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MAKE ME FEEL AGAIN | OPEN, NEW BODY - Margaery - 07-03-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Much to the surprise of Genevieve, Margaery had been startlingly silent as of late. Typically, everything she did was met with some sort of resistance, her counterpart fighting tooth and claw to ensure that she behaved around the ones that she so desperately wished to protect. It had all been painfully tedious in the beginning, often times causing Genevieve to contemplate whether or not her seize in power had actually been a wise one. Margaery was no longer any fun - hadn’t been in a long time - and she should have at least half expected her strict set of rules and guidelines for being the conscious one. Then again, the pretty assassin seriously doubted that the same amount of regulations were in place for Maarit or even Ingrid. The former was much too innocent to even formulate a murderous thought in her mind and the latter... well, the latter was an absolute enigma.

”Genevieve, I want my body back.”

The thought came out of nowhere, slamming into her and causing her to stumble. Suddenly, Margaery’s extended silence was explained- she had been saving her strength to attempt to regain control. What a clever move but Genevieve was far from impressed. She was simply using her tactics against her, utilizing techniques that Genny had employed in the past to get the upper hand. Too bad that she didn’t have any intention to return to that dark corner in Margaery’s mind. She was here to stay.


[color=#b14767]”Sorry, sugar,” Genevieve responded aloud, a venomous laugh filling the air following her words, [color=#b14767]”As far as anyone’s concerned, this is a permanent switch. How does it feel to be an after thought? A nuisance in the back of someone’s head? Perhaps you should have thought better to even make me if you didn’t want something like this to happ-“ Before she could even finish, a wave of pain washed over her, forcing her to the ground. A low hiss tumbled from chocolate hued lips and for a moment, Genevieve was not Genevieve but Margaery once more, copper eyes shifting back into stormy grays. She blinked, acutely aware of the fact that she was present and could control her body when her head suddenly felt as if it was imploding.

[color=#b14767]”Genevieve, relinquish control or I’ll destroy you,” Margaery threatened. Blood now trickled freely from her nose, her breathing labored. She felt as if her body was giving out on her, ever inch of it aching with a searing fire that did not dissipate. ”No... no! Let me have freedom, you’ve kept me caged for too long!” Genevieve screamed, prompting another wave of hurt to assault her lithe being. It felt like every bone in her body was breaking, agonizing and terrible.

And then there was nothing but black.

When Genevieve stirred, stumbling to her paws and rolling the ache out of her shoulders, the first thing she noticed was her increased height. [color=#b14767]”Margaery, what the fuck did you do?” She muttered, copper eyes falling to her paws. They were larger now, tan-colored and adorned with sharp and merciless claws. Was she... a mountain lion?


How utterly fascinating.

So transfixed by this sudden change and the fact that Margaery had seemingly fallen into a dormant state, Genevieve could not feel the rising sensation of another creature attempting to take control. It was older and more ancient than she was and forced Genevieve down quickly and without even a second though, eyes shifting from red to a bright, jade. [color=#b14767]”Genevieve, satis causa problems te,” She said slowly, carefully. Speaking was not something Ingrid did often, especially through the mouth of an entirely new being. It was no matter though, she could not possibly figure out how to hold control and soon enough, Genevieve was back, shaking her head. The pain had subsided now but the ghost of it still remained, concentrated mainly in her head.

Perhaps it was time to show off her new body to her [i]friends
. Certainly they’d enjoy the enhancement? She was larger, more aggressive, more dangerous. And without Margaery’s influence...

What was stopping her?

Releasing a cackle, she turned and began to head in the direction of the Observatory, the flowers that
blossomed at her paws wilted and dead.

[color=#b14767]”Who will be the first to tell me how pretty I look?” She inquired loudly upon arrival, [color=#b14767]”You know what the best part about this body is? Margaery isn’t around to tell me what I can and can’t do. She’s taken a little bit of a snooze. Isn’t that absolutely tragic?”

margy and genny kinda get at it a little bit and margy accidentally shifts into a mountain lion and loses control completely. this is sort of a power discovery/new body thread in one but she’ll be switching back probably in the next post because genny is dumb and doesn’t know how to work powers
also i’m on mobile and didn’t proofread so i apologize in advance]

(genevieve, satis causa problems te - genevieve, you’ve caused enough problems)


It seemed like Gordon was always the one to find Genevieve around, almost as if she was lured to the other girl's aura of danger. But that wasn't really the case, Gordon just liked to have an eye on Genevieve so she would know what she was up to, so she could prepare herself probably. Or warn Bastilleprisoner that Genevieve was going to attempt to murder him, which was a huge worry Gordon had. She just simply didn't trust Genevieve and she wanted Margaery to come back.

