothing could replace everything he'd lost, but he could move on. He found find people who loved him and who he loved again and he could be happy with them. That didn't mean he'd never be sad or lonely or miss everyone that'd been left behind, but it finally meant he wouldn't feel alone anymore. "'M glad ya'll will 'ave me," he answered before hearing her next question. When she brought up just having him stay in the sub with her and Pinch, he felt tears start to prick his eyes. He knew he was being overemotional but he couldn't believe someone wanted him to live with them. He wouldn't be an inconvenience and his bandages and morning rituals didn't bother them and she didn't mind the idea of him being with Pincher. It was all so wonderful. "Well, stayin' with you n' your dad would be real nice but I don' wanna' do anythin' until I know if Pinch would be alright with it," he answered.

Then came Caesar and his smile wavered for a moment. He knew he'd have to see him but he'd hoped he'd be able to get moved in without seeing much of him. Jacob didn't have a lot of hope that they could reconcile or that they would ever really be friends, but he'd hoped Caesar would at least be civil. At his question, Jacob smiled and shook his head. He must have already heard about Atbash, there was no way he wouldn't know by now that his own sister was the chief. "No, I didn' jus' leave 'em, Caesar. I only ever did any ah' this as a favor ta' Leigh, I knew I didn' wanna' be the chief. I'm a doctor n' I always will be. I was jus' meant ta' stay until I found someone more capable ta' pass it off to, n' I have. Atbash is gonna' do a great job. She loves Snowbound n' she loves helpin' 'em so I know she'll do well," he answered without any hesitation. Jacob had already worked through all of it himself and he knew he'd done the right thing. As much as his babbo had wanted him to be, Jacob never became the fighter or leader that he wanted him to be. He was just a doctor and he was perfectly content with that. As for what his family back home would think... Well, he'd figure that out when he got there.

Then there was someone he'd never met before and he gave a light smile of greeting. "Thank you very much, Cronas. 'S a pleasure ta' meet ya'," he said happily. Then there was the question of why he'd left. Why did he leave? His eyes drifted to Goldie before focusing back on the individual before him. Why had he left? "Nothin's wrong. They're all doin' fine now tha' the humans are gone n' they're settled in the village n' everythin'. I jus' wasn' happy there or in my position. I'm not meant for that kinda' work. Besides, I wanted ta' be with more ah' my friends n' family 'ere," he answered. Jacob had always been the type to go where he felt he'd be happiest. In his life, he'd already moved a total of three times, having lived in four different places. He'd grown up in New York until he was forced away and went to New Jersey, where he'd met Harrison and Lottie and Jerseyboy. He'd then run off to Snowbound after the fire and after he'd been trying to hide from those that would wish him harm. Now he was leaving Snowbound to come to the Typhoon. Now he hoped he'd be able to settle down for good, that this would be his permanent home, but only time would be able to determine that. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

Caesar honestly couldn't understand why Jacob didn't want to be Chief in the first place, nor why the guy just wanted to be involved in medical manners. The demon snorted at Jacob's response to him whenever he mentioned how he didn't want to be Chief in the first place, as well as the mention of Atbash being a great leader. "She's never led anything." Caesar growled. "She can barely take care of her own damn self, and I'm not just referring to when I attacked her." She had always been like that. She was a follower, not a leader. She didn't have a commanding bone in her body. "You practically left Snowbound to die."

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - jacob w.c. - 07-13-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — At Caesar's response, Jacob just shook his head and let out a sigh. "Would it kill ya' ta' jus' be happy for her, Caesar? She's doin' a good job as a high position n' she'll keep doin' a good job as a leader. I hadn' ever lead nothin' before I became Chief n' neither had Leigh. Jus' 'cause ya' ain't done somethin' before don' mean ya' ain't any good at it. Besides, if she feels uncomfortable doin' it or doesn' think she can do a good enough job, I trust her ta' make tha' call like I did. Ya' think I was the perfect picture ah' health when I stepped up as both a doctor n' a chief? Jus' 'cause someone isn' doin' well themselves, don' mean they can't help other people," he explained. He wished Atbash's brother would just accept her. She was a good person and wanted to help. As far as he was concerned, that was all she needed. "But I guess someone like you wouldn' know that. Ya' only think about yourself first. Ya' don' care what happens ta' Snowbound, Caesar. You're jealous tha' your sister is better off than you are but bein' mad about it don' change it. Atbash n' Snowbound will be fine, with or without your support," he insisted, his tone holding an edge it usually didn't. Jacob got along with most people but he wouldn't let Caesar talk about Atbash like she was some child that didn't know anything at all. Jacob had complete faith that everything would be fine. [b]— BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-13-2018

