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FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Printable Version

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FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 07-03-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

He'd believed after that final death, the shard that had caused his own imprisonment in his body now chained to the will of their most hated enemy had been riven from his chest and that last desperate lunge to carry down that burning beast of blight - skin and flesh of stars blistering and crumbling away from its mere touch - that, that would be the definitive end for him,

No more resurrections, no more reincarnations, no more last minute saves - and no nebulous afterlife for a soul snuffed iinto nothing by the nothing it carried screaming away itself.

So it was rather strange to find awareness creep back in like the slow drag of daylight filtering under blinds in the early rise of morning.

The sensation of sporting limbs came first, familiar claws flexing and clenching out in the cold - carding through the infinite horizon of stars - the familiar twitch of wings curled tight against him - a mix of a bright star trailing a comets wake and a curtain of stars in themselves.

Eyelids twitched, one bright cerise of a distant magenta galaxy set against the black backdrop of the endless sea - the other bright blank white, the soft glow of a white star in the pervading dark.

A breath of white embers, his head craned around as he uncurls and moved forward, swimming down through the ocean of stars, wings trailing behind a travelling comets wake.


He could not sense his other half, twin to him - was she dead? Or simply not here?

Wherever here might be - whatever verse and the galaxies therein he'd found himself in the being did not know.

But there was - others.

Gaze drawn to a singular planet amid thousands, the being circled it - bright spots and a slew of dimmer shines - gods and mortal's - and two stars amid them, one dark as pitch, the other an eternal flame, both sparking a sliver of void - ah.


So he was not totally alone here.

He nodded to himself quietly breathing in the silent stardust one last time before constraints were forced upon his currently free form, this part was always so harrowing - but then wasn't all new beginnings?

and then he was moving,

Gaining speed and careening downwards, wings tucked yet the very ends trailing light behind his form - a falling star descending - then landing.

His form unfurled painfully slowly from where he'd fallen, stiff joints and aches screaming at the turbulent landing - alas rejoining the land of the living was always a trauma to he and his kin, it rather seemed to be a trauma in a long line of sad tragedies and lineage curses - born to suffer, some cynical part of him leered (whether that was his own thoughts or not he'd rather believe the former).

Anzarel crawled from his crater sporting the vestments he'd once worn in this form before his puppetry - and untimely death.

While it seemed his powers remained somewhat inaccessible - he could still call forth lightning, water and fire - likely due to sudden rebirth, It seemed his form remained unchanged, in height or in form - he still resembled the galaxy born in flesh and light that he and his sister had often times contrasted as, where she was mostly Galaxy with stripes of blinding light, he was the opposite.

Hm, existence did like its contrasts and duality.

Anzarel snorted to himself, before a noise caught his attention - small wonder, he'd likely fallen down into a settlement of some kind - he shifted to his feet brushing ash and stardust from his form, the sharp tang of ozone still clinging to him.

His eyes narrowed as figures approached in the dim light of the embers burning in the night from his sudden entrance - he hadn't meant to make one quite so dramatic, had inteneded to aim for somewhere unpopulated but luck never did shine on him seemed, he was not his sister after all.

Ambriel would have laughed, he thought, calling that entrance for as showy as it was - his smile was slightly bittersweet at that thought, instead he clear ended his throat and called out to the approaching figures - in the native tongue from what he could gleam from the minds nearest him that seemed more timid to approach unlike these ones "My apologies for causing a crater on your land strangers" they might've taken offence to that after all "I am Anzarel, I'm afraid I don't know quite where I - landed" there was a pause before landed because he had less landed and more challenged an immovable object with that show - sometimes he did wonder if a caveat of any of them returning was to do so in some dramatic fashion, hm.

/tl:dr Anzarel as a spirit decided to reincarnate in this world from where he was kinda spiritually surfing the new (to him) Galaxy via crash landing on the border, He's very sorry about the small crater.


Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Suiteheart - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Of all those who had crash landed in the Ascendants territories, the one currently streaking across their skies like a comet was perhaps her favorite. It was an odd thing, to enjoy those who crashed on her lands. Nevertheless, the white feline made her way rather quickly to the crash site, wondering who this celestial being would be. She had encountered twins from another world, a pastel-pink faux-angel, a poor bat boy, and a former human soldier turned beast. She was sure there were probably others that were gone from her mind now, but there was something different about their newest falling star. It was like the air had shifted. She could practically feel the archaic power radiating from the crater.

The creature that emerged felt familiar almost. She narrowed her eyes, squinting against the dust and debris that flew through the air. When all settled, she finally got a good look at him, and she was amazed by what she saw. Anzarel was unlike anything she had seen before. When he spoke, she stepped forward, weaving a friendly smile upon her maw, somehow unfazed by all of this.

"You landed in Ascendants territory," the white feline meowed, and instantly, she began searching him for any wounds he might have. "You alright? That was a nasty crash. And don't worry about the crater. It happens more than you'd think..." She let out a small chuckle at the end of her words. "I'm Suiteheart. What's your name? And what'd you plan on doing here?"

Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-03-2018

Bastille had never really stopped being an empath, even when he'd lost touch with his own emotions. Auras and existential matter simply spoke to him in a way that most other things did not, which was... well. Just what he was used to, frankly. He knew it was all a part of acting as host, and was also why the negative tones drew him harder than the rest. Grimm liked a sad story, and sad people offered the best ones. Sometimes Bastille wondered if he'd picked Bast just to hoard the fucked memories his souls could offer, and other times he decided that Grimm just had shitty lucky in hosts.

Major surges in the aura matter of his surroundings could attract him just as quickly as sorrow could, however, and he was there in a flicker -- teleportation, it was seem. His cold blue stare locked on the source of his curiosity, and he eyed the giant beast evenly as he gave an idle shrug. Suiteheart was already there, affirming that this happened often, and he chimed in with a lazy, "'M Bast." No point in asking him any other questions, seeing how she'd covered them all.

Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 07-04-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Ears - pointed unlike many a big cats - twitched and the giant feline-sequel creature dipped his head with a slight smile to Suiteheart - intriguing name, were there more named such? He'd never met someone named for a supposed term of endearment almost, save perhaps for beating it as a last name, hm.

He waved away her concern "fear not, I'm simply a tad singed around the edges but I will be fine" - he'd suffered much worse after all - "Ascendants? Interesting name" and almost a sign, that's what they had called themselves after all, with no other word seemed fitting, Anzarel, ascendant order, opposite to chaos, he was leery of omens and prophecy but given he often had such I'll dreams, this coincidence seemed rather far from it - glancing around as she explained he hummed though he was interested in that last thought "often you say?" was that how his nephew and great nephew - for There was no mistaking the aura's of those souls, each of his family carried a distinct one, usually resonating with their embodiment - had come to be here? It would explain it - all three of them had died rather violently but unlike the others deceased, perhaps the common factor was one none of them would wish to have with such a thing.

Anzarel pushed that away to worry over later - for all intents and purposes this was a new start.

And well,

"Anzarel, Anzarel Grimm" the last name might be recognisable if anyone had run across his family, perhaps, perhaps - now "as for the second - well I fell here, there were circumstances that drew my attention to your world - namely the last connections I seem to have - but outside of that, I've no real solid plans" he seemed to trail off, troubled.

What were his plans past keeping in touch with what little family was here?

After nigh on centuries of co leading an empire spanning stars and galaxies before the collapse and then the non stop string of disasters and tragedies befalling them that had occupied every waking moment,

It was almost odd to find that he had a seeming abundance of time on his hands following his course of action to fall here.

He'd led an empire and wound up betrayed and a prisoner to another's will before the end, only to die a martyr - in all his life he'd had a cut goal and a clear vision.

So what now,

" seems I have no purpose" he murmured seeming so much older than looks would belie - and more tinged melancholic, only blinking and coming back to himself when another joined them and the God inclined his head, seemed Bast was not one for words - or perhaps his fellow had already asked what was prudent.


Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Suiteheart - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart allowed herself to calm when he explained he wasn't hurt. That was good considering at least two of their crash-landers had been injured pretty badly: Joel had sustained serious damage and Pixel had bumped her head a little too hard. "Good. Glad you're alright," she smiled. "And yeah, if this sorta thing doesn't happen at least once a month, I'd be surprised."

Her eyes flickered to Bastilleprisoner as he approached, but she scarcely did more to recognize him than a infinitesimal nod of her head. She was too wrapped up with Anzarel's sad tone of voice to pay attention to their Seraph. When he finished speaking, a frown tugged at the corner of her lips. He claimed he had no purpose... That couldn't be right.

"Everyone's got a purpose here, I can promise you that," Suiteheart assured, presenting the god with a gentle smile of reassurance. "Sometimes, it just takes us a minute to figure out what it is. You might be able to find yours if you join us too. I think a lot of us have been able to find our purpose in the Ascendants."

Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 07-05-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Anzarel returned her smile faintly, blinking away the sudden hole in his soul - a litany of doubts - and he hummed softly, countenance still drooping slightly, the sudden press of years and the yawning uncertainty of the future now he seemingly had nothing to fight for or protect had brought out that sudden moroseness,

sadness always plagued the long living and un-aging ancients that they were though, it took great efforts to stop from falling into such deep abysses.

he took a moment to pause and consider her words - and wasn't it still so surprising when those less ancient then them had such wise words? ah but what did age say about wisdom? age was simply perhaps more experience - before he tilted his head to her with a nod "there is truth to your words lady Suiteheart"

he had never joined another group, had always been a leader alongside his sister for what had been a small handful to a blossoming star spanning empire - but perhaps he had found himself in this verse for a reason.

maybe this would not be so purposeless an existence here after all,

Anzarel's tail twitched, curling back in the ashen grass thin and whiplike towards the end as he contemplated her offer seriously before finally nodding and standing straighter.

"if you would have me, I would join you and yours"


Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Their suits were made to protect them. They were supposed to withstand not only heat, blunt force, but also falling a good distance. It helped support their legs if they were going to jump from a big height. Of course, if they were going to jump off the likes of a skyscraper, then they would probably die from the impact if they didn't have thrusters or a jetpack to save their lives. And in all honesty, their armor in itself was worth more than they were. Hence why when everything started to go to shit in Project Freelancer, they needed to recover some Project Freelancer assets. Which just happened to belong to their former teammate. It sucked to think that they were going to have to bring her in or even kill her. Not like Washington had been there to see everything happen at once, and instead, he was forced to stay back as they were being pinned down by machine guns. Agent Texas was able to make it through before all of them, and then Carolina followed next after her. Using her speed unit to get her past the enemies leaving the rest of them behind to fend for themselves. It was thanks to Agent Florida at the end though that they managed to kill the enemies by literally crushing them under a storage crate.

He had to admit that it was pretty cool to watch, but they didn't really manage to get to the both Carolina and Texas in time before the other Freelancer got away. With her armor intact. This also meant that the equipment that was attached to the armor would go missing for a good amount of time, and by the time the explosion had brought him here, it was still said that the armor was missing. It was one of the failed missions, but at least they were able to kill some foot soldiers in the process. Reducing their numbers. Agent Washington still had no idea what had happened to CT, as she had been his friend while he was in Project Freelancer. Either way, he had arrived in the same manner that Anzarel did. The Freelancer, of course, hadn't intended to fall from the sky and land in the ground in the middle of a crater. Considering the way that those that approached him reacted, it seemed like this was something that happened quite often. Which had just furthered to confuse Washington even more. Because of his titanium alloy armor, it had absorbed the brunt of the impact from it all. He also had a power that had managed to cushioned his fall, a fall that he would have thought would have killed him because he didn't know when he would have started falling in the first place.

His armor must have been smoking when he landed as he passed through the different layers of the atmosphere. He had been lucky that none of his armor had been damaged in the process. Except that was the only luck that he was going to get. The male now knew that he was on Earth, and that realization had flipped all of his ideas on his head. He needed to figure out if the Earth that he was on was still the Earth that he knew when he was on the Mother of Invention. If it was then it would make his life easier and time travel wouldn't be an option. If it wasn't though and it was completely different from what it used to be, then they had somehow been transported. He doubted that the simulation troopers would be capable of coming up with calculations or solutions. Especially Caboose. He had to admit that the kid had a very positive personality, but that wasn't going to really get them anywhere. Agent Washington had taken upon himself to command the two simulation troopers, but not commanding anyone that lived in this outpost. In his mind they were almost as weak as regular civilians and dealing with the aspects of Project Freelancer wasn't something that he was willingly going to disclose to others. Unless Church opened his big mouth again, but he was going to make sure that didn't happen again. He wasn't going to attack his own troops though, he had made sure about that. Seeing space phenomenon though was something that Washington had gotten used to.

He had flown through asteroid belts and fields. He had crashed into a planet a couple of times when their Pelican had been shot down. He had seen the stars that they had flown past in the Mother of Invention, and he had seen planets explode from footage that had been given to him on the planet that he had used to be on during basic training. He had seen plenty of things, and comets were one of them. It had been a normal day. At least as any sort of normal one could get. He was an animal, and that would have been enough to really drive anyone else insane. The smilodon didn't even bother to look up as he was reading outside of the observatory. It was part of his daily schedule as he would stop to read textbooks that he had requested. It was strange enough that he was touching paper and not something that was on a data pad or projected onto a screen. He would make due though. Sometimes he would read a textbook on the what could be seen from Earth's sky. Then he would research a little bit more on some common animals that lived around this place. He knew enough about domestic cats. At least he thought he did. He had two cats back at home so. His suit was somewhat powered, although most of the features it used to have were gone since he didn't really have an undersuit to help run it. His electricity elementals, something he still didn't know he had, were powering the lights of his suit, that lit up the inside of his helmet, and had legs on either side of his arm. They were small, but it would be easy enough to see him int he dark if someone was looking for him.

Agent Washington didn't think anything about the lights that were working on his suit but nothing else. He turned a page, and it had been then that he suddenly heard what sounded like an explosion. It made his mind and blood go cold as his helmet covered face snapped up. What the fuck was that?! The Freelancer was used to hearing explosions, but as a late, it had been pretty peaceful in the outpost. Were they being attacked? If they were he wasn't even sure if he would defend this place as it wasn't his business. But maybe it could be something else. He had landed from the sky. Maybe that's what he was hearing. Maybe there was someone else like him. Different emotions went through his head for a couple of moments. That was both a good and bad thing. He closed the book that he had been reading and knew that no matter what he was going to have to confront what was out there. The Freelancer got up onto his paws and trotted in the direction that he heard the explosion basically coming from. As he heard, he saw something large ahead. Like really large. What was that? Agent Washington felt his jaw go slack as he had to look almost all the way up to look at the beast. The guy was basically the size of a mantis droid! What kind of joke was this? Was this kind of creatures that lived on Earth now since the Great War? Washington also knew for a fact that the Great War was still going on. The Freelancer was at a loss for words, as he had never seen anything like this.

Seeing a Covenant Elite here would make a whole lot of sense. He closed his jaw, and his body language grew serious again. He knew that if he fought with this thing he was probably going to lose, as he still didn't even know how to work the body that he was in. Luckily the Mark 6 helmet that he wore hid the majority of his features. He was still at least five feet away from the large beast, and he felt like he should be further away. But he wasn't scared. He had seen different vehicles that were like the size of this guy. "What the hell even are you?" It hadn't really meant to be rude. In fact, Washington sounded shocked when he spoke. Although the question was absolutely serious. He was okay with the animals that he had come across but something like this? The lion-sized animal was easily dwarfed by him, and up to this point, he had been the largest out of everyone in this outpost. The soldier didn't like these odds. Was this guy even friendly? "Where did you come from?" Washington would ask in a less shocked voice and instead said this in more of a serious tone. Considering the crater the other had fallen from the sky. Was there a chance that this guy came from the same world he was from and that he was a new species? There were too many damned variables and theories to take into consideration. And having only survived on 2 hours of sleep a day since he had gotten here, his mind was barely working at full capacity. One thing was for sure, he was going to avoid the hell out of this guy."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: FALLING STAR - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

The approach of more was expected - he did just land headfirst from the starry heavens after all, even if that was common, he didn't much think that perhaps they expected people to be in those falling stars though.

He did snort at the question though - ah, a gem for everytime he'd been confronted by that question - before he turned to give the - ah, smilodon - a look - and armoured, interesting, that armour was familiar, hm, he frwned lightly but shook the thought away, it'd keep for now.

as it was he merely smiled somewhat humorlessly "the question of my lifetime seems - I suppose alien would be a good enough term considering I'm not 'of' your world - otherwise they used to label us, my family and I, 'ascendants' - i'm aware of the irony that I would then land here of all place" he hummed at the last bit - yes it was a piece of cosmic irony no?

"As for where I came from, well the stars is one answer" he shrugged - another empire, another universe, another dimension one jump across the vale were all another - but the story was log in the telling and he didn't feel like blurting out all his mysteries - or the tragedies.

the question was posed seriously though, so Anz simply inclined his head "if it eases any worry, I hadn't planned to die and seemingly crash land alive again here" all things considered, he hadn't expected to actually live again at all - he'd fully intended to die and take Leviathan with him if it meant his family, his friends and his people were safe.

hm, maybe being the 'child' of a supposed creator creature meant the laws didn't apply to him - even those imposed on others of their line.

hm, Ambriel would kill him again if she found him here no doubt - before or after giving him an earful for 'martyring' himself would yet to be seen - alas, he didn't think he'd ever see his sister, his erstwhile better half, again.