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WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - Printable Version

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WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - rhosmari - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]A calm silence settled along the Pebble Coast, waves lapping at the rugged shoreline. Pushing and pulling against the earth to reshape and redistribute the land in other places. Helping to shape the land and turn it into something different and even perhaps new but that would take prolonged years of effort from the water. This was normal, erosion happened all the time so there was nothing particularly strange about that. Although if one looked further along the coast there could be seen a figure laying upon the beach, drenched in saltwater. The waves pulled at her fur and she seemed too still for comfort and for a long time that was all that happened till suddenly she heaved a sharp and ragged breath. Gasping and paws scrambling her whole body trembled with pain that lanced through her entire being. Her eyes stung and she had to close them tightly just to try and focus on calming herself down. Whatever had happened her body was in shock and she struggled to come down from it on her own. Pressing her head harder against the ground her breath was torn from her over and over again as she felt the waves drag at her already sodden form.

Slowly over time it got easier to breath and yet the pain was still there overshadowing her calming state. A wince spread over her ginger features and she turned her head to the side before exhaling deeply. "Where...?" Clearing she was confused but more so she was confused about what laid right in front of her. Eyes having shifted downward she noticed it quickly, thick ginger colored paws that were christened with thick black claws that slightly peeked out at her. It alarmed her to say the least and she jerked back sharply, a resounding yowl leaving her throat and startling her even more. Ears pulling back in concern she whipped her soaking wet form around and looked at herself in the oncoming and outgoing waves only to see a large cat looking back at her. A freaking cat! There was hair everywhere! Her eyes widened and she jerked away from the waters, tail thrashing behind her as she shook her head a bit. What was going on? What had happened to her. She couldn't seem to get a grasp of reality and she dug her han- no, no, paws hard into the pebbles of the coast, cutting her pads and causing her to narrow her eyes a bit. She had paws. Was that the weirdest thing she had ever had to deal with? No, not by a long shot. She could get through this.

What was the last thing she remembered? Everything had been going well as far as she knew but then...something and an explosion. Carolina clenched her jaw as her head revolted against remembering anything and she lowered her head before a name popped into her mind. The Meta. A sharp gasp left her muzzle and she remembered him. Remembered who he used to be. Maine. Regret pulled along her body and she closed her eyes again before forcing herself to figure out her situation. What was this? Why was she this way? Where was she even? She vaguely remembered being undercover and perhaps this would be okay for now. The Freelancer pushed herself to her paws and she had seemed to recover pretty quickly from her turmoil but then again training in the military did that, she didn't have time to sit around and be lazy. There was always something to do or something to be gain from doing at task but right now this was for herself. She needed to get her bearings. Stepping forward she tested the way this body moved and walked, feeling muscles rolling underneath before she pulled sharply curved ears forward in an attempt to listen to her surroundings. Jutting forward she walked up a small incline to behold the plains in front of her. "Really hoped I was in a coma again..."

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-04-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]
Everything had been put back onto his head basically before he even turned into an animal. The Freelancers had been through plenty of strange situations over the years that the Project had been around. They had gone against those that were more than capable of taking alien take and manufacturing their own stuff from it. Although it hadn't been all that much common. There had been some alien artifacts that the Project had wanted, and that just meant that they were going to be sent on a mission to capture said directives from those that had claimed them as their own. He remembered one of their missions of getting the sarcophagus, and that was probably one the more stressful images. Just because of the introduction of Agent Texas and that Agent York had been injured at the same time right before the mission. Washington held all of his memories of when he was a Freelancer, and some of the times he didn't want to have to remember all of the horrible things that they had gone through. With the realization that they weren't the good guys that they thought they were. Something that he overheard York saying when he had passed the other male, but not having said anything.

He was a good soldier and followed the orders that were given to him. After the time that he spent in the UNSC military before getting court-martialled for not following his commanding officers orders, he realized that probably wasn't the best idea. An idea that was easily burned into his very mind as soon as he had applied to the project and was able to get into. Now, he had never been the best Freelancer around, but he was one of the top 6 on that damned leaderboard that had broken them all apart. Every Freelancer had their own specialty. York was great with dealing with locks. North was great with using his sniper rifle. Maine was the muscle. Carolina was great with and to hand combat, not even remotely matched. Although maybe compared to Agent Texas, he hadn't been sure what to think about the new Freelancer that had basically come out of nowhere. After spending a couple years in the program, he was able to get a vague idea of what the program was going to be about, and he trusted the program that had accepted him. He had never been given a reason to distrust them. Every operation was bound to have secrets that they weren't willing to share with other's and that was fine with him. As long as it didn't get him or other's killed. During the Project, he had actually cared about the lives of others.

