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VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - Printable Version

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VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - ROXANNE R. - 07-06-2018

✧*:・゚ Roxanne would take a shaky breath and slowly opened her eyes seeing sand in front of her, bandages were wrapped around her body, leg, and on what was left of her wings. It was just bone now, there was no skin in between to let her glide or fly anymore, she was permanently grounded. She felt warmth radiating from her side seeing that there was a fire dancing to the sides, lapping at the air, she flinched feeling her head begin to pound only to reach upwards to touch her forehead yet she felt two small nubs there. What were those? She didn't care but the headache only grew stronger when she touched them so she stopped realizing she was on a nest of sorts, her muscles ached and it hurt to breathe because of the fractured ribs within her. She was about to close her eyes only to see something gray and scaly move by her, she squinted thinking she was seeing things and squeaked in a hoarse voice "S-snake!" She was about to stumble back until a voice grumbled above her "That's not snake, it's my tail." That was weird, was it God? Wait, since when was there a scaly God? She didn't know and frankly didn't want to be eaten as she looked up to see it was a dragon with scales of black, a variation of blue, and gray. It had a piercing gaze, the eyes of the dragon itself being a handsome hazel. "W-who the fuck are you!?" She suddenly piped out and apparently, the dragon didn't think it was all that funny as they scowled and picked her up by the scruff staring at her.

"Your worst nightmare."

"Debatable. I've had worse nightmares than this so not necessarily." She piped out appearing thoughtful for a moment being held by the dragon's talons and would stare at him "Dragons aren't scary either, they're cool." This made the dragon snort only to set her back down with a small shake of his head "Still the same, Roxxie. You haven't changed." She was about to say that she knew that but then he had spoken her name, it made her confused and she stared at the winged beast "How do you know my n-name?" She watched the large mythical creature lash his tail to the sides only to look towards the ocean with a small shrug as he answered "What man would know his little girl best?" She was even more confused but eventually she started to piece things together with a frown tugging at her lips, she didn't think it could really be him. Maybe she had drank too much sea water? She could feel tears building up in her eyes with a shake of her head "Don't lie to me. . . DON'T LIE TO ME! I HATE BEING PLAYED AND TOYED WITH! I'M TIRED OF IT AND IF THIS IS SOME SICK JOKE, I'M GOING TO TEAR YOU APART LIKE THEY DID M-ME!" Her body was shaking as she stared down at her paws feeling a pained smile appearing on her maw "I'm vulnerable. . . I never knew proper love or a family. . . I found family. . . I thought I found love but, I was horribly mistaken." Tears would roll off her nose and fall onto the sand underneath her wanting to hide in her wings but she had none, hiccups started making her body shake violently.

The dragon watched the horned feline start to have a breakdown, he would scoop her up into his talons bringing her close to his chest with a small shake of his head pressing his nose to her head gently "My poor Roxie. . . If only I was there for you." His once piercing, cold gaze had turned soft as he continued trying to lighten up the mood "And then I would've kicked ass. . ." He grew silent listening to her hiccups, none of it seeming to settle just yet and the dragon would frown a bit trying to figure out how to show Roxie that it was him. An idea came to mind as he spoke "Roxxie remember. . ." He fell quiet as if expecting her to happily inject what he had always told her, he repeated himself again in hopes to make her realize it was him "Roxxie remember. . ." His voice gentler but still holding a bit of a stern tone with her, he was close to just giving in until he saw her look up at him with widened pupils "Don't call Judas, Ma, and stay away from my siblings - Roxxie's siblings. . ." She fell silent once more not being able to believe this as she watched him for a reaction or response "Yes, Roxxie. . . You're very smart." He said in a gentle voice nuzzling her head gently with his horned snout only to feel Roxie clinging to it with her entire body shaking again as she let out even louder sobs. She couldn't believe it, she thought he had died. He had died. . . "P-Pop. . ."

"I'll tell you the whole thing and then, you're going home. . ."

"I w-wanna go with you, Pop. . . Take me with you."

"Your home isn't with me anymore. . . It's with your new family. They need you more than I do."

