Beasts of Beyond
WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR | {P, CHURCH} - Printable Version

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He didn't remember the last time that he had been this angry. Maybe after the incident in the training room in which the Director did nothing against those that had obviously violated the rules. That he said that there wasn't something as being fair when they were on the battlefield. But they had already known that already. So what was the point of trying to create that lesson again? It made no sense to Washington, although he was more frustrated that he was really ever angry during his time in Project Freelancer. He was one of the more level-headed Freelancer's that had existed at the time, and that certainly said a lot about what the rest of his teammates really were at that time. After having Episolon implanted into his head though, he wasn't the same. Suffering from not only hallucinations but feeling emotions that didn't even belong to him as they were just shadows of what the memory unit had given to him. He had a distinct distrust of AI's now, and he wasn't willing to work with another one again. But because of what he was dealing with himself, he hadn't been eating, and he also hadn't been sleeping either. He had a schedule and routine for himself now, so he was going to keep to it without worrying about anything else. The armored smilodon had a lot to get done, as he was so close to figuring out what planet that they were actually on. There was too much to do, and since that Church's life wasn't in current danger, Wash's life was. If he were to randomly come back on the radar basically randomly, they would send a recovery team after him. Especially if his beacon went off in his armor once he was teleported back to whatever planet that ended up being on. He doubted that it would just be Project Freelancer that would be out for his armor and the gear that he had with said armor that he was wearing. When it came to a Recovery Agent, there was no need to try and make sure that the wearer of said armor was alive. Depending on whether or not it was a former friend that was tracking him down or a new soldier, would depend on whether or not he would be killed on the spot or be given time to explain himself.

The longer he was gone, the more there was a chance that he would just be killed. It was horrible yes, but Project Freelancer didn't exactly like loose ends. The massive armored smilodon was walking through the forested area of the outpost that was called the Ascendants. The entire time that he had been pissed off at Church, he hadn't realized that he was basically sparking with electricity. While he was walking, there would be shakes of his head as voices brimmed the back of his mind. Voices that weren't his own. Instead, it was Allison's voice and the screams of the Alpha. He clenched his jaws because he knew for a fact that Church was either going to follow him or suffer the consequences. Each step that he took left claw marks into the earth where he walked. Church would be able to get a good look at the back of his head. The insignia of Project Freelancer etched into the back of his head, and the massive scar on the back of his neck that showed where his neural implant had been. Where Episolon had been before he had basically fried his chip and had to be ripped from his head. The only way that those had been able to operate on Washington after having been screaming was after sedating him. His golden eyes steeled in front of him where he was walking, before abruptly coming to a stop, and turning his body around to regard the border collie. Church may had been lucky that the Freelancer had his helmet on because the look on his face was something that was even intimidating. Low growls emitted from his body, something that the Freelancer wasn't exactly sure how to control at the moment. "Care to explain yourself?" Agent Washington questioned the simulation trooper. Expecting the other to give an explanation on why he had just done that. It pissed him off, and it took everything for him not to beat Church to a pulp. Out of the two, Church was the more valuable one than Caboose. Maybe looking at the two soldiers as objects as wrong, but he just didn't care right now. The muscles all across his body were tensed, but when weren't they?"speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: