Beasts of Beyond
JUST CARRY THIS GUN | {P, CAROLINA} - Printable Version

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Well, he certainly hadn't expected this. It had been almost a month now since he had been here. Maybe less than a month he was losing track on time on how long that he's been here. But, because of the way that everything had started to work, Washington doubted that anyone had suffered the same fate as him from the Mother of Invention. He remembered the explosion, and he wasn't exactly sure how the explosion could have teleported or even made him into an animal. He still believed in his theory that with the alien technology that they were harboring on board that something could have happened with any of the weapons. Some of the stuff that they had raided from other organizations they didn't exactly know what everything did. They had scientists on board, yes, but that didn't mean that they knew everything either. It was during the Great War where everyone was starting to figure things out and figure out if cross engineering was the best course of action. The only alien technology he remembered being used in the field the most would have been Agent Carolina. After a couple of raids, she had started to sport two plasma rifles. Which he was pretty sure were alien of origin because they didn't use bullets, but some type of energy that probably hurt a lot to get hit with. Either way, he wasn't the brains of an operation and just usually did what he was told. He was a capable soldier and a good strategist, but even he was only capable of doing so much. He hadn't been in the best physical shape when he woke up in the infirmary from his surgery with Episolon. Even what happened with the rest of the Freelancer's AI's when the Director had said a keyword, Allison, all the AI's went out of control. Nearly frying the Freelancer's neural implants. Washington had been skeptical on getting his AI after everything that had happened. Evidentally he thought that maybe it couldn't be that bad. Everyone but him and South had AI's that were attached to them. He would just be part of the crew and figure out how to use his AI. Once in surgery, he got a bad feeling in his stomach for some reason, and he had been right to be worried about what they were going to be doing to him. As soon as the AI was put inside of its head, it tried to kill itself.

Releasing all the memories of the pain that the Alpha had been put through. Forcing Washington to re-live those moments himself. Memories of Allison herself popping inside of his head over and over again. He hated goodbyes.. Episolon wasn't successful in trying to break down it's programming to where there was nothing left, and Washington had to be sedated and have Episolon removed. It was with Episolon that Washington had managed to gain the truth about what the Director had actually been doing. It was a hard pill to swallow, and no one was really able to do anything for him because, by the time he woke up with North and York at his side, Texas already began her raid on the Mother of Invention. Washington had been given on time to recover before the ship began to crash leaving him to land in this outpost. It had been jarring, and he had been incredibly confused. He thought that at first that he was hallucinating, that this was some kind of joke put on by the Project. Maybe they had put something into his pain medication. The Counselor had seemed to be the shifty type to do something like that especially if they didn't want him around after what happened with Episolon. Being in the form he was currently in, there were very similarities between the way that he looked as a human. All of his scars that he had gained during the Project and during his time in the UNSC were still there. A cat with bullet wounds. Not something that anyone saw every day. But finding Agent Carolina of all people? He wasn't sure if he had just won the lottery or just asked for his own death. His current body was larger than hers, but if she could use her speed like she could when she was a human, then he would stand no chance. He had yet to actually test this body in battle. If he was a human he would have enough experience to at least a couple minutes with Carolina. Maybe if he played his cards right. But considering how he ended up being taken down on the border in a matter of seconds, he still didn't stand a chance against the smaller cat. She was also missing her armor, which if she had her armor from the beginning he would have been able to recognize her at least. His armor was basically the same, except that it didn't cover his flank, which would be open to attack by anyone that wanted to attack him. What was strange for Washington though was the way that this outpost worked.

