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I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - Printable Version

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I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-02-2018

although aphra didn't particularly like the area her father had chosen to stay, she had to admit, she did like the ocean. she likes the noise of it and she liked the way the waves became chaotic during a storm. she didn't, however, like the way the sand got in her fur and stuck there. it was a pain in the ass to get out, but oh well. she supposed she could deal with it.

aphra was currently laying on the dock, one paw in the water as she idly moved it around in the water. the water itself was soothing, despite her thoughts on how she liked the waves crashing onto the shore as harshly as they could. she liked calm, too, and it didn't hurt to relax every now and again.

open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - brad - 07-02-2018

the large canine had made a habit of sitting out at the dock to smoke since he had made himself at home in the typhoon. it was solitary and somewhat peaceful, free of those who complained about the stench. it wasn't so much that brad cared about what his crewmates thought of him, rather than just wanting some damn peace and quiet every once in a while. he never understood why some felt the need to express their opinion whenever possible, as it grew quite tiresome.

a lit cigarette already hanging loosely from his jaw, brad made his way towards the dock quietly. suddenly, the canine froze in his pawsteps with a groan of annoyance as he caught site of the older feline. so much for that quiet time he had been expecting. padding onto the dock with a grimace, the leonberger eventually was close enough to speak to aphra easily. "alright sweetie, you're gonna have to beat it or deal with the smoke", he said in a dry tone, glancing at the female with disinterested chestnut eyes.
actions "speech"

Re: I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-03-2018

apjra was the type of person to voice her opinion, though she only really ever done it if it was meaningful to the conversation or if she just wanted to be petty. but she could see how brad found everybody voicing their thoughts out loud bothersome, especially if they were about himself. aphra heard the dock groan as somebody else made their way over, and the she-cat pulled her paw out of the water and looked back as much as he could. "i think i'll deal with it." she responded in a calm tone, though there was slight amusement in it from the way brad addressed her. "actually, do you have any to share?" having a smoke probably wouldn't be too bad right now, if she was honest with herself. she wasn't exactly stressed nor had things on her mind, she just liked the feeling. if she had conjuration, she probably would have conjured up a pack herself, but alas, that was a power she didn't have at this moment. but most smokers were known to share at least one cigarette, right?
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - brad - 07-09-2018

brad rolled his eyes slightly as the feline announced she would be staying. it was difficult to get some alone time around this place, but a home was a home. the large canine dipped his head at her response. "mmkay, sounds-", he began to say, before aphra asked for a cigarette. brad tried his best to suppress a laugh, merely letting out an airy snort. sharing was certainly not his mantra, and he didn't plan on trying it out anytime soon. besides, his stash was way back in his den.

"don't have a pack on me-", he said brashly as he took a seat fairly equidistant from aphra. it was more polite than a flat-out no, but enough to get his point across. the hefty male shifted his paws, and exhaled towards the sky. a cloud of hazy smoke escaped his maw, inducing a smile to grow across his rugged face. "- but if i did, i 'dunno if you'd be so lucky", brad added eventually, his desire to be polite vanishing almost as soon as it appeared in his mind.
actions "speech"

Re: I'M A VERONICA // private, Brad - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-13-2018

well, damn, that was certainly disappointing, but aphra was going to try to not let that show. "can't say i'm surprised." she mused, her fluffy tail flicking. "not a whole lot of smokers share, but hey. that's alright." she wasn't that much of a smoker in the first place; she just liked the occasional cigarette. "i take it you usually come here?" she asked now, seeing as brad had tried to shoo her off, thinking that she'd mind the smoke.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━