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can i get a hoYA - Printable Version

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can i get a hoYA - caelth - 07-02-2018


I'm Caelth. I've been rping since 2013 I believe and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. The lovely [member=6]C★SMIIX[/member] referred me to the site and I already love the aesthetic of it.

Re: can i get a hoYA - COSMIIX - 07-02-2018

fingerguns aaaaay
but I ain't lovely why u lying


Re: can i get a hoYA - nxmxre - 07-03-2018

[sub]ohoho we're all ready to take over now muwahahha (jk jk)

hey boo! we're joining buddies!

Re: can i get a hoYA - Kicksie - 07-03-2018

hello there, caelth! welcome to BoB c:
i'm kicksie, a mod on the site!
if you ever have any questions feel free to hmu

Re: can i get a hoYA - tricky - 07-03-2018

oooo hi you two!! im the tricky of the site, i guess, and hope you both like it here!

Re: can i get a hoYA - Cheeters - 07-03-2018

hewwo welcome to bob!!! it's so nice to have you here with us (^; my names cheeters but feel free to call me cheets!!

Re: can i get a hoYA - Orion - 07-03-2018

Welcome to BoB dudes! <333 Name's Orion, also known as Star to some others, and I'm the owner in this joint. It's a pleasure to see y'all here.
If you guys didn't know, we have Discords n such for the site to chat in. Along with that, you can find some guides within the help hub and guide archives! Though, if you need help, I'm here!

Re: can i get a hoYA - caelth - 07-03-2018

[member=6]C★SMIIX[/member] i would never lie Tongue

if we can stay active enough lol

hello everyone else! it's nice to meet you all!

[member=1]Orion[/member]  THANK YOU FOR THE HOYA
and good to know, thanks!

Re: can i get a hoYA - Orion - 07-03-2018

no problem!! let me know if you need anything <3

Re: can i get a hoYA - cobblepot - 07-03-2018


im cob ! im the local uhhhh Somethig idk what my role here is but i am Here and im excited to get to know u !! welcome to bob :^)