There were no drills. There was no schedule. It was like he was in as civilian refuge almost. But some of them did know how to fight here and there. The worst issue that he had come across though was that they were on Earth. Which didn't look anything like what a war bound planet would have looked like. He thought there would be some wreckage around a human building like an observatory but he guessed that he was wrong. He needed more information other than that and he hadn't had the chance to question Church or Caboose. For now, though, he needed to find Carolina to give him all the information that he knew. Two heads were better than one when it came to problem-solving. He doubted that the Freelancer wanted to stay as a cat forever after all. They had to get somewhere. It wasn't hard to hear Agent Washington walking around with the armor that he had. His padded paws did offer some form of silence, but being the size of a lion made it hard to be even remotely stealthy. He couldn't track anyone by scents yet, thanks to the helmet that he wouldn't take off around anyone. Working on two hours of sleep, which was usual for him, the Freelancer managed to find Carolina in the forested area of the outpost. From the sounds he was hearing, she was training herself. He could hear wood splintering, and thanks to his large size there would be no sneaking up on her and having her accidentally attack him. Again. His left shoulder was still sore from their last tussle. Although it was more of a hostage situation since he hadn't bothered to try and struggle against her. She came into view as he came out from behind a tree, a neutral look hidden behind his helmet as he watched her. Carolina definitely moved a lot better than he did. "You sure have adapted well to being... a cat, Boss." He, of course, was joking with his fellow Freelancer. Something that had done during his Early years of the program. He wasn't here to joke though, he was here to give a debrief, which was probably obvious with the way that he was standing tense and not relaxing. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: JUST CARRY THIS GUN | {P, CAROLINA} - rhosmari - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She was frustrated and highly so. No matter what she did there was an unsettling anger within her and she didn't want to listen to anyone that tried to 'help' her or 'calm' her. None of these animals she could trust so their words meant nothing to her. The only thing that mattered was her mission, her goal and that was to wring the Director's neck. Everything else was at the bottom of her list and frankly she didn't care what everyone else thought or how they felt. Because at the end of the day they were just disposable soldiers and that was all. If they got in her way then she would have no other reason but to take them out and if she had to ransack this whole place.... Her thoughts stopped there and she seemed taken aback by what she was thinking, pulling herself to sit up suddenly within the forest where she had hidden herself. Socializing wasn't something she was best in and she chose to isolate herself from the rest of the group. There was hardly a need for her to get to know them anyway. "Come on Carolina, get it together." There was always something to do and so she walked deeper into the trees, trying not to let her mind wander.

But it always did and it was always painful. Especially when it went to him and she would. not. think. of. him. Not now because if she did it would most likely cripple her. Training, mindless and routine movements of her body would be able to take her mind off of stuff for a little while til she was able to get a good lead and begin her mission anew. So she would train, she'd get better, be better and fight to destroy those that attempted to take her out. Get back at those that stole the life she had away from her. Claws shredded the ground as she walked and she hadn't quite gotten the hang of sheathing them back anymore so the thick black curved weapons stood out proudly and dug into the ground, tearing it up and she didn't much care about it.

Once in the clearing where she had set up a few dummies for small practice she first took a deep breath, shoulders hunched just slightly before she stretched out her form. Her back arched before she pulled her body forward and stretched out her front legs before she was suddenly running, sudden speed that was very much uncommon for her species, the air around her whistled and she could feel the air beneath her paws and around her body fueling her and causing it. It seemed to be a strange occurrence that she wasn't very sure about but she didn't try to dissect it and figure out why. No point when she was used to moving fast anyway and that was one of her strongest skill sets. Her quick movements were unparalleled and that was where she excelled. Her claws flew up suddenly against one dummy but never made contact until the last second against the opposite side, tearing into the fabric with a sickening tear before she whipped around and sliced straight across the abdomen. It was almost rabid how she attacked the thing, lunging forward to fix her teeth into the neck and she store the head clean off, throwing it hard against the ground. A dummy was a poor choice for a partner but she was sure she'd accidentally kill someone who tried to spar against her.

Eyes fixated on the head upon the ground her claws started a staccato tapping against the ground just like when she had first gotten here. The cause of it was her frayed nerves, her mind yelling at her to keep moving but she didn't have the chance to when thick steps came in her direction. Whipping around she viewed the hulking form of Washington's feline body coming into the clearing and she relaxed marginally, sitting down with a sudden movement while her claws continued to tap against the ground in a quick pace. His comment made her tilt her head a bit before she shrugged her shoulders. "You are supposed to adapt quickly to any situation. It's strange sure but we are made for strange situations. And I can't say the same for you. You look like you gained a bit of....weight." Her tone was a little lackluster and she forced herself to rise up again as she moved  to the side, looking him up and down before she narrowed her eyes. "So what's the lowdown?"


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There were too many aspects of being an animal that was strange and probably something that Wash would never end up getting over. Church already had to deal with such instincts that he wasn't used to having when the dog started to basically chase his tail. Something that Washington hadn't had to deal with as of late and he doubted he would. That was a dog thing. He just sure as hell hoped that there wasn't anyone that was going to dangle a string of yarn in front of him thinking that he was just going to smack it around like some house cat. Would it even effect him to that degree? He used to do that with his cat Loki back in the day. The cat always getting into trouble constantly but basically having nine lives. Then, of course, there was a laser pointer that came to mind, which he would refuse to think would make him chase it. He was smarter than that. He wouldn't be taken advantage of either. Although, he says that and yet the organization that he had put his faith and trust into ended up betraying everything that he had once known. All because he had the memories of what Episolon had carried with him.

