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KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - Printable Version

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KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

You would think that after the events of the tsunami hitting, Caesar would be more wary of the ocean, but in all honesty? He wasn't. The Officer saw what the tsunami could cause, and how it could rip away somebody's life at the snap of a finger, and yet he just... didn't care. In his mind, he could just easily possess a different body, preferably an aquatic one, and just travel from there. Only downside to that was being stuck in said body for a couple of days.

But back to the present, instead of thinking of possible futures. Caesar was in the jungle part of The Typhoon's territory, deciding it wouldn't hurt to hunt for the group since everybody was busy recovering. Besides, it got his mind off of his sister leading an allied group, so that was a good thing.

[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member]

Re: KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - ROSEMARY - 07-07-2018

As an ocelot, she felt far more at home in the trees than on the ground; this constant activity in the trees tended to provide her with interesting opportunities as well. After all, if she wanted to continue playing the part of the undiscovered prankster, it made sense to only do so when her natural camouflage provided her near-perfect cover in one of the best hiding places. Hardly anyone thought to look up for safety, a fact that she took advantage of when stalking prey and her enemies. Her mission today, however, started out benign enough; she just wanted to gather some of the jungle's plants for her herb cache. Fortunate for her, she finished up and only just started the process of walking back to her treehouse home when she spotted movement on the forest floor.

Instantly stilling, her streaked and speckled body blended into the shadowed foliage of her roost, the only movement she made a slight back and forth twitch from one tip of her forked tail. Her sharp eyesight picked out Caesar - though she started to think his name was Lemonhead and he just made up that nickname, with how often the crew addressed him with insults like that. Frowning to herself, the ocelot found herself in a similar camp with the others; ever since she noticed Caesar's anger at her half-brother coming back from the dead, she decided she disliked him. In fact, she decided it might be best to try and persuade the demon to leave the Typhoon; of his own accord, of course. Rosemary dabbled in quite a number of dubious pastimes, but violence never suited her. Violence, she learned from her coven, was the tool of barbarians.

So, she needed another way to bother Caesar; it seemed her snail eating hex and heartbeat turned to pain curse both failed to put a dent in Caesar's haughty demeanor. Her other tail tip twitched as she thought over potential havoc she could wreck from this distance - she didn't quite trust her mental abilities from this far away, as she never attempted such a thing before. She knew water magic looked like her best option here - as she knew, from turning the ground to mud beneath Caesar's feet from a similar distance, that ability worked given her current limitations. Flexing her toes, she idly dug her claws into and out of the bark beneath her feet as she worked over various ideas.

When, quite literally, a brilliant opportunity with an accompanying idea hit her in the face. A raindrop plopped right on her nose, just before the rain started to pour. Covered in water within seconds, the ocelot remained perfectly still as she gleefully grabbed hold of her focus and directed her glowing amber-orange gaze to the space just above Caesar. Concentrating, she took a deep breath and allowed one singular goal to saturate her mind for half a second: causing the water above Caesar to boil. At this distance, she knew she would likely succeed, but she didn't know how long - ideally, she would want to keep walking with Caesar from up above in the trees; she'd have to see his reaction to the first bit of boiling water in order to calculate whether taking that risk seemed necessary.

Re: KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-07-2018

The reason Caesar liked the jungle so much, despite him poking out like a sour thumb here, was just because of how much shade it caused. Call him edgy, but he quite liked how dense and dark the jungle was, and honestly, the noises of the animals here distracted him from his subconscious thoughts of regret. The jungle honestly didn't provide too much shelter from the rain, though, since the rain ended up dropping on him from the leaves in larger droplets, but the amount of relaxation he felt here was too much for him to turn away.

Contrary to what it seemed, Caesar absolutely hated being called Lemonhead or any of the similar nicknames Roxanne and the Crew called him. They were insulting, and made his lips curl in disgust. Those nicknames were almost degrading as well, and Caesar just wanted the Crew to treat him with the respect he deserved. But luckily with him discovering he had fire elementals back, he was able to calm himself down a lot easier. He liked the feeling of his fur and skin burning, and the fire acted as a way to expel emotions. It was soothing in a weird way, but of course Caesar was the type of person to find flames soothing, despite the fact that fire destroying his Home Dimension - though then again, that was his fault in the first place.

Although the heartbeat thing still bothered Caesar, his heart rate didn't increase enough to trigger a reaction half the time, but oh, once it did, would he crumble to the ground in actual pain, almost like the pain he felt during the process of Corruption. Caesar didn't understand where the sudden pain came from, but he honestly tried avoiding getting his heart rate up to that point as much as he could. Luckily for Rosemary though, he didn't notice her prowling above and kept going his own way, trying to avoid some puddles that had formed from the rain. But as the rain started to boil, the Officer paused in his walking, clearly confused as to what was going on.

The rain hit him, of course, and it made his fur twitch in irritation, though Caesar didn't feel anything from the rain burning his body. It was just a slight tingling sensation that went through his body, rather than outright burning. Am I doing this? It would make sense, with fire elementals, but if that were the case, this was a completely new aspect of that ability, and Caesar wasn't sure how to stop it - let alone how he 'started' it in the first place. Little did he know that it was Rosemary's doing. Caesar sat down and held a paw out, watching the stem come off of his paw from where the rain hit him, clearly curious as to what was going on. He just wanted to know how he 'started' this, because this was definitely an interesting ability, if he was indeed the one who boiled the rain like this.

Re: KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - ROSEMARY - 07-14-2018

She blinked, watching with outright unease as the officer quite litterally shrugged off the boiling raindrops. His lack of reaction and nonplused state made no sense to her, as she tried to reason why he just ignored what many others might start panicking over. The only bright side to this meant that his lack of alertness gave her the confidence to continue prowling after him, her pawsteps nearly silent and nothing but a backdrop with the jungle's symphony of animal noise and activities. Keeping her tail low behind her, she stalked after him as she stopped her magical boiling rain, planning on continuing to study his reaction to a future trick. Right now, she needed more of his baseline behavior.

She supposed two possibilities made the most sense: either his self-control in dealing with pain rivaled monks or he truly felt little pain from her trick. Given lemonhead's hotheaded temper, she thought the second option seemed most likely. After all, Caesar showed patience when worms decided to talk - so, never. First, she supposed she needed further evidence to give her a valid answer to her hypothesis. And she certainly wanted to know; collecting information excited her, especially when the information provided her an advantage. Caesar, with his brash attitude and dislike for her half-brother, made him an acceptable target for an endeavor she might otherwise view as untasteful.

Narrowing her orange-amber eyes, she planned how she might implement her next attack; she needed simultaneous attacks, one that would elicit true pain and the other pain she'd suggest to his mind. Pushing her tongue against her teeth nervously, she took a quick inhale right before she began her assault. Telepathically, she attempted to manipulate his mind into remembering one of his worst painful experiences, concentrated in his right forepaw. With her elemental magic, she attempted to bring the very water in the ground beneath him to a sudden rapid boil. Now, she wanted to wait - if he would succumb to the mental assault while ignoring the boiling ground, then he obviously felt no pain at all.

Re: KING OF NOTHING // private, Rosemary - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

The rain just didn't really bother Caesar, it was as simple as that. He didn't mind the feeling of the boiling rain on his pelt; in fact, it felt quite nice, if he was honest. Rosemary was right in her assumption that Caesar just didn't feel pain, since he honestly had little to no self-control over anything. It was just him possessing a mortal body and being numb to pain. The feeling was honestly kind of funny, if he had to admit, though the rain wasn't enough to make him laugh.

Caesar paused once more as the rain turned back to its normal state, and he frowned a bit. That definitely wasn't normal. Somebody is controlling this, He thought to himself, but before he had time to look around for his assailant, the ground beneath him caved in. At the same time, his thoughts were suddenly forced to go back to the days of his Home Dimension, right as he was destroying it. To be more exact, the time whenever he discovered his parents in their burning den, unable to escape. He had been just about to escape the Dimension when he found their home in the outer reaches of the Dimension, and his heart lurched as he realized his parents were stuck inside the den. The sound of wood splintering made him focus on the attention of in front of the den, where the door looked like it was about to cave in.

Caesar could see Vigenere, and he knew that his older brother was aware of his presence as well. But something kept him focused on the inside of the den, and Caesar turned to look inside once again as he saw Atbash, crawling towards their mother and father. Her side was completely burned, with black blood coming out of the burn and her skin an irritated red. Caesar bit his lip at this, willing for his sister to get out of there. But she wouldn't he knew she wouldn't. She would want to die, either along with their parents or by herself. Atbash, come on! The demon willed mentally, before his attention was once again brought back to the front of the den, where Vigenere had jumped through the flames as well and was now dragging Atbash away. Caesar could hear her cries and the pain and hurt in her voice as she was forced away from their parent sent immediate regret through Caesar, and the young demon shook his head and stepped back.

Caesar looked back into the den, where his parents caught sight of him. The absolute pain and horror on their face said it all: they were afraid of him. They weren't upset nor ashamed, but afraid. The looks they gave him shook his body to the core, and the demon pulled his gaze away from their's, trying to forget the way they stared at him. Caesar looked back to the front of their den, where Vigenere and Atbash lay. There's not enough time. The Dimension was going to collapse in on itself soon, and he couldn't leave his littermates here to die. Caesar rushed towards them, bowling into them as -

In the present, Caesar forced himself to pull out of that memory, and he jumped back to solid group. The Officer was laying on the ground by now, since pulling out of that memory - especially considering it was forced upon him - was hard. Caesar's ears were flattened as he tried to recover from that, his claws digging into the ground. At this point, he didn't care to look for Rosemary, but rather focus on recovering from that flashback.