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HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - Printable Version

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HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Oh, Caesar was livid. The news of his sister becoming the leader of Snowbound had just reached his ears, and the demon was practically storming his way through the ship and towards the mess of a beach that had been left over by the tsunami. Caesar could feel the urge of wanting to light himself on fire rising through his body, but he wasn't going to do that just yet. No, he wanted to relish in this feeling of anger, before he expelled it out. That should be me! The Officer growled to himself mentally, claws digging into the sand as he glared at his reflection on the waves as they came up to him. I should be leading, not her! Caesar knew that Atbash wasn't a leader, she was too passive of a person to lead and demand things. Vigenere leading was one thing - and Caesar would honestly be scared if Vigenere led Tanglewood, but mostly for his own safety - but Atbash? Atbash had no bone in her body that would even give her the chance to lead. So what was Jacob thinking, promoting such a weak person in his place.

Then again, Jacob wasn't exactly a strong-willed person, either. But Caesar thought he had a bit more commonsense than to promote Atbash in his place, but apparently his thoughts were wrong. Atbash was going to end up being a terrible leader, and Snowbound was already weak - Jacob was just condemning his group! Caesar grit his teeth as he thought about this, his tail lashing. If he was that desperate, he could have just asked me. Sure, he and Jacob had a terrible history with each other, but damn, at least if he led, Jacob would know that Caesar would make Snowbound stronger. Atbash will be that group to its death. He just knew it would happen. It was bound to happen, with her personality.

With an angry hiss, Caesar finally gave into the urge of wanting to feel flames on his fur and his tail lashed one more time, sparking a small flame that burst across his body, burning off some of his fur as it traveled across the Officer's body. Eventually these flames calmed Caesar down, and laid down, letting the waves crash over him and douse the flame covering him. Steam came off of his body at this point, and he was soaking wet, but he didn't care. At least he was calm now. Caesar started walking backwards, making his way out of the ocean as much as he could and sat down on the sand, staring off into the distance. He knew sand was bound to stick on his fur at this point, but hey, it was fine. Everything was fine now.

//tl;dr: Caesar heard about Atbash becoming leader of Snowbound and took off towards the ocean and lit himself on fire, before letting the waves crash over him and put the flames out. He's just sitting on the beach now and staring off into the distance, a lot calmer than he had been at the beginning of this oneshot

Re: HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - bubblegum - 07-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had been trying to stay away from the ocean now. due to both the facts that she could not move very well currently and that there was just a tsunami, so she did not exactly trust the waters right now. however, she did catch herself going a bit closer to shores again after miss roxanne's wings were discovered. she wanted to find the female. that was one of the biggest things in her head right now. find her aunt. she knew she couldn't physically do much right now, but she was trying. she was trying really hard. she needed to know that the female is okay.

this is what lead her to spot caesar at the waves now. she had thought the male disliked the water, so she was honestly a little surprised. she didn't really like caesar at all, so she didn't care much about this fact, but she figured she should try to get along with him. not because she felt he deserved it, but because her papa trusted him enough to make him an officer. surely he must have some potential if her papa trusted him enough for that. besides, she didn't like to butt heads with someone so often, and he did kind of help her injuries from what she'd heard.

so, she would force herself to struggle towards him, still keeping a safe distance from the waves. "i thought you didn't like the water," she said simply at first, sort of as a question and sort of as a statement. she sighed quietly before sitting down. her balance was a bit wobbly. her injuries had thrown off her balance and all of her movement lately certainly wasn't helping, not that she'd stop.

Re: HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Caesar's ear twitched as he heard pawsteps, and his gaze slowly turned to Goldenluxury as she spoke towards him and he gave a shrug. "I don't, but I gotta get rid of fire somehow, don't I?" He responded as he looked over to her, studying the injuries she got from the lightning. It was true that he helped Goldie with getting her taken care of, though that was mostly because he didn't want his ass chewed by Rosemary and mostly Jacob for just being a bystander. "Why are you here?" He asked. Shouldn't the ocean make her nervous?Oh well, he didn't particularly care why she was here, even if his curiosity was killing him.

Re: HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - bubblegum - 07-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
"oh." was all she'd say for a moment. that was right - he'd gotten fire elementals. she'd forgotten, since she hadn't been there to see. she supposed that was one way of letting your feelings out. better than yelling or hurting people, anyway. "that makes sense." her responses were pretty lame for him, she knew. she didn't really feel like conversing a bunch with him. she was mostly forcing herself to right now. he probably was kind of doing the same, knowing him. who knew, maybe they could get along a little better this way.

upon his next set of words, her ears perked. "miss roxanne is missing. i don't want to lose any chances of finding her," even if it was unlikely that she would find her. but, it was worth a shot, she had decided. trying to fix the problem was much better than accepting it in her head, even if she didn't have much power over whether or not she could fix it. "i won't get too close, though; for obvious reasons."

Re: HAUNTED PILLOW BENEATH MY HEAD // open, oneshot - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Goldie was right in assuming that Caesar was practically forcing himself to talk to her, though at least he was getting better with his feelings of rage towards her. Having fire elementals helped a lot with his anger management issues, and although he'd still be a dick to everybody, having this power back helped him calm down to the point where he didn't want to stab somebody. That was improvement, right? At least Pincher couldn't yell at him anymore for trying to start fights. "Yeah, I guess." Caesar shrugged again. "I can light myself on fire, can't exactly put myself out." Though he didn't entirely mind the way the flames burned the fur off him and left blisters on his body. He just didn't want to completely cover this body in burns and scabs, to the point where fur couldn't go back anymore. He'd probably look like a sphinx if he ever did that.

Caesar couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit at the mention of Roxanne. "If she's alive, I'm sure she can handle herself." He responded in a gruff tone. Though it did make sense why Goldie didn't want to get too close. Caesar, on the other hand, probably would've gone close anyway, to test his luck. What could he say? He liked the feeling of the numbness that covered his body, which was the way he felt 'pain'.