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THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Printable Version

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THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-03-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was currently in her cabin, humming to herself as she tried moving things around. Dimitri made her realize that she should probably clean her own cabin out, since she hadn't really done that since they arrived here and it was starting to get really dusty. Plus, there were still a couple things here and there that she didn't really need, so she could probably just give them away in a yard sell or throw them out.

bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Dimitri - 07-04-2018

He was anxious to be here. He wanted to talk to her and get to know her better. Dimitri, after asking around, discovered this was her home, and flicked his tail outside now.

He knocked on the door using his shoulder.


Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash jumped as Dimitri knocked at her door, clearly not expecting anybody to visit her. "Uh, I'll be there in a minute!" The she-cat called, trying to recover from her little scare as she set down a lamp gently on the table beside her bed. After making sure it was stable, Atbash made her way towards her door and opened it, her eyes lighting up as she saw Dimitri. "Oh, Dimitri!" She exclaimed, her invisible eyebrows raised. "I wasn't expecting you here, but uh, you're welcome to come in." After all, he invited her into his home despite him cleaning it at the time.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Dimitri - 07-05-2018

"You’re cleaning out?" he asked, trodding into the room and looking around. He knew that everyone needed their thing. Dimitri was a closeted hoarder, trying to keep everyone in his system satisfied and happy. Coloring pages could only distract Daisy for so long. Before she did something dumb and went outside. 

”I could appreciate some of your junk, haha.... like, like books?”[/color]

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"Yeah, I've been meaning to for a while." Atbash admitted with a sigh, shrugging. "You reminded me that I should probably actually do it sometime." Especially now that she's recovered fully from her brother's attack. The she-cat tilted her head at Dimitri's next statement and she gave a nod towards her bookshelf. "You can take one if you'd like, or a couple. I don't mind." Reading wasn't exactly her forte, but she did enjoy a book every now and again.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Dimitri - 07-09-2018

Dimitri nodded, knowing Dakota would need books to keep him entertained.

"I’m sorry if I’ve been weird. I’ve just been alone for so long..." he said, beginning to thumb through the titles.

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-10-2018

Atbash chuckled a bit, shaking her head as she went to clean off her bed. ”You’re fine!” She said in a gentle tone, trying to reassure Dimitri. ”Honestly it took me a bit to get used to living with a group, too.” Granted, she didn’t act as weird as Dimitri, but hey... everyone was different.


Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Dimitri - 07-12-2018

"You’re tellin’ me...." He said, but with a deeper meaning to his tone. He perked up, trying to form words.

"Tell me more about yourself, Atbash...."

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash paused in what she was doing at Dimitri's last comment, tensing up and pausing a bit. She... didn't really know how to respond to that, if she was honest. Turning to Dimitri, she tilted her head at him. "What, uh, what exactly were you wanting to know?" She told Cry and Jacob things about her past, but she wasn't entirely sure if she trusted Dimitri entirely. The guy was weird - not that she was to judge, of course; she was sure he would be able to keep quiet. Not that she was afraid of who she was or her past, she was just afraid of Caesar popping by and hearing her speak about what happened. And giving her side of the story, not his fake one.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME // private, Dimitri - Dimitri - 07-12-2018

He fell quiet at her look, as if investigating her for any sign that she knew. He flicked his tail and cocked his head, trying to word his question. He moved towards the books, looking over the titles as he sat.

"Uh- like, what did you do before joining. I was mostly a drifter... I just wanna fit in somewhere, you know?"