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YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS || Meeting 7/5 - Printable Version

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YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS || Meeting 7/5 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Permission given by Velli to assume that Jacob asked Atbash personally to step up!

Atbash couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness course through her as she made her way through the Banquet Hall, where Jacob often stood for meetings himself. The husky had come up to her last night and talked to her, telling her how he was stressed and he wanted for her to step up in his place. Atbash had been shocked at first, but she did accept Jacob's offer, though he looked horribly tired. Which was understandable, she heard that he's been through a lot, and leadership was practically thrust onto him. And that's kind of what was happening here, though Atbash wasn't entirely upset about it. Being the Chief was almost like a dream to her at this point, like being the Shaman was when she lived in Dimension FiveX, but she never would have imagined she'd get here.

"Ah, everyone! Gather around for a meeting!" Oh, heavens, Atbash hoped that everybody would come to her call, despite her not being the leader. "Um. First off, I bet you guys are wondering why Jacob isn't here, and, um... that's because he asked me to step up." She went on after a couple NPCs arrived with confused looks on their faces. Atbash shuffled her paws a bit, half-expecting them to hate her for this or demand that she step down. "So-so I did. I'm going to be Snowbound's new Chief and I will try my best to follow in Jacob's pawsteps." Should she even be comparing herself to him? That probably wasn't a good idea, but at least her chest was puffed out as she spoke those words, though that stance quickly came to an end as she continued, "I'm not going to hand out any demotions, but I would like to give Aizawa a warning. N-nothing too serious, though, since I just became leader and all so I'm going to give you a chance before I do anything." It wouldn't be fair to demote him on the spot, now would it? Atbash quickly tossed that thought away as she continued, "I'm not going to do promotions this meeting, but I would like to welcome Dimitri to Snowbound, as well as give him a shout-out! Oh, and I'd like to welcome Mosiah, too!" Now, what else was there to announce? Atbash's tail flicked as she thought before she quickly went on, "For my semi-high and high positions, I'm going to hold a meeting for us soon, so please meet me in the caves whenever I'm ready. I'll call for you guys when I do." Jacob started one, although he never finished it. She supposed it wouldn't be a bad idea to continue where he left off. "Um. That should be all! Any questions?"

- Atbash stepped up as leader, the OOC Announcement is here!
- No demotions or promotions this meeting, although I would like to give Aizawa a warning, though it's not a harsh one
- Welcome to Dimitri/Owlie! He also gets a shoutout!
- Welcome to Mosiah/Cosmiix as well!
- I'll be putting up a s/HP meeting soon, please check it out whenever I have it up!
- I'm also going to be continuing Velli's discussion here regarding Snowbound's religion and culture, so please post whenever you get the chance!
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS || Meeting 7/5 - arcy - 07-05-2018

Izuku honestly hadn't heard about Jacob stepping down. The first inkling of an idea comes when he hears Atbash's call -- Izuku's ears twitch. Atbash was calling for a meeting? But why her? She wasn't the leader or even Snowseeker. Izuku feels uneasy as he approaches, ears partly flattened as he curls up by himself in the meeting place. And then, as she starts speaking, ths shock hits. Jacob stepped down. Just as Chief, or as Frosthealer, too? Jacob would be here if he was still Frosthealer, right? And then there's the panic. Oh. Oh god. If Jacob was gone then Izuku was the lone member of the medical team -- Jacob wouldn't be able to train him anymore, would he? Either way, Izuku would have to pick up the slack and he'd have to do so much research and he's kind of terrified. Effort, then. Work harder.
Aizawa gets a warning -- as expected, really, but Izuku isn't concerned and he's not listening a lot, anyways. He's already panicking -- if people were listening, they'd notice he was mumbling frantically to himself. He hadn't expected this so soon, and now he's just sort of ... falling. Then there's something about Dimitri and somebody else and the new HP meeting. Questions? Izuku didn't have any. He understands.
"... Good luck Atbash. I'm sure you'll do great!" Izuku says towards the end, managing a weak, wobbly smile to the feline. Despite this, he looks a little ill. Atbash may be in charge of everybody else now, but he trusts her to do great. Izuku, on the other hand ... people's lives are on his paws alone, now, and he's scared. He can't fix everything, after all, but he'd just have to make do.
what was i worth