Beasts of Beyond
YOU LITTLE SHIT // open, OOC Prompt // YOU'RE IN IT - Printable Version

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YOU LITTLE SHIT // open, OOC Prompt // YOU'RE IN IT - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Caesar was honestly quite surprised that Roxanne had given him a gift, though he definitely didn't hate it. A blade was the perfect gift for him, as he's been wanting to get some sort of weapon for a while, and without conjuration, he couldn't just make one appear out of thin air, no matter how much he willed it to happen. He just simply didn't have the ability to right now, and that was frustrating. But luckily Roxanne gave him the blade, and Caesar was almost overwhelming happy to get it. He admired it and loved the coloring and it almost didn't leave his side. He had gotten a sheath from an NPC so he could wear it on his forearm.

Although Caesar appreciated the gift, he was a tad confused as to why Roxanne had got him something. He's clearly been an ass lately, especially to her family, and he just couldn't grasp the idea of her considering him a 'friend' - or at least somebody worth of giving a gift. He couldn't believe that anybody could consider him a friend, honestly. He was manipulative, a bastard, a prick, a dick, somebody who just didn't care for others. So why would somebody care about him? The concept was just hard to grasp and Caesar had decided to take a walk to get these thoughts off his mind. He appreciated that people seemed to like him enough to give him gifts, but continuing with this thoughts would only lead him to think of the times where people genuinely liked him, back home before he got him and his System exiled.

But as Caesar came back from his little walk, the demon spotted an NPC walking around with the sheath and the knife he had left in his room prior, thinking that it'd be safe there for the hour that he was gone. But apparently he was wrong. Caesar flattened his ears as he called out to the NPC, "HEY!" He was marching towards the NPC now, his lips curled in a snarl. The NPC let out a squeak of surprise before they darted off towards the beach, but Caesar almost immediately and promptly followed them. It was clear that he wasn't going to catch up with them, so the demon prepared a fireball in his throat, feeling the heat rise before he launched the fireball at the NPC, though he purposely aimed high just to startle them. The NPC stopped running, surprised by the attack Caesar just attempted and panted, turning around to face the Officer. Caesar was glaring down at them, his tail lashing back and forth. "Give it back." He demanded with a growl, holding out a paw to retrieve the sheathe and the knife. The NPC listened to him and shakily gave him the items, before they ran off again.

With a sigh, Caesar shook his head and sat down, sliding the knife in its sheath and putting it on his arm. Idiot. The demon thought to himself, watching as the NPC's figure faded into the distance.

Re: YOU LITTLE SHIT // open, OOC Prompt // YOU'RE IN IT - brad - 07-02-2018

brad had been humming along to some shitty eighties music playing from the walkman in his fannypack when a sudden rise in tension attracted his attention from the north. he trotted forward with a look of mild curiosity, and peeked his head from behind a large palm leaf to examine the disturbance. the dark brown canine immediately recognized caesar, as the demon had been there when he had joined. the other creature, however, was quite unfamiliar to brad. the leonberger wasn't too trusting of trespassers. after all, any of them could be acquaintances of his father who was undoubtedly looking for his poor little lost son. brad rolled his eyes at his inner saboteur's anxious thoughts, and returned his gaze to the action before him. ah, violence. what better to fuel one's masculinity than a fun little skirmish?

once the fight ceased and caesar was reunited with his dagger, brad emerged from the brush wearing a crooked grin. "looks like ya woke up on the wrong side'a the bed today bud!", he chimed with a hardy laugh. one of life's greatest pleasures was pushing people's buttons when they were already grumpy. well, at least to brad it was. "cute toy, i dig it", he added, pointing a large paw at the glistening dagger. the knife was quite cool, but the canine would never exhibit his jealously through complimentary comments. that was for dweebs.
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