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ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - grassina - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]hey all!! i'm rehoming an ascendants kitten from margaery and suiteheart's litter!

this is a first come, first serve type of thing! all you have to do is state the kitten's name, a tiny bit about their personality, and their appearance (if needed, margaery is a chocolate point with dark blue-silver eyes and suiteheart is solid white with baby blue eyes)
as far as relations go, suiteheart is the current ecliptic admiral (deputy) of the ascendants while margaery is the current cosmic general (assistant deputy)!

some important things to remember:
- this kiddo will be a vampire
-this kiddo with carry the mikaelson-folie or folie-mikaelson last names
-this kiddo will also remain in the ascendants
-this kiddo is roughly 3-4 months old at current

if you get this kitten and something comes up and you are no longer interested, please let me or florence know!! <33

Re: ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - Florence - 07-04-2018


Re: ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - miss ririchiyo - 07-08-2018

FULL NAME onision mikaelson-folie
CLAN/GROUP the ascendants
—ranking fireball
AGE 4 months
—pronouns he/him

SPECIES domesticated feline
DESCRIPTION oni is a skinny, girlish chocolate-colored feline with tan marks down his tail similar to stripes. he has tan dots underneath his eyes. he has deep blue eyes, with flecks of silver around the pupil. his nose is a soft pink color.
—accessories he wears a blue-and-white polka dot scarf around his neck.
—smells like dark chocolate
—scars none

PERSONALITY oni is the definition of a smart ass at times. he is rebellious, feisty, and quick-witted. he loves to challenge authority, and wants to do what he wants constantly. he often does things without thinking beforehand, hinting that he'll get hurt a lot in the future. while he's kind of dumb for acting on impulse, he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes. he is involved with his family, often time being overprotective of his siblings and parents. he has a deep belief in fate, and enjoys to test fate and karma quite often.

Re: ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - vellichor - 07-08-2018

So apologies this is so messy but I ended up doing it all on mobile and just kinda copy and pasting my ideas lol.

Name: Cerasus
Appearance: Her fur is an orangish-red and she has light blue eyes. She’s going to stay consistently small for her age despite her efforts to grow more. As she gets older, she’ll change her eating habits a few times in attempts to get a little bigger but it won’t ever work.
Personality: She’s incredibly loyal and often make decisions based on emotion over logic. She likes to present herself as a clam, logical person although that’s far from the truth. She highly values rules and is obsessed with the idea of being as good as she can be to make her parents proud of her. This desire to follow rules and make sure all her friends also follow the rules often strains her relationships. She strongly values family as well, either at the same level or higher than her need to follow the rules. In difficult times, her immediate reaction is to shut herself away rather than reach out for help because she’s obsessed with the idea of moral and mental perfection. To ask for help would be admitting that everything isn’t perfect and she can’t stand that.

Again sorry this is a bit all over the place! I might edit it a little when I can but here it is for now!

Re: ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - Florence - 07-08-2018

you guys can both play a child!! grass and i decided to add an extra spot <3 thanks for applying!!

Re: ADOPT THE CHILD OF TWO ASCENDANTS HPs - grassina - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]i'm excited to see both of you guys around!! <33