"B-but I don't fit in."

"Good. Fitting in is the worst, you showed me that. You showed this old dragon his mistakes. . . Even if it hurts me to let you go, I'll always love you."

". . . I love you, Pop. . ."


Her wobbly paws touched the sand as she limped the rest of the way home, she hadn't been able to fly herself here but her father had helped. She couldn't believe it, her Pop was a dragon but that was aside the point. She knew now and that's all that mattered, her eyes would concentrate in front of her soon being able to make out the homes that hadn't been crushed by the tsunami, bits of debree still hanging about. Her ears angled forward wanting to run onward but her leg was in a lot of pain so she resisted the urge, her mismatched gaze looking around as the Striker would then holler out with a slightly hoarse voice "So am I gonna welcome myself home or what?" A coy smile on her maw though her eyes surveyed the area for Kalayavan hoping that he was safe, it had been a while since she had seen him. She saw something running towards her, something big and her eyes widened at the sight of her baby boy being bigger than the last time she had seen him. She immediately hugged his head with her paws planting several kisses on his temple with happy, hoarse purrs making her throat vibrate "My sweet, sweet boy. I missed you so, so, so, soooooooooooo much!" His tail thumped against the sandy beach causing some of the sand to fly into the air, she touched his snout with her nose only to sigh softly "Where's the egg, Kal?" As if he'd answer her, she simply started to stroke his head with both eyes closed.

"I thought I had died too, honey."

Alas, something had died that day she went missing. . . And something was starting to grow inside of her.

/ its,not that gr8 but hey she's back

Re: VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - bubblegum - 07-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
ever since she discovered miss roxanne's wings, she went searching. searching for the rest of her. her injuries prohibited her from moving much at all, and it was likely making them worse that she did force herself to be so active, but she didn't care. they would heal. miss rox is family. she needed to find her. she needed to be sure the female was okay. she needed to help the female be okay. she needed the female to be here. so, she pushed on, despite her limitations. she had to, the way she saw it. and no one could stop her from it.

she honestly knew the chances of her finding the female were low. she knew perfectly well that she had little power over whether or not she would see her again. but, she had to try. she needed to believe that it could be done. she needed to believe she could do it. she needed to have hope that she would see miss roxanne again. she really didn't even care if she was the one who found her - she just needed her to return. she had basically broken apart when her papa temporarily died. she couldn't handle miss roxanne to disappear and never return. she would never know if she survived or not. she would never be able to repay her.

she had worn the bracelet and necklace miss rox had given her everyday since receiving them. she messed with them often and took very good care of them, being extremely careful with them. she read the letter she had received with them at least once a day and used it as inspiration to both work hard and search for the female. she needed to repay her. she needed to make her feel nice and enjoy herself and be okay. she needed her family to be okay. miss roxanne very much included.

she was taking a break now, seeing as she had nearly fallen flat on her face a moment ago. she had been looking around all day and night, and her body was not appreciative of it. it shook worse than before and she clearly appeared exhausted, hardly able to hold herself up. she had been sitting, hunched over when she noticed kal running towards something. her ears perked upward and she looked over in the direction the reptile was moving. she stared for a second, processing the image.

"hey...hey!!!" the girl screamed in realization, running over to miss roxanne. her body did not like that movement, though, and she would fall over just before reaching the female. ow. she huffed for a moment, shakily pushing herself up and attempting to hug the female. "i saw your w-wings...i kept looking but i couldn't find you!" her voice was out of breath and sad as she tried to explain. she closed her eyes, taking in sharp breaths. "it's okay, though. you're back. are you okay?? oh, i'm so glad you're back. everyone will be so happy to see you."

Re: VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Everybody was a bit of an overstatement, although Caesar wasn't unhappy to see Roxanne come back. The only reason he remotely liked her now was because of the knife she gave him. At least he'd have a weapon in battle in case The Typhoon went to war with anybody, instead of relying on the only two powers he had. Unlike Goldie, though, Caesar wasn't actively looking out for her, but he did happen to be in the area when he heard the young bengal call out to somebody. With his ears pricked in interest, Caesar trotted over as quickly as he could, though his interest quickly faded when he realized it was just Roxanne. "Oh." The demon said out loud, one of his ears flicking. "Yeah, it's great to have you back." Said in his signature monotonous voice, too.

