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BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - Printable Version

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BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - ROXANNE R. - 07-05-2018

✧*:・゚ /retro to tsunami

Roxxie was out hanging about near the water smiling with her little tegu egg in her grasp and Kalayavan swimming in the ocean, Rox would start humming a soft tune keeping the little egg close to her chest. She really hoped that it would hatch eventually yet she doubted it for a moment. The winged Siamese was sitting on a nearby rock with her hind paws swinging back and forth in a slightly bored manner, she sort of wanted to go do something but the only other person she once considered a friend was probably flirting with some girls or guys. Bleh, Rox didn't want that frankly and she could already feel the heart throb starting in her chest, she placed a paw where her heart marking was only to stare with a half closed gaze. "Pfft, I don't care." She mumbled to herself despite what her belly flips and heartaches told her otherwise, she decided to simply ignore it. Ignore her feelings. It wasn't like they were all gonna bundle together and hit her all at once. Yeah! She didn't care. . . She covered her face with a single paw starting to imagine his stupid, stupid face and that. . . Dorky smile of his. She wished she would have never trusted him so much that she didn't like him so much, all she had gotten out of it was a broken heart and hurt feelings. What was the good in that?

"Get over it, honey. . ."

She said in a hushed voice pressing her nose to the tegu egg not saying another word though Kalayavan eventually walked over with a fish hanging from his jaws, Roxxie would smile at him petting him on the head though Kal suddenly let out a hiss. Was it him? Had he come back to apologize? She wanted to turn around to see yet she decided against it holding Kal back by the collar and closed her eyes "I don't want y-your crummy apology." She said in an even quieter voice. Little did Rox know that it wasn't the guy who she thought it was but a different one.

Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-06-2018

Staring was a thing Planecrash couldn't help doing. Whether it was a cloudy sky, the grass below him or even another creature. It was a habit and he couldn't help it whatsoever, mostly because of how his mind was constantly turning wheels and thinking of what their anatomy would be like compared to other creatures or simply what they were thinking of him. It wasn't long before he had found himself wandering yet again and eventually finding his place not far from the water with his eyes on a strange creature and some sort of egg he hadn't had the chance of messing with or experimenting on. He leaned against one of the many tropical trees around the area with his eyes slowly moving from the egg up to a woman that seemed to be around his age, her expression showing she wasn't in the best mood and probably wouldn't take it well if he was caught watching. Plane seemed to move forward closely despite this, noticing the mumbling of words coming from the undoubtedly beautiful, winged feline before him as he kept his breathing soft and shallow as to keep his body left of less scars.

"Get over it, Honey. . .

The metal lids of his goggles blinked a few times to decode just what she had meant in his own head. Perhaps she had done something or vice versa? It would be rather hard to find out in that moment without having a civil conversation with her. But, it seemed like he'd be getting much worse what with the soft crunch of his bag giving away his position to them and his own body standing up to quickly, causing him to trip over a rock and land not all too far from the mysterious woman before him, looking up at her with awe and confusion at her statement. "M-ma'am, I don't think I'm whoever you think I am. I-I-I am so sorry, I should really just shut up, shouldn't I?" The scientist felt frozen to the floor, averting his gaze to his own paws just to hope whatever kind of beating he would receive would get over quickly.


Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - ROXANNE R. - 07-06-2018

✧*:・゚ That's odd, Kalayavan wasn't tugging furiously to get loose but he still would spit out hisses. Suddenly a different voice would meet her causing her to squeak a bit only to turned around to see that a cat with a bag and goggles had fallen down apologizing to her. To her, of all people, he hasn't even done anything to her. Her mind suddenly filled with a bit of suspicion yet she decided to not utter any of said suspicions, she shouldn't accuse all men being like Greed even if her mind screamed no. She frowned feeling bad that she had spoken so ill mannered to the paper bag wearing feline, she stood up with her wings slightly spread aiming to help him up with tiny paws touching his "S-sorry, I thought you were someone else. No h-honey please, you don't have to. . . You don't ever have to shut up. . . Especially by me," A soft smile would tug at her lips yet she felt so awkward touching someone else's paws aside from Greed's, she pushed the other male to the backburner of her mind deciding to concentrate on this stranger. Had he been watching her? That was weird. . . No one ever watched her so, this certainly was a first then again she had ran,into a lot of situations that were a first. She felt a bit awkward if she managed to help him up noticing that he was taller than her, wow, she must be really puny yet the winged cat blinked her mismatched gaze unaware that she was technically still holding his paws but once she realized, she let out a squeak "Ack! S-s-sorry, I didn't mean to uh, hold your paw too long ahahaha. . ." She started awkwardly laughing, yeah, she sucked with socializing when it came to other dudes that weren't her brother. She would let go of his paw holding her egg close once more with ears pressed against her head and face flushed.

'Nice going, Roxxie.'

She nearly forgot about Kal but she managed to catch him by hid spiked collar watching as he hissed at Planecrash, she would clear her throat deciding to introduce herself "Let's start over." She said first only to then add afterwards with a small nod of her cranium "The names Roxanne Roux, but feel free to call me Rox or Roxie." A tiny, toothy smirk fitted itself onto her lovely face as she blinked her eyes at Planecrash with a tilt of her head "Never saw you 'round before. . . Who're you, doll?" Doll? Was that even an appropriate term for a man? Well, Rox didn't care and she was quite curious in meeting Planecrash.

Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-06-2018

The...the woman squeaked because of him, which in turn caused a softer one to come from himself as he shrunk into a tight ball for a few moments, though it didn't take long for him to peek up at the woman in awe for the fact that he was even there, invading her space and personal time with these little pets of hers. Most surprising of all was the fact she hadn't even asked about his bag first thing and instead, frowned somewhat as she held out her paw to help. Plane couldn't help it when his paw carefully laid on the kind lady's own as to not put too much weight on it. The creature stared as she talked, embarrassed garbles of what must have been some for a speech passing his lips and generally feeling as flustered as she was in that moment. "Geez, that's really nice of you. I-I mean, a lot of people don't really care what I've g-got to say. Especially pretty ladies like yourself." His body became stiff as he noticed how deep of a grave of he was digging himself already when he admitted she was quite eye catching, despite just meeting her officially.  "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT! I-I-I-I mean, not that you're not pretty and all, I just mean in like a flirtatious way at the moment? Dios mío, necesito detener este ciclo sin fin. " He spat out, only to soften his tone as his body grew hot with embarrassment and hadn't even noticed the fact their paws were still carefully held in one another. Perhaps it was because it reminded him of his mother and a way, which only added to the fact he was somewhat drawn or even captivated by her. Love? Well, that was a strong word and he doubt that was even close to being possible with any being of right mind or even someone completely mad, but he could really only manage a nervous chuckle along with a soft, "It's alright" in response as he looked down at the girl, taking in her lovely hues and soft fur that matched her gentle nature in that moment.  A silence wrapped around him for a moment as he stood there with his bob tail slowly flicking every now and then, unable to fully catch her first words.

"-ames Roxxane Roux."

His ears perked through the small holes in his bag, as well as his eyes widening with his attention now recaptured on her words towards him while she introduced herself and ending with a pet name for him. Doll. Plane's head tipped to the side for a moment in familiarity of her last name, yet decided to leave that conversation alone for now. "Planecrash. Slys. Or just Plane, I suppose. I-I'm kinda new to the area, but I'll be sticking around for a while it seems. It's better than everywhere else I've been as of recent. It's nice to meet you, Miss Roxie and I hope I'm not bothering you at all, seeing how you look kinda sad despite the smile." He spoke more calmly now, easing into the conversation like he had been here for a lot longer and just trying to make the best of this moment.


Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - ROXANNE R. - 07-07-2018

✧*:・゚ Roxie was a bit confused when the other curled into a tight ball, it made her tilt her head to the side yet seeing him peek up from his little "hiding" place she couldn't help but release an amused giggle. When his larger paw touched her own, she started to feel a bit weird yet she shoved the feeling away only to hear him speaking only to blink in some surprise at what she said next feeling her face flush with sudden shyness yet she felt insecure remembering when the last time someone had called her pretty. She felt nervous that she was letting someone get too close to her again only to listen to what Planecrash said next only to find herself relaxing with another giggle erupting from her mouth only to say a bit shyly "Aha, I ain't pretty." But when he was speaking in a different dialect, she would tilt her head to the side in curiosity only to mewl "Wow, I didn't understand a single word." She wasn't dumb, Heavens to God no, she was rather intelligent and carried out things in her own way though foreign languages that were anything except English were hard for her to understand yet now hearing her clanmate speak something she didn't understand she would find herself becoming determined. Hearing his nervous chuckle and response to her babble of an apology, she felt more at ease yet she couldn't help but notice that he was staring at her. That was horribly odd. . . Yet she would only stare straight back at him blinking her mismatched eyes at him and wondering what hid underneath that paper bag. Obviously a face but of what kind? Surely, he wasn't self-conscious about his own face was he? If he needed validation then she wouldn't hesitate to tell him how handsome he was even if he might or might not be. She didn't think she cared much for someone's face just their personality was enough for her and Plane's personality was certainly a cute one.

Planecrash or Slys. They were cute names but she wouldn't verbally admit it completely captivated while he spoke though hearing the last bit made her chuckle a bit nervously "Ah, sorry ya had ta'see me like that. . . I guess I don't react well to certain situations or scenarios and I've been butthurt about it since." She blinked down at the ground for a brief moment not necessarily happy with talking about it but she didn't show any of that as she added rather quickly "I'm getting over it, of course, and well. . . It was pretty lonely before but I'm glad I have you for company, Slys!" Her ears twitched suddenly when Kalayavan tugged on his collar and hissed at Planecrash, Kal didn't really like anyone near his parent and well, Plane was a potential threat. "Oh and this is Kalayavan, sorry, he gets pretty angry around strangers for some reason. . ." Her other paw still wrapped around the tegu egg.

Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-07-2018

Planecrash could only blink a few times when she responded with the fact that she wasn't pretty and couldn't help shaking his bagged head soon after, clearly set on trying to let them take the compliment despite this newfound acquaintance being formed just a few minutes ago. "If you're getting a compliment from a guy who covers up his face for most of his life who really knows what not being pretty is, I feel like you should take it." His sudden boost of confidence that made him tease her even slightly seemed to surprise even him as he was found nervously rubbing his neck, his anxiety peeking through his laughter. Not to mention, Plane had confused her with his first language. "U-um, well it was just me kinda….telling myself not to be so stupid around you. Obviously, that's not really working seeing how I'm becoming a big, blushing mess around you. It's a nervous tick." The man admitted, moving his paw back towards the ground below as he absentmindedly picked at it while he looked to Roxie. His own intelligence took many form with some medical things here and chemicals there along with a myriad of others in it's shadow. But, that didn't mean he knew everything and that was painfully obvious when he talked to anyone or even how to deal with his feelings, despite knowing how the chemicals affected the brain and that was the most frustrating thing of all. But, even with that seemingly eternal struggle, he still found a pleasant conversation with a pleasant woman that made all sorts of things flutter within his stomach that he hadn't felt in quite a long time. He wasn't sure if he was okay with it, yet he couldn't tear away from those odd and beautiful eyes that would have kept him entranced for what felt like hours if hadn't noticed how she looked at him- no, the bag. His eyes flicked away, moving on to the next conversation.

Roxie's eyes moved away as well, her voice easing his tension despite how he was trying cut off these weird feelings. A lopsided smile hid behind his mask, listening to her explain her sad appearance that even now, still lingered in her eyes and the tone of her voice. "No need to apologize, Miss Roxie. I mean, you shouldn't be ashamed of feelings since every living thing has them even if they are hidden behind some façade. I bet whatever happened and what you're feeling are justified to some extent. I won't push on it though, if you just keep smiling." Plane's eyes or...really his goggles, seemed to shine with his own dorky smile and trying not to flinch at the continuous hissing of the little beast being held back, clearly wishing to snap at him or just intimidate him in a very effective way. His scarred fore leg raised up to wave weakly at the creature. "Well, hopefully he can get used to me or something along those lines? Right, uh, Kal?" Pets were never his forte and it was clear with how he slowly sidled to Roxie's other side as to keep a distance from the smaller creature.


Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - ROXANNE R. - 07-08-2018

✧*:・゚ "If you're getting a compliment from a guy who covers up his face for most of his life who really knows what not being pretty is, I feel like you should take it."

She could feel heat flushing over her face as she stared at him, she could feel her heart racing inside of her chest as she kept silent unsure of how to respond at first only to mew with her eyes stilled locked onto his "Yeah well. . . People are prettier on the inside anyways," Was that wrong? No, not necessarily yet she had torn into several helpless bodies due to her cannibalism and well, truthfully, people weren't too beautiful on the inside either though it was food so she wasn't complaining. "Uh, well, I genuinely think beauty is how the person acts and treats others. . ." She said deciding to reword it since even the littlest things that reminded her of cannibalism made her a bit uncomfortable, its not that it disgusted her but she just didn't enjoy the thought of her clanmates ever catching her eating some poor defenseless pirate from the clan. Just thinking about it made her wanna hurl though she resisted the urge instead continuing to smile at Slys "And also, I bet your handsome! Your personality is so I don't see why you wouldn't be!" And even if he wasn't, Roxanne wouldn't be one to judge at all nor would she call the other out on it. She was sure he looked good without the paper bag on his head though he could keep the goggles for all she cared, those were pretty cute and she wouldn't mind taking them to try them on.

Hearing what he said next made her heart thump against her chest as she used a paw to hide a smile of her own "God, you're such a dork." A giggle erupted from her maw though the next bit he said, she found herself nodding and lightly patting Kal's head "Hopefully! He already bit several people that got too chummy with me though they were mainly guys. . . It's weird really but, I guess he's just protective of his Mama." The last bit she cooed to her crocodile.

Re: BROKEN HEARTS CLUB / private - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-10-2018

Planecrash couldn't help laughing at her comment, despite the fact he did agree with her. Of course, he felt a bit ashamed of doing so and shrunk slightly all the while looking off to the side for a few moments just to find his words without stumbling over his own words. "It seems I lucked out, if that is how you truly feel. Not a lot of people think that way though and are obsessed with little things like appearance. In a way, I suppose I am because I find myself to be an eyesore to others as well as myself." His paw reached up into his bag to scratch at his face and feel it, trying to remember the last time he got a good look at his real face and sighed as he moved to look back at Roxanne. "Well, I suppose that makes you overwhelmingly beautiful. You've been very kind to me even when others have been a little....confused? No, that's not the right word. Perhaps perturbed by me? Anyways, consider me quite grateful of you." He replied more thoughtfully, finding himself leaning on one of his paws while he watched her smile and yet she just had to increase her overwhelming sweetness with a simple comment that caused him to nearly fall over with his 'eyes' slightly bigger at the implication that he could even be remotely handsome to her. Shaky laughter emerged from his maw once more, clearly taken off guard by this compliment. "H-h-h-handsome? Oh, I couldn't even dream of that. Physically or personality wise, ma'am. Even before I had this bag on! B-b-but, I do appreciate it! I- oh, gosh." His paw laid on where his cheeks would be on his bag, crumpling it slightly as he tried to cool down his rising temperature.

"God, you're such a dork."

Plane's ears flicked and he couldn't help nodding, his heart leaping bounds at this point and it was completely out of his control with how he made him feel, rendering him to be quite a fool. "Well, the world needs some dorks, right? Plus, if it makes you smile, I'm clearly doing something good!" He quipped, giving her a gentle nudge of his shoulders and doing his best to keep a lighter air to the conversation since talking of someone who made her upset wasn't going to get him anywhere. No, he was going to make this girl as happy as he could possibly make her in the time they had or at least until Kal was able to chase him off."Guys, huh? Well, hopefully he can get used to someone even if you are it's figurative mother. Someone's bound to sweep you off your paws and marry you one day. I-I mean, unless you're not into that stuff." Plane said as his head tilted, watching her look so lovingly towards the large reptile.