The death of Allison and what it had done to the Director to try and recreate her because he couldn't live without her. He should have just let her go. At least that's what Washington did when the memories would flash in front of his eyes. He had yet to see Caboose dealing with animal instincts though. Which... probably wasn't surprising since the simulation trooper had trouble doing decent tasks. The golden retriever seemed large enough to take on others that were around his size, and even maybe more capable in battle than Church was. The border collie almost showing no military skill when it came to simple instructions, but he hadn't interacted with the simulation trooper enough. Agent Washington also didn't know how they were fairing with everything else that was going on. He was currently struggling with every small thing that decided to rear its head. The instinct that he had at the moment that he was struggling with a lot was killing those in the outpost. Being one of the larger predators just meant that his mind was thinking that everyone he came across was potential prey.

His only method of attack while he wore his helmet, of course, was his paws and not his teeth as he couldn't use his mouth. He had this happen to him when he interacted with Church, who was a lot smaller than he was. The canine had pissed him off, and there seemed to be almost a mental delay as he realized that he could just kill the canine with the swipe of his paw. The size difference between the two of them pretty drastic enough that he could injure those that were much smaller than him. When he was on patrol he would sometimes spook out either a rabbit or a deer from its hiding place. The first time it happened, he had chased after the small rodent, like it was a natural reaction to something like that. It took his mind a couple moments to realize how WRONG it felt to just start chasing after rabbits. He wasn't an animal. He was a HUMAN. From that moment on he realized why he was feeling so strange all the time and made an effort not to act like that anymore. So far that didn't show the residents that lived in the Ascendants.

Even though he was an animal, and he refused to go hunting even after seeing some cats coming back with other animals in their mouth. He couldn't stomach it. He would much rather eat an MRE than something like that. So, he starved himself. Probably not the best decision that he had ever had in his life, but it would mean he would give himself more time to get the job done he wanted to do at that time. A compromise. However, he could only last so long in a body that required a decent amount of meat, and so there had been a moment where he was just staring at a severed leg of a deer. Refusing to eat it. At some time he could easily just force it down his throat, but since he knew for a fact he would throw it right back up there was no point in trying. Ascendant civilians caught his attention when they asked if he was okay, which he was quick to lie about and say he was perfectly fine. After a little bit of arguing, it was someone that went by the name Imperia that came up with a solution. She had jerky. Jerky that seemed to be a staple in her diet, and something that Washington recognized from his time in the UNSC when they got something special in the food that was brought to them while they were on missions.

It was pretty tasty, and it was just the right thing that he needed. That only happened a couple days ago. Meaning Agent Washington was still struggling with the effects of starvation. The effects were hard to tell on such a large body if someone wasn't paying attention enough. He had been in pretty bad shape right before Agent Carolina had landed on the same patch of land that he did. He hadn't been sleeping thanks to his hallucinations, and he hadn't been eating on top of that. Working himself tirelessly to figure out what damned planet they were on. Something he had eventually figured out after a small amount of time. Which probably didn't help their case but it was better than nothing. The more intel and data he could collect the better. The Freelancer had thought that Carolina wouldn't have been in fighting action as soon as she appeared. She had obviously been shocked when he had come across her, but that shock had quickly turned into anger. Which ended up with him on the ground. Something that he didn't want to repeat anytime soon It was amazing at how just talented she was though, capable of knowing how to move her body the right way, while he struggled to even use his paw to grab something.

Was he jealous? Maybe a little bit. When he had arrived where Carolina was training, he certainly didn't see the dummy head that was down on the ground. Oh. That could have been him. He wasn't sure exactly how she had managed to take the dummies head off, but he wasn't about to ask for a demonstration either. Carolina always had an intimidating aura, but he wasn't all that intimidated now that he knew who she was. Did that mean he could fight her off with that knowledge? Not even close. Agent Washington noticed that she was doing something with her paws though when she turned around. Was she tapping them? He hadn't noticed that originally before, and his gaze had momentarily turned to look down at her paws before she started speaking and changed the focal point of where he was looking. His helmet raised itself only a little bit, as he was still bigger than she was. The other said that they should have been prepared for everything. Which was true. They were used to crazy and absurd things happening to them.