Gordon heard Genevieve's voice in the Observatory and felt her body tense as she realized how close the Cosmic General was. She had no time to react properly and couldn't go off and hide somewhere, so she was practically stuck with having to face the mountain lioness. She heard Genevieve mention Margaery and the little she-cat frowned. "Y-yes, actually." Gordon turned to face Genevieve now as the other female got closer, puffing her fur out in an attempt to look threatening. Of course, her stammering probably ruined that, but she was still going to try her best. "She should be here. N-not you."
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: MAKE ME FEEL AGAIN | OPEN, NEW BODY - Suiteheart - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Being bonded with Margaery meant that Suiteheart was bonded, unfortunately, with Genevieve as well. She felt all the pain, heard all the words, and could feel the shift in their form. The shapeshifting her wife had done was so close to the forefront of her own mind that she almost shifted into a polar bear. God, that wouldn't have been fun. That fact aside, she was beginning to get worried. She felt Margaery slip into some form of sleep. She felt herself tense, realizing that perhaps Genny was here for the long haul. She couldn't have that.

When Ingrid arose within Margaery - Genevieve -, Suiteheart felt Sybil push forward. The selective mute of her past life was being louder than the rest of her split souls. The soothsayer was speaking Latin in her mind, trying to reach Ingrid through the phantom bond they had shared when Sybil walked the earth. Suiteheart allowed it. She preferred anyone over Genny.

It had not taken long for Suiteheart to find Genevieve. The mountain lion form her wife now possessed was strikingly beautiful. Admittedly, Suite had to stop and catch a breath. She hated that despite whatever Genny did, she would always love and be amazed by some part of her because, at the end of the day, she was Margaery. She cast these thoughts aside, not allowing herself to be distracted.

"I'll admit that you look stunning, Genny," Suite meowed, coming to a halt beside Gordon. She saw the slight fear the younger female exhibited, but the Ecliptic Admiral gave her so much respect for still facing Genevieve. "But I have to agree with Gordon. What'd you do to Margaery?"

Re: MAKE ME FEEL AGAIN | OPEN, NEW BODY - guts - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church had met Margaery when he first arrived, but he hadn't known her long after that, so the sudden changes in her personality and overall behavior didn't really strike him as weird. He had no idea that apparently she was sharing a body with other people, or whatever the hell was going on. It seemed the people in this place had their own problems. Of course, he wasn't the most observant, especially with his focus being in other places lately, so it would take him a moment to realize what was going on.

The canine was on his way out of the Observatory, deciding he might as well try and help Washington with whatever he was doing, when he came across the three. He was about to walk on past when he heard their interesting conversation. Genny? Who the hell was that? The context was all jumbled in his mind, so he couldn't help but get involved.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" he butts in, looking between them with a questioning look.


Re: MAKE ME FEEL AGAIN | OPEN, NEW BODY - Roy Mustang - 07-03-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy did not like Genevieve Harper. Not one bit. That thing stole his friend's face and voice, and refused to give control back to Margaery. Plus, Genevieve wasn't exactly a person Roy enjoyed seeing- her attitude was awful, it was her fault completely that no one seems to have a liking for her. As why would anyone like an abomination like Genevieve? Her appearance in the group was unexpected and the bobcat was sure people are almost done with her as he is. He just wants his friend back, he doesn't want this anger to swirl up in his chest whenever he hears Genevieve speak instead of Margaery. Roy was tired of it, and quite concerned for Margy. He still doesn't know what happened and why Genevieve took control. He wants to know, he wishes he could help get his friend back safely- but right now, he feels rather useless in this situation.

Roy was the next one to arrive, padding in shortly after Church, ears drawing back to his skull. Unlike the canine, Roy wasn't entirely confused on what's going on. Sure, he still didn't really know how Genevieve took control of Margaery. But he knows who Genevieve is now, and how he'd like to kick her ass to hell to get Margaery back. The person who's controlling Margaery's body is like a parasite, she's gaining benefit while causing harm to the host. In this case, threatening to stay here permanently. Like hell! He looked at the female for a moment as he inspected her new body, but he had no comments to make. Instead, he was focusing on staring the mountain lion down with a serious expression.

"While you mention it, it is quite tragic. I can't think of a single name that wants you here to stay. I'm tired of hearing from you rather than Margaery and I'm sure others will agree with me," The Lunar Lieutenant said with a confident, yet serious tone, gaze locked on the mountain lion. "Now, you'll answer Suiteheart's question: What have you done to Margaery?"


Let it be known that Bastille actually understood, a little bit, what Genevieve was going through. God only knew how fucking exhausting his souls could be, let alone grappling with the conceptualization that he was his past lives and they were him, that those three souls were forged together inseparably. Hell, Bastille didn't even have his own soul: he was entirely the makeup of his pasts, and trying to explain that he was them but not them was... nearly fucking impossible. It was exhausting to have Suiteheart look him in the eye and tell him to "give Bastille back" when he was Bastille, more influenced by Zaniel or not. They expected too much of him if they expected him to be anything better than what he was made of.

"Yes, because demanding that Margy's split personality give Margy back is somehow helpful and sensible," he drawled flatly as he joined them, giving Roy an unimpressed look before leveling an even more judgmental look at Suiteheart. Bast didn't particularly like Margy, but she wasn't a separate soul; she was Margy, and that much he understood, on some level. So even if he wasn't pleased with her behavior, he also was tired of everyone yelling that Margy somehow become Margy once more. "Look, they're one soul, alright? Gen is Margy, so yelling at her all the damn time to give Margy back doesn't make sense. And even if it did make logistical sense, it's clearly not working, so why don't we just come up with something slightly more practical to shout at her instead."

Was he a little too snappy, despite his flat tone? Possibly. He was fucking tired, and he could feel his souls stirring more and more with every day that passed since his... incident. Soon, his powers would start to slip again, and he was exhausting himself with dreading it.

Re: MAKE ME FEEL AGAIN | OPEN, NEW BODY - Margaery - 07-04-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]”Perhaps the better question is what the bloody hell has Margaery done to me? Though I don’t mind the adjustment, she’s quiet now, probably sleeping,” Genevieve drawled halfway innocently, a cheshire grin expanding upon tanned lips. She was pleasantly surprised to be so liberated, so untethered, from Margaery. This new body with all of its speed and strength would be the closest thing to her own entity that Genevieve would ever get, she was sure of it. But she seriously doubted that she would even be permitted to enjoy the form without being bombarded with inquiries pertaining to their precious Margaery. They hadn’t gotten it through their thick skulls that they were the same person yet? Ugh. What sort of company did her counterpart keep?

Before even making a move to address their demands, she permitted a copper hued gaze to fall upon Church, that venomous smile of hers not once wavering. [color=#b14767]”Necessary adjustments, sugar. Do you like what you see?” She hummed, suddenly endeared with the idea of flirting right in front of her wife. She had no ties to Suiteheart and no love for her either. As far as she was present and in control, she’d flirt and speak to whoever she pleased.

A tail would be flicked casually, following an exasperated sigh as Genevieve finally decided to address the matter at hand. She opened her mouth to speak but found that Bast had beaten her to the punch. Was he actually defending her? Interesting. [color=#b14767]”I wish I was a separate entity, but we are one person. One soul. One being. Sorry to disappoint,” She trilled, though there was no denying her newfound (and incredibly muted) appreciation for the boy Margaery considered her son. [color=#b14767]”You lot have been horribly unpleasant to me anyways, if it were in my realm of capability, why would I even want to return her? None of you deserve her, especially you, Suiteheart,” Genevieve continued almost boredly. All she wanted to do now was use her new body to kill, preferably her clanmates. But she couldn’t do that, not when she was actually attempting to behave. [color=#b14767]”Maybe you all should listen to the brat,” She continued easily, an aimless shrug accompanying her words, [color=#b14767]”He is your seraph, is he not?”