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TOURNER DE LE VIDE // BEX - Printable Version

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TOURNER DE LE VIDE // BEX - Roy Mustang - 07-03-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
If one firmly believed Roy Mustang put his old life behind him after three months of living in the Ascendants, then they were dead wrong. There was no realistically, possible way for Roy to forget what he left behind. His goal, his unit(Fuery, Falman, Havoc, and Breda, not including himself and Hawkeye), his step-mother, the Elric brothers, and more. If anything, the male felt guilt for ruining his goal, failing to meet the expectations of his unit, and more. Roy was lucky so far, no arrogant soul has told him to suck it up- as they would be in a world of regret if they did. Roy would be pissed beyond belief if someone expected him to shove his past to the side and live this life as if he had it all of his life. There was no way Roy could forget about the people he cared about, the memories and experienced he made- it was impossible for him to act as if the 29 years of his life before this moment never happened. Little did Roy know, that one border collie that showed up at the border a few days ago was in a similar situation. She, much like him, was formerly human, and most definitely left people behind she knew and loved. The only difference between them is that Roy has endured it for three months. Bex is only at the beginning.

Here was Roy again, awake under the night sky. Roy woke up in the middle of his sleeping cycle, in the dead of night. Aaliyah, his little adopted daughter, was fast asleep in her bed, the moonlight shining on her. Roy was unable to close his eyes again for very long, and after several attempts to fall back asleep, the bobcat was silently cursing. Making sure he didn't wake his daughter, the Flame Alchemist silently made his way out of his room and out of the observatory.

Trudging his way through the territory, Roy got as far as the Canopy. Roy was paddling along through it when he came to a pause, as leafs crunched on the ground. Ears pricking towards the sound, Roy's eyes slowly looked over, noticing a shadow getting bigger and bigger. Quickly whirling around, his ears flattened to his skull, the male expecting to see an intruder or worse. "Who's there?"

[ [member=1181]REBECCA MACK[/member] ]


[align=center][Image: An5SQqY.png]
[div style="text-align: justify; width: 53%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Bex, too, knew that she would never be able to fully leave her old life behind. Much like Roy, there had been so much that she had been so many people, places, and things that she already found herself missing. She'd never forget the day her daughter was born, or the moment her mother expressed that she was proud of her, or even the lyrics to a certain special song that was written just for her. All of it was far too special and dear to her heart for her to just forget about it. She had a feeling that she could never go back - that she would be stuck like this forever. But being the memory hoarder that she was, she knew that there was just no way she'd ever toss those memories away. If only she had known how much she really had in common with Roy, but at this point she was convinced that she was probably the only one here dealing with this particular situation.

Usually Bex was a deep sleeper, but tonight she wasn't feeling it. The border collie had been busy settling in, anyways. Adjusting to her new living situation was not the easiest thing ever. At least she now had her own room in the observatory. It was comforting to her to know that she had her own space, so that was a bonus. Things could be a lot worse, she supposed. She had only lost all her friends and family after having become a dog, but hey, things could be worse.

After getting in some alone time to think, Rebecca padded outside, feeling a bit better than she had earlier. Perhaps it was the calm of the night that was soothing to her, or her time alone had helped settle her down. Either way, she was happy with it. Now, there were new things that she needed to focus on, such as adjusting to the territory. If there was one thing that Bex was good at, it was finding her way around. She had spent years and years of traveling on her own, after all. At first she was set on exploring on her own, and wasn't expecting to cross paths with anyone this late at night. But as she stumbled upon the canopy, the canine spotted someone... Roy.

Bex was almost certain that Roy wasn't so fond of her. She had crossed over their borders and then gladly talked back to the bobcat when he tried to explain why that wasn't considered a good thing. Quite honestly, Bex wouldn't blame Roy if he was angry at her. She knew that she'd be angry at her if she was in his shoes. She hoped that there were no hard feelings though.

It was a bit surprising for Bex to realize that she had seemed to startle Roy, or at least surprised him with her sudden presence. "Relax... it's just me," the collie explained as she neared closer to the feline, nodding gently in reassurance. "I just thought I'd try to find my way around while everyone else is asleep." Of course she left out some details as to why she was really awake, but she wasn't lying either. Bex then tilted her head slightly, eyes narrowed as she began to wonder what Roy was doing out here so late. She didn't question it out loud, though. Whatever his reasons were, it was none of her business.