But this? "I don't think there's anything in the Freelancer handbook saying how to deal with being changed into an animal." Washington would say with a low huff from his jaws. He had read the book plenty of times and had almost had to read it again when he was charged on lockpicking duty until York said he was okay to go. Maybe the confidence she had thought wasn't true. Maybe she was just freaking out as much as he was with their current predicament, but he wasn't going to analyze her. He wasn't the counselor. At the mention of him gaining weight, Washington would let out a choke as if he had choked on his own saliva.[,b] "Hey it's not like I got a choice what I turned into when everything exploded."[/b] Of course, there was no real anger in his voice. If anything he was just messing with her just like he had before. He wasn't even sure if she had tried to offend him about what happened. He could point out that he at least had his armor and she did not. When the other started to move and look at him, Washington kept her gaze before she asked him a question. He gave a curt nod of his head, his body language almost taking a soldier stance as if he was lining up with others. But he kept eye contact instead of looking straight forward like some others did. "There is a lot that we don't know. After some scrounging around though and using the telescope that they have, I was able to figure out that we're actually on Earth. Although, considering how dated everything is, I'm not exactly sure if we are on the Earth that we know of, the Earth that's protected by the UNSC. I say that because there is a distinct lack of human activity, and no humans would leave expensive equipment behind to just rot away. There also is no signs that Earth has been attacked by aliens which is another clue to it. There has been one factor that is common between both us and the simulation troopers. An explosion. I was told by the simulation troopers that a bomb went off fairly close to them, but it wasn't the same explosion that got us. For us, I believed that with the alien technology that we had on board, as soon as we crashed it could have possibly affected that technology or even activated them, and it was mixed with the explosion.

Putting us to where we are now. Which means there is a chance that other Freelancers and those that still remained in the ship suffered the same fate as us. There have been no evidence of Freelancer equipment or even armor pieces that I have discovered in this area, so I think it was the only organic life that was brought here. Although I do have my armor, so if an organic is inside of something, there's a chance it can be brought with them as well. On ways of potentially getting back, I got nothing as there's a limited amount of technology that's available here. With the way that this outpost works, they're very willing to give you anything that you may need if you ask for it. They aren't violent from what I can tell and are more on the level of civilians. My current mission is to see what other members of Freelancers appear or even simulation troopers appear in the next couple of weeks. If none do, then I'm changing to looking around for any alien tech that may be here on Earth and making potential contact with nearby humans if possible."
Washington said everything that he knew and what he was able to discover. He didn't mention the what they considered to be magic, because he still didn't know what that was himself and didn't know if they were trying to mess with him. That was all that the armored smilodon had to offer when it terms to what he had going in this establishment. He, of course, didn't trust anyone in the Ascendants. Why should he? Having just got over getting stabbed in the back. His head would make a small twitch to the side though as memories from Episolon echoed in the back of his head. The thought of betrayal bringing up what had been done to the Alpha right under their noise. He clenched his jaw through all the pain, but other than the small movement the Freelancer remained still. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: JUST CARRY THIS GUN | {P, CAROLINA} - rhosmari - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Well, she guessed he had a point there. Being a Freelancer came with some high technology and maybe dealing with some strange things here and there but there was no way that they could have prepared for being turned into an animal and put on some strange Earth that seemed to be lacking in a lot of resources that they would very much need. Most of the creatures here were taxing as well and frankly she could only take so much before she snapped. And that was something she honestly didn't want to come to. Tiredly she slowly laid down and pulled her ears forward out of some strange habit as she looked up at Washington, gaze a bit pensive as she debated over their current situation. There was still so much that they didn't know and to her having lack of information was a liability the team didn't need. Hell, could they even call this a team? Two Freelancers and two Simulation Soldiers who didn't seem like they could hold their own in a tough situation. She didn't but these were the cards she was dealt with and she had to use them accordingly and as best as she could. Messing up now wasn't an option she was willing to take. "Yeah yeah, guess you're right."

At his words about not being able to choose what he had become a small crack of a smile formed on her muzzle. The smallest upturning of the corner of her mouth before it was gone and she was looking away from him. Still she was amused by his words and she tilted her head slightly as she gazed at the bushes not far from him. "Seriously thought you'd be like....a meerkat or something. Surprised the hell out of me when I saw how big you were." She was joking and her tone was soft before she allowed her jaws to part on a jaw, muzzle curling to reveal long incisors before she snapped her jaws shut again. Fur prickling along her spine as the urge to stretch came forth. Truthfully she didn't have too many instinctual problems and even now she seemed relaxed but that was only because she was in Washington's company and he was someone she could trust. Having trust issues was a daily problem for her especially after what had happened and hell, sometimes she couldn't even trust herself but she really worked hard on it, it was just tough. Shifting her gaze back to Washington she watched him as he gave his report, eyes hooding just a bit as the information flowed forth into her ears and she frowned just a little bit more.

"This is going to be tougher than I thought. Resources will surely be lacking and food is already an issue to come by. I'm not eating anything raw." The very idea sounded wrong to her and she shook her head a bit. "We'll be sitting ducks if another Freelancer comes around but I doubt they will be willing to let me try again to build a base. I wished they'd stop breathing down my neck all the time. I'm not here to make friends with any of them but they always get in my way." Her claws curled against the ground, tearing up the grass before she tried to ease herself back into relaxation. It was harder when she was keyed up suddenly though and she flattened her ears a bit. Being on another Earth, but one that hadn't been attacked by aliens and had regressed in technology. This world had it bad and she just wanted to go home even if it was war torn and she was on the wrong side of things. It was home and that was all that mattered. Her tail tip twitched suddenly and she turned her head to look at Washington. "I'd also appreciate it if you could learn about some of the civilians here. Who trusts who or who is friends with whom. Might give us a leg up with them. Oh, and where do you sleep exactly? Like what's your room number or whatever?"


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Washington didn't know what he had wanted to be when he grew up. The technology that they had then made life a whole lot easier for a lot of humans that were on the planet. But it also meant that it made it difficult for other's as well if they weren't able to get a job thanks to technology making it easier to get things done. When he was taking classes, he remembered other children talking about how they wanted to be a Vet, or how they wanted to be a cook in the future. Washington didn't know what he had wanted to be because all he had ever wanted was to take care of his sisters. Being an older brother meant that he had been extremely protective of them. He didn't want to have to see them in tears in the middle of the night because their father was gone. They were all incredibly smart too, and they were plenty of times where they would gang up against him and mess with him. It was really the life until they started running out of money, and it was during this time that Washington didn't get to have a choice anymore. He didn't care what he got to be when he grew up, he needed a job, any job so that he could support his family after his father's death in the Great War.

He usually did physical labor work since those were the most common jobs around that time, and since the Great War was happening it just meant that they needed more hands to make weapons and other ammunition. He never was great enough to catch anyone's eyes while he worked and the pay was never even that good. He had gotten a job against his mother's wishes because she said that they would be fine, but he was tired of seeing her upset and wanted to see her smile like she used to with their father around. It was a big deal to him, and he had accomplished his goal. He managed to make their lives easier, but it was from that moment on he knew how he could better help his family. After seeing tragedy after tragedy on the television about the losses that the UNSC was losing, he feared that the aliens would manage to make their way toward Earth and there would be nothing protecting his family from their onslaught. So, he had taken it upon himself after graduating from high school that he was going to draft himself into the army. This had been where his father had died, and he wasn't going to follow in his father's footsteps when he had to get back to his sisters. This also meant that he didn't really have time to think about such trivial things, especially during basic.

It was only when he joined Project Freelancer that the rookie was able to relax a bit. The entrance exam had nearly killed him but he didn't care because he had made it almost to the leaderboard. From there, he was able to actually have time by himself. Not giving orders. As it would take a couple of days before they could reach the destination of their mission. He wasn't allowed to train 24/7 because someone needed to schedule themselves for the training room. He was given time to think. Thinking about his family. The cats that he had back home. And the personalities of those that he was going to work with. It was certainly jarring. But one thing that had never come to his mind was the thought of what animal the other Freelancers could end up being. If anything, he would think that Agent Maine would be some type of bear just because of how bigger he was compared to everyone else. York would probably be some kind of dog because the guy was literally nice to everyone, and maybe in North too. South was definitely a type of cat with her attitude. He didn't know a lot about the different animals that existed out of the animals that were considered to be pets. No one had time to study the likes of animals in Project Freelancers. Washington was the type of man that would watch a couple animal videos from time to time on the holographic tablet that they were each given.

Although F.I.L.S.S would ultimately warn him that he could be doing something better. He would reply back saying that he was only going to watch a couple more, which turned into another marathon till he was scheduled to actually be somewhere. Washington's gaze followed Carolina's movements as she laid herself down. She was tired. They were all tired. He could imagine how much she was working herself or thinking of their former teammates. He was picking up on some of the couple habits that the leopard was expressing, but he wasn't sure if they were considered to be habits since she had just arrived in this place. They were nearing the end of their ropes, especially with information, but he wasn't about to give up yet that was for damn sure. He noticed the change in her face almost immediately though. A face was certainly expressive human or not. He blinked his golden eyes as he noticed that she was smiling. Well, that was certainly a good change of pace right there. He wanted to be the neutral party in all this. Just to make sure that the civilians there weren't going to be an issue. But he knew that if his patience would wear too thin, they could easily become the civilians enemies. Had they ever killed civilians?

