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BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - Printable Version

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BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - charrie graveyard - 07-04-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It was at times like these, when he had been walking for... he didn't know... 6 hours maybe? That he really really didn't like summer. Seriously, did it have to be so hot out? In a way, he guessed this was sort of his fault for waking up so late and travelling when the day was at its hottest but still. Making his way through the trees, Cascadingstars, or as he now frequently called himself, Cass, would let out a loud yawn as he trudged along, barely hearing the squeaking noises coming from his shoulder. "I already told you this a mile back, Lyra- it's not much farther, I swear." The german shepherd answered, gazing at the gray and white rat currently clinging to his left shoulder. It couldn't be much farther... unless he had gotten his directions screwed up. Which was very possible. Of course, he wasn't about to tell Lyra that, knowing she would just become even more angry at him for possibly getting them loss. Luckily, after a few more minutes of walking, the male finally reached the border of the group he had been looking for- The Ascendants. "The name sounds like some sort of cult but... let's just hope it's not like that." Cass would whisper to the rat before sitting down, clearing his throat to speak in a louder tone.  "Hello! Anyone out there? I'm Cascadingstars Caelum but uh, you can just call me Cass. I'd like to join The Ascendants, please!"

Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

God, if Gordon learned that The Ascendants was a cult, she probably would have left a long time ago. Unless, of course, they were a 'nice' cult, but since when have cults not have some sort of negative connotation to them? "Ah, of course you can join!" Gordon squeaked out as she came over, blinking up at Cass for a few seconds. "My-my name's Gordon Cipher. I'm-I'm a Starstruck Guardian here." She was a semi-high position and she was shyer than a flower, how funny was that? "Ah, could I interest you in a tour, m-maybe?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - Suiteheart - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The Ascendants was almost like a cult - you know, minus the religious devotion towards one or a few set things. She supposed, if one were reaching, they could say the Ascendants was a cult in that they more or less worshiped the stars, but that was some an outsider's point of view. The Ascendants didn't really devote their lives to the celestial giants. No, instead, they just really appreciated them from afar.

"Nice to meet you, Cass," the white feline meowed, coming forward with a smile upon her lips. She noted he had a Clan name, and she couldn't help but feel that faint glimmer of hope she had felt when she first met Bastille. Perhaps Cascadingstars had come from the same places she, Margaery, and Bast had. "I'm Suiteheart. We're happy to have you and your friend here." She motioned her head towards the rat that accompanied the canine.

Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Annual patrols. That was something that he had planned out for himself for the past week, and it seemed like the schedule that he had was somewhat doable. Almost. He was only ever giving himself 2 hours of sleep a night so that he could continue to work on turning himself back into a human. There were two other's that were struggling with the same thing that he was. He didn't want to stay an animal forever because if he did it would just mean that his life would basically be over and that there would be nothing he could do to get away from it. The Director always found different ways. Hell, the Director could have possibly been near the explosion of the ship that had sent him here. He could have suffered the same fate. Although he would have much rather preferred the guy to be dead at this point for having stabbed him in the back. What did the Director think was going to happen to lie to 50 different super soldiers? They were bound to find out and come after him, but the bastard was certainly resourceful in that regard. Almost like a cockroach that wasn't going to die anytime soon. He guessed that's also what other's thought of him too. Thinking that he could constantly bounce back from the worse of the injuries that he got during the program that he had been in. Because of the massive size of the explosion that it should have been, Agent Washington that there might be other's that had suffered the same fate as him. He was still getting used to the damn fact that he was indeed back on Earth somehow. He had always thought about visiting the human homeworld himself when he was able to get time off. This isn't how exactly he wanted to spend it, inside of the body of an animal that was for certain. He didn't have a whole lot of experience when it came to be the level of a civilian. Which was what he was basically dealing with on a constant level. It was somewhat annoying having to convert his military terms into something that they could understand, and half the times they didn't even know what half of the stuff he knew as a human were. It was nothing against them really. They were just animals. He was just quick to frustrate with the lack of sleep and really anything else. Hence why he had given him a schedule to constantly keep up with so that he would always have something to do. He hadn't checked up on the simulation soldiers recently, but it wasn't like it really mattered to him all that much. They could take care of themselves, at least he hoped they were. He wasn't going to be their babysitter when he had a job to do.

