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no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - Printable Version

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no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 07-04-2018

Videogames was incredibly reluctant to do this. Get his group's name out there? In the big wide world? Absolutely terrifying. Last time anybody knew they existed they'd gotten dragged into like ... a year-long war. And then a whole lot of other shit. Like some sort of domino effect. Like, the only group Videogames would trust right now would be Stellar Command, and only cause he knew Shiro. But here's the thing. They were probably gonna straightup die if nobody knew about them. Cause it was really just him and his daughter and a bunch of faceless NPCs and if it kept like that they were kinda, well, doomed. He doesn't want to ally or anything, though. God knows that wouldn't end terribly well. He just wants people to be aware of them. Get off on a good impression so that they don't fuckin slaughter them or something.
Which leads to this. A basket swings in the serval's jaws as he works his way through the cold, eyes narrowed. It's not terribly cold -- there's still snow, but it's not subzero or any of that shit. He should be there soon enough, though. All he needs is to deliver this, say he's from a small unknown group and just wants them to have a good start. That was fuckin all, and then he could go home. Then he'd have to plan his next visit to the next clan, which Videogames wasn't terribly eager for. And to think that he was so uneasy just for the more friendly groups -- cause then he'd have to move onto the warbound clans and Videogames isn't convinced they won't eat him alive or some shit.
"Yo. You bros here?" Videogames calls rather lazily as he drops his basket and plops next to it. His paws hurt. A few months ago he might've just flown here, but -- well, his wings were long gone by now. Just torn strraaightt off. Not even fuckin stubs. Anyways, with this, Videogames just lays down next to the basket to give his poor, poor paws a break. The basket in question doesn't have a ton, at least by Videogames' standards. It's mostly herbs and some food. Some blankets, some books, but not a lot of those. He'd heard through the grapevine that they'd been through some shit, and Moonlight Vale had enough herbs to last em a fuckin decade anyways. They were pretty blessed with their nice green and absolutely massive territory. Anyways, Videogames understood hardships like that, and it might've been a few weeks since or something, but just a nice gesture or something. Look, Videogames is doing his best here.

//haha unofficial group spam,, im so fuckin sorry im part of them yall


Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//god i actually read his voice as pewdiepie's sdgilds

"Well, I wouldn't consider myself a 'bro'," Atbash mused as she made her way towards the border, having heard Videogames (though she didn't know his name) call out from afar. She continued on speaking as she stood in front of him, "But I'm here. My name's Atbash Cipher, I'm a Arcticplayer. What brings you to Snowbound?"
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 07-05-2018

Well that didn't take long. Videogames looks up and grins as he sees the ... very, very bright cat. That was fair. They were both yellow, just the same. Videogames used to be a pretty golden color, but now he was just really, really pale. What happened? Now that was a good question that Videogames would refuse to answer even if questioned.
"Everyone can be a bro if they want to be," Videogames says, playfully indignant as he grins crookedly at the other feline. Gradually, the serval pushes himself back into a sitting position with a soft groan, shuffling his paws for a few moments until it doesn't hurt as much. "But you can be a ... broette. Sis? No. Sorry, you're a bro now," He means it all in good fun of course -- bro is pretty gender neutral to him at this point, and that's just how it was, sorry. Still, with Atbash's arrival, he allows himself a yawn and another grin. Hard to believe he was an entire leader with his general lack of care about ... anything. He was pretty chill. Which was a weird trait to have kept after Arrowhead's grueling training or whatever.
"Uh -- look, I'm Videogames, here on behalf of Moonlight Vale, yadda yadda," They didn't even know the goddamn name, what was the point. He allows himself a soft, exasperated groan before moving on. No time to waste, he could chat once shit was done and over with. "Pro'lly haven't heard of us and this is like some weird door to door thing. I'm leader there, and I'm not here for an alliance or any shit 'cause we're so small that there's literally no point," Seriously, they were a mini-mini group. At max they'd be able to offer ... resources. Lots of resources. There weren't enough people to use them all please take them. But. Right. Mini mini group and this was some fuckin ... mini empire. A clan. "So I'm mostly here to give this basket as a well wish so we're on good standing or whatever. It's mostly herbs, heard yall need them. And we're not really established or anything, y'know. But feel free to ask questions if you're suspicious or anything, I guess." He was rambling a little bit, but that was just how Videogames worked, it would seem. He was an entertainer above all else -- and leader-ing was not his forte. Here's to hoping they didn't think they were fuckin weird for coming out here with a clan name that literally nobody knew and basically saying 'dear god please tolerate our existence'. To be fair the last times they didn't make peace they were always nearly killed, so! He had the right, thank you very fucking much.

