Beasts of Beyond
I may not be the smartest // open // or the strongest - Printable Version

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I may not be the smartest // open // or the strongest - jacob w.c. - 03-21-2018

Jacob's background was a combination of many homes, places, and families. He had once seemed to have an overwhelming amount of family but now there was only Jersey and his baboo, who he didn't even see on a regular basis. Who he couldn't see on a regular basis. A part of Jacob wondered if it was all his fault. All the moving, all the uncertainty, all the families and the danger that'd come to them. The core factor was him and he wondered if this new home, if this new family would be cursed to the same fate. It almost made it worse that no one really knew who he was or what his family had done. The people here didn't know any better to accept them. But maybe that was what made him safe. No one could tell anyone where he was or who he was and, at least for now, they only knew him to be Jacob. No last names, no titles; nothing that would connect him with those who would seek him. He'd sent out a letter just a few days ago (written in Italian, of course, as was their way) to his baboo and described where he was and what he was doing. Perhaps it was a liability but they'd always sent letters to each other. Vito never wanted to be unaware of where Jacob was or if he was in any danger. He still didn't know about the fire because Jacob hadn't worked up the courage to tell him how badly he'd gotten hurt, to tell him of the bandages that were now wrapped around his body every single day for fear of what others might think of his scars.

These troubling thoughts plagued the young wolf dog and he needed to clear his mind. He needed to do something productive. Then it came to him. He loved knitting. That was why he had so many sweaters and blankets and shawls. He'd learned how to knit various patterns from his Ma and Pa and his sister. Well, someone he had once considered a sister, anyway. This was a fairly cold place and not every animal here seemed properly equip to handle it so he set to work. He made all sorts of things from hats to scarves to blankets. He was going to make some sweaters but then realized to do such a thing would require more specific measurements and he supposed if anyone would want some, he could always just say he'd be happy to make them. Once he finished, the boy dragged all his creations out for everyone to see and called, "If anyone wants a blanket or scarf, I made a few!"

Re: I may not be the smartest // open // or the strongest - london r. - 04-01-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Georgia"]No such issues and worries of family plagued London's mind, as they were all dead, although that in itself was rather unfortunate. She had nobody pulling her down, but also nobody who she could lean on. The girl was truly alone, in all meanings of the word. She had no friends, just somewhat familiar faces dancing across her vision, no one who even knew her in the slightest. But that was alright, because those people would eventually turn into familiar faces, then friends, or perhaps even enemies, although London doubted she could ever hate anyone enough to consider them as such. This place had so much potential, so much growth within her could happen here, and the albino feline was rather excited to find herself flourishing here.

But, first it might be nice to do something to protect her from this weather. The wind was rather chilling, and even when it wasn't as windy, the frigid temperature was also not exactly ideal. If only she had a little bit of protection, but it seemed that the girl had been foolish. She had only brought one blanket for herself. It was better than nothing, but she couldn't wear that whenever she went hunting or doing whatever she decided to go do. So, hearing that someone was passing out handmade scarves was a blessing to her ears. She would usually try to make something like this herself, but it seemed that knitting was one of the skills the clouded leopard had yet to tackle. Maybe she would try it out soon, after all, this boy's abilities made him a genius in her eyes. "Would it be alright if I could take a scarf? I'll find a way to make it up to you, promise!" the soft spoken girl would chime, her voice laced in a british accent. She only then realized how rude she was being, she should have introduced herself first! "Oh, my name is London. These are all really lovely, mister."

Re: I may not be the smartest // open // or the strongest - jacob w.c. - 04-04-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob smiled as someone approached his little pile of creations. He didn't recognize her but he was glad to see any of his clanmates using the things he made. It was cold here and he wanted to make sure they weren't getting sick. They were all new to the area and, while it wasn't his job necessarily, he wanted to do his best to make sure things went as well as possible. After all, if they didn't he'd have to move all over again. Beyond just caring about the new friends he'd made here, this was his new home. He was safer here than he had ever been in the city, even if he'd hated leaving it. There was no one here that really knew his name or where he came from and the anonymity made him relatively safe. There was still a chance someone had managed to follow them or tracked down the letters he sent to his Babbo every week but it was unlikely. Out here, it was just him, Jersey, and a bunch of stranger. Which was exactly how he liked it. "Oh, ya' don' gotta' worry 'bout payin' me back or nothin' like that. 'Course ya' can take whatever one ya' like. I made 'em for everyone, after all," he paused for a moment, listening to her introduction before giving a smile and answering, "'S nice ta' meet ya', London. 'M Jacob. Ya' don' gotta' call me mister or nothin' like that though."