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SAINTS / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]How long had she been gone? Days? Weeks? Maybe even months. Whatever she had been doing, she had no recollection of it. All she remembered was her vision going black when she was at the border and she woke up at the border. They probably missed her- she hoped. She was no longer the winged-serval she'd been when she had disappeared. Instead, she was a snowy-white direwolf with one blue-eye and one green-eye, about the size of a female lion.

The former Kuiper Corporal shook out her rather-long pelt and frowned. Unlike normally, it seemed nobody was at the border. Suiteheart's signs were still up, so that was a nice sight for her eyes.

Then a small broadcast call distracted her. Some feet away, was Leviathan. He had spent most of his time hunting small prey, avoiding Delta and the rest of the raptors. He eagerly took in Luna's scent and he raced towards her. A laugh would escape her lips as the young Utahraptor hopped onto her back, lying down.

// [member=145]BASTILLEPRISONER[/member]

Re: SAINTS / o, return - Warringkingdoms - 07-04-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]In all the chaos of the past few weeks, it had taken Rin some time to realize that Luna was conspicuously absent. When it finally dawned on her, she had had only a moment to feel guilt-ridden over her obliviousness before Bast overdosed again and she had to dedicate her worries to him- along with the rest of the clan. Luna was probably fine, anyways; she was strong enough to take care of herself, for the most part.

  Seeing Luna’s Utahraptor rushing over a wolf in the distance, Rin headed over quickly, brows raising in curiosity. Leviathan wouldn’t approach just any visitor with that level of fervor; either the stranger posed a threat, or he recognized them. As the visitor laughed heartily, Rin couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief. ”Luna? Are you a sight for sore eyes,” she remarked, twitching her ears. Drawing closer to Luna and inspecting for scrapes or bruises, she asked, ”Are you hurt at all? Any aches or pains?”

  /but my daughter is back Big Grin

Re: SAINTS / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Lunafreya would look up suddenly as Rin approach, a relieved look in both of her mix-matched colored eyes and a warm-yet-small smile on her lips. She would study the other female, wondering if she had changed at all or not during the time of period she'd been gone for. "Hello, Rin." Luna muttered, her voice clearly deep from exhaustion. "I am not injured if you were wondering. I'm just tired."

The snowy-white direwolf would blink after finishing speaking for a few seconds, allowing concerns to run through her own mind before she asked. "Are either of my daughters still around? What about Bastille, Hazel, Margy or Suite? I'd like to see them if they're still around."

Re: SAINTS / o, return - Suiteheart - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Between the "death" of Bastille, the death of Margaery, the birth of her children, the return of Margaery, helping Bast with group duties, teaching Hazel how about herbs, watching the moon with Cooper, helping Roy recover from his missing limb, singing with Warringkingdoms, taking care of Luna's children, greeting all the newcomers, and the emergence of her split soul, Suiteheart had little time to grieve Lunafreya's disappearance. Her world had been a whirlwind recently, and she had whiplash.

Despite her exhaustion, she was back at it. Suiteheart never truly stopped. Her mind was constantly running. It never ceased, even when she was supposed to be sleeping. She always needed to be doing something, so it was no surprise that she was out patrolling. Not long into it, she heard Warringkingdoms speaking. The words that reached Suite almost made her heart stop. Had Rinny said 'Luna'?

Without giving it a second thought, Suiteheart was already on her way. It had taken mere moments to reach the pair, and she only slowed down when she caught sight of Lunafreya. The girl she remembered was vastly different. She was no longer a winged serval. Instead, she was a very large wolf. And those blue eyes were different, too. Still, the calm air the other exhibited was unmistakable Luna.

"Holy shit," she breathed, voice barely audible. She stepped forward, coming up beside Rin with a large smile. "Long time, no see," she laughed. God, she was glad to see the other. In the midst of all the craziness, Luna was a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, however, her vision clouded and concern and confusion entered her delicate features. "What happened to you? Where'd you go, Lu?"

Re: SAINTS / o, return - Margaery - 07-05-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
How unfortunate it was that Genevieve stepped forward to greet Lunafreya, not Margaery. She appeared unamused as she gazed up at the direwolf, lazily searching her and Margaery's joined mind for memories regarding the other fae. Obviously, this individual was someone that the cosmic general cared deeply for and yet, the chocolate point could not find it in herself to even extend a smile in her direction. Instead, she simply resorted to studying her like a hunter would its prey. A direwolf would provide her nothing but the enjoyment of a kill.

Therefore, Gen determined that she was not worth her time.

