Beasts of Beyond
WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - Printable Version

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WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - Luciferr - 07-02-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

he had not been back here in some time since his brief vacation to the land of snow and temperatures cold as his skin - and then he'd left them, a prolonged vacation out in the wilderness since he'd seen Fenrisulfr, his son here.

Some part of him had taken that pilgrimage in hope that if Fenris had come back here like himself then perhaps, perhaps the others-

His siblings, his mother, his uncle

His wife,

Might be out there somewhere, as bewildered and lost as he had been reborn in a new world seemingly cut off from any way to return to the old.

Alas, he had not found any, only he and his son seemed among them,

For now perhaps,

He liked to think if the others died - they might come here.

He would like to see them again.

Eyes of malignant Crimson and purest white of the edge of infinity opened from where they'd closed in quiet contemplation on the evening flight - the air this summer was hot but the skies were clear and the breeze was easy to glide across as it lifted and carried him gently across the myriad plains and territories below until he wound up crossing the ocean and finally a familiar isle caught his eye on the horizon.

Wings of magnifold - one huge set branching into multiple - and the colour of pitch void edged in light speckled by white galaxies and blanketed in dark shadows twitched and angled as the eldritch beast descended from the evening sky painted in its soft blues and purples, accented by the slowly setting sun on the horizon behind him.

He landed quietly upon the rocks jutting from the shore - a smile quirked lightly, he could still see the gouges of his claws dug in this same old rock, he had meant to return earlier truly - because he could never leave family forever - and yet time it seems slipped away from him,

Sadly that seemed a habit when one was immortal and unaging - one moments glance away and the friends you'd made could be dust upon the wind by the time you glanced back.

It took he and his family line a great effort not to find the sadness in that - and greater courage to force themselves not to distance and become aloof to it,

For tragedies lied the way of those above it all, or at least so it seemed.

Lucifer sighed, a deep sound rumbling from a large chest that carried the weight of millenials spent living as he settled back, folding those magnificent wings behind him and catching his eyeline to the trees as no doubt someone would soon come forth.

Well best not to keep them waiting,

"Lucifer Grimm, returning home if allowed - I have been gone too long" the last part was an observation and an admission - he could already scent the many different peoples here now, so many, it did his heart well to at least know the Typhoon did not suffer for new blood.

/I'm finally back friends c:


Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - guts - 07-02-2018

Greed knew the struggles of living a long life that wouldn't be ending any time soon. A lot of the time he enjoyed the freedom, not having to feel rushed for time. But then there were moments where he wished he had less, just enough to spend with those he cared about. He didn't want to watch as people around him died again. He had had enough to last him a few centuries more.

Anyways, he didn't know if he had ever met Lucifer or not, so he makes sure to introduce himself as he pads up just in case. "Yo, welcome back. I'm Greed," he takes a seat then, studying the creature with his usual smirk. He was definitely an interesting one, he'd give him that. But the Typhoon was full of interesting people, too.


Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - brad - 07-02-2018

it wasn't everyday some hellish looking creature strolled into the typhoon's territory. the leonberger had seen plenty of odd creatures as a nomad, so he wasn't entirely shocked at lucifer's unnerving appearance. instead, he found it mildly humorous how the hellion carried himself. the canine wouldn't of expected such a menacing profile to speak with such respect and slight timidness. well, that last part may have been a bit of a stretch, but it held true to brad's perspective nontheless.

brad padded over alongside his cremate with a mild sneer drawn across his masculine features. "well then- welcome back, sunshine!", the canine said as his smirk slipped into a brash grin. the sarcasmof his tone was unintended, as he was unfamiliar with lucifer entirely. sometimes he couldn't help but address others with such disrespect, after all it was all he knew for the majority of his short eleven moon life. kindness was nothing but a waste of energy, as his father had always told him.
actions "speech"

Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Caesar couldn't help but let out a snort at Brad's comment of calling Lucifer 'sunshine', though it wasn't out of amusement. No, Caesar didn't particularly like Brad - and yes that was normal, but something about this guy rubbed the Officer the wrong way, and he just simply didn't like Brad. He usually gave others a chance, like he would be with Lucifer, but something about Brad was off and he didn't like it. Kinda like Greed. "Yeah, welcome back." Caesar said as he stared up at Lucifer. "Name's Caesar Cipher."

Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - ARGUS - 07-03-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Family was a tender thing, born with scant of any in her younger years- each attempt to grow one ending in fire. No- Argus held onto her family reverently, feverishly until her clawmarks gorged their hides- ultimately pushing them away in ways that Argus could not fix. Any attempts to keep someone only ended in the repellent of. This was not only for the large Grimm's case but nearing anyone she really had a past with. Relationships were hard until they weren't. Time would allow her to create them and time would wipe them away from her all. Such was the life of living. Violent deaths and hollow evidences. Someone could go missing- and they would never again meet. Such was life- abandonment- fleeting but never truly gone.

Dull crimson eyes so alike her stepfather's watched as the abyssal landed on the beach. Others would come to watch- spectate the being's return. Greed and Caesar- along with another she didn't know greeting the elder like a newcomer. Argus would not come and welcome him. Secured within the branches of the jungle- hidden among the foliage where it was safe. A sting of... emotion rising in the adopted grimm's chest- but she could not ignore it. Her feelings were volatile and it would be better if she stay away and... calm down. At least for now.

He had other's to greet.
//AyYY welcome back! so glad to see the big bad dad[sup]TM[/sup] back again ^^

Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - Luciferr - 07-03-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

ah the first to come forward he didn't rcognise - no doubt a running theme for quite a few - but the dragon graciously inclined his head - ah the name, like the sin then? Hm interesting, he'd met many going by sins before once long ago, more faces left to memory again - and a smirk to which the dragon merely offered his own slight one (though half of his face was frozen in something of a permenantly glowing red snarl) "a pleasure" he rumbled before another approached.

Ah this one was loud and the dragon snorted slightly at the term of address - sarcastic as it was - and simply mildly replied "first time I've been named a sunshine" with an amused tone - no first reactions were either screaming for the hills or various suspicious to awed stares depending on the type of character.

Bright yellow and black he first noticed next - and if he couldn't read souls, he might've mistaken this one for someone else who'd born this look he'd met before, even the last name - the dragon dipped his head to the dream demon in acknowledgement, it'd been quite a time since he'd seen such demons.

Three he did not know and yet.

An aura far away and concealed he recognised - he did not move or call out simply sent along a telepathic message to his daughter in law, a wordless greeting with a soft note of affection for his family.

He shifted onto his feet "I trust the island hasn't spontaneously changed while I was gone?" well it didn't look like it had suddenly been bedecked in fluorescent lights or some other such nonsense so he didn't think too much had changed.


Re: WINGS OF NIGHT - - open, Rejoining - PINCHER - 07-11-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
"Quite the opposite really. Lots of things have happened but once you settle in, we can give you all the juicy details." The low rumbling voice that decided to pop up into the air came from a little far way's off as the sound of faded muted footsteps on the sandy hills joined in as the sleek obsidian figure of Pincher arrived with a light friendly smile tracing his muzzle upon seeing Lucifer. He had rather missed the dragon, glad to see that he had decided to join and he wondered what had lead him to return to the crew. Perhaps longing or nostlagia for better times? He understood that Argus and him had a close relationship and despite having missed an opportunity to get close to the other male in a more indepth manner, the doberman hoped he would be able to find an opportunity now since now Pincher was able to control his time better especially with the schedule and not having the fear of well...dying. He had died before and it seemed he wasn't really able to now, he felt pain but there was a sense of immortality that surrounded him. However, has he told anyone about it? No. But maybe he would someday in the future.
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