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Bastille could feel the faux control slipping. He'd been near breaking before he finally gave up and gave into the temptation to drink, with his souls emerging rapidly and desperately, throwing everything off balance. Rad's little trial runs had blissfully muted everything: his emotions, his souls, his powers. Everything was reduced to white noise and apathy and it was... blissful, almost. If he could feel bliss.

Now, tripped up by his own hubris, Bastille could feel everything shifting out of his grasp. The first few days after his overdose, he had been too tired and shaky to really feel anything other than the urge to vomit and shiver and possibly just die; as the withdrawal symptoms seemed to fade a little bit, his stubbornness winning out, things were getting... rough around the edges. He could feel the vague disturbances of his souls, never quite aligned properly. Things were getting under his skin and sticking. That morning, the lights in his room had flickered, betraying the thin veil of control he had on his elementals. The burning temptation eating him alive seemed to get worse the more he realized that his little cure for soul issues was finally failing.

He was headed for the Circle when the chills hit him out of no where, and Bastille coughed as he came up short, swallowing down the bile in his throat at the sudden frost in his veins. He hadn't had cold sweats for a day or so, but the feeling was a familiar one: it sank in deep and held, and he knew the only thing to thaw his insides was a handle of the shittiest vodka he could find. He grit his teeth, however, and told himself that he didn't want it, didn't need it--

Except that he did. He wanted it bad, and why shouldn't he have it? It wasn't like his family cared -- the Bellators would only encourage him, urging him on, trying to break apart the soft tom they'd gotten and craft him into what they wanted. Zaniel was no good to them the way he came, but he could be, if he wanted. If he tried. A little bit of liquor of his lips and he was already a lot closer to what they needed from him, and hey -- who was going to care to see the old Zaniel die? His little ex-family back in the Elite weren't a good fit for him, but they could be.

It was so easy to give in, both to their encouragement and to the burning in his veins that was urging him on. That was him, though, wasn't it? Facillimos. He remembered them looking at him and deciding right away that he was going to be an easy one, easy to initiate and easier to get to go along with whatever the family wanted. Zaniel was a Bellator the second they wanted him to be one, and he would live that lifestyle to the core, with or without them. Easy.

Bastille didn't even realize that his thought process had slipped and slid straight into Zaniel's until he was standing in the Circle, gaze flickering around with intrigue. Idly, he caught the track of his memories and the fact that the temptation had faded slightly, that he'd already decided to give in. He recoiled, startled, but the slip up was already too deep: the second he told himself to get it the fuck together, he was countering with the fact that everything was better when he drank.

"Hey, where's the cute nurse?" he drawled, cocking his head to the side in a manner that was similar to Bast's usually mannerisms but different: whereas he usually tipped to the right, Zaniel tipped to the left. His eyes flickered briefly to those teal-toned light blue, but his actions seemed to be caught in an in-between: mostly dominated by Zaniel, with the fainted of traces of Bast. That was until he grinned, and it was sly. "C'mere, doctor, come clear me for weaning off. You said I get a little bit, right?"

Re: LIGHT IT UP LIKE IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY | open - Suiteheart - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart was almost certain she hated souls or whatever else seemed to be plaguing her life as of late. After receiving nine centuries worth of memories from past lives, from fractions of her single soul, she was sick of it. The headaches they all gave her made her weak, and she often ended up getting sick from them. She hated the way each incarnation of herself sometimes slipped into her vision controls, layering their life over hers so that she was seeing two instances at once. She despised the way each one was constantly asking to have the reigns. She hated having to supervise each and every single part of herself.

Half the time, she refused to even acknowledge they were her.

They weren't. They couldn't be. Margaery might have been Genevieve and vice versa, Bastille might have been Zaniel and vice versa, but Suiteheart was Suiteheart. She didn't have room for anyone else inside of her head or her soul for that matter. She wanted them out. She wanted it to stop. But it wouldn't. While the nine different versions of herself whispered about things ending soon, she knew the cycle would only repeat itself. She hated it. She hated what she had been, what she was, and what she would be.

It was Bastille's call that had pulled her from her oppressive thoughts. His voice was his own, but there were notes of something darker there that did not hint at him. Giving a slight huff, the Ecliptic Admiral was off, in search of her boy. It hadn't taken too long to find him. He was in the Grand Circle, which was in the middle of literally everything. Before she approached, she studied him closely. Teal eyes. Her heart sank. The last time she had run into Zaniel had been most unpleasurable. Deciding she ought to try to start over, the white feline stepped forward.

"You looking for Rin?" she asked, arching a fictional eyebrow. Warringkingdom's last run-in with Zani had been interesting to say the least. He had flirted with her a great deal, if she remembered correctly. "I might be careful. I don't think Rin's in the mood to play today."

Re: LIGHT IT UP LIKE IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY | open - Warringkingdoms - 07-04-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin, to her knowledge, did not have any past souls inside of her- much to her relief. She already had a dozen or so outside voices tugging at her wherever she went, be it an injured clanmate, Bastille struggling with withdrawal, or even just the chatter of daily life. The cacophony seemed to get harder and harder to pick apart by the day.

  She had been willing to grant Bastille small amounts of the drugs to help wean him off, but he hadn't requested any thus far. Apparently, he was willing to try and quit cold turkey. In some ways, that made her life easier, but it also meant she had to monitor him constantly in case the withdrawal symptoms got particularly severe. Given that he'd been having cold sweats, dizziness, and the like, she'd half-expected him to ask for another hit by this point.

  What Rin had not expected was to hear Bast's voice calling for the "cute nurse". Stifling an irritated groan, she set down the herbs she had been arranging and exited the clerics' hideaway, heading towards the gray bengal. "Zaniel, was it?" she asked dryly, stopping beside Suiteheart. "Suite's right. I'm not clearing anyone besides Bastille." He was going to keep pushing for it, and possibly trying to flatter her into it, but she wasn't budging for this teal-eyed impostor.


The first one he recognized — she was the overbearing one from before, getting in his damn way and yelling at him to be a good boy, essentially. Hot but mean, Zaniel might categorize her as, if there wasn’t something telling him that bad mother was possibly more accurate. Which, he could work with “hot but mean” — they were often biters and he could support that notion — but he couldn’t work with the bitter roadblock filtering in from his— Bastille’s memories. What was her name again? Hotel? Sweets? Something of the sort. It didn’t really matter either way, he supposed. She was about to not be a problem, as long as she actually fucked off this time before she did any more damage.

(Oh, there it was — the flickering recollection of anger and betrayal, flames of irritation; he could feel the surge of distaste towards her that seemed misplaced, and maybe that was how Bastille felt whenever they made an appearance. Huh. Sucks to suck, kid.)

”Who else would I mean?” he drawled, giving her a patented you dolt look. There was a moment of consideration before he alighted on fuzzy impressions of the other healer, the fun healer, and he grinned. ”That other one is cute, I guess, but only in the I-stomp-on-your-throat kind of way. She might bite a little too hard,” he supplied, before glancing away from her dismissively. Not in the mood? Everyone was always in the mood when he was finished with them. Besides, he didn’t care for her opinion, because her opinions were shit. If she wasn’t a target she was useless to him, and the vague tinges of annoyance eating away at him in response to her presence were starting to get... well. Annoying.

Never mind that, however: Rin was here and he was grinning at her fully, all teeth and delight. As expected, she didn’t seem pleased, but she was tired and deserved a break, clearly. Zaniel was an excellent break. ”Hi, Rinny,” he greeted borderline affectionately, rolling his eyes at her assertion before he teased, ”We both know that I am Bastille, babe. I don’t even know who this chick is and I dislike her,” a head tilt towards Suiteheart, ”Which, if you ask me, is evidence enough. I like all pretty things, so clearly, something is amiss. And that’s your boy.”

Zaniel would not pretend to truly understand his mess of souls, if only because Bastille didn’t even seem to get it, and it was hard to know what he himself didn’t know. But he could grasp the fact that he wasn’t himself, not really. These were his memories and his mannerisms, but they were all filtered through Bast: his memories mixed in along the way, bit by bit, and if he thought hard enough he could recognize that he was only Bastille, really. His name had stopped being Zaniel a long time ago: it was just easy to forget when his memories of that life were so prominent and he could convince himself that he was Zaniel, still. (Or rather, Zaniel could convince Bastille, but he supposed that was saying the same thing.) And Zaniel wasn’t about to disagree with that.

”This withdrawal can and will kill me,” he pointed out, giving Rin a wide-eyed look of innocence like he wasn’t trying to figure out how to get her to take something with him. ”Wouldn’t you rather I do it with you than Rad?” he added, with a hint of a sly smile, because— well. Innuendos were fun, but also he could very easily track the other healer down and get something from her. His — Bastille’s — reservations about disobeying Rin were starting to slip very, very rapidly.

Re: LIGHT IT UP LIKE IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY | open - Suiteheart - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Warringkindgom's appearance was welcomed. Suiteheart didn't exactly want to spend anymore time with this version of Bastille than she already was - alone. She supposed she ought to be thankful... what was his name? Pollie? Had she even met him? Grassina wasn't entirely sure, but whatever. While Zaniel could be a dick, he wasn't the worst. He was only just on the cusp of unpredictability. Really, the only thing she saw terribly wrong with him was his dependence on alcohol.

As he spoke, Suiteheart remained silent. Her own souls were so intrigued by this - by another individual like them - that they were acting out. Flash images of lifetimes ago peppered her line of sight. She could see phantom streets, crystal balls, flowers, tiaras, knives. Her head was on fire, but she didn't show it. Her eye hadn't even captured that faraway look she had been wearing so well as of late. Not yet anyway. As her former lives continued to bounce around her being, she could feel herself slipping. She tried her damnedest to identify who was strong enough to seize control. Considering her hearing was fading in and out, she knew it must have been Sybil... Why? Why not Aerona? Aerona would have had so much fun with Zaniel.

Her posture shifted, momentarily. It was as if she had shut herself off from all peering eyes, like she suddenly had a veil of protective mystery about her. It was the mark of Sybil, but no one save Margaery knew. However, before the soothsayer could do anything, Zaniel was speaking of his - of Bastille's - dislike of Suiteheart. Her eyes blinked, and when they opened, Sybil had fled the command center. Protecting Suite from harsh words was not her job. That was Erlend's. However, the archaic Viking soul remained dormant, willing Suite to deal with it on her own.

"Mm, not surprising. He's more or less hated me for a while now," she informed, flicking an ear. Some time ago, that information would have furthered the pain in her heart, but she knew Bastille's feelings towards her. It didn't bother her as much as it should have, but she was too weary to dwell on what she knew to be true. She did pause a beat before she spoke again, and when she did, she was slightly confused. "Wait, you don't know the reasons? You don't get told things?" God, Suiteheart wished it was that way for her. Each life she harbored inside of her single soul knew every single intimate detail about each other. It came with the territory of sharing one vessel, one consciousness, and one soul (even if by technical terms it was split). "Interesting."

She remained quiet as he spoke again, this time to Rin. The idea of him dying from withdrawal was a concerning one; she wouldn't deny that. However, she also didn't know Zani, so the idea of him lying to get what he needed might have been a possibility. Whatever the case was, she didn't speak. Instead, her gaze flickered to the Cleric, and she wondered what Rinny's next move would be.


[align=center]hazel elise caelum . eight months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Ever since the day of Suite’s combat training, where Genevieve had exposed her deep set fears like they bored her, the girl’s voice had become excruciatingly loud. The volume climbed — a linear progression, parallel with her taunts and jeers. Day and night she whispered barbed memories in her ear, reminding her of the things Mother might have said or done and the way she might have reacted; how that one particular comment would have earned her a smack and a new scar.

Hazel was essentially disfunctional, at this point: ruffled, hardly capable of getting out of bed, keeping a smile to herself because there was nothing there to give her the dopamine high she was looking for. She had become desensitized to the bond that bridged her mind and Bastille’s, taking the shocks of emotions with a delayed, dull reaction. Fear had pushed her too far; her sole thought was to keep the girl out, to keep her away from the mainframe of her operating systems.

Not that it would matter, though. Because that bond she was so numb to? It did it for her. Flicked the switches off and powered down the applications that kept her running. Let it all run from gold to teal and pale blue, the color slip sliding in a messy gradient as Hazel’s souls jostled and rolled with Bastille’s.

Hazel sought out her bond-buddy immediately, eyes glassy and dim and unfocused. Their normal glowing gold hardened, the light fading into a deep, dark chocolate. Hazel was slipping, falling asleep, her grasp on the present tunneling and blackening. Fear drenched every part of her, knowing something was wrong but not quite being able to place her finger on it.

God, this girl is such a mess.” Complained Titaniumstars, voice thin on a whine. She had perched herself next to Suiteheart, refusing to spare the female a glance before bending her head to lick the fur on her chest flat. Only then did she look up, chocolate optics sliding over Suiteheart boredly.

“Meh,” she decided with a wrinkle of her nose. “You’re cute, but I like the other one better — the one with the nice ass.” Tin sighed, flicking her gaze over to Bastille and — oh. There he was. “Haze’s little boy-toy!” She chirped, grin all spite and tease as her weight leaned in his direction. She could tell easily that this was a different shade of the same boy, but...she had wanted to test out the nickname in person all the same.

“Nah. You’re a funner version of the boy-toy; the one that knows how to have a good time.” Tin’s smile grew wicked. “Never imagined I’d get to meet you up close. I remember you from last time, y’know? Couldn’t tell if it was you or Hazel’s toy who was flirting with that girl, but whoever it was, you got her all worked up in a knot. Kudos.” She feigned tipping a hat, offering him acknowledgement for the event that got the whole shbang started.

Hearing his next words, Tin paused, paw halting on its journey to take a swipe over her ear. “Awe,” she cooed. “Didn’t realize baby couldn’t handle a couple days away from his drug supply and booze. What a man.” Titanium let Hazel’s paw swipe over her ear before flexing her claws, inspecting them with mild interest before flicking her gaze back up to Zaniel. “I should probably thank you, though,” She sighed. “The little soul-roll? Let me breathe. Haven’t blinked my own two eyes in months, since I was dragged out of hell and shoved into this broken teapot.”

ooc squawks gklsdjfLK here have a titanium i got impatient??
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]


Zaniel's gaze locked on Suiteheart, her voice (nagging, always) dragging his attention away from his Cleric. He arched a brow at her question, and cocked his head to the side -- again, wrong direction. "Well, no. I mean, I know you're a cold-hearted bitch," he supplied, offering her a winning smile as if he might like that about her. The pangs of irritation and frustration said otherwise, but whatever. "I mean, in reality, there's one soul comprised of three. We're interchangeable. I could remember if I wanted to, but it's harder to do that when my Zaniel memories are here. I'm Bastille, sadly, just Bastille with my memories at the forefront. S'hard to juggle everyone's memories all at once, so ya boy gotta compartmentalize." A grin. "And then you get me, sort of. A knock off of my true glory, really -- I mean, c'mon, what is this fur? Far cry from my looks. And sometimes it's hard not to remember everything all at once and then you lose me, which is unfortunate for you."

Zaniel seemed willing to talk, though it was hard to tell just how in control he was: was he naturally that much of a talker, or was that the shades of Bast sliding through? He'd talk up anyone he needed to, but evidently he didn't really like this Suiteheart (oh, there was her name -- yes, Bast was recalling more of his own memories), so perhaps he was losing his grip. Yikes. Nevertheless, he settled back a bit, and drawled playfully towards Rin, "Bast never seems to remember how hot you are, Rinny, but I'll hold onto it for you. Don't you worry, your beauty will not go unacknowledged."

Something tugged and pulled at him, a twisting in his gut, and his head went up. He scowled slightly, but before he could wonder what the fuck was going on, his gaze was landing on her. Oh. Princess. Of course; who else would it be, really? Zaniel had never been bonded before, but he was down to test out the feedback loop on that -- he would bet it was divine, and he smiled slyly at her as his attention shifted gears.

There was a split second between her gaze meeting his and her greeting him, beating him to the punch. And for another second, Zaniel just looked back at her, before he started laughing. "Boy-toy? Oh, sweetheart, that is rich. If anyone's the toy, it's you -- you're tiny." He had little to no read on auras; the faint blurs of color and sensation passed right over his head, but he wasn't stupid: this wasn't Princess. Princess' soul, coming out to play? Interesting. His grin went predatory the second he realized that she was a lot less up-tight, and he switched targets entirely.

"I will not, however, protest to the "Hazel's" portion of that statement -- not if you come part of the package," he said, easy, settling on the smile that he labeled boyish charm. He got the impression that giving her sharp would backfire, if only because she wanted to be the baddest. Worked for him. The girl was hot, and evidently fun. There was a fluttering mix of memories there, something trying to convince him that this was a bad idea, but it was dull in comparison to the heat of her attention. (And maybe it was harder for Bastille to resist Zaniel's influence, his memories, when that focus fixed on Hazel. She usually grounded him but it was a fine line identifying Zaniel's draw to her and his own.)

He decided to let her commentary on last time slide -- it didn't mean anything to him, anyway, other than the potential for this to be a lot easier than anticipated -- and instead rolled his eyes at her taunt. "A guy's gotta eat, babe. But by all means, let me just keep puking and shaking with the withdrawal and drag you through it, too. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a lot less fun than what I had in mind." A radiant smile, all innocence. (Bad idea bad idea bad idea, but it was faint, an echo in the distance as thing shifted and stirred and things were starting to fill the gaps in his memory of the present, but slowly, subtly.)

Re: LIGHT IT UP LIKE IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY | open - Margaery - 07-07-2018

[b]"What's with all the ruckus? A girl's just trying to enjoy her lunch in peace without- Oh."

It appeared as if Bast and Hazel had both brought someone else out to play today. How interesting. She was aware, through Margaery's memories and general perception, that Bast had three joint souls, but whatever had seemingly seized control of Hazel was left a complete mystery to her. Genevieve wasn't quite a fan of the unknown but let her lack of understanding of Hazel slide, instead opting to study the both of them through narrowed eyes. Different. Unhinged. Unbothered. Gods above, could she relate. And nobody seemed to be demanding that Bast or Hazel return to them, that it was awful that they were here instead of them. Why? Why were they treated differently?

The girl that so easily called Bast a 'boy-toy' reminded her of herself and yet, none of her clanmates had their panties in a bunch over the occurrence. She struggled to understand where anyone drew the line and determined that Genevieve would be alienated for being apart of Margaery whereas these two were not. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. And there it was again: that impulse to slaughter everyone where they stood and feast upon their blood until there was absolutely nothing left. But she couldn't do that, not with Margaery stirring in the back of her mind and demanding Genevieve to ask if Bast was okay. She didn't humor her. All she could feel was that programmed hatred and her own, burning hunger. It would be so lovely to rip her "friends" apart... why did Margaery insist upon so fiercely protecting them?

A surge of unfamiliar calm suddenly enveloped her, the breath that Genevieve had been holding escaping through parted lips in that moment. Margaery had sensed her agony, her desire to kill, and neutralized the situation before she could impulsively dig claws that had unsheathed themselves into the nearest person's - Suiteheart's - neck. No clanmates would fall due to Genevieve's fury, not today anyways. Talk to them, love. Maybe you'll actually make a friend, Margy's voice rang in her head, causing red-hued eyes to roll. A friend? Her? That was ridiculous. Aerona hadn't even been her friend, just a business partner, and she failed to see how she could ever be anything more than intrigued about Zaniel and Ti.

"Who's the one with the nice ass?" She finally inquired devilishly, her typical wicked charm reappearing. She had caught that bit upon arrival and well... it was Genevieve for goodness sake: she had to know. A glance would be cast in Bast's direction, a laugh following the action. Withdrawal was a bitch, she most certainly could attest. Poor baby, he must feel like he's dying. "You could always drink with me," She offered with a wink, "I will say: I make a mean bloody mary." Who cares if Bast drinking and partaking in drugs or whatever was against the rules? Rules had never applied to Genevieve nor would they ever and neither of the medics did much to particularly scare her. "You could come too, sugar. I'm sure we'd all have a wicked good time." Especially because they don't seem to have excruciatingly long sticks lodged up their asses... it'll be good for me to partake in a little fun with people more my speed.


[align=center]hazel elise caelum . eight months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Titaniumstars eyed Zaniel with a sneer crawling across her lips, chocolate eyes sparking with vague irritation at his comment. Though her veins sang with the thrill of attention, Ti rolled her eyes. “I might be tiny, but at least I’m not residing in the one that’s currently whipped.” She scoffed. Because god, it was painful to watch sometimes, seeing Bastille traipse after Hazel like a lovesick puppy. Unfortunately, Hazel was too exhausted to notice opportunity when it was being dangled in front of her face.

“Awe,” She cooed, purr dripping with insincerity. “You know I’m part of the package, baby. I’m along for a good time and some attention.” Ti swept her tail across the ground, drawing herself closer to Zaniel, well aware of the effect of Hazel’s aura on Bastille.

“Please, drag me through it with you,” She chuckled. “Everything your boy goes through drags Hazel under the bus, too. The further under she goes, the more screen time I get,” Titanium grinned. “and I am much more fun than Hazel, don’tcha think?” She purred. Tin paused, waiting, eagerly listening for a protest from Hazel so she could snuff it out, but the girl was out cold, taking the first nap in days.

At Genevieve’s appearance, Ti didn’t move away from Zaniel, but turned, eyes glinting with interest. Ah ha! There she was — the one with the fiery attitude and the fine ass. Ti tilted her head up, mirroring Gen’s devilish grin. “Sweetheart, you know I was talking about you.” She indulged her, winking.
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]