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COLORS / o, visitor - Printable Version

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COLORS / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-04-2018

NO LIGHT✧ Shiro — Stellar Command — Commander
It had taken the male a few days or so to reach The Typhoon's gates. He hadn't taken anyone or anything with him, as he didn't want to appear to be a threat to anyone in the strange group. Was he nervous, even just a little bit? Perhaps, one could say that. He just wanted to make sure his group was safe. He had taken a bag of goodies with him, with fruits and somewhat uncommon jewelry and weapons, to possibly spark interest from anyone here. He had heard that they were pirates after all.

"Hello?" Shiro called out. "My name is Shiro, I come from a group a long distance from here. I request to speak with your leader."
© madi

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

Shiro had bad timing to show up, considering the damage of the tsunami, but Caesar wasn't afraid of the water as he should be. By now, he has seen and experienced how harsh the natural disaster could be, but his philosophy of 'I can just possess another body if this one drowns' still stood. Call him cocky, but that's just who he was. "Pincher should be here soon." Caesar spoke as he made his way to meet Shiro, one of his ears flicking. "In the meantime, I'm an Officer here, the high position closest to him. What's up?" Was he still technically 'demoted'? He didn't know.

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - ARGUS - 07-05-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] While most newcomers were having issues to 'accommodate' some of the typhoon's customs Argus had grown in a place that was similar to looting. Though they much preferred taking the person- and placeing the bodies somewhere for other people to see as a warning. Her 'looting' here hinted at that as well, taking skulls and bones while other's took jewelry. And they served well, the small amount that Argus had gathered were all piled inside her den as a nice warning to anyone just what kid of person she was. - She was a Mortem afterall. Death was just a part of the process.

Of course- that didn't mean she didn't dislike gold either. As it stood a good bargaining chip with her clan mates, and a good decoy to keep people away from her actual worth wile items and secrets hidden away in tomes and deeper parts of her den. She had learned the need of it at the very least- always placeing a bit amung the skulls to keep people from looking too closely into her things and seeing something she didn't want anyone to. Living as long as she did- she wrote most of her own past down just to remember it all. A history that would be wise not to repeat to anyone who knew her- for sure.

A dull crimson gaze watched Shiro and Caesar a moment longer before stepping out into the open with them. A rictus grin that seemed to highlight the point of the Officer's teeth- not in a threatening manner- but a challangeing one. Not directed at the stranger so much as it was as Caesar's. "Maa, I wouldn't go that far. There is still the Qartermaster above the both of us." Although she didn't mention the fact that they were missing one- not something to say in front of a stranger anyway.

She gave a glance at shiro' the large wolf's stare intrusive but quick- shifting into something more welcoming. "If you don't mind me asking what ya need Pincher for?" Argus offered to start the conversation right then- sure that [member=66]PINCHER[/member] would be around any second now.

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - PINCHER - 07-05-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Suprisingly, Pincher wasn't as focused as looting as pirates should but that was perhaps due to his attention now clutching onto his group and improving it in any way possible. He knew not everyone here was the stereotypical "evil backstabbing pirate" that they were seen but Pincher had allowed there to be a wide spectrum of what one could become in the Typhoon. You could be good as long as you didn't mind living among bad members. You could be bad as long as you knew the restrictions and rules. Anyone could become anything and Pincher would be fine with whatever actions as long as they didn't destroy any chances or opportunities he had in mind.

The lean sleek figure of the short haired ebony black canine was stepping through the flooded beach area of the tropical island, a small scowl of frustration etched into his permanently youthful features as he noticed all the damage that surrounded them. He kicked off some kelp that had decided to cling to his back leg as the male then caught the scent of a stranger that wasn't from any group he knew and the one familiar of his crewmates, specifically his Officers. An eyebrow quirked in curiosity as he trudged through the flooded area with his crimson feather softly bouncing against his right ear as he reached the ivory figure of Argus and the yellow one of Caesar, flanking them with his ears slightly drawn back in a hesitant manner. His cold calculative icy blue gaze snapped onto the stranger, pepper black nostrils flaring as he couldn't figure out who the fuck this stranger was. "Who the fuck are you?" Pincher bluntly questioned, tone dripping with poison. He wasn't in the best mood and certainly was ready to chase out anyone that decided to question his temper.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - ROSEMARY - 07-05-2018

Growing aware of the gathering group, with a strange smelling stranger the curious object at the center, the pale ocelot found her way over to stand with the rest of the pirates. Unaware of the ranking squabble dialogue, she remained cool-headed and capable of curbing her dislike for Caesar. Perhaps there would come another time for her to give him an impromptu mud bath.

Flicking her forked tail, she narrowed her main pair of eyes at Shiro with obvious apathetic curiosity - as though he were some exotic mouse she wanted to catch. Quietly, she moved to stand behind Pincher's shoulder, her pawsteps nearly silent. Odd and unusual scents seemed to proliferate from Shiro's location, as though someone soaked a steel blade in fruit punch. Her auxiliary eyes atop her head drifted to the commander's bag for a moment, as she flexed her claws and stopped herself from impulsively trying to steal and rip it apart.

If the officers were apathetic and Pincher pissed off, then Rosemary could simply be described as... curious. But curiosity often came with danger; especially with the object of her interest. Rosemary liked to take things apart to figure out how they worked, and that often ended badly for sensitive things like living creatures. "If it wasn't obvious, our leader happens to be the angry doberman beside me," she interjected with a quick glance of her right eye to point out her half-brother, in case Shiro needed even more assistance.

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-05-2018

NO LIGHT✧ Shiro — Stellar Command — Commander
Shiro would look in the Officer's direction as he spoke, perking both of his ears upward as Caesar spoke. So it seemed there was ranks here as well- though he wasn't too surprised about that. He would listen to the yellow-male speak before he responded. "I'm here to discuss a possible alliance between your own group and my group if it is allowed." Of course, the Stellar Command leader would make sure to stay as respectful as he could be- in order to avoid conflict and arguing.

His yellow-gaze would then move to Argus, as she spoke, taking quick note of her challenging grin directed mainly towards her fellow Officer. Perhaps they were both after this "Quartermaster" rank the female mentioned, unless there was someone in the rank already. He decided to shrug off that thought, as it was no concern of his and he stared at Pincher as he approached.

He would lift his head up tall as he eyed the Captain, he would study the other male's facial features. A small scowl on his maw? Seemed he wasn't too fond of strangers on their border. He could definitely see raw power in the way he walked. Shiro would ignore his rather-blunt tone and he would answer- loud and clear. "My name is Shiro."

Then one more person showed up and took a seat next to the other leader. He had immediately noticed her interest in the bag he had brought with him, so he decided to open it up. With a swift paw, he pulled out a necklace with jewels on it and slide it over to Rosemary slowly and carefully, so it didn't break.
© madi

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - PINCHER - 07-09-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher's attention was slightly distracted when he heard Rosemary's comment yet he was hardly pushed to anger due to her being his sibling and he tolerated enough bantering for it to not be considered offensive or pointed so he simply allowed gruff to snort puff out of his pepper black nose before deciding to focus on the stranger that stated a possible alliance. He raised a fictional eyebrow, a small glint of curiosity. An alliance? Pincher was rather picky of who he believed was worth the Typhoon's time and resources. Snowbound had been a bit hard for him since their snowy weather wasn't much use but it was better than nothing since he didn't like the Ascendants, they seemed snobby and Tanglewood was just a disgusting shit stain of a place. He rolled his broad shoulders as he let out a low hum, his mood now shifting to a more pleased aura as he was rather fond of socializing with possible candidates.

"Welcome to the Typhoon then Shiro. If there was a chance for you to become our ally, I'll need to know what group you are leading and why you are interested in becoming an ally to the Typhoon. What do you have to offer to us?" Pincher inquired as the towering male shifted to go into a sitting position alongside his crewmates, calculative icy blue eyes narrowing into slits as he waited. Despite this being a hierarchy of ranking, Pincher wasn't one to leave his crew out of decisions that impacted everyone so he didn't mind that they listened in or if they chimed in since, in the end, they would all have to vote if the Stellar Command was worth the trouble in creating a relationship.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: COLORS / o, visitor - purgatory - 07-09-2018