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call the police! --★ o, joiner - Printable Version

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call the police! --★ o, joiner - max - 07-05-2018

Okay, so this entire situation was completely stupid. Max, being the stressed-out person that she was, had decided to take a route to run away from her problems. She always found that climbing up high places helped her take her mind off of things. That was exactly what she did, but, there was one problem. She had no idea how the hell to get down. She'd probably been clinging to the same branch for twenty minutes now, completely stumped on how to get back to the ground.

Making an attempt to move forward, the small feline's back legs slipped. "Wh- no!" she exclaimed rather loudly, digging her claws into the bark, in attempts to keep herself from falling. Luckily, she hadn't fallen from the branch, though now she was even more scared of trying to get down. This was completely embarrassing, but she probably needed help. "Uh - hey! Anyone out there- I kinda need a bit of help over here," she called out. While she only sounded mildly worried, she was silently screaming from her shame on the inside. If she fell out of the tree right now and survived, she was sure her embarrassment would probably kill her.

//bleh, this is a mess-- i swear i'll write better as i get along, hh.


Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - ★ HAZEL - 07-06-2018

Hazel wasn’t aware of how close to the border she was until she heard the cry for help, nearly startling her out of her skin.

Her mind as of late had been occupied with Genevieve’s words and their ringing truth. It weighed on her like a block of ice, seeping into her skin and freezing her veins with the horrible confirmation of knowing that everyone saw her as she saw herself: cowardly and weak. Not that this came as a surprise; Hazel was simply born an optimist, even in some of her darkest hours.

The girl was too tired to get the fresh air she was looking for, so she had called on Arion to help. The colt had taken her past the star pool and flower field, slowing significantly since last time’s fall. They weren’t far from the border when a young voice reached two pairs of ears, making Hazel jump. Turning that way, they spotted Max up a tree, several feet taller than Arion’s ears.

“Er,” Hazel blinked. “Hi, there. I’m Hazel from the Ascendants, which is our group that lives just over that way.” She gestured vaguely to her left. “Is there any way you can make it from that branch to my horse’s back?”

(Exhausted and didn’t proofread :”))
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - rhosmari - 07-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"Frankly she should get herself out of the mess she put herself in. No help given." The woman had only been drawn to the area by the sound of someone shouting at the top of their lungs for help. What in the world had possessed the other to climb a tree and they couldn't even get back down on their own didn't make much sense to the ginger leopard as she looked up at the tree with narrowed eyes. Such a foolish thing to do and she allowed her high yellow eyes to shift away to look at someone she didn't know before she allowed a grunt to leave her throat. Truthfully she wasn't as mean as she seemed but she wasn't the type to just let something like this go without letting the others understand how much a fool hardy thing it was to do something like this. Shaking her head a bit the woman then glanced back at the tree before she sat back on her haunches, muscles tense and eyes hiding the hint of tiredness within them. "Just make sure you don't fall. If you do, I guess I'll catch you." Maybe she would.

Really, she could catch her before she hit the ground. She was trained to be fast, it was her specialty after all and hand to hand combat and there was no doubt that she wouldn't be able to get to her in time. But the woman was also irritated because of the civilians here already and she had no problem with letting someone die from here. Purely an accident or maybe someone else came forth and did it. They wouldn't be able to prove anything anyway. A frown pulled across her muzzle as she realized what she had been thinking and she closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax before she lifted her head back up and opened her gaze to look at the girl stuck in the tree. At least be helpful Carolina instead of being a dick. Come on, just do it. One step at a time. But it was like trying to get past a hard barrier that forced her back twice as much as she shoved. "Just take it slow, analyze your next steps before you take them. Don't rush anything and you'll be down in no time." Good enough for her.

Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

Whenever Hazel was, Gordon was certainly following close behind. She felt comfortable and safe around Hazel, though she wasn't exactly following her and her horse right at this moment. No, Hazel's horse made Gordon a bit nervous, though it was mostly due to her size and how big the equine was compared to her. But the scent of Hazel is what drew Gordon to the scene, and she stared up at Max with wide eyes, which shone with worry. Gordon listened to Carolina's commands, taking note of them just in case she ever got stuck in a tree herself.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - Luciferr - 07-06-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

well it was best to live and learn, still,

"If you truly can't get down alone though, I can ferry you down easily enough" given his height it would simply be a small matter of letting her climb down his back really, nevermind that he had wings if heights in other cases were truly so inaccessible - though he had to wander much like Carolina, what had possessed the girl to go up there in the first place.

he did glance briefly to Carolina - well at least that one wasn't being as much of a confrntational personality as was first shown - and hnestly he'd had enough of blustering military and 'need to know basis' believing they could try to get one over you (though the surprise when they'd found out who he was back then had been something of a laugh - yes keep your superiors secrets from your own superiors) oh he understood the secrecy, would acknowledge it - didn't mean the attitude needed to be present.

ah, well, that had been the other day - he'd lived too long to let it bother him longer than the mere incident itself.

so his wandering thoughts returned back to the stranger in distress.


Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-07-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Becoming an animal had probably been the most difficult thing that he could have asked for. Probably never a sentence that he would think he would be having himself say in the first place. But here he was now and he had no idea how to get back to being a human. The Freelancer was trying his damn best to figure out exactly what he can do, but there were a limited amount of options. If he had to technology that they had on the ship that exploded, then his life would be a whole lot easier. Maybe even having an AI that he could use. Although he wasn't sure about that either because he would want an AI to stay as far away from him as much as possible. It was because of those damn things that they had messed with his head probably beyond repair. He was glad the counselor wasn't anywhere near him to be able to analyze his current mental health. He wanted to stay as far away from that as much as possible. Either way, he was still having plenty of troubles with what he was.

He was quick to discover the animal instincts that he wasn't used to having. Such was when he would see a rabbit come out of the bushes, all his mind would tell him would to run after the thing and try to kill it. He absolutely refused to eat anything like raw meat, as he knew that he wouldn't be able to stomach the idea of eating something like that anyway. The Freelancer would much rather eat something that had been an MRE than the likes of a deer leg or even something else. Difficult yes, but those that lived around here in this outpost had helped him a lot from starving himself. Instead of eating the likes of raw meat, he ate the meat that was dried out, basically making it into jerky. Jerky was something that he was used to. It was a rare commodity that was for sure, but it was sure something that he remembered eating in the past. And because of that, he didn't starve to death. His problems weren't exactly over though, as now instead of just having to deal with himself, he was going to have to deal with Carolina too.

Which was easier said than done. He knew in his mind that there was no way to control the fellow Freelancer. She was more than capable of breaking his arm, something she made adamant when she first laid eyes on him and basically tackled him to the ground with ease despite their size difference. Agent Washington had expected that from another Freelancer if they were going to appear, but he didn't think that Carolina had actually been Carolina having lacked her armor in the beginning. He was going to have to follow her around to make sure that no one started trouble with her. He doubted that Carolina would try to start a fight over something completely ridiculous, so that's why he was there. Not to try and stop Carolina but to stop whoever she was arguing with. Exhausting yes, but he was going to have to get used to it. The feeling of having someone that went through what he went through counteracted any bad feelings that he had about the leopard. He had been following Carolina, lagging behind slightly just because of his exhaustion.

He, of course, had heard the screams for help somewhere along the way, and soon he was standing next to the leopard looking at the cat that was up a tree. It was completely ironic and funny. Although if he had tried to climb a tree, being the size of a lion with armor attached to him, there would be no way he would be capable of doing as such. It was funny enough that he let out a little bit of a chuckle from his jaws. But the other stuck up in the tree was in good hands. He probably would help, since Carolina hadn't given him an order to go do something right now so he had a limited amount of free time at his disposal. He had been about to look at Carolina for the way that she had been talking until she corrected herself and did a little bit better. Good. He wasn't her parent though, so he wasn't going to treat her like a child and tell her how to act around others. He looked away from Carolina back to the female that was up in the tree. It almost reminded him of his house cat back home. Loki. The cat having basically nine lives because he got caught in terrible situations. He flicked his short tail and didn't have any reason to say anything, and instead stood at the ready for anything. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: call the police! --★ o, joiner - Cosmic - 07-07-2018

Wow, that was a tall ass tree. But with my much smaller body I was probably one of the only people her who could guide her back safely to the ground. I had a lot of practice climbing in my days, so I was sure this could go smoothly.

"If nothing else, I can climb up there and get you back on course. Not much of a climber, are ya?" I had to tease a little, you know. But honestly, I really didn't want to see Max fall and get hurt.