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(Keep note! Blue is entirely feral, she does not speak but instead uses vocalizations that only those that have studied them are able to define. If your character expresses fear this will mean that she will think of said character as prey. Offerings of food and a calm and submissive dimeanor are the best approach, but any type of approach is appreciated! Also no need to match muse! The last paragraph is all that matters)

The clans were a dangerous group. That was something that would become known for most creatures that ended up meeting with the clans. Whether they be other creatures themselves, or even humans. The clans would protect what they considered to be right. It had only been recently that she was actually starting to think about how the clans were similar to the way a pack would work, but the clans seemed to think too much. That thinking got themselves into trouble and it made them more prone for mistakes considering everything else. Beasts that didn't have to worry about intruding thoughts could really do whatever they wanted without worrying about what would happen to them. Indeed the clans were mostly focused on survival, but they were focused on many different factors that didn't matter to the likes of her. She just wanted to survive, and anything that got her in way was bound to get attacked either being perceived as a threat or even food for this matter. In a way, they didn't even belong in the world like they were in now. They had gone extinct many decades ago, only to be brought back by the humans that had created him.

The humans that wanted to play God for a little bit here and there. The original purpose of her species? They were created so that they could be entertainment for the humans. Kept in catches. Used as a means of a theme park. No creature wanted to be contained in such a small space, such as the one that they were given when they were first created. She wouldn't forget about the cage like that. The next purpose they were created for though, was to be used as a weapon of war.Instead of sacrificing human life, sacrificing animal life was a lot more realistic, especially if the creatures could just be cloned over and over again. Yet, controlling said creatures was a lot more difficult to deal with considering everything else that was going on. Few wanted to establish a bond with such creatures out of fear that they wouold be turned on. That they wouldn't have the means to defend themselves and that they would just be devoured in the matter of seconds. Her species weren't safe. They were dangerous. They were lethal weapons but could also be manipulated and trained almost like a dog could. Of course she was incredibly intelligent, capable of feeling emotion, sorrow, fear, anger, and even establishing traps and strategies during a hunt. That was how she had been born and that's what she always used as an advantage against her opponents. Her and her pack had started to settle down in one of the clans that they had decided to consider their territory. Even if they never understood the acts of joining a group, they defended what they considered to be their territory. That included the clan that they were in, as they could become incredibly possessive.

So, why did her pack move then? The raptors themselves had been beaten, tortured, burned, and dealt with infection for practically their entire time that they spent in the clans. Then the one that they considered to be family despite not being a raptor started to deteriate in the area that was inside the clan. The other was not sleeping and taking care of himself, and so she realized that it was proper time to move. So she did. She knew that he would end up following her, but for the time being she was going to retake control as her position of Alpha until she was challenged again. When she had lived in the cage she didn't have any sort of scars sporting across her body. Since she had lived in the clan for several months, she sported scars that spanned all across her body. There was muscle missing from a large portion of her 16ft long tail, where something large had obviously ripped into it. The creature that had done that had been a massive dragon that had grabbed onto her tail. Scars littered the side of her body, showing that there were claw marks to be seen by some other carnivores that had challenged her. Remnants of burn marks speckled her blue-ish grey scales that spanned the entirety of her body. Those burns being made by humans that had tried to capture her once the test that they had put her through were complete, but those in the clan had been quick to come to her rescue. To her surprise. 

Blue had a knack for being able to pick territories that she thought her pack would be able to establish. Having lived in a fairly cold environment for most of the time she spent in the clan, she figured it was due to find someplace that was a little bit warmer. sure it was still winter, but she could at least find something in the area. The towering beast didn't have to worry about being challenged as of yet, as any other carnivore that spotted her was quick to run in the opposite direction of fear of becoming prey. The nine inch long sickle claw tapped the ground as she moved out from the Canopy. Being in trees definitely helped when it came to ambush hunting, but she wasn't hunting right now. She was somewhat satisfied after killing a loner a couple ways back. Looking at the plains in front of her, Blue remained cautious as her arms pressed up against the side of her body. Aggressive purring rumbled through her chest and her nostrils as she stepped through the grass. It would be easy for her to set up an ambush if she wanted in this area, something that she would keep in mind for next time. The reptile's tail waved high above the grass as she tilted her head, her amber optics keeping tabs of every movement around her. Finally she heard the sound of a creek, and made her way over toward the small body of water. Once the coast was clear, the dinosaur lowered herself so that she could lap up a couple drinks of water. Her massive body obvious as long as someone could look over the tall grass. She was already in the thick of the territory, and she didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

