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I'VE BEEN CRAVING YOU — private - Printable Version

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I'VE BEEN CRAVING YOU — private - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
There was very times Pincher felt nervous or doubtful when it came to romance. He was taught how to swoon and win over hearts by his uncle and father so he knew how to get what he wanted when it came to seducing. This was how it always went with his "relationships" that held chemistry. If they had something he wanted or desired to benefit from, Pincher would do his best to gain their trust when they were vulnerable, to show that he was there for them. This is what he had done in the beginning to win Snowbound into an alliance that would help them gain support from an outside force that wasn't the Typhoon. But then, there was a change of plans. Or well, not specifically plans but a change in emotions. Everytime he would look into the warm deep blue eyes of the husky, he would feel his stomach do flips and his body tense with a sudden desire to have Jacob with him as more than just some being that he could use as an advantage. He wanted to see him smile. To see him laugh. To see him lean forward to kiss him and to be able to taste his lips without having to be drunk to do so. It all seemed so magical and usually Pincher was focused solely on work and his duties but now, he tended to daydream about being by the side of Jacob. To hear his voice call him "Deniz", a name that he once so despised until Jacob changed it to something gentle and kind. And since returning, he had wanted to ask him on a date.

A few days had passed and now Pincher was finally used to everything, his mind settling down despite the warning cries of the water spirits shrieking inside his head. That could wait, he wanted to spend at least one night with Jacob and not be troubled by work or the price of his immortality. He had gone out in the morning to give a parrot a letter of invitation for Jacob, watching it fly off towards the direction of the snow-covered valley before turning to head towards the Lighthouse to begin working on what he had planned. It didn't take him very long since he had already accounted for every detail possible for them to have a decent time and besides, they would be alone and away from eyes in the building and this brought a rush of excited energy to Jacob. As much as he enjoyed being out in public with the limelight on him and Jacob, the male also craved moments of solitude where no one would disturb them. He would finish setting up the dinner table that was usually for high position meetings but had decided it was the best place for a date for at the top of the ighthouse, one could see all of the island and the ocean with the long ray of light hovering just a few feet above them. Plus, Pincher had a plan on how to make it even more extravagant. He had placed fairy lights, rose petals, and glinting hanging crystals that would shine in the lighthouse's ray everytime it passed. With that all set, he went to head out towards the gate of the island to wait for his date.

He usually did keep a poised clean appearance on a daily basis but this time, Pincher wanted to look absolutely dashing for his love. His short pelt was sleek and completely brushed, glossy with a sweet smelling oil that was a mixture of coconut oil and tropical flowers. He was not wearing his armband nor his earring, instead he wore a gold earring that was in a shape of a heart despite how cheesy it was, Pincher liked it. Around his neck hung a skinny classic blue tie that matched his eye color while he went on a sitting position to wait, the sun already setting and moonlight beginning to outline his muscular form as the gentleman chewed softly on the end of a matchstick since he didn't smoke around Jacob.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: I'VE BEEN CRAVING YOU — private - jacob w.c. - 07-07-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — Jacob wasn't sure what to do when the message arrived at his door. Well, he did know what to do in some ways. He was going to accept and he was going to see Pincher and they were going to have a nice night together with lots of good food. He was sure that Deniz would look stunning and he would wear... a sweater. That was okay though. Pincher didn't seem to mind his bandages or his sweater. He liked them, even. He didn't mind that Jacob carried a few extra pounds or that his leg wasn't quite right or even all the scars that he'd seen. Jacob was sure he hadn't met anyone like him before. Anyway, he'd had Atbash help him pick out an outfit and finally settled on his favorite bandages, the ones with blue jay feathers all over them, a green sweater, and a little black bow tie. Then he was also wearing his thick rimmed glasses, of course, that he never left home without anymore. He wasn't sure why he'd ever cared so much about what Jersey or his friends thought. They didn't look all that bad, Deniz had even told him they looked nice, and it certainly made things a lot clearer. Maybe that had been what his paintings were missing, clarity.

In any case, Jacob made the long trip to Typhoon and then, slowly, up the steps of the lighthouse. He was sure it'd be beautiful at the top but his legs, which had been degrading even over the past week or so, groaned against him. They didn't want to move another inch but the desire to see his... his what? Boyfriend? He wasn't sure if it was appropriate to call Pincher that yet. He felt like it was. He was certainly his lover, so he supposed it was appropriate. He clearly loved Pincher and Pincher clearly loved him back so boyfriend would be an appropriate word. Finally, after what felt like hours of climbing (though he was sure it'd only been a few minutes), he was nearing the top. He would emerge in just a few moments. What was he going to say? He'd planned all sorts of conversations in his mind but he couldn't complete them without knowing what Deniz would say in return or what he'd want to talk about or what else they'd be doing. It was like trying to complete a puzzle with over half the pieces missing. He knew he shouldn't be so worried. It wasn't like this was an interview. Deniz already knew him better than anyone else he'd met since coming from the city. He knew every single secret he held, save for a few details. He would talk about those soon, though, he was sure of it. He would bring up how he knew the Rouxs. He would bring up everything. He knew that this wasn't a trick. It couldn't be. What would he do if it was? No, that wasn't even a good thought to entertain. He loved Deniz. That was all that mattered.

Finally, he came to the top. He knew what he would say. He'd just say hi. That was all. No one could forget that or mess it up. When he made his way up, he looked around until his eyes landed on Deniz and his blue eyes widened just a bit and a light smile came to his maw. "Deniz... He looked amazing, framed in the moonlight just like how Jacob remembered him from their first 'meeting'. There were a few beats of silence and then he realized he hadn't even said hi yet. He let out a soft chuckle and came closer, embarrassment clouding his features. "'M real happy ta' see ya'. I hope you're feelin' better from... everythin'. Ya' look amazing," he stated before realizing his words and his eyes widening, though this time in panic. "I-I mean this looks amazing! All the decorations n' stuff! Not tha' you don' look amazing, you do, ya' really, really do Pinch, I jus' - I didn' really mean ta' say tha' if ya' ain't comfortable because I jus' wasn' sure if I should say things like tha' but then I saw ya' n' then I got a li'l, uh, distracted n' I jus wasn' thinkin'-" he rambled for a moment before he seemed to realize what he was doing and stopped, taking a deep breath before speaking again, "Uh, 's jus' real nice ta' see ya'." — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN