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THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - Printable Version

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THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - astre - 07-03-2018

Re: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - Suiteheart - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Fleeing everything one knew seemed to be Suiteheart's specialty. She hated that fact, but she knew, deep down, it was true. When she was only six months old, she ran from her home life, bored and unhappy over the fact that her parents couldn't figure out to control her wild bursts of temper. She hadn't been too sad about it. When she was eleven months old, she ran from the city she had found a home in, disgusted with her so-called friends. When she was two years old, she left behind her family and friends and the floating islands she called home. That had broken her heart more than words could describe. Margaery and Lilyspoise had been her only constants throughout the final ordeal. She was at least thankful for that.

The white feline had a new home now. One that was only just budding, but she loved it fiercely. The Ascendants was as much of a home as her old Clan had been, she knew. And she was protective over it, hence her nighttime patrols. After moon-gazing with Cooper, she found herself still restless. So, she opted for padding around the territory while the 1000 years of memories unfolded in her mind. She wanted to understand it all. No, she needed to try to understand it all.

Her thoughts were derailed when she heard Asher's fall from grace. The sudden noise moved her along quickly, and within seconds, she was on the scene. Confusion glittered in her baby blue eyes and she arched a fictional eyebrow at Asher as he mumbled something about a not-so-soft landing. "Did you... fall from that tree?" she asked, voice slowly gaining an amused tone. "You alright?" It took her a few heartbeats to realize he was technically trespassing - not that she terribly minded because he didn't appear at all malicious. "You're on Ascendants territory, by the way. You looking to join us? I'm Suiteheart, by the way. You are...?"

Re: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - astre - 07-03-2018

Re: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - arcy - 07-04-2018

It's, once again, mostly luck that finds Caboose here again. The canine had been lost again, aimlessly wandering about from place to place. Wait, no no no no, not lost, just misplaced. Yes. Misplaced. Definitely not lost. When he'd heard voices, he'd been quick to approach, partly because he was curious and partly cause he wanted to at least know where in the place he was. It should be noted that Caboose definitely still didn't know the word for territory. Upon seeing the white kitty-person and another black kitty-person with a pretty scarf, Caboose's tail begins to wag.
"You sound like some kinda hero!!" Caboose echoes Asher's thoughts with all of the enthusiasm of a literal puppy. Which he might as well be, despite having once been human and also definitely a full-grown dog. Anyways, Caboose had grown up on stories and cartoons of heroes, but he'd definitely entirely forgotten about them and all that was left was the impression of what they were like. Otherwise, though, Caboose is quiet as Asher speaks, sunnily bouncing on his paws as he continues to beam at the other feline. It was just unfortunate that Caboose hadn't taken off his helmet -- nobody could see his facial expressions and maybe someday he'd consider taking off this inconvenient thing but today was not that day. That day probably wouldn't come till somebody talked to him about it. "You could probably live here if you wanted to!! And then you could call it a home!!" Caboose offers in his typical loud almost-shout. He doesn't quite understand what's going on or anything about Asher, but he's happy to give suggestions regardless. I mean, they let him stay here!! And he still doesn't even really know how that happened!! One moment he was just wandering and then the next there were people and then he was brought here? He didn't claim to understand, but -- yes he did. He'd definitely claim he understands. Anyways, the concept of introducing himself honestly doesn't occur to the canine. Just completely skips over his head. Just like just about everything. Whoops.

Re: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-04-2018

Gordon couldn't help but let a smile cross her face and shake her heard in amusement as Caboose as she made her way over, settling herself beside Suiteheart. She briefly glanced over at Asher, though her gaze didn't linger there for long before it went back to looking back down at her paws (or Suite's occasionally). "Yeah, you could definitely stay here, if-if you wanted." Gordon agreed with the overly-excited canine in a much quieter voice. "My-my name's Gordon, and I'm a Starstruck Guardian here." She was pretty proud of her new rank, if she was honest. It helped her insecurities a lot to know she was actually recognized here.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD | joining - Suiteheart - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart let a bemused smile paint itself across her lips. It wasn't a fall he had had. No, it was a "hard landing." She wasn't sure why that was so funny in her mind, but it was. The Ecliptic Admiral already liked this kid. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, Caboose and Gordon had arrived. She offered them each a smile in greeting.

"Caboose, like Gordon said, is right," the white feline explained, nodding her head. I'm sorry that you had to leave everything behind, but I can promise you this is a good place. This place makes you feel like you've been found after you've been lost for so long." Maybe it was cheesy, but she didn't care. Her words were true enough. When she came to the Ascendants, she was at the lowest point in her life. Now? While she was still plagued by troubles and worries stacked to the high heavens, she didn't feel lost anymore. She had found a home and a damn good one at that.

"So, what'll it be, Ash? Wanna join us?"