[member=22]april .[/member]


I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — It had been quite sometime since he had left... wherever he had been living before. Although Vincent didn't know why, the fact he couldn't remember where he had come from bothered him, so much so that it had been on his mind almost constantly since he had joined. It was like he was missing a piece of himself and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't recollect anything, aside from a few select memories. For example, he remembered entering a state of depression and severe insomnia for several weeks, he remembered killing Alpha, the murderer of his brother, Leo, and he remembered that he had been travelling to a new home with his best friend, Mike, but that was it. Whatever memories he had had in that place, the names of people, a city name- there was nothing. Perhaps he was concerned over nothing but... Mementomori found it rather hard to believe he would just forget a place he had clearly spent a great deal of time in.

Lying in his room, the husky just couldn't take it anymore- being alone with his thoughts, that is. Deciding to get some fresh air, he would leave the observatory with his dusty, worn hat pulled over his head, brown and white ears emerging from the holes that were cut into the top of the cap. Wandering aimlessly, he took in the sights of the territory, not paying too much attention to where he was headed. It was only when he found himself walking through tall grass that he realized he was lost. Glancing around, he couldn't see a single recognizable landmark- just an endless sea of grass, weeds, and flowers. "Shit- nice going, dumbass." Mementomori spat to himself mentally, now attempting to stand up on his hind legs to try and see above the overgrown plains. It was then that he saw what looked like a tail, emerging above the newly grown grass. From the scent, however, this wasn't a current member of The Ascendants. So who were they? A joiner maybe? Innocently deciding to investigate, he began heading in its direction, finally stepping out from the overgrowth a minute later to find himself standing on the bank of a creek across from... a giant lizard? Then, almost instantaneously, something deep within his brain corrected him. That's no lizard... that's a fucking raptor.

"H...Hello?" Mementomori called out gently, curious to know whether this creature was able to speak, or if it was even sentient. Why he asked himself this, he wasn't sure, as most animals in this place were in fact capable of speaking. The husky was strangely calm, despite the slight stutter in his voice as he faced the large reptile. It was weird to admit, but this raptor seemed... almost familiar to him, but he could've sworn that they had never met before. "This is The Ascendents' territory... can I maybe help you with something?" The male asked after a few moments of silence, head tipping to one side as he awaited an answer. An answer that would never come.

/wow i didn't mean for this to get so long LOL but- consider your muse somewhat matched! ;0
and don't worry, he'll remember her after the next post <3 — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: IT'S OVER NOW | {OPEN, FERAL UTAHRAPTOR, JOINING?} - Sorrel - 03-21-2018

Usually pack creatures weren't really capable of survival for very long on their own. Which is why they are supposed to be pack animals instead of solitary creatures on their own. However, this notion doesn't work for the raptors like one would be able to try and perceive. Utahraptors were perfectly capable of hunting by themselves no matter what kind of situation they were in. They could run around the speed of the fastest animal that lived on land. Which made it possible for the raptors to be able to leap out of the way of any sort of threads that came after them. It helped them position themselves for the best possible angle of an attack that was for certain. They were extremely lethal and dangerous, not something that anyone would want to try and keep as a pet. Their long claws made them capable of sinking through the thickest bodies of the animals that they encountered. Anything that was smaller than them could be considered to be prey. The Utahraptors were skilled and had enough weight behind them that the only animal that came close to their weight class that wasn't extinct or mythical is the polar bear. The female had other creatures challenge her in fights before, and she never lost a fight agianst a normal creature. She did somewhat lose a fight to a massive dragon that had armor that wasn't easily pierced at the same time. If her sisters got separated from her, it wasn't usually any means of concern. Considering the threats that they had come across in the clans, she was fairly certain that any of her sisters would be capable of taking down anything that they attacked them. However, mental powers were still something that were new to her and her sisters, and it was something that they couldn't have a barrier against as they didn't even know what powers were. They simply used brute strength to be able to take down creatures instead of using ranged attacks to try and kill them that way. Every part of their body was made specifically to kill and nothing else.

Their claws made it so that it would be extremely hard for them to get them off once they latched onto their opponent. Teeth that resembled that of a boa, facing backwards for maximum grip and to rip flesh. Their jaws were large enough to make it easier to crush bone once they latched on. This was capable with animals that weren't at least around the weight class of a tiger or a lion. Considering the weight and size different from their opponent made all the difference. As the raptors grew, they were able to get more experience with the way that they fought other beings and register it into their mind so that they wouldn't forget. When it came to someone that ended up injuring them at some time, the raptors were bound to remember no matter what happened to them. And once someone hurt one of them in the pack, they would be quick to find the target and dispatch it as quickly as possible. The reptiles worked almost like a pride of lions and wolves mixed together. They didn't tolerate any sort of trespassers in their territory, especially if they were larger carnivores. Small carnivores were tolerated because they didn't really pose any sort of threat. The Utahraptors had little competition until a clanner thinks they could take the likes of them on. Which happened with Blue, having nearly killed a Blizzardclanner where she had lived. The other had challenged her while she was sunbathing and the male didn't move away after she had warned him. So, Blue attacked and the other fought back, she won without really a hitch. Ripping out the other's tongue and practically making him mute. They were a weapon, and some of the clanners back where they lived had figured that out. Few wanted to tussle with the clan fearing that they may get swarmed by a pack of dinosaurs that could crush bone in a single motion. They were smart to do so, because compared to the rest of the clan they didn't have any morals when it came to those that were killed outside of the ones that lived in their pack. They meant nothing to them as strength meant survival, and a weak link meant that it could potentially hinder the pack. the reason being why the raptors usually attacked a creature with some caution as not to injure themselves. Blue knew first hand what it felt like to have her wounds infected, vomiting, fever, and other symptoms would plague her body. She just felt terrible and she remembered the foul scent that came from her wounds. She didn't quite understand what it meant but she knew it wasn't good.

Blue knew that those she knew weren't far behind her, so there wasn't means of concern if she needed to call out for help. Which wasn't likely as she still needed to hold her position in the pack as the strongest raptor out of the rest of her sisters. Who else would take charge? Echo? Definitely not. The other had earned the position of being the lowest in the pack for challenging Blue while they ahd been caged up by the humans several months ago. Almost years at this point, but her conception of time didn't really matter in this situation. Blue of course knew Vinny, and had a stable relationship with the other. They had interacted several times, and the reason why the reptile actually liked the canine was the factor that the other gave her food every time that they were around each other. A bad habit that had formed with the raptors when they were around the clans, which meant that they would associate clanners with food. Which is a very similar situation when someone feeds a bear, but when they don't have food, the bear attacks the one that used to have food instead. The Utahraptors reacted in the same way, and wouldn't forget a food giver all that quickly. Most clanners hated the raptors and wanted nothing to do with them. They considered them to be creatures that should just be put down for being as violent as they were. There were only a couple animals that sided with the raptors and actually cared for them. As they had some form of sentience. Vinny had also been one to allow Blue close enough to figure out what his species was like. Never having gotten close enough to a canine to be able to examine, as she usually killed those that she got close to. Water dripped from her large muzzle as she took her fill of the nice cold water. Until she heard noise that was coming toward her. She raised her head slightly, but kept her large mass in a crouched position. Her arms relaxed from her sides, the three clawed fingers pointed forward as a warning hiss escaped her jaws. She couldn't see the creature just yet, until her amber eyes find the creature that had made the noise. Instantly, her reaction seemed to change entirely toward him. She was capable of understanding some words that the other spoke. Such as 'Hello' 'help' and 'territory'. Words that really meant nothing to her other than the greeting that she had memorized from the humans. Food giver. This is what this canine was. Blue's 16ft tail began to sway behind her, and it almost seemed to wag even. Her arms now pinned against her side in a none threatening manner. The Utahraptor would chuff a greeting toward the food giver, never having learned his name, and took a step forward, her foot landing in the creek as she got closer. Tilting her head almost like a curious dog would, she would babble in raptor speech 'Food?' The raport more like commanded than questioned. Her attention completely on the canine that she recognized from the clan that they had just left. Why was he here? Did he live? The other usually regarded her by name. These thoughts didn't last very long at the thought of food however. 



BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille, on the other hand, had no prior experience with dinosaurs. As far as he was concerned, the damned things were extinct and had been for ages; they were out of sight, out of mind. He wasn't really the type to get excited about the past, or delight over dino stories -- they weren't relevant to him now, so there was no need to linger. Grimm, of course, tried to encourage him to absorb as much information about every decade he could... but Bast acted as a story-gatherer out of obligation, not fascination. He was much more present orientated, quite like his past lives (much as he hated to admit being anything like them). The here and the now was what mattered, for he'd learned pretty quickly that fretting over the past was shitty.

That being said, he knew what they were, vaguely. Grimm in his past lives, particular those as humans, had studied them to some degree. Not too much, but enough to gleam some information about their time period. So sure, Bastille knew what a dinosaur was, but it wasn't like he had them on his mind as he came ambling towards the foreign aura he sensed nearby. He was just expecting another joiner of the usual sort, not a giant fucking lizard thing.

"Dude," he said as he came to a stop beside Vinny, "What the fuck." There was no fear. Bastille was merely curious and vaguely confused by this weird ass creature, skimming through his various memories to see if he could pull anything up. It's not like he had a direct connection to Grimm's memories always, so there was a lag time before he managed to come up some form of realization. "Is that a fucking raptor? Where the hell did she come from?" He squinted slightly, and seemed to acknowledge that the weird ass fuck had actually spoken. "What, you're hungry? Uh, this is Ascendants territory, but Starry will probably give you food. Seriously, though, who are you?"


I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — Instantly, from the reptile's immediate hostile reaction to his pressence, the male knew this creature could not in fact speak. He was dealing with something new... something a lot more feral and dangerous than a regular joiner. His head seemed to lower slightly as an aggressive hiss came from the raptor, his heart fluttering in slight panic. As soon as Blue appeared to relax, however, any sign that Vincent had been nervous was gone, replaced with curiosity once more as the creature babbled, this particular pattern of sound once again sparking familiarity in the husky. He had heard that before... and he knew what it meant. It was asking for food, but how did he know that? How was he able to understand the raptor when he had never seen one before?

Then, it hit him. Now that the raptor had raised it's head, turning to him so that he was able to see it's coloring, as well as the scars on its body, his body seemed to stiffen as he was hit with a realization. The blue and gray on its body... he had met this raptor before. It all made sense now, how her aggressive behavior suddenly turned friendly upon gazing at him, why he could understand what she had said... it was Blue. He had found Blue.

"Blue!? I can't believe... how did you... how did you even get here?" Mementomori started to ask before remembering that she probably didn't even understand what he had said, shaking his head. "Sorry- you wanted food, right? Here." With a wave of his paw, he would conjure up a dead rabbit he had been saving for later, tossing it in her direction with a lopsided grin. This was a miracle... he almost couldn't believe it, but she was here, right there in front of him. How? Perhaps he would never know... but he was happy. Most of memories may still be missing, but he had remembered Blue- and that meant there was hope.

Finally turning to Bastillepaw, he shook his head, blinking his green eyes to shake himself from the small trance he had been in. "Oh- uh, sorry. Yeah- Blue is a fuckin' raptor. She came from... I don't really know, but she came from the same place I did." The husky explained with a completely straight face, aside from the faintest of smiles on his muzzle. He was thankful the younger male was being calm about this. If there was one thing he knew for certain, it was that aggressiveness tended to really piss Blue off, and he definitely didn't want to deal with that today. — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE



(Oh yeah! Keep in mind that Blue doesn't actually speak. She uses raptor vocalizations, that can only be understood by her sisters and Owen, she isn't actually forming any english words. But certain sounds can be formed with certain requests, such as how Vinny was able to figure out she was asking for food ^.^ She's basically speaking another language haha)

