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go the distance -- Roxanne - Printable Version

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go the distance -- Roxanne - Verdigris - 07-05-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/retro to the tsunami

  His weekly task was to host a bonfire-slash-scary story contest. Fires weren't terribly hard to start once you knew how, but it could take some time unless you had specific tools. Flint by itself was sufficient to create the spark, though, even if it was time-consuming to get the spark to hit the kindling just right. He just needed to gather supplies.

  Paper had created two piles of wood at the center of the shoreline, one of large logs and one of small twigs. Rolling the last log up to the others, he gave one last shove and watched it tumble into place. Counting the hunks of wood, he nodded- that ought to be enough for a bonfire. Nudging the twigs over to the firewood, he glanced around, looking for a rock.

  There were none large enough to suit his needs in the vicinity, so he shrugged and headed back into the jungle. Surely there would be at least two rocks there that could create sparks when clashed against one another- he kept his eyes focused on the ground, searching for any stones that stuck out.

  It would have been a brilliant plan, were it not for the fact that it ended with him knocking head-first into a tree. Stifling a yelp, he stumbled back, reaching a paw up to his forehead. The impact hadn't seriously injured him, but he had a feeling his head would remain sore for a few hours at least.

  With a sigh, he sat down and thought to himself. Maybe the volcano would have been a better place to search for rocks- or maybe he could have asked someone if they had a lighter. There were so many, far simpler ways he could have solved this issue, and though this trip was only a minor setback, it felt like a much larger one to him. The downturn in the weather was probably to blame for his sour mood, he thought.

  /[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member]
  /this is,,, also a whole lot of nothing, he's just sitting in the jungle

Re: go the distance -- Roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 07-06-2018

✧*:・゚ Roxxie had been exploring trying to make some kinda pouch for her tegu egg but instead she found herself staring at Papercutter with curiosity only to wince slightly when the other bumped their head against a tree. "What a doofus." She thought with light amusement only to approach with a small grin appearing on her maw nodding slowly in the direction of the taller male, every other dude or chick was taller than Rox yet she didn't let those kind of things bring her down "Heya!" She greeted letting out a hum afterwards only to blink her mismatched gaze at Pap, she would have a paw over the egg she had gently pressed against her chest "Are ya looking for something, hon?" Rox was in a loop when it came to emotions and luckily, the egg she was taking care of her made her much calmer and happier to be with Kal and the egg itself. Even if her mind lingered a few times and she felt her blood boiling hot, she didn't care anymore or at least tried acting she didn't care but of course she did.

/sorry for short reply

Re: go the distance -- Roxanne - Verdigris - 07-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/'s all good, sorry for the late and short reply lol

  Looking up at Roxanne as she spoke, Paper then quickly averted his gaze. Had she seen him smack into the tree? It wouldn't have been the first time someone embarrassed themselves in public here, and he had probably done worse while he was drunk at the rave that one night, but still.

  Finally, though, he lifted his head and turned back to Rox. Best not to linger on it, in case she hadn't seen anything. "This might sound silly, but I'm looking for rocks that I could use to start a fire," he answered, glancing down at the egg she was holding. When had she started carrying that around- and more importantly, what was in it? Shaking his head, he added, "I probably should've just gone to the volcano."