The armored smilodon was walking along the border of the outpost, as it seemed like others like him fell into that general area and went to the first place that was populated. He did hear that there were other outposts that were run by different people around here, which he may have to investigate himself. He doubted that those groups would be as considerate as this group though. But Washington believed that he could move around whenever the hell he wanted and be able to take on said challenges. His armored protected him, but he still had no skill when it came to fighting basically as a lion. And his hallucinations were getting worse. Something that he wasn't saying to anyone because he didn't want to be perceived as weak or give any information out about Project Freelancer. The large male was walking through the trees, his head lowered slightly as pain vibrated directly behind his eyes. The area where his neural implant had been was starting to burn at the memories. Causing him to stop for a second and shake his head with a growl as if he was trying to drive the pain away somehow. It was during this time that he heard voices in front of him. With a helmet he constantly wore on his face, it was basically impossible to take in scents around him. Washington blinked his tired golden eyes as he made his way over. He was one of the larger animals that currently resided in this place. Although he didn't consider himself to be one of them. He was just using their resources so that eventually he could make his way back with everyone else. The smilodon came to a stop to the left side of the group, keeping a five-foot distance between him and everyone else. His golden visor was directed toward the male that was being addressed and asked for his identification. The soldier shifted his dark grey paws as he forced his mind to work. He wasn't someone that was going to be nice just out of consideration. He didn't trust any of those that lived in this outpost after all. This guy didn't seem to be someone where he was from, but he might as well introduce himself in case the guy turned out to be someone important that he wasn't able to catch immediately. "Agent Washington." Was all that the Freelancer would offer to him. If the other didn't say anything, Agent Washington would most likely walk off and continue his narrowed patrols despite the lack of sleep. At least he wasn't starving as well, which he had been only a couple days ago. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - ★ HAZEL - 07-05-2018

Initially, Hazel was traveling to the border on the promise of another new face and fresh air, but her reasoning took a sudden and abrupt change as the newcomer’s name floated past on the breeze. It was a beautiful name; one of flowing water and stargazing and dancing grass. It reminded her of a meteor shower or a waterfall. However, his last name reminded her of something entirely different. Something she hadn’t heard in...months, actually.

Caelum was Latin for the heavens, or the sky. It was a beautiful word. Hazel wanted it to sound beautiful, at least. She wanted it to be simply that: a pretty sound associated with a friendly face. That was easier than remembering how she would be forever tied to the woman who caused her so much pain. It was easier than remembering how Mother used to be sober around the clock, leaning over Hazel and cooing sweet nothings at her, murmuring Hazel Elise Caelum, Hazel Elise Caelum, with such affection it hurt. Named after the stars, she’d whisper, smile audible. named after the heavens like the little gift you are. And god, did it break her heart.

”Too bad the last words she said to you were about you being a miserable, worthless brat.” The mindscape girl shrugged, casual and bored. Hazel took a shuddering breath, forcing the thought out of her mind. Caelum must have been a common last name; there was likely no connection between her and this boy.

“Hi, Cass. I’m Hazel.” She greeted, eyes faintly glassy and reminiscent. “Hope you enjoy your stay here.”
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - charrie graveyard - 07-06-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It certainly didn't take very long for someone to show up. Nodding at Gordon in greeting, he would wag is tail in a display of friendliness, a faint smile on his muzzle as he prepared to speak. "Thanks, Gordon, it's nice to meet you! I think I'm good on the tour though- I prefer to explore on my own, but thank you." Cass said politely before turning to Suiteheart. To be honest, the only reason he had chosen this name was because he had heard rumors that the animals of this place had really long names with two words smashed together, although he had to admit that he had grown fond of "Cascadingstars" and would probably keep it for a while.  "Thank you! Me and Lyra here really appreciate it... especially since we've been wandering for a few weeks now." At the sound of Cass saying her name, the gray and white rat would turn to look at her caretaker and make her way on top of his head, giving Suiteheart a curious twitch of her whiskers before looking around at the others.

Just when he thought there couldn't be any more people, a gigantic.... what was that? A smilodon? Would show up, nearly giving Cass a heart attack at the sight of it. Jesus- were they really this big!? He had to be about the size of a lion. Swallowing his fear, the german shepherd would clear his throat, trying to find his voice again as the other male introduced himself. "U-Um... It's uh, nice to meet you... Mister... Agent Washington sir. Odd name ya got... you some sorta military guy? Secret agent man? Something?" As if joking around could make this any less awkward. Finally, he would turn to the last feline of the small group- Hazel. She seemed... distant at the moment. Had he said something to offend her? Blinking his blue eyes, he would dip his head to the she-cat, giving her a small smile as he spoke. "Lovely to meet you, Hazel. Thank you."


Re: BURSTING LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY && o, joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-07-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

One thing that Washington had come to notice that others were able to immediately tell that he was different than everyone else. He guessed that anyone having armor wasn't all that much of a common occurrence in a place like this. Which was strange in itself considering that he had seen a couple pretty strange things in his life for a while now. It was confusing to him to what these guys considered to be normal and what they considered to be a rare scene to be played in front of them. No one even seemed to have reacted to a giant dog cat chicken thing that had joined the group not too long ago. At least he thought that they had joined them but still. Washington didn't think they would let something that big, as big as basically a mantis droid, into their outpost. They didn't even bother to question the other to make sure that he wasn't going to try and eat them all whenever he wanted. Which in itself he would think would be pretty important to make sure before they were all devoured by the end of everything.

Washington was used to following the protocols that were given toward them and he didn't believe in betraying them either. He was a soldier, and other's immediately seemed to be able to tell that just from looking at him. That spoke volumes because it meant that they had to deal with someone like him before if they even knew what he likes of a military was. They were animals after all, and he wasn't even sure how to describe the operations that they were running here. The Freelancer just went along with whatever happened and constantly kept to himself. Not revealing too much and not revealing too little. Just enough to satisfy those that were curious about who he was and what was going on. It made life easier that was for damn sure as the other's seemed to believe everything that he said. Washington used to be like that during the early times of Project Freelancer where he was gullible enough to basically believe in whatever everyone was saying to him.

Because of that, there were several instances that his teammates would make fun of him. Something that Washington was fine with because it didn't exactly bother him as long as whatever they told him didn't lead to some sort of injury. It usually didn't, but when it came to their group, as small injury was basically nothing to the point where it could be played off as a joke. But an injury such as losing an eye like York had done? That wasn't a joke, and Washington had been sure that they were going to be punished for it but they didn't. Something that had shocked him for certain, but that was in the past now. That had probably been where everything just started to go to hell. He should have expected it, but he was naiive despite being in the military for so long. Washington still held that demeanor with him wherever he went, and sometimes it was enough to be offputting and have other's avoid him. That was fine because he didn't have time to really waste on others that just wanted to have useless conversations with him. He also didn't mind being alone with his thoughts so that he could figure out a way to being human again.

That's all he wanted and if anyone tried to get in his way he wasn't going to show mercy. He wasn't the rookie anymore. At least, he didn't feel like how he had been. He couldn't trust anyone anymore, not when his back was still fresh from being stabbed by the one place that he had truly trusted for a large majority of his life. Only to figure out that what they were doing wasn't helping humans at all, instead, it was only the Director helping himself and leaving the Freelancers under his command confused about what they were doing and if they were murderers for the right cause. He wasn't innocent. Far from it. He hadn't exactly killed innocent people. There were never innocents in war. Agent Washington had gotten used to the reactions that he had been getting when he was approaching others. He knew that his size was large, as he was the second largest in this outpost at the moment, but he hadn't really meant to look intimidating. He guessed that his Mark 6 armor was the main object that intimidated others so much, something that he wasn't willing to take off or change. No one even knew what his face even looked like, and he was going to keep it that way.

The only way to tell that he was even a smilodon at his size would be to look at the way his body was built. His front legs a little bit longer than his back legs and the shortened tails. The signature long incisors that a smilodon would have did not poke out of the bottom of his helmet as they had been broken. How? He didn't know. The first time he actually took time to look at his face that was the first thing that he noticed. Agent Washington remained calm taking in the dog's reaction. He actually knew that breed. They were common house dogs, like a border collie or a golden retriever. However, the Freelancer didn't offer any solace to the other's fear. Not like he could smell it either thanks to the helmet that he wore that filtered out any scents. A standard for a helmet like the one that he had so he could walk around in the air that was poisoned and not have it affect him thanks to the filters. When the other started to address him, a small grin would spread across his face.

It was almost weird to be addressed with 'Sir' after everything. He was used to being regarded as the lowest of the group that he had once belonged to. "Just Agent Washington is fine." The Freelancer would say calmly. He could see him in the paws of the other, having met Carolina and the other top Freelancers before. He had the same issue with talking to those that were either higher ranked or someone that was in charge of something. A habit that he was quick to fix being the rookie. At the mention of the other being military, the smilodon would shrug his armored shoulders. "Something like that." The soldier would say basically stating that he was indeed from the military. Just hearing the other talking about the military though, did the other know about something like that? Was this guy a former human like he was? The name didn't sound like a human name, but neither was his. He did have a human name, but he refused to introduce himself as such. "You have experience with military personnel?" Agent Washington would question calmly, trying to gather as much intel as he could about those that were living around her. Certainly difficult thanks to his lack of social skills now. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: