Beasts of Beyond
I SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN HOW LOST I FEEL // open - Printable Version

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i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had been wanting to set this up for a while, and the she-cat had finally found enough gems and necklace strings to be able to at least start her business. The she-cat decided to take up another empty cabin and fill the bookshelves with the gems she collected, as well as keep a basket of strings next to the shelves. Right now, Atbash was working on the sign of her shop, her short tail flicking as she used her paws to write on the sign she found. Atbash's Gemstones, that's what she was writing. Her plan was to make necklaces out of these gems, and they would be priced accordingly. But that was something she was going to decide on later, right now the Chief was working on getting everything situated.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN HOW LOST I FEEL // open - arcy - 07-06-2018

Honestly, Izuku had no idea what to do about Sylnae or .. whatever they were called. He had some, he thinks -- he'd gotten some tasks done recently, see. Izuku just doesn't know how many he has. Hasn't bothered keeping track. Though, he does need to figure it out soon. He might open a business eventually, but he just doesn't know how or what to sell. He doesn't have time for that right now, anyways. He will once he feels like he's .. good enough, but that won't be for a long time, he's sure.
"Hey, Atbash," Izuku greets as he sees the yellow feline. He'd just been walking by on his way to something or another, and he's not .. quite sure, what she's doing. He probably shouldn't be taking a break like this. But .. well, he can give himself a brief window to talk to his clanmate, can't he? He turns to grin at the feline, writing something or another, in slight puzzlement. "Um -- what're you doing?" Izuku, a little hesitantly, makes to approach Atbash a little more, tempted to peer over her and at the writing but unsure if she would even let him. And it's kind of rude, anyways. So. He'll just let her tell him herself.
what was i worth


i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash didn't entirely understand the system herself, though it was slowly coming to terms with her with how it worked. Atbash's fur puffed out at the sound of Izuku's voice, surprised that he had come over. "Oh!" The Chief chirped in response, looking over at the green feline. "I'm making a sign! I'm going to start making a business soon. Y'know, with the syamine Jacob mentioned?"
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN HOW LOST I FEEL // open - arcy - 07-06-2018

Atbash was going to start a business? Izuku blinks, curious. He supposes he hadn't really expected that of her. Atbash didn't seem like the type to want to deal with having a business, but Izuku decides it's pretty cool that she is doing it. Their first business, then -- that was a good start! .. Maybe Izuku could start researching for those, sooner, then. Syamine didn't have a ton of use right now and probably wouldn't 'till they got a few businesses opened. And, y'know, the sooner the better, he supposes. Or else the whole thing might just .. crash, and he doesn't want that to happen when it'd been started so recently by, y'know, Jacob.
"Cool!" Izuku's ears prick as he grins, hesitantly edging even closer to the other feline. He should be getting back to stuff but maybe he's just subconsciously looking for a break again. Besides, interacting with clanmates was important and all that, what does it matter. He knew .. enough, for the moment. It was fine. He was fine. Fifteen minutes wouldn't hurt, just like a few hours visiting the other clans' events and doing other stuff hadn't. "What sort of business?" He asks, tail swishing. Maybe he'd look into buying something when it's open -- Izuku did like to hoard things as it was, and he'd like to support Atbash, anyways. That and he's just nosy.
what was i worth


i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
The idea had been so recently implemented that Atbash wasn't entirely surprised shops hadn't popped up like Jacob had wanted, and besides, a lot of things happened between the time Snowbound arrived in their new territory and to the time Jacob announced it. It made sense not a lot of businesses were around at the moment. There weren't a lot of Snowbounders, either, but hopefully that'll change soon. Atbash's eyes shone as Izuku asked her about her business, clearly happy about the idea of just starting it. "I'm gonna sell necklaces!" She exclaimed. "Gem necklaces, to be exact." She nodded at the shelves of different gemstones. She'd have to figure out how to carve them into shapes, and that was gonna take a while, but it'll be worth it, right?
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi