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DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - Printable Version

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DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - guts - 07-03-2018

Greed had been thinking a lot lately. It was uncharacteristic for him to be so nostalgic, but here he was, wallowing in his room. He mostly thought about his past, all the people he had met and left behind, but there was also a certain person plaguing his mind. Of course, he doubted she wanted to see him right about now, so he instead stayed planted in bed. He felt guilty, though he thought it was stupid that he was. He had never felt bad about sleeping around before, and he didn't like it. It just felt wrong this time around.

So, to get his mind off of things, he headed down to the tavern. It was both his escape and a place to go when he was looking for a good time. As he settled in at the bar, ordering himself a drink, he scoped out the selection today. There were quite a few lovely ladies out, even some guys if he didn't get his way with the others. He didn't judge, they were all just factors in his fun. He sips on his drink as it's delivered, trying to decide which one he would try first.

[member=1203]APHRA CIPHER .[/member]


Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-03-2018

it probably wouldn't be much of a surprise to find aphra down here. she quite liked the way the tavern looked, though its reputation with being a bar is what drew her here the most. like greed, she was mostly here to scope around and find some hottie (whether they be male, female, or otherwise) to try and bring back to her room for some little fun. drunks were easy to take advantage of, and one-night stands weren't unheard of whenever a person got under the influence. aphra loved it down here, if not only for the reason of the tavern being a bar where others could just mingle and chill.

"you come here often?" aphra's voice was smooth as she made her way over to sit next to greed (whose name she didn't know). she could sense the air he held, and it almost akin to her own. she didn't really press matters, though; being a sin had its advantages and disadvantages, and greed probably didn't want to talk about it. aphra's tail flicked as she studied greed, trying to size him up without it being obvious. "my name's aphra, by the way." hmm, saying her last name probably wouldn't be a good idea. she didn't know of greed's history with caesar, but the way pincher talked made it seem like he already made quite the name for himself here.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - guts - 07-04-2018

It wasn't uncommon for him to be the one to be approached. While he would be watching and picking, someone else would have already spotted and picked him. Which, of course, he was never upset about. It was just less time between meeting and getting down to the dirty stuff. As she settled in, Greed welcomed her with a grin, nodding in response to her classical question. "Yeah, I do, but what about you? I've never seen your pretty face around here," he purrs, unable to help himself from thinking about when he and someone else had come there before.

He quickly shook the thoughts away, though, finding the guilty feelings attached to them distasteful. Instead he favored ignoring them and focusing on the person in front of him now. "A lovely name. Mine's Greed, a pleasure," he probably would have been a lot less certain about the whole thing if he knew she was related to Caesar in any way, especially since she was his daughter. He wouldn't want to put up with his bickering if he somehow found out.


Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-05-2018

"ah, i just joined." aphra explained with a smile, her tail waving around as she motioned for the bartender to hand her a drink. as greed introduced himself, she raised her invisible eyebrows. "greed? as in the sin?" she asked. though that would explain the air he felt around him. "before you ask, i do like it here. it's almost like home to me already." which was kind of funny, considering she was technically born here, although not in the typhoon specifically. no, she was born outside the territory and lived there for a bit before she heard about her father being here, and being a high position at that. oh, how she wanted to be in his place, though she wasn't ambitious in the way that he was. no, she liked to manipulate the higher ups and get them to like her so much that she could make them promote her. that was her plan, anyway. "you come down here often?" she decided to ask, so not to leave the conversation at an awkward spot. she definitely would be coming down here a lot, that's for sure.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - guts - 07-05-2018

Greed nods at her question, downing the rest of his drink and motioning to the bartender for another. He technically was made from his creator's greed, and while it wasn't the same thing as Aphra's case, it was still pretty close. He acted on his feelings of envy and the want to have it all. He might as well have been the sin itself. Swallowing at the burning feeling of the alcohol sliding down his throat, he turns back from staring down at his glass, listening as she describes how she's settled into the Typhoon. He couldn't picture himself being anywhere else, really, and he was glad that there were other people like that, too.

"That's good," he replies with a flicker of his ear. As she asks him a question in turn, he gives yet another nod, sparing a glance about the tavern. "Yeah, I do. I usually hang around down here when I have nothing better to do," he explains with one last sip from his drink. Lately, though, his head had been in the clouds, and every time he returned there, he would stare off into space rather than do what he usually did.


Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-05-2018

indeed, aphra and greed definitely weren't the same, despite both being the embodiment of the seven deadly sins. she was a succubus, and was born as such, rather than created and possessed a body. but she was still a sin nonetheless, and being a succubus with the embodiment of lust was such a bad combination. as the bartender handed her a glass, aphra quickly took a sip of it, shaking her head as the alcohol burned her throat. call her a pussy if you want; she hadn't had alcohol for a long while, and being a loner didn't exactly grant you drinks whenever you wanted like being apart of the typhoon did, where everybody had access to a place like the tavern.

"that's probably what i'll end up doing." aphra admitted with a bored sigh. "doesn't seem to be a whole lot to do around here, though. that's a little disappointing." that was entirely a lie though. although, yes, there didn't seem to be a lot to do, there were a lot of people to do here, and that's exactly what she was planning on doing.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - guts - 07-10-2018

It was good to hear the tavern would be possibly getting a new regular. Maybe he'd have a new partner in a crime, a wingwoman or something to that degree. "Hey, we welcome you into the club, then. Things can get pretty interesting around here. Bar fights and stuff, yknow?" he says with a chuckle, glancing around as if he expected one to suddenly start up. Naturally there were a few hot-headed patrons that got angry at each other and would get into some drunken argument, or worse, actually start throwing punches. Then after they were done having a fit they'd usually be thrown out. It was always fun to watch and bet who would come out with less bruises.

"Unfortunately. Sometimes you gotta make something to do," he explains, winking behind his shades. Most of the time things were quiet, which was something the panther wasn't too fond of, so it wasn't uncommon for him to cause some sort of havoc.


Re: DIXIE BOY -- p, aphra - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-13-2018

aphra raised an invisible eyebrow at the mention of fights, an amused look crossing her face. "oh, really?" she asked. "i'd imagine those would be pretty entertaining." as greed glanced around, so she did, hoping to spot a couple fights, or at least trying to catch one on the verge of starting. unfortunately there was none at the moment, but that definitely didn't mean one would pop up later. aphra turned back to greed as he started talking again, a mischievous smile forming on her face now. "trust me, love, that's my whole plan of being here." would that reveal what sin she represented? probably, but she didn't care. a fellow sin was a fellow sin, regardless if they didn't come from the same litter.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━