Re: VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - guts - 07-07-2018

Greed had practically been killing himself trying to find her. Ever since the discovery at the beach, he had been looking, though he still had yet to read the letter. He was still afraid of what she might have had to tell him. Usually he wasn't afraid of a measly slip of paper, but this was from someone...important to him. He'd never admit he cared for anyone, though. He had promised himself that a long time ago. Either way, he still wanted to find her.

He had never expected her to just randomly turn up one day. Really, he expected to find her dead somewhere, as that was just how his shitty luck worked. But having her alive? That was definitely a better alternative. Stepping onto the beach, he paused, a lump forming in his throat as he took in what he saw. She was here. She wasn't dead. He would have chalked it up as some sort of hallucination, but considering Goldie and Caesar were talking to her, she definitely wasn't some figment of his imagination.

A real, genuine grin broke out on his face as he hobbled over, ignoring the pain that flared up in his leg as he did. He knew Kal would probably hiss and attack him, but he didn't care. He'd take on everything the croc would do as long as he got to see her for one moment. "Roxie. Roxie, you're-" he stops, sounding breathless. "You're ok, thank God," if this was some romance movie, they probably would have broken down in tears and hugged, but this wasn't and their relationship was still somewhat tense.

But that didn't matter, because she was back and he wasn't going to let anything else happen to her.


Re: VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - ROXANNE R. - 07-08-2018

✧*:・゚ When Goldie came over running next, she would flinch a bit because of her still fresh wounds but proceeded to hug her niece anyways with a sad smile on her maw. Hearing the bit about her wings made her laugh trying to hide the hurt in her voice "Yeah, the tsunami decided to introduce me to a coral reef. . . My wings didn't stand much of a chance." She planted a kiss on Goldie's forehead continuing to listen only to feel her heart sink a bit at the last part of what Goldie said, she doubted that everyone would be happy to see her back but she supposed that it was fine to let Goldie think that answering with a grin "Am I okay? Never better, I'm just a bit tired is all." Her whole sore body was screaming and demanding for rest by now though she would snort a bit seeing Caesar approaching the scene, ugh, it was the Sourpatch bitch. "Fuck, I forgot that I'd be seeing ugly asses like you when I came back," A smirk still prominent on her face and well, she could hear footsteps from afar. She figured it was Pincher.

That's until Kal started hissing loudly and aggressively.

She didn't even want to look at him. She could feel her insides doing flips and she just generally felt sick though she supposed it would be rude of her to not look at him, what she saw was something she definitely did not like. "What the fuck happened to you?" She tried ignoring the concern in her voice as she stared at him with her ears pressed against her head, she wanted to know who did this and she would fucking find them and kick their sorry asses for hurting Greed "Of course, I'm okay. . ." She finally said a little flatly even if that hadn't been her original intention, she would have added more but then that was just her being an absolute bitch. His genuine smile and happiness that she was fine also confused her, she blinked a few tears out of her eyes and would turn her head away from him with her nose turned up.

Re: VIVA LA VIDA / o, return - guts - 07-10-2018

Really, he should have expected that reaction. They hadn't been on the best of terms lately, but he didn't care. He was happy to see that she was back finally, even if she hated him, even if it hurt to see her act like this towards him. Glancing back at his limp leg, he grinned sheepishly, trying to shrug it off as if his leg wasn't broken and had to be splintered. "Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it. It'll heal quickly," he had been surprised when it didn't heal automatically, like it usually did. So his abilities had indeed been hindered slightly. "Anyways, I should be asking what happened to you,"

Greed couldn't maintain his grin as Roxie turned away, but even so, he was extremely relieved to see her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her just how happy he was to see her back, but he knew he couldn't do that--especially with Kal staring at him like that. Damn crocodile.
