Beasts of Beyond
WHAT YOU KNOW / private - Printable Version

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WHAT YOU KNOW / private - bubblegum - 07-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

today, the girl was on a mission. well, two missions, actually. one, of course, she would look for miss roxanne. the sight of her aunt's wings had caused her to go on a sort of panic. she needed to be sure the female was okay, but she had no idea how to find her. her body wasn't strong enough to go out on her own or even go out for very long at all right now. but, she needed to see her again. she couldn't give up, even if she couldn't do much. she still needed to repay the female for the nice presents and letter she had been given. she still needed to talk to her and help her and make sure she's okay. but, her second mission was a bit more light-hearted, at least.

goldie carried a small basket around with her, walking around the drier parts of the territory. she was looking out for things to collect as presents for her family and friends. she wanted to be sure they had nice things. that would make them feel nice. she wanted them to feel nice. so, she scouted out for potential presents. she wasn't looking for anything in specific, really. mostly just things that caught her interest - especially pretty rocks. she could make lots of things out of those and they were easy to find.

but, she did need to take breaks often. the added weight made it even harder for her to move around. she would either end up falling or stopping on her own. currently, she had stopped on her own. she had filled the basket maybe halfway by now, but still was searching so she wouldn't miss anything. she sat, her balance wobbly and shaky as she just breathed softly. she set down the basket, looking through its contents quietly.

Re: WHAT YOU KNOW / private - Verdigris - 07-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper happened to be out in the territory searching, as well. He was primarily looking for Roxanne and his ruby, the former moreso than the latter. If the ruby turned out to have been a magical artifact, there had to be plenty of other artifacts with mysterious powers out there, but there was only one Roxanne. He wasn't about to let her end up like Groundstrike, or Diceroll, even if his foe this time was a tsunami rather than an otherworldly shadow.

  As he walked, however, he noticed Gold sitting next to a basket. She had been having issues with mobility recently, hadn't she? While he got the feeling she could probably handle herself, he might as well accompany her, just so he could tell Pincher in all honesty that she hadn't been left alone. "What're you collecting?" he asked, approaching her and glancing at the basket. He could see a few rocks, and some other odds and ends- what they were for was the million dollar question.

Re: WHAT YOU KNOW / private - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl was inspecting one of the rocks, she collected for a split second before noticing someone's approaching presence. she turned her head, ears perked as she deciphered who it was. she quickly recognized paper and nodded in hello, giving a small smile. she hadn't gotten to talk to the male as much as she would have preferred, considering how long she's known him by now, so she prepared herself for what appears to be an opportunity to talk to him.

she twitched her ear at his question, glancing to her basket. "oh, just some things i find around the island," she answered simply at first, wondering if she should reveal her true intentions for those things. she enjoyed treasure, though she didn't often seek it out for herself. she figured it wouldn't hurt to give context - paper didn't seem like one to blab about other people's business. "i'm trying to prepare a bunch of presents for everybody to surprise them. i wanna make a lot so no one's left out. i think that'd be nice," she explained with a slightly excited look on her features, her voice kind.

Re: WHAT YOU KNOW / private - Verdigris - 07-21-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Indeed, they hadn't conversed much at all. Part of that was probably due to his own lack of interaction with most of the crew as a whole, but that wasn't difficult to fix. Especially since they were in close quarters after the tsunami, he suspected there would be plenty more opportunities for interaction. Glancing between Gold and the basket, he nodded. So she had been around the island even before this- she knew what she was doing. That was reassuring enough, he supposed.

  When she mentioned the presents, he raised his brows. Presents for everyone was a major undertaking, especially since Gold was unlikely to make a lot of exceptions, but Gold seemed the type to follow through with it. "Sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure they'd all appreciate it," he agreed, with a nod. "Well, maybe not Caesar. But y'know, he's Caesar." There was probably some sort of rule against insulting Officers, but it was true and he suspected they both knew it.

  /ic opinions whoops

Re: WHAT YOU KNOW / private - bubblegum - 07-21-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

making a present for each and every crewmate was indeed a lot of work. she'd need to come up with individual ideas for each one and work on them all so she was sure they were all done well. her perfectionist nature would certainly cause them to take even longer. however, she was determined to do it. her crewmates gave so much to her; they deserved something back. it would be nice.

the girl twitched her ear, happy he thought everyone would appreciate it too. she giggled at the added comment of caesar, personally having no problems with it. she slapped caesar and minor insults towards him was something she partook in often around him. he was possibly right, too, but she figured she should include him despite everything.

"i hope so. it's harder to think of ideas for newer members, but that's why i'm grabbing anything that might be useful." goldie responded with a nod. paper, of course, was included in the long list of "everybody" but she wouldn't drop any hints about his present. "aye, i don't really appreciate caesar either most of the time, but i figure i shouldn't leave him out. you both helped me out when i got all injured, so i appreciate that at least - thank you."

Re: WHAT YOU KNOW / private - Verdigris - 07-22-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/mobile squad gotta represent

  “Anything that might be useful?” That seemed broad, but then Gold had found quite a lot as a result, and when it came to individualized presents for everyone in the crew, you needed supplies that ran the gamut of purposes. Perhaps he would benefit from abiding by that paradigm; just because something’s use wasn’t immediately apparent didn’t mean it couldn’t be useful later. It was best to be prepared for anything, including the seemingly smaller frivolities; that was an excellent way to get allies, at the very least.

  Life was more complicated than it had seemed in the desert, but bit by bit, he was figuring it out.

  Her “aye” reminded him of Jacob to some degree- not surprising, given that he was basically her father along with Pincher. That she could even give Caesar a gift was a bit more surprising, but again, this was Gold they were talking about. Paper couldn’t help but wonder if her kindness would get her into trouble someday. Though, she did have a point- the two of them had helped save her life, even if Rosemary had done the most medical work. (Did that mean he was getting a present too? He refused to get his hopes up, but she had said everyone...)

  Setting those thoughts aside, he nodded. ”No problem.” The crew had to watch out for each other, one way or another. Glancing up at her, he asked, ”You holding up okay? Tired at all?”