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WAKE FROM A DREAM // s/hp meeting - Printable Version

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WAKE FROM A DREAM // s/hp meeting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash decided it would be best to continue where Jacob left off in starting a semi/high position meeting, although he never did finish it. She didn't know what his concerns were, but she knew what her own was. The new Chief was sitting in the caves where they sat the last time, awaiting her s/HPs.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: WAKE FROM A DREAM // s/hp meeting - arcy - 07-05-2018

Izuku wasn't looking forward to this a lot, really. I mean .. discussing stuff would be worthwhile, he's sure. Even if he doesn't want to be here. And just wants to sulk and cry in his room and peace before gorging himself on information. In other words, research. Which Izuku very much definitely wasn't looking forward too, but it had to be done. He still had stuff to research so he could best care for everybody on his own. Stuff like .. amputation, he means. And that's terrifying in itself.
But here's the problem -- Izuku, Aizawa, and Atbash are the only HPs really properly here. Just the three of them. So Izuku had literally no choice but to show up, though he probably would've been forced here regardless. So, slowly, Izuku lugs himself over to where Atbash waits.
"Hi, Atbash," He chirps softly, though sounds fairly emotionally drained. His smile to her is a little wobbly as he promptly settles himself on the ground, in a typical cat loaf, of course. It's all he can really do. He hopes it doesn't take too long for Aizawa to show up, if the lion does at all. Discussing stuff was, after all, important. They needed to attract more joiners, y'know.
what was i worth

Re: WAKE FROM A DREAM // s/hp meeting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
There was only three of them, and that was quite concerning. But no matter, Atbash had hope that Snowbound would once again flourish. Seems like Aizawa won't be joining us. The she-cat noted to herself as she let out a small sigh, turning to Izuku. "Hey." She greeted him, though she sounded a bit tired. "There's a couple things I want to suggest and get your opinion on." And Aizawa, if he popped up. "First, title names. Since we got rid of the religion, there's no need to have our titles named after them. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking maybe Snowflake or Flutter for the Ond title - y'know, the duckling one?" It was the only one she had earned, so that was the one she was familiar with the most.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: WAKE FROM A DREAM // s/hp meeting - arcy - 07-12-2018

Izuku wasn't .. really sure where Aizawa was. And if that wasn't a terrifying thing to realize, Izuku isn't sure what is. What if he never showed back up? What if Izuku was going to be left alone again? I mean.. at least Tsuyu had shown up so it wasn't just him, but .. Right. Wasn't the point. Even so, upon Atbash beginning to speak, he glances around. He looks very nervous at Aizawa's non-arrival -- the lion had been really sick last Izuku saw him, what if something had happened? He redirects his attention back quickly, though, ears pricking.
"Uh -- oh!! Snowflake would be a good one!!" Izuku chimes in, blinking a few times as he attempts to fully reign in his focus. Brainstorming, oh brainstorming. Right. Right. Everything was gonna be snow-themed, right? Their ranks sure were, why not the titles? Better than having something out of place. Um .. okay, other titles things, then. Izuku doesn't .. know. He isn't good at ideas like this. Also, he may technically be fluent in English but that was only because Izuku was a huge All Might nerd and had been fully invested in American culture for a while. English just came with the territory. Present Mic helped too, though. What he means by all of this rambling, though, is that he seriously doesn't know a ton of words that would be useful. "I ... don't have any ideas that would fit, though," Izuku gives up. The Frosthealer wilts just a little, kind of disappointed in himself. He's .. not really good at names in general. He seriously didn't have any non-All Might related hero names in mind until he was literally being asked for a hero name. And then he chose the name that Kacchan had called him for ages and had been coined as 'useless' and wasn't that weird? In other words -- Izuku wasn't any good at coming up with names, why was he the only one here, oh god.
//hahaaa im gonna have bully guts into posting tomorrow if i can :'^)
what was i worth