[color=#b14767]"Margaery's occupied," The vampire extended, [color=#b14767]"I'm Genevieve." Finally, that smile appeared, empty and cold and dripping with Genevieve's particular brand of poison. Somewhere within the depths of her mind, Margaery weakly stirred. She wanted to greet Luna, welcome her back with open arms and excited words, but she was powerless. Her last attempt at seizing power had truly taken it out of her her and finally, finally it appeared as if Genny had won the fight. Good. No, great. After years of being ensnared in chains and mental barriers, she deserved this fate. Both of them did. Freedom had been kept out of reach from Genny for so long... she was not so eager to return to her cage.

[color=#b14767]"Where'd you run off to, sugar?" Not that she really cared, but even despite her complicated relationship with Margaery, she knew she had a job to do. Being cordial... asking questions... she supposed they were all part of her list of tasks, as awful as they were. Shifting her weight, an ear would perk half attentively, wondering just how this Luna person would react to the news of Margaery's... vacation. 

Re: SAINTS / o, return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

What Washington would have liked to be able to return back to what he considered it to be his home. Of course, it wouldn't really even be his home now with how he thought of it. It had also exploded. Everything that he had ever owned had been on that ship, and as far as the rest of the military he was in that he was concerned about he didn't exist anymore. As soon as he joined Project Freelancer, a lot of his files were ultimately deleted from the different databanks that were shared between the UNSC and Project Freelancer. It honestly wouldn't surprise him now that he had been missing from the crash site for almost three weeks now. Maybe even more than that. They probably considered him to be KIA, so going back to his home would mean that he would have to prove that he was indeed still alive, and hadn't gone Awol. But the longer he was away from the place that he used to call home, the harder it was going to be able to explain everything. It was almost funny how little it almost took to break apart what he used to think was a family to him.

Those that would risk injury to protect one another, and that they would kill for each other without any sort of question. It was a hard realization now that he had a little bit of time to think alone with himself. He had plenty of time to do that nowadays while he was studying and catching up on something that he hadn't needed to learn for a while. They had spent years with each other living in the exact same ship. There were a couple moments that some of them may get into a fight, but fighting amongst themselves was just asking to get punished by the Director himself. What that could entail he wasn't exactly sure. Although during the moment where York had been severely injured by the likes of a grenade going off next to him, the Director did nothing to punish those that had gone in with live ammunition on the floor. It seemed like he was the only one concerned along with North about what was going on the training floor, but hadn't managed to go down there himself to stop what was happening. Pride meant a lot to them as all of them wanted to be the best of the best.

Except for Washington. He was fine where he was on the list. He could deal with not even being in the top 6, and just being a Freelancer. He was just here to try and be a test dummy for the project to ensure the life of the human race was going to potentially live a little bit longer. He was getting paid a decent amount because they had to get some form of living after all. Being higher on the leaderboard probably also meant that that Freelancer got paid a little bit more. He wasn't a money snob though so he couldn't really care. His mind was usually reeling about when the next mission would end up being. If he wasn't in the training room like when he was scheduled to be, he was doing some research. He didn't ride the skateboard that he had brought into the ship anymore, and if he wasn't reading then he was probably going to the mess hall. There were several different types of food that were available on the massive ship considering that they had to feed 50 super soldiers and other personnel that worked on the ship in the first place.

Either way, Washington hadn't been in the project long enough to know what it felt for someone to die or just simply disappear. He had heard about what happened to Georgia. Actually no he didn't. He had only been told that something bad happened to Georgia when he wore the jetpack out into space. Every other Freelancer would refuse to tell him what exactly that was. Which always left him wondering at the end to what really happened to Georgia. He never had to witness a Freelancer die, but the images of Agent Maine on the operating table after being shot several times in the throat would definitely leave an important visual. Maine could have died that die, and he had been riding the pelican back to base with the package. Which had been his mission. He didn't want any of his teammates did. He didn't hate any of them that much, not even South who got on his nerves from time to time. Despite that, he wasn't one to really start conflict or arguments. He was a soldier that was there to follow orders and nothing else. Talking back against superior officers had been what he had done in the UNSC. Here, it wouldn't be unacceptable even if something did slip out of his mouth from time to time.

Considering the short amount of time that he had also been in this outpost, he didn't know how this Luna was. He had never overheard anyone talking about her, but there were plenty of those around him that he didn't know the name of. He was observant, yes, but he wasn't psychic when it came to knowing names. He knew that part of his routine though he should start memorizing the name of the civilians that lived here. The armored smilodon would rather know everyone than to suddenly be surprised by new appearances. The Freelancer had plenty on his plate anyway after learning that he was indeed on planet Earth instead of some alien planet. Agent Washington didn't even trust those that lived in the Ascendants yet, because having just finished being stabbed in the back by those that he indeed trusted, he wasn't about to start trusting anyone now. If he was given a task from this group, he probably wouldn't do it because it didn't concern him. The time of day it was now just so happened to be the time of day that he went on his daily patrols. There were chances for other Freelancers to potentially pop up if they got caught in the same explosion that he did. It would have had a large radius due to how large the Mother of Invention had been in the first place. The extinct animal made his way against the marked border of the outpost. His gold eyes flickering to the left and right looking for any signs of movement. He made sure to eat before going on patrol so that he wouldn't worry about his animal instincts of trying to hunt something.

He absolutely refused to hunt. It was at this time that he was able to hear voices a little bit of a distance away. His armor made enough noise that it would be hard not to hear him coming toward the small gathered group. There were a couple faces that he didn't mind being around, but other than Suiteheart he didn't know anyone else here. His ears moved underneath the helmet that his facial features, his gaze looking down at the large canine. A very very very large canine. She was almost the same size as he was. But he was the height of a male lion so he was just barely taller than her. The smilodon kept his distance from the group until he noticed that there was something on the female's back. It was a dinosaur. Similar to the one that he had an encounter with a good week ago maybe. Great. More surprises and variables. Considering almost everyone's cheery features, it seemed that they recognized her. Maybe a returning civilian. To humans, it wasn't uncommon for humans to go from one state to the next if they wanted to move. He blinked his gold eyes before shifting his dark grey paws. He was still bad with the whole socializing thing. "Agent Washington." The large wildcat would introduce himself in the soldier tone that he usually had. He never introduced himself using his actual name. This had been the new name that he was given by the Director himself and he was going to use it. Nothing else. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: SAINTS / o, return - Luciferr - 07-06-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Paws spattered with gitering and slowly moving stars within the cracked pitch dark markings of a distant galaxy that continued along his spine and tail, spread further over the large canvas of his wings folded neatly against him, enormous as they were.

one pink hued eye blinked where the other simply glowed purest white as they roved over the gathering - from what he'd caught at a distance, this was a returning member, so the Large hellion creature simply nodded to her - pure white dire wolf, a similar glow almost to his own paler fur in the light - with a smile "Anzarel".

/eyy wb luna! I sed to play etty c:


Re: SAINTS / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 07-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]At Suite's arrival, Luna would smile in the female's direction. It was nice to see both familiar and unfamiliar faces around, as that meant The Ascendants was growing in population- though she didn't see anyone here that was a new face, at least not yet. "I could say the same to you." The snowy-direwolf commented before adding. "I'm not sure where I went. It's all a blur, to be honest." Then she turned her attention to Margaery, or Genevieve- a grim look on her facial features. So Margy was gone? The question was, how long would she be gone for? "Nice to meet you, Genevieve." The female said, the venom in her voice clear. "I would prefer it if you didn't refer to me as 'Sugar'. I don't like those who aren't my friends call me by nicknames."

Luna would allow herself to calm down before she looked at Washington. Ah, if she remembered correctly, he had been the one who crash-landed onto their border. "Lunafreya." She said, introducing herself to the armor-wearing Smilodon before Anzarel walked over and caught her attention. "Nice to meet you, Anzarel. I'm Lunafreya, but Luna is fine."

Re: SAINTS / o, return - ★ HAZEL - 07-06-2018

[align=center]hazel elise caelum . eight months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Hazel was sorry to say that between everything that had happened recently, Luna’s disappearance had been a fleeting thought in her mind. Looking back on it, guilt now weighed heavy on her shoulders for being unable to realize her absence. In the event of her exhaustion, smaller details — things that weren’t immediate and direct — slipped her notice.

Hazel was all but limping as she joined the group, seeking out Suiteheart automatically and craving the warmth that hovered around her. She tried not to sit heavily, but the jolt came anyway as she struggled to focus on the dire wolf at the center of attention. The joiners seemed to get bigger and bigger by the day, Hazel noted idly. Though, this one felt...strangely familiar, strangely comforting.

Prying her eyes open, the girl blinked, watching the faint pulse of something snowy and soft around the canine, wondering why the aura looked like she’d seen it before. Then the voice... “Luna?” Hazel mumbled, sitting up a bit. She blinked again, squinting at the aura, a slow smile breaking across her lips. “Luna!” Hazel purred, tail lifting along with her barely-functioning mood. “It’s been a while. What happened to you? Where’d you go?” Deus, it was about time something positive happened to them.
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]