Probably during the heist back when Texas first arrived on the freeway. He had only heard stories about what happened, as he had been on the pelican back to the MOI. Hearing her comment though about him being a meerkat, the former rookie would inhale a breath as if he was offended. "A meerkat? Really? I'd rather be bigger than a shorty." Washington was quick to tease back. Something he felt like he hadn't managed to be able to do in a good while. With all of the stress of the leaderboard and everyone basically at each other's throats, him trying to make a joke would have probably gotten him killed. With that statement, Washington had made sure to make fun of Carolina's height compared to him. Which wasn't all that much but she was still shorter, and that had to count for something. He was never that great with comebacks. One thing that Washington often did would wait for someone to finish speaking before handing in his input on what he thought of the situation. if it was even asked of course. The armored smilodon watched her movements before she began to speak about how hard of a situation it was going to be, but he at least had one solution to one of her problems. And about the mention of not here to make friends, he completely agreed. He was here to get his job done. He wasn't here to make bonds that would eventually be crushed once they managed to become humans again.

"Luckily for you, the civilians here sometimes cook their food and even make jerky. So there won't be any need to eat anything raw here. Although for resources, since it has been stated that humans are still around, we could raid human cities to gather what we need, as they have a generator here." Washington would explain, as he knew that raiding humans would be risky, but if they needed radios or anything else, they could get it from stealing it. Which was something that the Freelancers had done before. Washington made sure not to mention how his struggle to not eat any raw food had nearly caused him to starve to death while he was here alone. She was right about being left out basically in the open for another Freelancer. He knew that Carolina could probably beat the majority of them, but if the armor and she didn't then they would be in trouble. "We need to find your armor. It may even have some of your equipment still in it. Or get you some form of replacement armor that a civilian offered to make you. I agree with you in that they should just back off for a little bit till we've settled in, but this outpost seems certain to be social with everyone... whether they like it or not. We'll just have to figure out a way to work around them. Gaining their trust would help us in the long run as they seemed open to giving me anything that I needed if it was reasonable enough. If we really have to, we can always move to another place." There was a darker tone to Washington's voice in his last sentence.

It sounded as if the Ascendant's weren't willing to help, that he would be willing to get rid of them. He didn't have mercy as a Freelancer most didn't. Even if they were civilians. They needed to get back. No matter the cost. He was only playing nice for right now because if he did he could manipulate them. Something that he had been hiding from everyone else. Destroy any sign that they had been there, and that would include all of the residents that lived here. It was lucky that Washington had his helmet on because his eyes would have gone cold with that cryptic statement. The armored smilodon would give a curt nod of his head toward the leopard at her request. "Give me a couple hours and I could potentially have a full roster for you to look through." Making and giving reports wasn't exactly hard to do. As soon as he said that though, he realized that he didn't have hands to write or type with. Great. He was going to have to think of something else but he could figure something else out. Improvising. Washington's thoughts were pushed back again when Carolina mentioned where he was sleeping. It seemed like a regular question toward him. "They have this place not completely connected to the Observatory, they call it the Bunker. It's fairly large and two stories. I'm on the second story to the far right corner to get a view across the entrance of the Observatory and the plains. Sadly there are no room numbers." Washington would explain like he usually did when it came to giving a report. His body language not having changed since he had been around Carolina. Compared to the leopard that was capable of relaxing, he was not. "I can show if you like." Washington offered, raising a nonexistent eyebrow toward the female. Something that she wouldn't be able to see, but he did the action without thinking. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: JUST CARRY THIS GUN | {P, CAROLINA} - rhosmari - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"Shorty....?" Her head inclined to the side a bit, gaze pensive and still just as sharp as usual but there was a bit of amusement in those yellow green eyes of her's. Perhaps she was more relaxed around Washington then she cared to be but with all the stress and the way that life was going right now she wanted to relax. Though she didn't know if she could actually trust him or not he was the more favorable option right now to be around. But she'd still keep her guard up if he tried to betray what little trust she was willing to give out. Allowing her gaze to shift away from the large smilodon the woman allowed a soft breath to leave her throat, curling her claws a little as she toyed with the jerky that was between them. Her appetite seemed to have vanished and she merely looked down at the hunk of meat that was there as she debated over what it was that she wanted to do next. There was so much to do and so many steps that needed to be set and down and she just wanted to get it all done, well and thoroughly. But there was always something or someone that was making the task more difficult. Pushing away these thoughts she forced herself to listen to what Wash was telling her and she flicked the tip of her tail in thought.

"Raiding a human settlement will be risky, no if ands or buts about that. They could have guns and we won't have a damn thing but claws and teeth." As far as she knew anyway and she had no really idea about the latent abilities that were within her form that were yet to be discovered. Until then she found herself to be at a disadvantage and something she really didn't like at all. But maybe they could use stealth in order to get through the place without raising alarm. A frown was on her muzzle as she worked her thoughts through many different scenarios before she gave a light nod of her head. Food shouldn't be an issue since they seemed to be willing to give them some anyway so that was a back burner. "We'll plan out a human city heist soon then. But we'll have to be careful about this. We don't want any injuries so soon." She was firm in this at the moment because there were things that they needed right now and she had no real reason to not try this at least once. Though the topic of her armor came up and she felt her body tense a bit before she turned to look toward Washington. "Well, I have to agree with that. I don't want my armor falling into the wrong hands. I'm going to start looking around this place and probably neighboring places to see what I can. But I'd like a replacement as quickly as possible. My helmet is more important to me but any piece is definitely worth getting out han- er, paws on." Making a face she pushed herself to stand up, shaking out her body before walking around the larger wild cat to look at the head of the dummy.

"I guess gaining their trust is important. But really, do we need them? I mean for the sake of getting them to shut up with all of their questions I guess. Or am I being too much?" She snorted before shaking her head a little bit and turning to look at Wash over her shoulder. "They are more likely to get hurt then to actually help us. You know that right? I don't want to be the bringer of bad news but Maine is out there and he's taking AIs. Rather he shows up here I don't know but he may come here because he may believe you still have your's. He's already taken mine from me and showing up here is the last thing we want." Shaking her head a little at all the problems that were swinging at them the woman looked away and up at the canopy over head before she decided it would be best to be shown where he slept at. She would share his room anyway because there was a small unwant of being alone right now despite her demeanor and she gave a twitch of her ear before beckoning the other with her tail to take the lead. "Alright, show me. I'm curious to see if you've decorated your room yet." Humor laced her voice but she didn't turn back to look at him again.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Trust wasn't something that was readily available anymore. It wasn't something that was really available in the first place. When in the military, one could only have so much trust with comrades that basically came and went. When Washington was inside of the UNSC for the first part of his career, it was difficult for him to trust those that were around them when the majority of them had egos that were tied to their helmets. They thought about making themselves special among the ranks too so that they could end up getting promoted, while there were those that didn't care and just wanted to help defend the human race. No matter who is asked, someone is always going to remember the news of the Great War starting and how terrifying it truly was. Trusting an enemy wasn't something that most sane minds would think to end up doing, and yet there were those that wanted to appease the likes of the alien race that they were going up against. They thought it would be the best means of survival, and there were others that were taking the advantage of there being a war by starting crimes and going against other humans instead.

Washington started out having doubts in the squads that he worked it, it was only when he started to work with the same squads over and over again that they would believe with the abilities that they actually had. Washington didn't have a reason not to trust them because he knew that they would end up doing their best and some of those squads ended up becoming part of his responsibility in the end. When he finally reached Project Freelancer he was allowed to be more like himself. He wasn't given dirty looks when he made a joke as long as it wasn't during something important. He didn't get punished for making a sarcastic comment to his comrades. Maybe that was because there was only one person that was in charge of them and they barely saw his face half of the time. The Freelancers were usually left to their own devices because the Director had faith that they would be capable of keeping up with what was expected of them, and they did just that. Sure, there would be a moment here and there where they could make mistakes but they were incredibly rare to even happen at all.

They would just always try better next time and Washington had always been the one that raised morale. After working with the same people for years, they were a family and nothing more and nothing less. One grew to trust those that would be more than willing to take a bullet from them if it could mean a lethal shot or risk their lives in order to get them out of danger. Most of their group could definitely be intimidating, especially someone like Maine who was basically the physically strongest out of the bunch. But he wasn't the best of the best as one needed more than brute strength to get things done. That didn't mean that Maine was an idiot though. The man was more than capable of coming up with plans himself, although he and Wash were usually grouped up together if they were going on duo missions. After a while, those that were considered intimidating immediately for the rookie no longer scared him. He, of course, knew his limits on what he could actually get away with, but most grew used to his antics and let them slide. He remembered being incredibly afraid and confused when he first met Carolina. He was afraid that anything that he said would end up triggering her to almost kill him if she wanted to.