Oh, the rage Caesar felt was immeasurable at this point. As Jacob spoke to him in such a condescending way, the demon could feel the urge to just light him on fire rising through him. But unfortunately, Jacob was now a Crewmate, not just an ally. The Officer at first open his mouth to reply to Jacob's first response, but the former Chief went on. Being called jealous seemed to be the breaking point for Caesar, and almost promptly, the demon lit himself on fire. "I'm not jealous." He snarled, taking one step towards Jacob. His claws dug into the sand, and he was clearly trying to hold himself back. Even though he was currently in flames, and usually the fire helped calmed him, but the fact that Jacob seemed to look right through his cool facade made him, well, lose his cool. Caesar was absolutely jealous of his sister, but he would never admit that himself. In fact, he would never admit he felt anything but rage and contempt at Atbash, when the truth was that he actually missed her.

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - jacob w.c. - 07-13-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — Jacob opened his mouth to reply when Caesar stated he wasn't jealous, ready to argue that, yes, of course the yellow feline was jealous of his sister, but then there was fire. Jacob's chest seized and his eyes widened, his entire body growing numb. Despite not being on fire himself, he felt like his burns were starting to engulf him again. His breathing steadily increased and he tried to control it. He reached his paws down, tugging at his bandages as though to tighten them. His eyes were only focused on the flames though, his mind having long left his thoughts about Caesar. Everything was just screaming at him to run, to get as far away from the fire as he could. He wanted to yell for Deniz's help, to do something, but the lump in his throat stopped him from making any sound as he stumbled backwards, tears starting to build in his eyes. It was going to kill him. It would engulf everything and eat it all. It would eat his fur and his skin and this time it wouldn't stop at nerves and muscles, it would eat his bones, his mind, his soul.

The smell of smoke was so strong Jacob felt he'd be sick and he could barely breathe now, his chest moving far too rapidly to be keeping any oxygen. He felt lightheaded bu he couldn't stop it, couldn't remember he needed to stop it. Any confidence Jacob had talking to Caesar before had vanished and now he was only trembling with tears rolling down his face, his eyes locked on the fire in absolute terror. How could he let this happen? Why was there a fire everywhere he went? Oh no, Goldie was here too! He had to get up. He had to help her! Still, he felt paralyzed in this position on the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks, unable to make a sound. He didn't want her to get hurt. He wanted to yell at her to run, to tell her to go anywhere that wasn't here, but he couldn't. So he stayed where he was, paralyzed by fear and panic as he stared into the flames so similar to the ones that had taken everything from him. His movement, his Pa, his home, his family. Even if it wasn't the exact same flame, fire caused nothing but destruction and pain. He wished it would all just go away. Then he wouldn't be stuck here, trembling and alone. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN

Re: I'm gonna be the man who // open+joining // comes back home to you - bubblegum - 07-13-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
at the male's response, she would quickly nod. "i could ask my papa for you if you'd like!" she said happily, already figuring her papa would say yes. mister jacob had stayed with them before, and her papa and him loved each other, so surely papa would be happy to live together! she was quite confident he would be okay with it, in fact. caesar's presence caused her joyful expression to shift slightly, though, already knowing he'd make some dumb comment. she was prepared to defend him, though.

for now, though, he would respond. hearing that he'd only stepped up as a favor made her feel a bit better about the situation. he must feel relieved to be away from the responsibilities. his response to cronas, too, also ensured this thought. she was glad he'd be relieved, then. she didn't want mister jacob to feel stressed or unhappy, after all. living with him would be very nice! but then caesar kept having to spoil it. she gave a small glare towards the male.

she didn't like to argue about things she didn't know a whole lot about. she'd end up saying something wrong or sounding stupid if she tried to talk confidently about something she was still learning. mister jacob did seem capable of holding his own for now, and this was something she wasn't as familiar with, so she didn't butt in. that was, until caesar lit himself on fire. she wasn't necessarily shaken up by this response, having known that this was normal for him when he got too angry now. but, mister jacob's reaction to it was certainly no good. she immediately would aim to splash water on caesar to put him out. "you're both getting nowhere with this, stop." she'd say quickly, mostly to caesar. she didn't want to outright insult him right now, seeing as mister jacob needed some attention.

she wasn't totally sure why he was acting this way, though she knew it had to do with the fire. she wasn't so dumb that she couldn't pick up on that. the girl tried to gently hold mister jacob, poking him softly to try and divert his attention. "it's gonna be okay, mister jacob. the fire's not gonna hurt anybody," she tried to reassure, her voice quiet and sweet now. she didn't want anybody in her family to be unhappy and it hurt to see him like this. she wanted to make it stop as soon as she could. "we can go somewhere else away from it and i can help you get settled in and relax. we can do something together that you'd like. i'm here, mister jacob."