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two birds on a wire / o, joining - Printable Version

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two birds on a wire / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Since her interact with Solardust, she had been feeling angry. Was it perhaps the fact that Sol and Eb had disappeared when she was only three months old? Yes. For five months, she had been on her own in the loner lands. Forced to catch prey she didn't even how to catch, keep away from dangerous predators and many tasks not suited for a child to handle on their own. One of the more terrifying experiences was when a NPC attacked her, gouging out one of her eyes, leaving a large scar across most of her face and pushing her down onto rocks, breaking most of her vocal cords during the process. She could only speak in stammers and whispers and there was old scars on her neck from that nasty fall.

The eight-month old child had stopped at one of Tanglewood's borders, narrowing her one yellow-eye and keeping watch for any Tanglewooders. She was not used to being around many people, as most NPCs in the loner lands had either ignored her or they had been too terrified of her scarred face to take care of her, so she was used to being alone. For Con, this would be a new experience. And hopefully- it would be a good experience.

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - Bell - 07-06-2018

Of all the Tanglewood members to be the first on the scene, Bell was perhaps the least appropriate. A newly named rookie, and a fellow one eyed child to boot. He was still just as malnourished and exhausted, but that didn't stop his restless spirit from wandering around the territory. After all, wasn't it a good idea for him to get acquainted with his new home? At least he had walked around enough to be able to discern old scents from new, for this scent on the breeze was surely different from the distinct smell of Tanglewood. Bell immediately made a beeline towards it, slowly but surely trekking towards the new arrival.

He stopped once he saw her, gaze lingering on the scars that stood out against her face and neck. Bell was glad that the animal to take his eye had been a careful one, leaving no scar behind besides the gaping hole of his socket. The boy blinked and cleared his throat, soft voice a little hard to hear over the ambience of the wetlands. "Who're you?" He asked somewhat bluntly, not intending to be as rude as the words made him seem. He just wasn't all that good at this whole socialising thing yet, that's all.

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Con would eye Bell warily as he approached, her muscles tensed. Even though these guys might be her groupmates in a while, she didn't have to trust them. She would flick both of her ears as the young fox spoke, making it clear that she was listening. How rather blunt- the way he was speaking. But, she couldn't blame him for that. Most of the words that came out of her lips were either blunt or cold-hearted, or both. "C-con." The Rookie stammered- flinching as she did.

Then she turned her attention to Vigenere, noticing he had been staring at her scars. She would listen to the older feline speak before she had whispered her response softly. "Joining."

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

well hopefully the largest among the tangler wouldn't intimidate another new recruit - whether by height or general appearance.

Fenrisulfr eyed Bell but said nothing, far too used to all sorts among Tanglewood to find the others attitude in anyway annoying or alarming - he'd survived Valo and his often strange anecdotes after all - the war God tipped his head to Vigenere, the proxy being prompt as usual before his eyes settled on the newbie 'Con'

A moment of assessment before the regent nodded his head "welcome, I'm Fenrisulfr" he rumbled jutting his chin back the way he came as he spoke again "it's best you follow us back to camp - at least until you know the land well enough to avoid the gators and traps" he did not mention her scars - did not think the youngster would appreciate anymore stares and besides, he had seen and once suffere much worse, when one had seen so much, one grew less curious and less likely to prod and pry.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: two birds on a wire / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Connie would merely stare as the male-feline frowned, deciding not to appear bothered by that. Instead, she would give a nod of her head and she would turn her attention to Fenrisulfr- lifting her head upward to make eye-contact with the tall male- a hint of awe in her one-eye.

She didn't find him to be very intimidating. Instead, she only saw him as interesting. She would listen to the large male speak, before she had nodded her head along to his words. Con had decided not to speak, as she could only speak for short amounts of time or she could risk straining her remaining vocal cords, as those had been partially damaged. She would walk over to the Regent and wait for the others to start heading back to their camp.