She was the best of the best, and the military portion of him told him that she demanded utmost respect because she had experience and talent under her belt. Washington sure thought that Carolina was going to have to say something after calling her short, although when she was a human she was far from short. He wasn't even concerned with the way that she looked at him, knowing that she was going to take it as a joke, although he knew that if he had said that when he was considered the rookie he probably would try and take what he said back in fear of the way that she would react. Now, they were basically on even ground. Washington had to admit that there was a lot that needed to get done, and if this had been before Epsilon became an issue, he would have recommended taking a small break, even if it was just an hour. But they had so much to do and there was a lot to catch Carolina up on. It was good to get another's opinion on the human raiding idea, as he had been planning on doing it soon with or without the Civilians information on where it was at exactly.

"Agreed. But humans, in general, aren't exactly that hard to kill, and we have to remember that they won't be armed to the teeth. There's a chance that we could just find a civilian city because from my research there's no actual war going on this Earth right now. Something as big and as quick as we are should be able to at least knock them out if we need to, and I doubt if we pick and scope out a place that we'll have to deal with their equipment." Washington was quick to explain, especially since if they wanted more gear they could just go to a civilian city. If they wanted something more militaristic then that was going to make their life difficult. His armor was bulletproof to an extent, but there were plenty of gaps in his armor where he could get shot and killed in his current body. Carolina could dodge bullets if she was quick enough using her speed as an advantage. The last thing that Washington wanted to do though was get injured in a place like this, where the only way someone was going to get healed was with the likes of plants. Something that he wasn't willing to trust right now even if they said that the plants were going to be just fine.

Armor was basically one of their lifelines and losing it was certainly a blow that wasn't exactly easy to deal with either. The Freelancer nodded his head at what she was planning on doing. Going from place to place may help. "There are certain groups that may be risking to search as they perceive us to be a threat. They're hostile groups that go by the name Tanglewood and Typhoon. The other outpost that is like this one where there is less violence is called Snowbound. We could start by checking Snowbound and then going from there to the more violent areas." Washington offered up the idea, although it would be a coin toss as it could mean that someone could end up getting injured against the violent groups. Washington wanted for the both of them to stick together in case something went south, but they could cover more ground if they separated from one another. Washington watched as Carolina began to stand up, and he shuffled his own paws in response to her movements.

The former rookie would shake his head at her statement. "No, I don't think you're being too much. Believe me, I would much rather have these guys out of our business like the next person. But having them around to get as much information as possible out of them will help speed things along a lot quicker and make our lives easier. Not to mention that we don't know what is going on this Earth and what is actually capable of being done." Washington states calmly, as he knows that there was talk about the magic that they continued to talk about. They said that they could manipulate elements, something that Washington doubted was actually possible and hadn't seen in action either. At the mention of Maine though, Washington clenched his jaw at the thought of the former friend coming after him because of some damn computer. "We aren't here to protect them. The rest of us wouldn't go after the likes of civilians if they have no connection with us, and if it gets to that point then we'll deal with the consequences after. I'm sure that as long as there is two of us, that we'll be able to stand up to Maine.

We'd just have to plan our strategy so that he won't try to take us out one by one. We've already told them that this isn't their fight, so they should figure out that trying to fight with us is a bad idea."
Washington obviously didn't care if there were civilians casualties. They were barely civilians after all. They were just animals and that's what they remain for the time being. He doubted Maine could be considered that strong, as in this world he wasn't sure that AI's would have the same effect. He was pretty sure that he didn't even have any of his Freelancer equipment installed in his armor. They needed to take on one problem at a time if they wanted to be successful. A snort came from his nose though at Carolina's comment about his room. Really? "Come on Carolina. I'm not exactly some teenager boy decorating a locker." Washington would make sure to say sarcastically with a smirk hidden on his face as he turned himself around, looking over his shoulder before making his way toward the place that was called the Bunker.

It was an easy walk, up the stairs, taking a right and going to the very last room that could look out across the plains and the entrance of the observatory at he same time. Raising one of his paws he turned the doorknob and opened the door up to his room. It was decently sized, almost the size of a dorm room that someone would live when they were in college. There was a chest in the far left corner and a large mattress to the right wall of the room. There was a nightstand that held a knife inside of it as he hadn't gotten used to carrying it around with him just yet. There was nothing on the walls and there was nothing on the floors either. It seemed strangely... barren. Which was strange because Washington had the entirety of his locker on the Mother of Invention decorated. "See? Simple. I'm only here a couple hours out of the day." Washington said with a shrug of his shoulders not exactly knowing what Carolina would think of it. There were some blankets at the end of the bed for colder temperatures, not like he got all that cold. While he spoke, the Freelancer raised one of his paws and absentmindedly scratched the AI implantation scar on the back of his neck. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: