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broken avenue ☀ check ups - Printable Version

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broken avenue ☀ check ups - arcy - 07-06-2018

Izuku is very glad his medical task wasn't too demanding. Nobody generally showed up to these, anyways. Izuku didn't mind making sure everything was rolling smoothly, anyways. He could even multi-task!! Izuku already has everything set up, basically. It's just in the center of the village, really. A bunch of herbs, of course, and thank god for the increasing stock. Also something for tea, just in case, and hot chocolate, for whoever wanted one when they came up here. But mostly Izuku. A few people might show up, but they didn't really have a ton of members anyways.
"Over here for check ups, please!!" Izuku calls, as loud as he can manage. Which isn't terribly loud, since he was just a very quiet person in general. Still, with this done, Izuku sighs and shakes out his paw, covered in something or another as protection against the snow or whatever else there was. Then he just grabs one of the hot chocolate flasks and settles in to wait for an hour or so, settling a medical book on the table for him to continue to read through while he waited for something to happen.
what was i worth

Re: broken avenue ☀ check ups - Stellas - 07-06-2018

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[Image: SwDjlLU.png]
Stellas suffered from the delusion he was some sort of invincible, omnipotent being. He of course, was not. The history behind this mentality was a long story.

The small white feline  had his wide ghosty pink gaze on Izuku. He came blended in pretty well with the surroundings, very quiet. Drawing to a rather elegant halt in front of them; unlike the feline before him, Stellas had quite the booming voice when he chose to use it. Formerly, it was best put to use announcing rows upon rows faithfuls - looking for their god.

He is (and was) to reiterate, no such thing.

Looking over the herbs with interest, he tucks his tail over his frostbitten paws and moves his eyes over them. He's silent for quite some time, looking over Izuku themselves. You'd get the vibe he was looking right into their soul. He wasn't - but he thought they had very pretty eyes! Izuku was a very pretty boy, but Stellas verbalized none of this.

A paw moves to the herbs, and he places one on the greenest one he could say.
[color=white]"My gaze beholds a green hue unlike any other I have seen before. Peasant-"
He draws a deep breath and begins to smack the herb with a paw like a child demanding food. "Peasant! What does this one do? I must inquire - the thirst for knowledge your god has is boundless. Educate me." His voice is very deep for such a small cat.

He's unable to recognize his own injury - his brain is chemically incapable of firing his singular neuron between the two synapses in his empty skull that declares: Dumb cunt! Thy doft be injured.

Re: broken avenue ☀ check ups - arcy - 07-06-2018

It takes a minute for Izuku to realize Stellas' presence as the other approaches. His eyes aren't the greatest at picking out colors right now -- he's gotten used to the snow enough that it doesn't hurt his eyes at least. Still, Izuku jolts the slightest as he notices the white feline before him. That was .. the one who'd been at the meet and greet, earlier. Izuku blinks a few times, a little put off by the way the other was staring at him. It felt kind of intrusive, but that could just be Izuku, sensitive as ever.
"U -- um, hi," He greets, entirely unsure of how to go about this. He has the urge to burst out rambling, but he narrowly manages to avoid doing so. Mostly because Stellas is suddenly doing something else. Izuku's gaze follows as the white feline does something else now, paw landing on one of the herbs he has set out. Peppermint -- that was peppermint and good god there was something wrong with his paws. Izuku is only half listening to Stellas. Speaking of, why was he calling himself a god? Why was Izuku being called a peasant? I mean, Izuku's listened to stuff like this his entire life so he's not concerned, even if it was a little more extreme than Kacchan's. The lucky difference is that it's not said in cruelty, so ..
"That's peppermint -- it's good for stuff like, uh, colds, cold symptoms, other res .. respito ... breathing problems. Usually it's given in tea!" Izuku didn't know how to pronounce respiratory, but that's okay. It's not like English was his first language. Anyways, that wasn't all peppermint could do, but he wasn't going to give a lecture on this stuff, even if he was passionate about herbs a lot of the time. He's glad that Stellas is at least interested, though? Even if he is childish. Still, Izuku smiles indulgently despite his intense urge to just .. disengage or ramble. But .. right. Right. Paws. Paws. They look kind of wrong. "D.. Do you mind if I take a look at your paws?" Izuku has quite literally no idea how to go about this. He'd probably be dismissed cause he was a peasant or something but Izuku was persistent and he was gonna ask and he was going to aggressively explain why he had to. Izuku would be damned if he just let this go just because somebody was being a brat and didn't want to listen to him, because that happened a lot and Izuku was ... very, very upset about it almost all of the time.
what was i worth