But everything changed once the implementation of AI's, and everyone started to argue about who would get their own. Although it seemed like South was the most aggressive of the bunch when she didn't end up receiving her own AI. Wash was the last one to receive an AI before everything ended up going to shit and the Mother of Invention was sent plummeting to the ground. The AI that he had been giving had been the memory fragment of the Alpha AI itself, and because of that, it held all the memories of the torture that the director and the counselor had put Alpha through. Washington was allowed to feel all the pain and sorrow that Alpha had expressed in a matter of moments as soon as he was implanted into his neural implant. It had been the most painful thing he had ever experienced as the AI tried to kill itself inside of his head. Luckily, he was contained and then the AI was removed, but the damage had been done. He knew everything. He knew what Agent Texas was. But as soon as he woke up, Agent Texas and several other's began to try and break down the ship and it crashed into a nearby planet. Washington didn't really remember the crash considering that he was in the infirmary during it, only having a split second to realize that they were indeed crashing.

He had tried to question other's to tell him what the hell what was going on, but everyone was rushing to try and save their own lives. As soon as the giant ship crashed into the ground, it blew up, something Washington very vaguely could feel himself. The Freelancer then ended up crash landing in the Ascendants. Which he called an outpost because that was exactly what it was. The former human didn't want to spend more time here than there was more than necessary, as he knew that he needed to get back to the director and counselor. He wasn't about to start running for his life, and if he didn't appear back where the crash had been, they would probably consider him to be AWOL and force the Freelancers that were left to hunt him down for his gear. After all, the Director didn't exactly like to share his property. Besides that, he was dealing with the after-effects of having an unstable AI forced into his body. He still suffered from hallucinations and emotions that weren't his own. Hence why he had set up his own routine so that he was constantly working himself. Only leaving two hours for himself to sleep, and it was only recently that he started eating again. He still wasn't exactly sure how to work in the current form that he was on. He was a species of smilodon, around the size of a lion.

He was a little bit bulkier, but he knew that he could run somewhat fast based on the small experiments that he had done with himself and no one else. It was interesting that was for sure, but he didn't like it either. What he would give to have his battle rifle back. Although right now he was just happy that he had armor that covered important parts of his body. The suit itself was only slightly powered thanks to the electricity elementals that he didn't know he had right now. Lights adorning certain segments of his armor and lighting up the inside of his helmet making it easier for him to see. The scars that had gotten over the years during Project Freelancer had translated themselves to the rest of his body. Knives, bullets, shrapnel, all had made their mark on his skin. Which was probably strange to see on the likes of an animal. Either way, it was around 2200 hours, at least from what he could tell on the internal clock on his helmet and where the sun was at. This meant that he was on his border patrol looking out for other Freelancers that may have suffered the same fate that he had gone through. The likelihood was slim, but there was still a chance, and he would take any chance. But did he want to see another Freelancer? Having to deal with being betrayed by an organization he trusted meant that he wasn't about to start trusting a Freelancer right off the bat. And he wasn't the same Freelancer he had once been, the implantation of Episolon having almost completely changed him. While Washington had been walking around, the armored smilodon heard what sounded like distress a bit of a distance where he was from. It was a little bit difficult because his helmet covered his ears. Agent Washington hesitated from his position for a couple moments, debating whether or not if it was worth his time to check it out. Of course, he was. If there was a chance to gather intel he was going to do exactly that. The lion-sized animal came to a stop as he saw someone coming over the hell. It was another big cat. What species he had no idea. He already had difficulty figuring out what species he was himself.

Agent Washington slowed his approach, as so far he had seen that his presence usually made other's nervous. How the hell was he supposed to address this if this wasn't the creature that let out a sound of distress? Well now, this was awkward. The Freelancer would stand there awkwardly for a couple minutes in front of the large wildcat, clearing his throat. He had never been good with social interacting. "Uhh hey there. You okay? You don't look so good." Washington immediately kicked himself in the head. This was the first time that he had openly approached someone on the border other than Caboose and Church. He didn't know how to interact with other animals. The male would shuffle his paws in the grass, there being at least five feet of distance between him and the female. As soon as he spoke though, Agent Washington didn't want the other to get the wrong idea. "I-I mean that I guess for a cat you look okay- but that- I mean, physical health wise- you uhh don't look in the best of shape there is uhh what I meant." A low groan of frustration would emit from his jaws as he raised one of his dark grey paws and moved his helmet slightly. Well, this was the great first impression. He was trying his damned best but York had been more of the people person, and back in Project Freelance Wash had struggled to keep his mouth shut or when to stop talking. As soon as he stopped talking though, the Freelancer grew serious despite his stumbling of words. Reminding himself that if this wasn't someone that could help him on his mission then they weren't worth the time and that he should move on. Simple as that. He helmet did turn slightly though as he looked to see if the other was alone or not.  He was a soldier. This wasn't in his job description."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - imperia - 07-04-2018

In spite of the sweltering summer heat, the ocean waves are cold. They lap at Imperia's paws, chilling her ankles and her toes. She is too afraid to go much deeper, but this is enough. It is the smell of salt on the breeze that captivates her. Or maybe it's the sapphire water whose hue seems to shift depending on the angle and the lighting. Before arriving at the Ascendants only two days prior, the young she-wolf only knew the ocean through stories. Pierre always confiscated picture books and fiction novels, so the only books she had around the den were all educational works of literature that only focused the facts. No scholarly depiction of the ocean could ever truly capture the magnificence of the real thing. Imperia likes to visit in the mornings, if only to stand ankle-deep and feel the pebbles beneath her paws and smell the salt in the air. It reminds her that she made it—that she is free from the place that used to be her home. She knows now that her birthplace never was a real home. It was cold and cruel and unforgiving. There was no room for someone as gentle as she. But here? Here, she belongs. Here, she can be who she truly is. No pretending necessary.

A playful breeze tugs at argentine fur as the petite canine turns away from the rolling waves. It is time to return home—there are more herbs to collect before the day is done and she wants to have time remaining to make more jerky to share with Agent Washington. He will not admit it directly, but Imperia knows that he cannot stand the prospect of eating raw meat. Peri never liked it either, but probably for different reasons. Consuming flesh that is still bloody makes her uncomfortable. She needs meat to fuel her body, but she was a softhearted child and she could not bear the thought of eating those cute rabbits and squirrels. Peri is more mature now and is actually a decent huntress, but old habits die hard. Her mother is the one who taught her how to cook and dry meats so she would not have to eat them raw. Maker bless her soul. So, first on the list is organizing and labeling her herbs. Then, if she has time, she will begin preparing some care packages for her friend, if she can even call him that. Peri hopes so, at least. As much as she values her freedom, she could really use some friends.

Slender limbs carry the elegant wolf up the beach towards the plains with the grace of a deer, unknowingly moving in the same direction as the unfamiliar wildcat. Imperia is too lost in her thoughts, quietly humming to herself, to notice the strange scent before cresting the small hill. It is then that sterling silver eyes fall upon both the stranger and Agent Washington. She blinks once, twice. Perhaps this is the Maker's doing? Surely this place is far too large for the exact person she was just thinking about to be in the same place at the same time as she. "Oh, hello," she greets, warily slinking around the other female to stand beside the armored smilodon. A friendly smile paints her lovely visage, a genuine one, at that, but she is cautious around people she does not know. As mentioned before: old habits die hard. A glimmer of amusement flickers across her face at Wash's rather tragic attempt at talking to the ginger she-cat. "My name is Imperia Arceneau," she introduces with a friendly dip of her head. Wash is right, that lady seems a bit confused. Maybe a lot confused. Hopefully they will be able to help. "This is the Ascendants' territory, in case you are unaware. Can we help you?"

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - Roy Mustang - 07-04-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
When Roy Mustang showed up at the Ascendants border three months ago, it had been the shock of his life. The last thing Roy expected to happen in his life was become an animal. He always thought that his life as a human would go on, and he would continue to reach his goal to become Fuhrer of Amestris. But when he got caught in the middle of an activated human transmutation circle, it changed his life completely. His body(as well as Hawkeye's, she got caught in it too) was used as a toll, but Truth decided that their lives weren't done yet. Roy can still picture that white figure and how much it looked like him, and that grin it's face featured when it wished him good luck. Roy wouldn't be here in the Ascendants if it wasn't for Truth. Roy honestly wondered at times if this was a cruel punishment, for accidentally stepping somewhere he shouldn't have. Roy wouldn't be surprised if Truth was watching him with a grin, proud of it's work with messing with Roy Mustang's life.

Roy was padding through the Ascendants territory, walking on three legs as if there were four. The Flame Alchemist was heading towards the pebble coast, Roy was honestly planning on going right by it, but the voices of his groupmates caught his attention. The male came to a pause, ears pricking up as he listened to the voices carefully. Hm, there is an unfamiliar voice among Washington and Imperia. The male thought to himself carefully as his ears drew back to his skull, a sigh escaping his lips. Well, there goes his idea of going by the pebble coast. There was apparently a stranger at the pebble coast, Roy wasn't exactly going to be welcoming but he'll go see who it is. Without another thought, the melanistic bobcat padded forward, quickly making the rest of the way to the area of the voices.

Roy was the next one to pad in, following in after Imperia. His gaze instantly landed on the big cat, blue eyes blinking. She certainly looked confused, there was no doubt in that. It seemed like a lot of people have been showing up at the border rather clueless. Perhaps she was like the others- maybe she too wasn't aware a group lived here. "Who are you?" Roy questioned with a hint of hostility in his voice, speaking up after Imperia. Roy couldn't help it but be hostile with strangers, as he doesn't have trust in them. The people who Roy trusts in Ascendants(i.e. Margaery, Suiteheart, Gordon, kind of Bast, etc), have proven they are worth of gaining Roy Mustang's trust. If anyone wants to gain his trust like them, then they'll have to work for it.

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - rhosmari - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She definitely didn't feel good, that much was certain. Even though she was confused she felt more like she was broken, as if something had been ripped away from her and true, something had been taken from her. First it had been her faith in the Director and in Project Freelancer, the divide she had fueled within the team because of her own selfishness and her need to prove she was better than Agent Texas. She had to be better than her, she had to be. And then Maine, poor Maine and it was all her fault. If she hadn't given him Sigma he wouldn't have turned into the monster that he had become he wouldn't have taken Eta and Iota away from her only making him stronger in the end. She felt like everything up to this point had been her fault, only her fault and it weighed heavily on her shoulders. But a broken soldier couldn't win battles, a broken soldier couldn't help anyone and she had to keep moving to right the wrongs that had been done and to do that she had to get to the Director and kill him herself. She wouldn't allow for anything to get in her way and she breathed out a harsh breath as she hear thick steps coming her way. Who was that?

Eyes narrowing a bit she turned her head to the side, almost neon yellow eyes narrowing at the appearance of a thick and large creature who ambled her way. For a moment she almost wrote him off as nobody, someone just coming forth to check out the scene and make sure things we okay. That was until she realized he wore armor and that helmet was unmistakable. Especially the yellow markings upon his black armor. Washington. A seething anger arose in her, not because of him directly but because she thought she couldn't trust him. The woman had defected from the project but that didn't mean the same for those that might blindly still be following the Director. Maybe they all should have listened to C.T. Maybe she should have stopped Tex from killing her. There were so many maybes and should haves in her life and they started to make her feel sick to her stomach. But she couldn't have those now. There was a Freelance here and that was a problem by itself. She immediately discarded his awkward rambling. Her jaws parted suddenly as if she might say something but then the situation turned from bad to dicey as a civilian arrived on the scene. Strange that she would see an animal as a civilian but as she was now that only seemed logical. Soldiers adapted quickly to their surroundings after all. But the one to arrive was a female, a wolf, graceful in step with an argent colored pelt. Her eyes cut to her as words dropped from her throat and she tried to not rile from the fact that she could understand what she was saying. What both of them had said.

Her muzzle worked for a moment, unclenching and clenching. This was some place called Ascendants. Alright she could get behind that but then what planet were they located? The information was so incomplete but her gaze flashed back to Washington and then more steps, more problems. More variables that could make things worse. Two civilians now but more less friendly then the first. They didn't know that they were in danger but perhaps that was Carolina's own mistake because she didn't know the situation. Not all of the cards were laid out before her so she was being impulsive and rash. Come on, think. Think. Her eyes cut back to the two whom spoke to her, one giving her more information as she moved her paws, moving off to the side of Washington because this was a better angle. She could get him away from them and he wasn't as fast as she was that much she knew. He wasn't a heavy hitter though if he caught her.... A frown marred her muzzle before she glanced back at the other two. "He shouldn't be here. He's dangerous." The only warning that she gave as she motioned to the Freelancer with a jut of her jaw in his direction because without any real notion of attacking she was suddenly rushing for him, the air beneath her paws pushing her fast to get to him quicker.

She had set herself up to be able to get to his legs considering the large size difference but she also didn't want him to know she was going for that so instead she aimed to thrust her front paws up and slam them against his helmet in order to daze him before dropping down low, pressing her belly against the ground to jut one paw out and hook his leg to try and pull it out from underneath him as she spun her body around to kick out with her hind legs against his stomach and push him hard against the ground. If that worked she would then attempt to grapple with a foreleg and twist it so that he would feel the pain of it possibly and with the position she could easily dislocate it. "Why are you here?! What do you know, Washington?!" Her voice was a command, a sharp and jagged snarl that surprised even herself but she didn't want to back down now, not at this moment because she needed answer and if she had to put him out of commission she wouldn't hold back.

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-04-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

War. That had been the first thing that his parents had told him about when he was younger, as he was born in the generation that only knew of the war that plagued not only their planet but also their race. It meant that there would be no peace on any installation that they decided to go to unless they ultimately won this war. It was very rare that there were actual regular jobs that were capable of being held in order to make a living. If anyone was making a living, it was by selling weapons to the military, being part of the military, and so on. It wasn't uncommon for a mother to join the military and leave her kids somewhere else where they went off to fight the wore that would probably get them killed. Agent Washington didn't remember the statistics on how many people ended up losing their lives during the middle of the great war. They had protected Earth with the help with the Spartans that were bit stronger than what Freelancers were capable of going through. It was certainly helpful, but it also meant that Agent Washington had to make his own decision about what he was going to do with his life.

His family was a military family, and he desperately wanted to protect his family from the alien race that wanted them killed. He wanted his sisters to live in a world where there wasn't any sort of worry of whether or not they would live to see the next day or if the alien race would invade Earth and end it all right then and there. The UNSC had resources, but there was only so much one could do with the funds that they had and the lack of resources that were coming across Earth. Sure the wore had reunited different races of humans together, but at what cost? They were close to extinction and something had to be done. Agent Washington had been naive to think that there was some possible way that he could actually make a difference. But was that true? That's what he believed and that's what he worked for when he joined the military. It was a low blow, but ultimately spending time in the military meant that his memories of his family were limited and fading. During his time in Project Freelancer, he wasn't even sure if they were alive, knowing that the planet that they had lived on had been burned to a crisp and destroyed by the alien race. Did they even think that he was still alive? Probably not. All that he could do was hope that they were okay.

There were some semblance of home that he was allowed to keep when he was in Project Freelancer at least. That being the way he had managed to decorate his locker in the Mother of Invention showing exactly what he cared about. There was once a rubber duck in that locker, something that one of his sisters had given him when he was younger as a form of a birthday gift when they were just kids. There was the skateboard that he had used to enjoy riding around the halls of the ship but didn't have time anymore to do it. He had several different workout towels that he took care of, and there were also pictures of his house cats that he kept in his lockers. It was almost ironic that he liked his cats so much and preferred cats rather than dogs, and ultimately he ended up becoming some form of one. It was annoying yes, but he was going to have to live with it now while he worked around and figured out how this place worked. The only other animal that he seemed to be okay was Imperia, as the other seemed to be incredibly smart when it came to most things. Having been interested in his Mark 6 armor and what it was made of, knowing already how alloys were created certainly gave her an edge compared to others.

She didn't seem to be one to refuse any question which Agent Washington was going to end up using to his advantage in the future. Right now though, Agent Carolina knew a lot more than he did. Over the years that he had worked with the female, he had admired her skill, and she had always looked out to him. Especially when she kept him from getting roasted by a flamethrower that one time. He was the one to have brought comedy to the entire squad when they did go on a mission, although now he was more serious and bitter about everything. It also happened that the female knew more than he did. He had his assumptions that something was happening to Agent Maine over the course of the AI implantation. he had never liked Sigma in the first place so the other AI just seemed to rub him the wrong way with the way he talked to other AI's that were in the program. What he didn't know was that Agent Maine had taken Agent Carolina's AI for his own. He had never gotten the chance to look outside of the ship before the explosion happened and he was falling from the sky onto the ground. He had been lucky on his crash landing at the edge of this outpost, something that had been brought up recently. That being if his armor had bent in any sort of direction, especially his helmet, it would just mean that his helmet would be sealed to his head.

He wouldn't have been able to take it off with the tools that were around in a place like this. If he was back on the Mother of Invention he would have been fine, but this was out in the middle of nowhere in an abandoned human observatory. He would have probably starved to death if he could take his helmet off, having no access ports to his helmet in the first place. Either way, he had arrived and had been incredibly confused about basically the very beginning and he still was. The only thing that was probably keeping him remotely sane was the regimen that he had set out for himself after a couple of weeks of figuring out what his body was capable of. But that didn't mean that he was good when it came to fighting in this body. If he had his battle rifle, he could easily hold his own but guns didn't really seem to be readily available anyway. He knew what claws could be used for, but refusing to eat raw meat meant that he wasn't even going hunting for his own food. A predicament, but one that he had managed to get beyond at least. So, this meant while Carolina had raw talent, Washington had to train himself to be able to fight like an animal. He had relied on his armor so far for his protection, despite there being obvious gaps in his armor.

Agent Washington looked at the leopard in front of him as she seemed to be hyper-focused on who he was. He had no idea how to really read animal body language all that much, other than maybe on a house cat when they were pissed off. But this was a different situation, his golden gaze turning to look at both Imperia and Roy as they came up next to him questioning the wet feline. He turned his head back and noticed that the other was moving to the side of him. What was she doing? He knew tactics when he saw one, and the muscles underneath his shoulder plates began to tense themselves. His facial features hidden completely by his helmet as he turned slightly with her as if telling her not to try anything. Even if he had been awkward a few moments ago, he was a Freelancer. He could just take on a simple cat that was smaller than him right? That was of course until he heard her speak. Her words didn't register to him, but it had been her voice that did. "Wait Car-!" His voice was cut off as he didn't even remotely have time to react as his head snapped to the side from her blow. Well, that hurt like a bitch.

He turned his head around and was ready to defend himself. But he knew damn well that he wouldn't be able to stop Carolina. She had always been stronger than him, and this made adrenaline start pumping through his veins. She could kill him. Even with his armor, he had no doubt that she would figure out a way how to. The next blow happened immediately after the next as he felt one of his legs pulled out from under him. Still not used to his body he wasn't able to catch himself in time as he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. His armor pressing up against his chest almost painful. He tried to roll himself around so that he could get up to his paws, but he didn't have a chance as paws connected with his chestplate causing a wheeze of air to exhale from his lungs and his arm being grabbed pulled in a manner that would either break his arm or dislocate it. A pained yowl escaped his jaws at the sudden angle of his arm. Now he was in full panic mode as he tried to catch his breath.

What the hell was she talking about?! "C-Carolina please stop! I don't know how I got here! I was in the infirmary in the Mother of Invention when it crashed and exploded with me inside of it! That's all I know." Wash voice came out quick and in a panic. Agent Carolina was here. That was both good and bad. Bad for him because she could easily kick his ass even while he was in full armor. All he could do now was hope that she believed what he said and didn't actually try to break his arm. His helmet did turn in the other's direction and realized how bad this must look. They were teammates, but would they attack her? "I- Uhh this is a misunderstanding" Wash would say in a low voice to both Imperia and Roy, hoping that they wouldn't attack her. He hoped he could calm down the situation. If he was capable of sweating he would be doing that just now. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - rhosmari - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It took every ounce of her own self control not to snap his arm. Really, she didn't know why she wanted to do it so badly. Maybe it was the side effects of her own AI being ripped out of her or maybe she was needing some way to release her pent up negative emotions. Whichever the case there was something indeed wrong with her but for lack of better words she didn't want to delve too deeply into her own psyche at the moment. Instead she focused on Washington who's arm she  had tightly in a vice grim of her own grasp, claws extended. One small twitch of her grabbing paws and he would be in a world of pain. She held the cards here and if the other two decided to attack her despite Washington's show of trying to calm down the situation she could very easily snap it before they got to her. At least this way she would be able to keep them at a distance because from the way Washington acted with them he was familiar with them. Were they not civilians? Where they apart of another branch? Another team? Shit. Her eyes flashed own to the larger feline and she had already taken not of his panicked voice and how he seemed utterly confused about what she was asking of him. All she wanted was information and then maybe she could leave and get the hell out of him. Take him out before he caused more problems for her.

But what he said didn't make much sense to her and from the way he recalled it there was no real room to be lying. The Mother of Invention had exploded and with him in it? How had he survived something like that? Why did she want that to be a lie so badly? Her jaws shook a bit but she didn't move from her position as she tried to think things through. They no longer had their ship, their home. It had crashed as Washington had accounted and so that meant that it was most likely that agents were scattered around now. Perhaps this was the only reason she had even found Washington to begin with but she couldn't relax because there could always be more in the area. "Right, a misunderstanding." She mirrored his words as she relaxed her grip just a bit so that the position wasn't as uncomfortable as it had been. But she wouldn't allow for him to get up, at least not yet. She had more questions that needed to be answered and there was no reason to let up now. "You need to tell me something else, Wash. Who else is here with you? Wyoming? Texas?" Her eyes flashed back up to look at the other two, just to make sure of their positions and how to deflect them should they try something.

Her wet form shivered as wind pulled across the area and she narrowed her eyes just slightly. This was a mess of a situation but it couldn't be helped. Not like she had planned for any of this to happen and even worse she didn't have her armor but Washington did. What had happened to her own was a mystery for now and she didn't think about it too much. She was very much capable without it but she would like the extra protection. Flicking her tail her ears pulled back and she bared her teeth a bit in irritation before she glanced back down to Washington, shifting her grip on his foreleg just bit to add back the pressure that was there. "I'll think about letting you up when you answer me."

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

There had been a couple instances that Washington had been forced into hand to hand combat. It was something that he would much rather avoid since he was much better at fighting a distance than closer. That didn't mean he was particularly awful at it. But compared to those that had been better at it than him he knew when he didn't stand a chance when it came to dealing with a fight. If he was forced into a corner then he would just think of a way to get himself out of it with limiting casualties and also keeping his health in check at the same time. Having a suit of armor that was capable of taking the blows for him if he miscalculated a hit. As long as it wasn't the likes of a knife that could strike the areas of his suit that were nothing but the undersuit that he had. It was difficult to protect sometimes, but he had good enough reflexes just enough to keep himself alive. He had lost count on how many times he had gotten himself injured during Project Freelancer. He had been burned before, having shrapnel impale his stomach, have bullets shot through his shoulder, stomach, and several other areas.

Ribs broken because he had been too close to the likes of an explosion. The infirmary got plenty of time to get to know what he liked and what he didn't like. Just because they had doctors didn't mean that they were willing to deal with the likes of his bullshit and would make sure that he would do what was instructed of him and nothing else. He was too stubborn to kill. That was for damn sure. Either way, he knew the situation that he was in wasn't exactly ideal. Freelancers were finicky when it came to killing their former teammates. But once they made their mind up, they probably wouldn't hesitate to what happens to them. He remembered exactly how brutal the story had been when Carolina and Texas went against CT. Connie. He had no idea that the Freelancer had died from her wounds, and he hoped that she was still alive because she seemed the more down to Earth of the Freelancers. Less competitive compared to the rest, the most competitive being Carolina herself. He was pretty sure that Texas didn't really care about being at the top, and instead, she just was and that's how it was.

It was a rivalry that would lead to the downfall of the program. So this meant that there were outcomes to what was going to happen to him. She was going to break his arm. Which here, wouldn't be ideal because he wasn't sure if the animals here were capable of fixing bones. Did they even have any sort of medical techniques that he would even allow to be done to him? Probably not. The next option was that she could just knock him out and drag him somewhere. Although he did doubt that Imperia and Roy would allow something like that to happen in the territory of the outpost as this was technically their place. But Carolina had the wrong idea when it came to those that were around them. He didn't trust them. He didn't even remotely give them any hints of where he came from and what he was trying to do. Of course, if Church was going to give away the information that he was trying to keep classified they wouldn't really be capable of keeping things on hold now were they? Instead, he was using them because they were assets to him. He knew that when he was done here, he was probably going to have to burn everything to the ground as to not leave any trace that he was around here.

No one but Church and Caboose, who were simulation troopers, knew about Project Freelancer. Agent Washington completely refusing to talk about the project to those that would try and question what was going on in the end. However, the worst case scenario of this situation was for her to kill him. There was a gap between his throat and his armor. A place that would leave his throat open to attack while he was on his back. Which with the jutting pieces of armor that covered a good portion of his back made it somewhat difficult to roll over even if he was capable of doing so. Which he wasn't. The thought made him swallow the saliva that had been building in his mouth. He wasn't struggling against her hold, having done this hold before. Any movement would mean that she would tighten her grip, and too much struggling would mean that she would just break her arm or really try to kill him from there. Agent Carolina was thinking that he was a threat. Which he wasn't. At least not to her specifically. If he had run into Wyoming and South maybe he would be a threat, but he was a cat. An animal that didn't know about the powers that he had because they hadn't really shown themselves.

His size right now was basically just for show. She agreed with him. A misunderstanding. Although she could just be saying that so that she wouldn't be attacked. Not like it would really end up mattering because the leopard was capable of taking out full platoons herself without the help of the other Freelancers. He felt her grip relax slightly, but he made sure not to move his arm or any portions of his body other than his head. Since he constantly wore his helmet, biting an opponent was out of the question, so Carolina wouldn't have to worry about the smilodon trying to kill him with his incisors. Then came more questions, questions that he was quick to answer like any soldier being interrogated were. But he was in less of a panic now. Instead, he would sound almost as if he was giving a report to a commanding officer. Which Carolina was technically ranked higher than he was when it came to Freelancers. "No other Freelancers have been encountered other than you. I've scheduled countless patrols around this area to see if other's pop up but no others have appeared. My theory is that the explosion caused something to happen in the alien technology that we had on board. There are Simulation soldiers that seem to have suffered a similar fate that we did but from a different explosion. They didn't give me the full detail, but they are obviously from the red and blue bases. Their identifications are Church and Michael Caboose. Church has information he knows about Project Freelancers and even knew about Agent Texas. I'm not sure how he came across said information." Wash would talk about the simulation troopers.

Which probably wasn't all that great, and maybe he should have left them out just to basically spare their lives from the wrath of Carolina. He didn't have a whole lot of experience on dealing with them, and Church already didn't like him. Compared to Carolina though, he didn't know the Director's name. Instead, he only knew him as the Director and nothing else. He, of course, hated the director now that he had Epsilon's memories. Something that he had yet to bring it up with others. His jaw clenched though as he laid his head back down on the ground as she put more pressure on his arm. He, however, did feel her shiver through her hold from the cold that she was experiencing. He wanted to help, but he knew if he did she would just break his arm. She was debating on letting him up. "Got it, Boss." Washington said in a tensed tone, but it seemed like the attitude that he had during Project Freelancer was coming back slightly. He had no intention of moving around. She would have been free to ask questions to him before attacking him, but he understood her reaction. He had almost done the same. This time though Agent Washington did use the nickname that he only used on Agent Carolina."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - Roy Mustang - 07-05-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Well, it didn't seem like Roy was getting an answer to his question after all. Roy frowned slightly when Carolina turned to face him and Imperia. "He shouldn't be here. He's dangerous." He heard the leopard say directly to him and Imperia, raising an invisible eyebrow. He really didn't know Agent Washington that well- Roy knew that he was familiar with Church and Caboose, and that he was formerly apart of a military program. Did he ever think Washington was outright dangerous? Not exactly- surely if Washington was apart of an enemy group, someone at his size can easily kill Roy and others easily. It wasn't everyday you see a Smilodon, after all. Roy opened his mouth to speak, but didn't get a chance to- as before he knew it, Carolina rushed towards Washington and lunged at him.

Eyes widening, the Lunar Lieutenant watched the scene quickly unfold before him. "HEY!" The Flame Alchemist quickly yelled out, not caring if Carolina viewed Washington to be dangerous or not. If anything, she seems like a hypocrite- if anything, she seems more dangerous than he does right now! Washington didn't attack her, or any of them, but she did. "Get off of him now-" He began to order her, but his voice trailed off when Washington began to yell out, trying to get some knock some sense into her. Of course they know each other, he shouldn't be surprised anymore. The fighting seemed to settle down when Washington began to explain himself and call the fight a misunderstanding. The leopardess, who seemed to be called Carolina by Washington, calmed herself down, and agreed with it being a misunderstanding.

Roy's eyes narrowed when Carolina kept her grip on the smilodon, demanding for answers before she released him. When Washington began to answer, unfortunately the information that reached Roy's ears didn't sound familiar at all to him. While he heard comments about Church & Caboose(that Roy knew of slightly, he didn't know the two that well), everything else sounded strange to him. He wished he knew what they were talking about, but the Alchemist held no knowledge of any of it. Roy Mustang was familiar with his old world and what came with it- for example, Alchemy. Alchemy was something that was almost common knowledge to Roy, but others here barely know about it. Whatever Washington was talking about to Carolina must be common between the two, but not the rest. "Now that he answered your question, will you get off him? I want an explanation of what the hell is going on, now." He demanded with a frown, not caring if he was interrupting the two, ears flattening to his head as his hard gaze locked on Agent Carolina.

Re: WHAT'S DONE - open; stranger - rhosmari - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The information that poured from Agent Washington's lips was a start. A small one but it proved to be of some importance to the woman, especially when he said that name. The name. Church. Her paws seemed to grip tighter upon the other's arm as she took in a slow breath and maybe she wasn't just shaking from the cold. Yet her gaze remained focused on Washington, thinking and debating what to do next. He had, after all, answered the question she had asked of him and her head slowly tilted to the side. The thing was could she actually trust him, could she trust anyone anymore? Not after the rabid fiasco that had happened to those in Project Freelancer. The lying, cheating, clawing to get over one another and all for a leaderboard. She was heavily guilty in this and her jaws clenched as the memories hurt her. They hurt badly and she had to squeeze her eyes shut and she forced herself to stop shaking, to stop thinking about it. There was no time for weakness only vengeance and this information about this Church was going to get here where she needed to be. Others could have a similar name she was sure but that didn't matter to her, she'd confront him and question him. "I'm going to let you go. But you are going to take me to talk to this Church." Her words were jagged, too sharp. She didn't care about who this Micheal Caboose person was and her focus remained on her objective.

Though the conversation was broken and realization brought back in to focus that they still did have others around them. They had been silent so far and so she had almost forgotten their presence here. The male, a bobcat if she remembered her animals correctly seemed to have a nasty temper and that only made her want to prod at him. She hadn't yet let go of Washington and the command to do so she wanted to ignore so bad. Her stare was an obvious challenge but at this point it didn't really matter. She'd gotten what she had wanted and so she shifted her paws off of his foreleg and moved back before sitting down, back rigid and straight. "Get up, Agent Washington. And you-," She spoke pointedly to Roy with a dangerous glint in her expression that vanished within mere seconds of showing up. "What goes on between me and him is none of your concern. Need to know basis and you don't need to know." Her chest rose with a harsh breath before she shook her body, feeling her toes spread against the ground and her tail twitch slowly. A slow roll of her shoulders and a shift of her neck to feel it crack before she parted her jaws. Just relax. Claws began to tap almost instantly with restlessness and she looked down at her paws, still hesitant about what she was seeing.

"Washington, where are the sleeping quarters? What do you know of this place and the area?" Perhaps she needed to know more about this area but she didn't feel comfortable with asking the denizens about their own home. No, for now Washington would have to do for now. That was all she would need and if he tried anything she could very easy dispatch him and leave without so much as a trace. After all, she was made to be a killing machine and even in this different form she retained what she knew to the best of her abilities and would have to translate it to fighting on four legs instead of two. Didn't seem to be too hard and she finally lifted her head up to look at Roy as she rose to her paws again, curling her tail slightly in an almost dismissive twitch. "Who are you anyway? Are you the squad leader here or just a low ranking soldier?" Maybe something in between.