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GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - Printable Version

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GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - Suiteheart - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had be surprised when Bastille approached her yesterday about heading a meeting of her own. He had been completely sincere in his question and his concern. It was obvious his deaths were getting to him. He feared leaving the group in her inexperienced grasp, so he offered this meeting to her. It was her responsibility to do it, so she wouldn't back out. Besides being a good platform to practice on, this would also give Bastilleprisoner a moment of rest - and the poor kid needed it.

The white feline padded into the Grand Circle before scaling the ladder. She stopped one rung below where Bastille normally stood, not feeling quite right in completely taking his place. She could see from where she stood currently, and that was all that mattered. Suite stood still for a few ticks, baby blue eyes surveying the scene before her. She didn't think she was nervous, but there was some odd emotion brewing inside of her. Excitement? Worry? Wonder? She wasn't sure. Everything just felt so new.

She inhaled softly, gathering up her courage and all her trains of thought. "Ascendants, gather up for a meeting!" Her voice was loud as it touched every corner of the Grand Circle before filtering out into other parts of the Observatory. She allowed her signature grin to bloom on her delicate features as her friends and peers gathered around her. "Hey, guys. We've got a few things to discuss today!

"First and foremost, we've got a few new members to welcome into our group: Aaliyah, Playerone, Recbecca, Merihem, and Imperia."
She paused for a moment, giving everyone time to cheer. In a few days, we'll have our July ceremonies up, so if you're new, head over since it'll be time to work on choosing necklaces, meteorite shards, and pendant shapes. Until it's up, be sure to keep an eye out for it!"

Now was time for everyone's favorite part of the meeting, she knew. Promotions, shout outs, and titles. ”We’ve got a few promotions this week. Gordon, I’d like you to step up to Starstruck Guardian. Hazel, to step up to Kuiper Corporal. Roy, Lunar Lieutenant. Margaery to Cosmic General.” She paused and smile, eyes searching for each new promotion. She was proud of them. They’d all worked incredibly hard. ”I’d also like to shout outs to Caboose, Church, and Aaliyah.” They been been hard at work as well. ”We’ve got titles this week too: Leo to Aaliyah, Gemini to Caboose and Aaliyah, Virgo to Church and Washington, and Pisces to Cooper.”

She grimaced slightly as she moved on to the next topic. ”Radeken, I’m giving you a warning. Joel, you gave us a notice, but be sure to keep your activity up, bud!”

Once that had been taken care of, her expression evened out and even took on notes of excitement. Events were on the agenda next, which was a relatively easy topic. She mentally rolled through everything, hoping not to slip up and forget anything. ”This week, we’ve got ooc prompts! Be sure to post there to get one - they’ll all be good.”

Suiteheart beamed a bit at the next bit of news. She was excited to see what would become of the tryouts Rin was holding. “Warringkingdoms is holding tryouts to become a Halo. Anyone who's got an interest in the medical field - even high positions who would rather heal - should pop by. Rin's a great teacher, so you'd be gaining a ton. Radeken's also part of our medical branch, so you know there'd never be a dull moment.

“As mentioned in the last meeting, we’re having a mock raid with Tanglewood sometime this week or next, so be on the lookout. Be sure to behave yourselves, but show Tanglewood that we know how to handle ourselves. And, hey, be careful too - don’t get yourselves maimed and don’t purposefully seriously injure someone,”
Suite explained. She knew some of their members often had the inability to hold back, and she figured the same could be said for their allies. She was sure things would go smoothly, however. It usually did.

“In the next few days and even weeks, keep your eyes peeled for more group-wide events! The ambassadors and I've been hard at work coming up with pretty cool stuff," she said. “And that reminds me - we do have positions open for anyone interested in becoming an ambassador. All you have to do is post here and state your interest. She was hoping for one or two takers (since that was all that was needed). Ambassadors were often a vital part of group relationships. While their program was just beginning, she wanted to fill up spots as quickly as she could.

“We spoke about Odyssey titles last meeting. We’ve been hard at work on them, and I’m happy to announce everything should be finished by the next meeting! If anyone has any suggestions on them, speak now or forever hold your peace.

“Finally, we have June/July Choice Awards going on! Be sure to stop by and vote for your favorites!”

Suiteheart quieted for a few seconds, letting the insane amount of words sink in. Once the clamor had died down, she asked, “Any questions?”