//as it should be lmfao


Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - Dimitri - 07-05-2018

Oh what the fuck was this?
The tom had an uncharacteristic scowl on his face and prowled. Maybe he was out to find something to snap at. Or hunt. He did most of the hunting after all, as Dimitri was too busy cleaning up after the rest of the gang to feed himself sometimes.

"You better have something fuckin’ good, buddy-" Oh fuck. Of course he was being rude right now. There was no one here to police his personality. At least, that’s what he thought until he  realized Atbash was there.

The tom’s posture cowered slightly and he gasped, a more meek appearance coming to his face. ”S-sorry. I’m Dimitri. I live here. This- This is Snowbound.” Green eyes glanced over the basket. ”What books ya got there?”

Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash opened her mouth to respond to Videogames when Dimitri came over, promptly snapping at the guy. Atbash looked over at him, trying to hide the shock on her face and instead tried to put a glare on her face. She was about to scold the warrior when he gasped and apologized, and the she-cat couldn't help but feel something was up. It was uncharacteristic of Dimitri to snap at people, but what came off as odd to Atbash the most was the sudden change in attitude, right after snapping at Videogames. I'll talk to him later. The she-cat thought to herself before turning back to Videogames.

"Sorry about him," Atbash apologized quickly, despite the fact Dimitri already had. "I don't know where that came from, he's not usually like this." But that could be handled later, even if she wasn't the Chief. She could just talk to Dimitri and see what was up, and besides, what he did here really warrant a punishment, did it? Atbash mentally shook her head, deciding to just forget about that for right now and focus on the visitor. If Dimitri hadn't come over and snapped at Videogames, she probably would have laughed at the guy's exclamation of her now being a 'bro', and him explaining how even chicks like her could be bros too. Moonlight Vale. That was quite the name, wasn't it? Atbash honestly wasn't quite sure what to do here, and she was tempted for Dimitri to go find Jacob. But Videogames did say he wasn't looking for an alliance, just to visit and explain who he was and this group he was in. "Oh, well, thanks for the gifts!" Atbash chirped, trying to make the scene cheerful again. "Uh, I know you said you weren't looking for an alliance, but what's your group's alignment? Like, peaceful or warbound?" That was probably something good to note in case they ever wanted to be allies, right? Videogames didn't seem like a warbound type, and she doubted his group was, but it didn't hurt to ask.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 07-06-2018

Well, this was certainly something. The mood had been pretty light till the stranger came up and wow, that was rude. Something good? Of course he had some good stuff, fuckin rude. "Christ, dude," Izuku tells the feline. What an abrupt personality shift. Still, it wasn't really Atbash's problem to apologize for her clanmates, Videogames was fine with this. If a little annoyed -- it's fine though. It's not Videogames' place to worry about this or whatever.
"Don't worry about it, bros. Anyways, I've only got a few books, can't carry that many. It's mostly fantasy and sci-fi, honestly, Videogames snorts. They were still building up there own library, but Videogames had decided to bring the books he found coolest. Which were, of course, the drama-filled ones. Featuring romance as side, of course, because Videogames was a damn sap, though regular romance novels were too sappy for even him. Anyways, yeah, Moonlight Vale was a pretty dramatic name, huh. Videogames didn't mind, since their entire history and territory was pretty dramatic anyways. Best to have a suiting name or whatever. Oh, right. But he pushes over the basket for them to look at themselves -- it'd been hell to carry over, considering the size and weight of that thing. God, his jaws hurt. "Uh -- I don't really think we've figured out our alignment yet, honestly. Didn't think we'd really interact with any other groups. Pro'lly learning towards passive, though," Videogames shrugs noncommittally. He hasn't actually heard of alignments before, he's just going off on a dime right now. Their group had been pretty secluded till now, and even when they were part of that one royal shithole that Videogames hadn't seen literally ever before, they hadn't really interacted with people a ton. Except to fight. And preferably take over and build an empire or something. God Videogames hated them, even if the group was definitely long dead and he hadn't even been born then. Anwyays, Videogames wasn't going to go out of his way to interact with any of the other groups after he's visited them he doesn't think, cause he really didn't have that kind of time. They weren't really in a place for war as it was, so Videogames couldn't really be sure if he'd be down to pick a fight or not till they were in a place to do so. For now, though, neutral-passive seemed to fit.


Re: no matter how ★ visitor / gifts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Sci-fi and fantasy, Atbash liked the sound of fantasy books, though despite being a dimension-traveler at one point, sci-fi didn't sound too interesting to her. Probably because she used to have the ability to travel between dimensions at will. The Chief dipped her head in thanks, listening as Videogames went on. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind." The she-cat nodded. "Is there anything else you need before you go back, or anything?" It was pretty chilly in the snow, though she didn't quite notice Videogames shaking.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi