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THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - Printable Version

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THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - ROXANNE R. - 07-04-2018

✧*:・゚ She could only bring a few of her possessions and well, she didn't have anything that she considered dear to her except Kalayavan and the tegu egg. She had told an NPC to take them up ahead that she would catch up, of course, Kal writhed and hissed not wanting to leave Rox but the winged Siamese gave a pained, sad smile as she would press her head to Kal's forehead before kissing his snout. This didn't put the crocodile at ease but it had him dazed for a bit only to watch Roxanne disappear from his sight range. Her ears twitched in a nervous notion as she began to rummage around everywhere in her home only to find what she was looking for. What was it? A simple letter with a pink envelope keeping it safe, she swallowed quietly feeling her throat become dry as she pressed the letter to her chest letting out a shaky breath. She wanted to get rid of it yet she wasn't able to, of all things Roxxie could have taken she decided to take a slip of paper. She rushed to put it in her tiny chest before she hurriedly made her way out of her home glancing around with a sense of terror rippling through her body. She could already see the waters raising into powerful waves, her paws growing soaked because of the water that was already lapping at her paws. "J-jump Roxxie. Jump or you're going to die." She breathed out shakily continuing to hold the letter close with her eyes wide with fright, she would spread her wings out in a second.

She was prepared to lift up until a strong wave of water crashed into her, she let out a terrified shriek trying to swim upwards to get some kind oxygen into her lungs. She let out shaky coughs as her paws would flail around as she tried to pathetically swim, she was completely terrified. 'F-fuck, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.' She thought frantically only to feel the tsunami harshly rip the letter out of her paw, she blinked trying to figure out where the tiny treasure chest had gone. She felt her eyes stinging from the salt water and her own tears "W-why can't I have anything n-nice w-why?" She cried only to gasp as she was pulled down repeatedly by the strong currents before her tiny body rammed into a jagged rock penetrating her side and breaking ribs along with it. She was mortified realizing that she couldn't feel her wings but they were still on her body, she surfaced letting out a gasp and spitting out blood trying to fight against the tsunami again but her attempts were only making her tired. Her eyes half closed as she finally stopped fighting only to get pulled down again, her eyes still half closed feeling her back touch the bottom of a coral reef. It wasn't a light touch either. She could faintly make the sound of bones cracking and the tear of flesh, she continued to have her back basically destroyed by the reef only to surface again letting out a gasp trying to take as much air as she could managing to cling onto a jagged rock with her claws trying to get a tight grip of it. She turned briefly realizing there wasn't a useless weight on her back anymore but rather just stubs, bleeding and the bone just barely showing.

"F-F-fuck. . ."

She stammered out with fear feeling her heart continuing to race inside her tiny chest so certain that she'd have a heart attack. She pressed her face to the rock not saying anything as she clung on for dear life "S-stupid. .  S-so stupid. . ."" There was a pause only for her to sob a bit "I'm s-s-sorry Pincher. I'm s-s-sorry Rosemary. . . I'm s-sorry Goldie. . . Kal, I'm s-so so sorry. . . I'm sorry everyone. . ." She found a weak smile on her maw as her eye stayed close as blood dripped from her cranium "N-not Caesar. . . F-fuck him," She managed to drag herself onto the rock pressing a forepaw to her side feeling the broken ribs and seeing the horrible gashes on her side and flank, she shook her head with the smile of hers fading away "I'm m-mostly s-s-sorry Gree-" She was interrupted by a powerful wave of water that sent her flying back into the mess she thought she escaped, she closed her eyes letting her body get dragged and beaten by the ocean. She always did that, she was always beat as a child and used nowadays. So what did it matter to her if the tsunami wanted to tear her apart too? She didn't have much energy to even fight back, she had never fought back when her parents or siblings beat her. She didn't fight the feelings she had for someone who didnt love her. 'Just let it h-happen.' She finally thought feeling a smile appear on her face tugging at her lips as she opened her mouth, bubbles escaping her. Her lungs screamed for oxygen but her body was too battered and broken to do anything.

She thought she heard voices and saw something swimming over in her direction yet she hit her head against a rock going completely self-conscious. . .


Tiny mismatched eyes stared out at the world as she looked from the cardboard she stayed hiding in, she would step out seeing her father walking over and she skipped over to him with a smile "What did you find, Pop? What did you find?" She said rarely eagerly only to hear her tummy starting to rumble a bit asking a bit timidly "C-can Roxxie eat now?" Maybe that's why Pop was here, maybe he was here to feed her. Maybe Judas had forgiven her. Judas being her mother, she never dared to refer Judas as Mamma or Mommy ever since she was hit in the head because of it. Something about her not wanting to be called mother by a freak like her. Pop was less mean to her fortunately even if he did act funny when he drank this weird smelly piss (alcohol), he was holding a rat in his jaws which he would set down onto the ground nodding slowly before speaking "Roxanne, remember-" Roxxie injected in with a happy squeal "Don't call Judas Ma and stay outta the way of Roxxie's brothers and sisters! Pop, Roxxie knows! Roxxie is super smart!" Her Pop seemed to smile at her with his toothy fangs poking out from his mouth nodding slowly and ruffling up the fur on Rox's head "Eat kiddo, before your siblings come on over." She didn't need to be told twice as she started scarfing down the rat, the rat was just barely enough to fill Rox. She was growing and well, she needed more nourishment but she never asked Pop for more food scared that he'd scold her like Judas would. Judas always told her to stop being needy and be grateful of what she got, Judas had certainly drilled it into her head for sure.

Speak of the devil or think of them, at least, the long furred Siamese walked over looking at Roxanne and her Pop with a look of disgust "You didn't feed it, did you?" Roxxie instinctively lowered her gaze not looking at Judas as her Pop answered with a shake of his head "A kid gots ta'eat, Judas." Her Pop was so brave when it came to confronting Judas and he was much leaner, he felt he could relate with Roxanne more than any of the other kids which caused them to pick on Roxxie "Ugh, don't make me sick, Seth. You have kids to take care of. . . Don't waste it on an insignificant, freaky runt." Roxxie had always been the tiniest being born the runt and hearing Judas point it out multiple times made Roxxie mad, she already blurted out something without much thought "Judas is mean! Judas is mean to Roxxie and Pop! You are a big jerkface!" This made the fluffy Siamese puff up angrily as she shoved past Seth glaring down at Roxanne with her lips peeled back as a snarl erupted from her "Shut. Up." Roxxie defiantly lifted her nose up and puffed up her chest growling at her mother with her tiny needle-like teeth showing "B-bite Roxxie! Roxxie will b-bite you harder! Roxxie dares y-you!" Judas lifted up a paw with claws outstretched whacking the small winged kitten to the side but Seth stood in front of Roxanne before Judas did anything else "Leave her alone, Judas." He finally said with a lash of his tail watching as the Siamese glared at him "I can't believe this. I want you both to leave! You're both dead to this family. Seth, leave and take that bitch with you." Her eyes held this type of malice yet she disappeared before Rox could say anything else, the winged Siamese was sniffling and putting a paw over her cheek where she was bleeding from.

Seth shook his head licking Rox's cheek with a soft sigh offering an exhausted smile "Let's go. We're gonna go to the forest, Roxxie. We'll be happier there than here in the city." Pop frowned hearing Roxxie start to sob and her hiccups followed, Seth wrapped a paw around her to bring the small she-kit into a hug. He would pick her up by the scruff starting to trot away from the area, Roxxie blinked her mismatched gaze unable to believe that her and her Pop would be going to the forest. She asked several questions "Will Roxxie eat? Will Roxxie meet more cats like Roxxie? Is Pop gonna stay forever with Roxxie? Roxxie loves Pop! Does Pop love Roxxie?" She could barely make out the brick wall that they would have to climb over to get to the forest but barking suddenly made her blood go cold, Seth shoved her the corner of a trashcan only to turn around to see two dogs. Rox's nose wrinkled picking up the smell of Judas but they were clearly dogs. Why did they smell of Judas? Seth flicked his ears back "Get outta 'ere. Go back to where ya came from," The two dogs only seemed to growl at him though they seemed to be searching for something - no, [i]someone
else, Seth picked this up watching Roxxie out the corner of his eye only to hiss viciously when the dogs got close to Rox's hiding place. The dog didn't seem to be startled at all only to snarl using a large paw to try and reach for the kitten, Seth leapt into action.

All of it was too fast and a blur in Roxxie's eyes but she remembered her Pop's last words before he hung limply in the jaws of a dog. Something about a forest and to run! Roxanne bolted out from her hiding spot and scrambled through the alleyways hearing heavy pawsteps behind her and the clicking of claws when they met the concrete. She would head over where the cars were only to make a mad dash for it before she heard the loud yelp of one of the dogs and cats honking. She turned around to see one if those mongrels had gotten hit and well, since the cars had stopped she took the opportunity to sneak back to where her Pop was. She walked over to his body feeling tears starting to blossom in her eyes only to press her head to his chest "If only Roxxie was strong enough. . . Roxxie would have saved Pop. . . P-Pop. . ." She nudged his still corpse soon crawling to be in between his arms despite how she was slowly getting caked with blood. This was all her fault. Maybe her Pop would have still been alive? Maybe. Her hiccups echoed through the alley as the body of her only loving or caring parent grew stiff and cold, she would sometimes call out for help hoping someone would come to their aid.

"S-somebody! A-anybody. . . H-help me. . ."

She was alone and unloved. Once more.[/i]


The sound of music playing could be faintly heard as the tiny chest finally landed onto the higher area that the Typhoon had taken refuge within from the tsunami. Inside the tiny chest was a pink envelope signed in cursive, the name written upon it read; Greed. The melody from the treasure chest continued to sing its song as if trying to get the attention of those that were sheltered there. The letter was safe and didn't seem to have a single issue with it, the treasure chest, on the other hand, had a few splotches of blood. The melody finally came to a stop and sat there in silence. The sound of calm waves filling in the silence and the sound of seagulls crying as they flew in the air circling around something that was in the water. People would think it was a person from afar but once they got close enough, they'd find out it was just a pair of wings detached from their owner.

/ summary; rox disappeared but she'll be back!!! I'll bring her back on Friday or Saturday, otherwise she basically gets caught in the tsunami because she wanted to save a letter and well, she had slow reaction time and got her wings torn off. which are now floating in the ocean a lil ways from the treasure chest with the letter. feel free to retrieve the wings or something shrug and read the letter. she didn't die fyi.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - bubblegum - 07-04-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
ever since the tsunami hit and they had made it to high ground, the girl forced herself to move around more. she had to take breaks pretty often and fell down a lot, but she wanted to make sure everyone was okay. she had noticed some new members that she took note of meeting later, but for now she just wanted to focus on finding everyone and making sure they were okay. she didn't want anyone to be hurt. and if they were, she'd help them. what was most important, though, was making sure that everyone was here. she just needed to make sure that everyone had made it.

the injured girl was still forcing herself to run around, noting who she saw and who she didn't. upon that list of who she hadn't seen was miss rox. she couldn't find the female anywhere. it was quite worrying, really. but, she tried not to think too much of it for now. she hadn't gone through everyone yet. perhaps she would find the female soon. her pace was quick, though she had to stop often due to her injuries. it wore her out to be moving so much and her legs shook harder than usual because of it. she was certainly working herself. but, she needed to for now. she would be okay. she just needed to be sure everyone had escaped the waters for now. she could rest later.

she was on the search now, still trying to figure out who was here, when she heard a music box in the distance. she quickly moved towards it, curious as to what it was. perhaps some items had washed over. she pushed herself to the waters, collapsing along the way. she slowly got back up, letting herself take a bit deeper breaths for a moment before approaching. she blinked quietly at what she saw. a small treasure chest. and it was holding a letter addressed to greed. she recognized the handwriting and scent to come from miss rox, wondering if perhaps the female was nearby.

she slowly and shakily reached towards the items, pushing them onto dry ground, when she spotted something else in the water. at first, she thought maybe it was miss rox swimming - it was her wings, after all. but then she realized something else. they weren't...they weren't attached to anything. she took in a sharp breath, her shaking growing worse. her ears pinned to her head.

"oh my god," she breathed quietly for a second, her eyes wide and shocked. "miss rox?" she screamed, looking around wildly. maybe...maybe she was nearby! "miss roxanne?" she called even louder now, her voice edging on a scared tone. she felt like throwing up. she felt like crying. her breaths shook as she stood there, staring at the detached wings. she didn't know what to do.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-04-2018

Caesar didn't quite understand the urgency over the tsunami, not did he fully comprehend how much damage one could actually do. Sure, he know of tsunamis, but that didn't mean he knew the devastation they caused and how much they tore families and friends apart. This was just some natural disaster to him, something that happened on Earth and it was normal. So why was Pincher so up in arms over it? He just didn't understand. But that didn't mean he couldn't pretend to care, so Caesar was going around trying to help find others that were lagging behind.

He heard Goldenluxury's cries from afar and he followed them, and as he got closer, he realized that she was calling for Roxanne. Did Roxanne not make it? He wasn't worried for her by any means, though he did feel slight concern over her well-being. What could he say; he appreciated the gift she gave him, despite their differences. That was something to admire and respect, right? Caesar was next to Goldie by the time he finished those thoughts and he looked down at the ocean to see the wings floating in the water. The demon's invisible eyebrows rose, impressed by the fact that the ocean took off her wings. Damn. Caesar thought to himself, surveying the area. "We're probably not doing to find her with this weather, Gold." He said, his gaze slowly drifting over to where the treasure chest was.
Caesar turned from where he was standing next to Goldie and went over to the chest, clearly trying to figure out what was inside it.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - guts - 07-04-2018

Ever since the tsunami had hit, he had been searching around for Roxanne. He was with the group when he noticed she wasn't around, but by then the tsunami had overtaken the shore and was rushing towards them. Yet he still insisted, ignoring what his crewmates told him and hurrying towards the ravaging waters, even though he knew he would probably end up hurt--or worse. But if there was a remote chance of him making sure she was alright and safe, he would be fine with that. Ultimately he wound up with a broken leg and other such injuries, but no consolation on her condition.

Despite all the efforts to keep him in bed, Greed still demanded to be allowed to keep looking for her, and eventually hobbled out once they decided they couldn't stop him. He was extremely worried, especially since none had found her yet. While most people had found anyone stranded by now, Roxanne hadn't. He knew this could only mean the worst but he refused to accept it. He just couldn't. He was still in denial about his feelings, and while he sure as hell had no intentions of confessing, he couldn't just let her be alone when she was probably hurt.

He was walking along the beach when he saw Goldie and Caesar. He wanted to make sure none--specifically Roxie--had washed ashore, in case they had been swept away. His attention was ripped away from the water, however, at the distant music playing. He hurries over as quickly as he can with a broken leg, though he's quickly disappointed when he realizes what it is. Then the kit starts screaming and his brain is thrown into a haze when he notices what she's yelling about.

Her wings were there, floating along in the water. The ends at where they used to be attached painted the water a faint red. He wants to start yelling, too, but no words can escape his mouth. There's a sudden lump in his throat as tears begin to surface at his eyes.

"Oh my god," Greed mutters under his breath, staring down at it but not really seeing anything. His breaths are ragged as warmth slides down his face. "You idiot, what did you do?" he isn't sure whether he's regarding himself or Roxanne. Sadness and guilt fill up his chest, but he can't bring himself to openly cry. Unable to look at it any longer, he turns away, looking towards the chest again.

He sees the letter first, quickly zoning in on his name written on the front. He scoops it up before anyone else has a chance to, holding it in his shaking paws like some sort of life-line, like it would somehow tell him where she was and if she was okay. But even he knew the unlikeliness of that, and he wasn't completely sure if he wanted to see the contents yet.


Re: THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - bubblegum - 07-04-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
god, she must be so hurt. it must hurt so bad. she couldn't even fly to help her escape wherever she was. she could be in danger. they needed to find her. they needed to find her right now. that's what she thought immediately after. how would they do that? she didn't know. she wanted her papa. he'd know what to do. she was sure of it. she was about to call out for him, before noticing caesar's presence. she eyed him silently as he took in the situation, a bit too in shock to fully read him right now.

she listened to his words, trying to regulate her breathing a bit more. they couldn't find her right now - he was probably right. but, they couldn't just leave her. "wh...what'll we do?" she asked quietly, her voice worried. "she's hurt really bad...we need to help her somehow." she insisted. usually she would not be asking caesar, of all people, what to do, but in this moment she still didn't know how to process what all was happening. she woke up after believing she'd die, her home has been flooded in a tsunami, her crewmates were missing and injured, and now her aunt's wings - just the wings - have floated to her. she didn't know how to handle it all.

she quickly shot her gaze towards greed as he approached, waiting for a response. more adults were coming. that was good. they would know what to do. she assured herself silently, eyeing his reaction. god, that wasn't helpful at all. but, she couldn't criticize. she didn't exactly have the best reaction currently either. she let him take it in for a few moments, not saying anything as she tried to think. she really didn't know what to do. she wished somebody would. "w-we have to find her!" she demanded it now. she still needed to repay her for the presents and the nice letter and...everything. she needed to be sure she was okay. they needed to find her.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE / o, disappearance - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

Caesar probably would have tried to comfort Goldie if he actually care about how she was right now, but unfortunately the demon just didn't feel a thing. He felt no pity, no sadness, nothing. These things happened in his mind, and although he was slightly worried about Roxanne, it was really only because she gave him a gift rather than her actually being his friend. The Officer took note of Greed's presence, of course, but decided the guy would probably be preferred to be alone. Caesar may be heartless and he may be a monster, but he wasn't going to risk getting his ass kicked again. "Goldie, we can't." Caesar's tone was harsh as he turned to face the young feline, abandoning his search through the treasure chest. He took note of the blood of course, but he didn't exactly think much of it - after all, Roxanne's wings were ripped off, it made sense that this chest would have blood on it. "We have to worry about ourselves - and I know that's rich, coming from me -" He added the last part quickly, not wanting her or Greed to dismiss his words. "- but we need to make sure we don't lose anybody else. We don't need either of you lost." Though then again, he wouldn't mind if Greed got washed away.