[— welcome to our newbies! we’re happy to have you!
— June ceremonies will be up soon, and information can be found on pendants here
— promotions: Gordon to Starstruck Guardian, Hazel to Kuiper Corporal, Roy to Lunar Lieutenant, and Margaery to Cosmic General
— shoutouts: Caboose, Church, and Aaliyah
— titles: Leo to Aaliyah, Gemini to Caboose and Aaliyah, Virgo to Church and Washington, and Pisces to Cooper
— warning to Radeken, notice to Joel
— Sky is putting on ooc prompts this week (link in post)
— Halo tryouts (link in post)
— mock raid with Tanglewood will be up sometime in the near future
— ambassadors will be putting on a few events with other groups in the coming days and weeks
— spots are still open if you would like y/c to be an ambassador (link in post)
— Odyssey title work is being finalized and should be ready to go next week - suggestions can still be made regarding them and info can be found here
— June/July ceremonies are happening (link in post)!]


At Suiteheart's call, Gordon began making her way over, but her mind was clouded with worry. Why wasn't Bastilleprisoner holding the meeting? Was he okay? Where was he? Gordon was sure she had seen the guy a couple days ago, and he seemed fine, but the fact that he was holding this meeting made the little she-cat worry. She barely listened to the first few seconds of the meeting, where Suiteheart had welcomed the newcomers, but once the other female called her name, Gordon snapped from her thoughts and looked up at her in surprise. A promotion? She thought to herself in shock. Me? Did she really deserve it? Gordon opened her mouth to ask that question, but thought better of it and closed her mouth. Of course she deserved it, if Suiteheart was announcing it. Suiteheart continued on with the other promotions and shoutouts, as well as warnings. "Con-congrats to the others, and thanks, Suite!" Gordon finally found the energy to speak, though her voice was just as quiet as always. Titles were next, following by an announcement regarding OOC prompts. Suiteheart also announced that Warringkingdoms was holding tryouts and lessons to be a Halo, and as much as a pacifist Gordon was, she didn't think she could be a healer. Blood made her squeezy, and she probably couldn't handle the sight of blood or twisted leg or something if somebody got injured. The last announcements Suiteheart made were regarding some of the events that were going to happen, as well an announcement about the Ambassador system, and that was it. Gordon could still feel her heart beat in her chest from where she was announced to be promoted, and she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about her new position, even if it was only a semi-high one.

//Thanks aa and congrats to everybody else who got promoted/shoutouts/titles!
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - Margaery - 07-02-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Well this certainly was fascinating wasn’t it?

Genevieve hadn’t expected to see the “wonderful love of her life” leading the meeting today, rifling off announcements and promotions as if she had done it a million times before. Had something occupied Bastilleprisoner? Or had he still not recovered from his latest trip? Whatever the reason, Genevieve felt a plethora of muted emotions rising in her chest. First, there was hatred. It was common knowledge that she despised Suiteheart and seeing her up there... it only fueled the flames of her dislike. She was also acutely aware of pride, not because she - or Margaery - had received a promotion, but because Suiteheart was a natural leader. She knew those feelings stemmed from Margaery and quickly stomped them down, refusing to deal with anything that positively related to the white she cat. She would not humor her counterpart.

Not today.

Not ever.

[color=#b14767]”Margaery thanks you,” She muttered, tail beginning to lash behind her, [color=#b14767]”Even though we all know that she wouldn’t be anywhere without me.” Was Genevieve jealous? Just a bit. Margaery always got everything handed to her and she... she hated that. Even if they were technically the same person. Oh well. Genny refuses to comment on the rest of the announcements, though the sound of a raid intrigued her. She was a natural born huntress, an assassin in her own right, it’d be fun to sink her teeth into a group of people not protected by Margaery’s unyielding love.


It was likely fairly common knowledge that Bastille had a few personal disagreements with Suiteheart, but say what he would about her, he knew she was a damn good deputy. She might be the one to kill him, but at least he’d be leaving the group in good hands, more or less. She rarely questioned him when he told her a plan, and she knew half the promotions he had in mind before he even gave them to her. He was fairly certain that they all knew it should have been her rather than him, if Starry wasn’t absolutely deranged, but Bast would settle for knowing they’d be better off if he managed to get himself killed than they’d been following Starry.

He did show up to the meeting, yawning as he settled beside Gordon. He felt a little ill, the withdrawals shocking him system something nasty, but he wasn’t too fucked up — he could have ran it if he hadn’t decided that it was time to do some leadership preparation. Suiteheart was handling herself fine, she covered everything they’d discussed, and he got to feel like vomiting every other moment in peace (which was to say, without everyone watching him and detecting it). Seemed good enough to him, and he offered her a nod once she was finished. ”Grats, everyone.”

Re: GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - Roy Mustang - 07-02-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
So, Suiteheart is hosting this week's meeting rather than Bastilleprisoner. The male thought to himself when his ears pricked up at that familiar voice ringing out through the Observatory. He wondered why Suiteheart was standing in Bastilleprisoner's place- he knew that Bastilleprisoner didn't step down, and there's no way that Suiteheart decided to takeover. The melanistic bobcat made his way over to the meeting, wondering if there would be an answer to his thoughts at the meeting spot. When he arrived, he noticed Bastilleprisoner in the crowd- and honestly, he didn't look that great. Oh, he looks sick, without a doubt he doesn't look like he has the energy in him to be up there today.

Roy sat down in the crowd, averting his eyes onto the white feline. His ears pricked up as she began to lay out the announcements, gaze locking on her. As the white feline spoke, the Flame Alchemist heard his own name in the mix, grabbing his attention. A promotion to Lunar Lieutenant? That was skipping a whole entire rank- Kuiper Corporal. Flicking an ear, the bobcat spoke up after a few moments of thinking. "Thank you for the promotion," Roy said to his friend, blue eyes blinking.

Re: GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - ★ HAZEL - 07-03-2018

Hazel’s ears flicked upwards at the familiar call, knowing in a heartbeat that it was Suite, not Bastille. Intrigue as well as concern flashed through her veins, the voice in her head whispering the possibilities of what might have happened to Bastille in order for Suite to take his place. Hazel pushed the ideas away after a moment, having realized she would have been notified via the bond of something unusual. As a matter of fact, all seemed...somewhat quiet on his end. Exhaustion had infected them both, their recent days catching up to them and hitting hard.

Nevertheless, Hazel sought Bastille out among the throng of her clan mates, not entirely convinced that he wouldn’t do something moronic in the blink of an eye. Settling herself against the ground, Hazel dragged her attention to Suite, trying to tune in. There were a couple newcomers, and — oh!

A bashful purr rose in the back of her throat after hearing her name. Kuiper Corporal wasn’t much different from Starstruck Guardian, but it was acknowledgement. The pleased buzz from recognition settled like sunlight against her skin, a heated flush rising to her cheeks. Anticipation rose with it, knowing that the higher the ranking, the more responsibilities you had. Responsibilities that Hazel wasn’t sure she could handle just yet. Still, until she found another outlet and another way to be at least somewhat useful, she would follow what was required of her.

“Congratulations Gordon, Roy and Margy.” Hazel piped up, proud to hear her friends’ names listed as well. Lord knows they all deserved it; especially Roy, who had been more than active lately. It took Hazel a moment to realize that Margy wasn’t with them — instead, Genevieve stood in her place. Hazel’s ears fell back, put off by the realization.

Suddenly came the reminder of Halo tryouts, and once more, Hazel lifted her head, having forgotten about the medic rank. Oh, do it — do it, be a medic, Hazel. The girl in her head suddenly cried out, startling Hazel. A drive ignited in her mind, one that pulled her towards the concept of healing and helping. I can help, The girl continued, excited. I know everything. I was a medic. I was a great medic. Hazel blinked, considering. She wouldn’t need the voice’s help; Suite had been teaching her what she knew about herbs, and Nayru had as well. Hazel tilted her head. Maybe this was her outlet.

And then...a mock raid? Hazel’s heart stuttered at the idea. Deus, all she had been good for was watching during training. She wouldn’t be able to do anything during that raid, spare for help Rin and Rad if they wanted. Hazel swallowed, dread sinking into her bones.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - arcy - 07-03-2018

Now, Caboose isn't actually quite sure how he found himself here. Like, here specifically. Like, he has no idea what's going on or why the white kitty-person is talking. It sounds official and there's a lotta people. This might be what keeps Caboose's attention, honestly -- the way she's addressing the whole crowd has him stopping to listen, head tilted in puzzlement. He doesn't understand, of course -- Caboose doesn't understand much. Doesn't understand titles or much of anything anyone is talking about 'cause nobody ever told Caboose anything and Caboose doesn't ask questions. New members he got, but everything else was lost on him. Promotions, too, even if he doesn't understand anything in any ways. Who were the people? He's not sure, isn't sure he even particularly cares.
Shout ... outs? Shouting out? Titles? Gemini? Caboose doesn't get it, but his tail wags anyways as he hears his name not once, but twice. And so was Church!! He was important now! Somehow. For some reason. He should probably ask Church or somebody else probably, but Caboose is perfectly content in absolute befuddlement. As he tends to be. Other than this, Caboose doesn't get, though he tries. He gets the gist at least, if only from key words. Raid something something, he doesn't get what tangles have anything to do with it. Some others things, not important.
Anyways, Caboose had a lot of questions, but people always yelled at him for having them, and everybody else seemed to understand. So Caboose just nods rather violently, helmet rattling strangely on his head as he does so. Yup, definitely understands. Definitely knows whats going on in literally any shape or form.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

There seemed to be a pattern with these briefings. That being they all seemed to happen once a week. Which made it easier for Washington to keep tabs on everyone that was around. At least that's what he thought about the briefings considering that he wasn't bothering to pay attention to any of the politics that these creatures probably had. That wasn't his job after all and he wasn't about to start helping them out of the blue either. He did his own thing, and if Church and Caboose wanted to help them they would have to do it in the little free time that they were given once he was done with them. He wasn't here to make friends after all, even if some of the creatures here were trying to be nice to one another. Agent Washington was still looking to get back to being human and nothing else. This entire time though, Washington believed that Suiteheart was one of the higher ranked creatures that lived in this outpost. Simply because of the factor that she seemed to almost be everywhere and offered her assistance when she thought it was needed. Which was fine with him, but he wouldn't accept such help from this group of soldiers. Either way, he had addressed her with respect, the soldier side of him still prevalent just like the way he treated Bastille in the last meeting. It was a force of habit really, and he wasn't about to break out of habit just yet either, because there were plenty of things that felt wrong in general, and he wasn't about to start changing who he was just because he was an animal now. The armored Smilodon hadn't been as punctual as he would have liked. The lack of sleep probably taking a toll on him for real this time, and it was getting hard and hard to hide what his current condition actually was. Suiteheart had already questioned his condition when he hadn't been eating, and he sure as hell hoped that no one would end up noticing. The Freelancer didn't sit down next to anyone, in particular, opting to sit off to the side to distance himself from anyone else. The lights that adorned both of his arms that were part of his armor giving small hints to where he was in the slightly darkened areas of the building. His hidden gaze looked up toward Suiteheart. Where was Bastilleprisoner? He was able to catch the form of the smaller animal in the crowd. Why wasn't he up there?

He guesses it made sense because during the time he spent in the organization it wasn't always the head officer that would give orders, as he could always give someone else the news to deliver to the rest of the troops. It happened when the Counselor came to make announcements instead of the Director. He listened to her announcements, most of which didn't even make any sort of sense in his mind. The armored wildcat didn't really pay attention to anything but the names that were spoken, not having any faces to put them to. The older male then listened as a couple of their names were spoken. Titles. What did they mean? Was that a rank? Or was it like getting a medal for something that they were given to those that deserved them? Obviously not because nothing was being handed out. Agent Washington only remained confused for a couple of seconds before speaking. "Thank you, ma'am" The Freelancer would state with a small dip of his head in the smaller felines direction. He could practically hear the rattling of Cabooses helmet from across the crowd, which did draw his attention as he turned to look at the simulation trooper was practically shaking in his boots. Washington couldn't help but roll his eyes a little bit at the other's reaction. He didn't say anything vocally about it though. However, at the mention of the word Halo, Washington's entire demeanor changed. His body tensed up and his head snapped back to Suiteheart. Halo? What? Wait, she was talking about something that went on in this group. Relief flooded him soon after as he realized that they weren't talking about the weapon of mass genocide. He exhaled through his nose before Suiteheart asked if there were any questions. "No ma'am." Washington would respond, as he wouldn't leave until everyone was dismissed. It was practically ingrained into his mind to respect those that were higher ranked than he was and have proper edicate no matter where he was."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: GRAND THEFT AUTUMN ; MEETING 7.2 - Cosmic - 07-04-2018

I arrived, and the meeting had started pretty damn quickly. There was a lot that had been discussed this far, and it made me wonder if my name would be called? Or had it been? Damn it- I might have to ask Suiteheart about it later. However, I was very pleased to hear about Aalyiah's titles. The little squirt was getting somewhere. Awesome.

And, well, to say I was excited for the medical branch tryouts would be an understatement. I would absolutely love to participate in the healing of my groupmates.

"Thank you, Suiteheart." It felt really good to be welcomed into their ranks. It felt like... home here, strangely enough.