Feral creatures are mostly considered to be unpredictable. Most would be right because the Utahraptors are entirely situational. They could be calm one moment, but go on the offensive if they don't like the presence of someone near them. And since they don't know how weak the other creatures are that they are interacting with, it means that a tussle with a Utahraptor usually means certain death in that regard. One bite from a Utahraptor, even if they are just attacking a nonlethal part, such as a shoulder, would immediately shatter the bones in that area. They have the jaw strength around that of a crocodile, meaning that they usually crush their prey to death or leave it to bleed out. Which is easier to do considering the way that their claws are situated and the way their teeth are more used for slicing. Establishing a bond with said creature even takes longer than just being able to condition them to do something that they wanted. Like most animals, they are easily influenced by food, no they usually aren't dumb enough to fall into a trap that is made with food and have a extreme sense of smell and can easily track down any sort of creature. The Utahraptors use pack bonds, which are a lot stronger than one could actually think. Blue would lay her life down if it meant that she was going to protect her sister. Since the pack had been in the clans though, no one had gotten close enough to be considered pack. Which could ultimately change if someone cared and tried enough to actually gain their trust in that way. Either way, it takes a large amount of time to be considered not to be a threat when it comes to the pack. If the pack isn't hungry, they will usually leave most things alone. But being opportunistic also means that they could openly hunt anything and actually eat it later. Despite mostly being reptilian, with the way that they were created, they had other forms of DNA through their body that speeds up their metabolism. Besides, a reptile wouldn't be able to move as fast as they do if it was entirely cold-blooded. Most dinosaurs usually have feathers, thanks to fossil records, but because they were created and don't look like something they are supposed to, they are mostly scaled, having no such feathers covering any part of their body. Instead, they are covered in scales like any other reptile, relative to their size though, their scales are fairly thick. Meaning small carnivores can barely scratch and barely get beneath the skin of the pack even if they tried with enough force. Without powers of course.

Anything can set the raptors off and turn them to be fairly aggressive. Too much eye contact could be seen as a challenge, as they rely entirely on body language instead of understanding what someone is saying all the time. It's better to use short words and vocalizations and they don't bother with any sort of filler either. Once someone is able to figure out what vocalization is associated with what, it means that they will have a better understanding of what the pack ends up wanting in the end. There is even a chance that if someone stands up a little bit too tall and seems to be too confident, Blue may also see that as a challenge for her position in the pack, a challenge for dominance. The entire group is held together by the means of dominance. The strongest and most respected being at the top, and they stay on the top as long as they are willing to defend their title. Blue knows that once her sisters finish growing up, that they will probably challenge her for her title. She is still young though and has a lot of fight left in her. Then almost like in dogs, excitement and too much energy could also end up leading to forms of aggression. Like a frenzy that could build up inside of their minds before they have to do something to unleash it to get it out of the way. The Utahraptors are wired to be on alert at all times, and quick movements could make them suspicious and aggressive. Only predators move in quick and specialized movements. Not prey. Either way, most things that are smaller than them are considered prey no matter what, and anything in their territory is potential food. In the previous clan that they came from, the pack was able to start to differ what was food and what were creatures that they shouldn't attack. Any sign of weakness or even injuries could mean that they would be quick to turn on someone. If their current alpha started to become weak, even Blue herself would challenge for the rank back. After all, when they had been put into shipping containers and shipped to the clans, she had been the Alpha of the pack for almost three months. A long time for her to get used to power such as that. The Utahraptor wasn't quick to give it up, and even now the female wasn't quick to just follow every order that she was given. Stubborn as always. Sometimes she could even be considered a diva.

When there was usually one raptor, there was usually someone in the pack that was fairly close by. Or at least someone that was within earshot to be able to hear her call in case they needed to group up for a hunt. When had been the last time they had done a big hunt? Blue honestly couldn't remember at this point. The cold feeling of the water that was wrapping around her ankles certainly didn't feel good anymore. Her massive weight shifted so she was on the same bank as Vinny was, looking toward the treeline to make sure that there wasn't anything coming toward them. The dinosaur could obviously still be injured by the scars that were on her body. It wasn't impossible to do so, anyone that got close risked getting their arm ripped off. Which had happened twice in the past for those that were in the wrong place and wrong time when it came to the clan. They were killers. They weren't innocent. They knew the way that the cruel world worked and they were ready to fight it head-on. She killed clanners. And so did her sisters. They weren't evil of course not, they just didn't know any better. No one had been willing to sit down and try to take their time to understand these creatures. Some of which the clanners had regarded as being beautiful. A term that Blue still wasn't sure about. Being around the clanners also gave Blue time to learn the customs that they had, and the packs that they enjoyed forming. Their packs a lot different than their own, and they seem to welcome everyone that they came across. There had to be something else though right? The blue-ish gray dinosaur tilted her head as she looked at Vinny, before a new scent caught her attention. Causing her to crouch down slightly, her tail raising up into the air as her arms relaxed themselves. A small animal came out from the trees, one that she did not recognize. The other wasn't afraid of her. Prey? No? But he was obviously talking to her. Blue wasn't sure exactly how she felt about the others tone and her lip curled to reveal her curved teeth, a growl rumbling in her jaws as her sickle claws tapped the ground. Blue would let out a screech directed toward Bastille, warning the other not to get too close to her. If Vinny was going to give her food then there was no need for her to hunt the domestic cat. The reptile was able to understand the word 'food' and seemed to relax slightly be even then remained somewhat crouched.

Turning her amber gaze to look back at the husky, she shifted her body. The leg with the words 'IGEN' engraved into her flesh that had scarred over not bearing any of her weight as she focused mostly on her left leg instead. She wasn't injured, she was more sore than really anything else. The aggressive fairly gone when regarding the husky, and she perked up even more when the other said her name. 'Food giver' Blue would chuff toward the other, having still not known his name. If a reptile was capable of grinning from recognition, that would have been exactly what had happened. Blue did have memories of Vinny's time in the clan that they had come from, but she hadn't been everywhere. If anyone was to sweep through her memories, they would mostly see her pack and no one else. The food that had been given to her the most when she had lived in the clans with the food givers had actually been rabbits. She didn't really expect anything else, and she seemed to actually nod her head when the other brought up the topic of food again. She hadn't been planning to arrive in a place that she actually knew someone, but this would make settling down a whole lot easier. Her arms pressed up against her side, meaning that she wasn't about to use her clawed hands to attack anyone at the moment. Her eyes watched the other's paw carefully, and a rabbit seemed to appear out of nowhere. Which seemed to confuse Blue at first, but at the smell of fresh meat Blue didn't really seem to care about where it came from. The Utahraptor reared herself up onto her hind legs a little bit and caught the rabbit in her mouth. Almost like a crocodile, she swallowed her food whole, and it took only a matter of seconds before the small prey animal down her throat. Using her slightly off-blue colored tongue, she ran it across her lips. Cocking her head to the right slightly, she seemed to be listening for something. A couple seconds after doing that, Blue reared up to her full height, which was quite tall, and let out a broadcast call. Short and sweet. The vocalization was booming and fairly loud, a noise that could be heard for miles. She was giving others her location, which obviously meant there were more of them if others had heard the vocalization before. This had been during the time that Vinny had been talking to the other clanner, and she moved back to a normal standing position before taking a step toward Vinny again. Lowering her massive head, she would look at the other carefully, before aiming to sniff at the side of his neck. She needed to register his scent again. It was different. And she would do this so that she would be able to find him for more food later on.


BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
[ oops, read that as there were a few words she could say normally -- we'll just pretend he got the food bit from vinny lmao ]

So apparently Vinny knew this... raptor thing. Blue, apparently? Whack. Bastille wondered idly if Vinny had named her, and then decided that this creature was much too free of a spirit to have been claimed and named like a pet. Her aura sparked and crackled in a truly feral nature, trembling as if ready to explode at any more. Interesting. His ice blue gaze slid away from Vinny as his Clanmate explained back to Blue, and he arched a brow in response to the raptor's reaction to his presence.

"Dude, if she tries to eat me, I'm going to be kind of pissed," he drawled, evidently not too worried about the possibility. Was it because he was confident he would survive, or because he had no concern for his own well being? It was hard to say. Bastille's expression reflected little indication of either, but he still had no fear reaction to this strange beast. In fact, he was tempted to bare his teeth back at her, but managed to hold himself in check -- much as he was enough of a prick to do it, he had a feeling she'd take it as an actual threat. The same could be said for screeching back at her.

"Well, Blue, you're not very polite," he huffed with a slight eye-roll, his gaze going once to Vinny as he generated a rabbit. Bastille watched with interest as Blue ate and then questioned, "Who is she calling to?" He recognized that behavior as a signal of some sort, but for what, Bastille had no clue. A pause, and then he said dryly, "So, what, if we feed her she won't bite? That's good to know."