Beasts of Beyond
I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - Printable Version

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I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-02-2018

What was he even doing here?

A quick look around from the strange, paper bag-headed creature showed that he had apparently ended up somewhere completely different than he had been just a few moments ago or perhaps he had lost track of insane amounts of time due to his head swirling with nothing but questions on why his last boss had decided to fire him with little warning and to take his tail while they were at it? An annoyed sigh, followed by the soft crinkle of his bag broke the peaceful silence in order to look back at the small, cotton ball of a tail. Flick. Yes, it was still quite embarrassing to watch his little deformity attempt to act like a normal tail, but he was willing to cope with it for now. No, he should actually be looking around at this tropical paradise he had found himself in, with the sound of the ocean now reaching his attentive mind as well as several tall trees that swayed high above him with little patches of shade granting him a cool spot to stand and elaborate the situation he was currently in. White "pupils" flicked about from his goggles, surveying his surrounding area and landing on some sort of railroad system with most of it's tracks leading behind him, back into the ocean and a train still standing there, frozen in time and waiting for humans to come use it once more. Unfortunately, it seems the natives have decided to decorate the large machinery with all sorts of items that caught the male's eyes for a moment before noticing the rather drab sign, carved with a symbol of sorts that was unfamiliar to the scientist. "A-A-Alright, Slys. Perhaps, these people aren't some sort of blood thirsty group and a little...shout out for directions or directions will not lead to your own demise." Planecrash muttered under his breath, his paw tugging gently down on his bag before he looked over to a rather convenient gate not all to far from where he stood now.  "Or that. A bell would definitely be m-much more efficient" Plane's paws slowly lead him towards the oddly pretty bells and grabbing a rock to gently toss at one of them, hoping to gain some sort of chain reaction of all the bells ringing together to bring someone quickly. Hopefully this was a good choice.


Re: I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - coldblue - 07-02-2018

When the young Roux happens upon the stranger in the midst of midday walk, he nearly loses his composure. Imagine being immersed in the exotic beauty of the jungle: bright, colorful flowers intermingled with the emerald leaves and twisting vines; a myriad of birds all colors of the rainbow singing in the canopy. And now picture the boy enjoying the appeal of it all, his beautiful blue eyes half-lidded as the sun warms the vanilla fur on his back, revealing the faint, fawn-colored rosettes which decorate his pelt. Coldblue has become quite skilled at going places without actually paying much attention to his surroundings. It's more like he ignores all the sense-datum received, really. Not that he does not detect anything at all. So when he hears an unfamiliar voice nearby in accompaniment with the clanging of a bunch of bells, the youth slowly begins the transition from mind-realm to reality. "What's with all the racket, huh?" the boy gripes, wincing dramatically as all that godawful noise threatens to burst his ear drums.

He expects a cat or a dog of some sort, as that is what usually turns up at the railroad gate, so he does not bother inspecting the stranger much until he slows to a halt several paces before the unknown male. And then he sees it. Nonexistent brows rocket upwards, and the boy goes wide-eyed as he forces himself to stifle the laughter--it never becomes more than subtle smirk. A paper bag and...goggles. The fashionable aspect of his personality cringes at the sight, while his more impish traits find it increasingly difficult to resist spewing the plethora of (rude) teasing comments that seem to manifest of their own accord. "Um--" he coughs, composing himself. "Who are you and why did you come to the Typhoon?" Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh. Glacial blue eyes regard the stranger with mild curiosity. His handsome visage displays only a tired pleasantness with a twinge of suspicion--seems like he finally got himself under control.

Re: I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher didn't really expect creatures to stumble into the Typhoon so easily as one would in any other territory. The island was isolated quite far from the main lands, connected by an outstretched length of land that was covered by railroad tracks. The only way one could reach the island and only get minimunly wet was going through this path and this allowed for checking "borders" a lot more easier. Was this due to the Captain not desiring to always be chasing after trespassers? Yes, it was and it honestly took a lot of weight off his shoulders when his paranoia crept in to remind him of the possible threats that may destroy whatever peace was lingering ove the Typhoon. He had gone out from checking in on Goldie to observe what had rang the bells, his sensitive hearing catches the loud rings and leading the canine to step through long slopes of sand to follow the sound, his paws gently kicking up grains of sand as the scent of his son caught his attention and he picked up his pace. Despite Coldblue holding a certain disdain for him, he still loved his son and wanted to make sure that his safety was never threatened by strangers.

As he finally reached the two figures, the broad-shouldered charcoal colored canine went to slip beside the smaller figure of the Roux, leaning closer to the side of his son in a protective manner as his piercing cyan arctic blue eyes locked onto the odd-looking stranger. What the fuck? Why the hell did someone have an actual paperbag for their face...and goggles? He had heard the little mocking phrase that only hideous creatures wore paperbags to hide their unflattering facial features but the immortal being knew better than to jump to conclusions. Perhaps it soothed the strange looking creature? Or maybe there was something hidden beneath the bag that was not from this world and he was simply protecting it. Who the hell knew and Pincher's fictional eyebrows furrowed as he remained silent for now so that Planecrash would be able to explain his reasoning on ringing the bells for their attention.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-04-2018

Unlike Coldblue, Caesar was definitely the type of person to comment and laugh on somebody appearence. The Officer couldn't help but let out a snicker as he neared the border, with Pincher and Coldblue. "You...have a reason for that bag on your head, buddy?" Caesar mused, laughter cutting through his words as he stared at the stranger at the border.

Re: I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-05-2018

The older creatures form snapped from one that was only somewhat tense, to practically being a wood plank at the sound of that....thing's voice. Plane found himself slowly waddling around to face the child before him with some uneasiness, his eyes staring down at the little beast. Yes, children did bother him quite a lot and he wasn't going to let that effect his conversation at that time until an actual, fully-functioning adult was able to come around and ease his stance for at least a while. "That "r-r-racket" is those bells to what I assume would be your silly home. I'm simply trying to gather some attention so that I-I can know just where the hell I am. Pfft, estúpido, niño de ojos brillantes " A nervous, yet petty laugh sounded from behind his bag despite his slight comment on how this kids's eyes kinda….popped.  Though it was his own eyes that would practically pop out as the next figure approached and stood rather close to the child. His father, perhaps? Plane swallowed what little pride he had built up for that brief moment while talking to the young boy, feeling the need to adjust the bag to cover up more of his neck. Sure, he could always just throw a few chemicals their way if he felt threatened, but that didn't seem like it would be the best option against these kinds of people. Yet another sigh passed as he tried to fix his shrinking form to simply sit before the two. "B-But, name? It's Planecrash Slys or Dr. Slys. I don't particularly know what I'm doing in this place you call the " Typhoon ", but I'm going to guess your one of those clans I've heard a bit of. " He paused for a moment, weighing out his options on whether or not he should just turn back now or simply ask for some temporary shelter within protected company, if they would even decided to give a fuck about him. Well, it wouldn't help asking he supposed. "Actually, I-I hope you don't mind- but, may I seek refuge here for a while? Perhaps I might stay even, since I have n-n-no home at the moment?" His voice cracked, anxiety ebbing into his speech as one paw rubbed against his other forearm while he looked to the others with a hopeful expression hidden behind the paper bag. Speaking of which, he could instantly tell that a stranger had joined the roster with a rude little laugh that only further tightened his muscles, though he managed a light scoff in return. "Why would someone wear a paper bag for no reason than to be mocked by others? Of course I have a reason for wearing it! I will definitely not indulge your petty humor by telling you why though" He finished with a slight huff and squirmed in place from this faux confidence he held up in that moment.


Re: I TRIED TO TELL YOU // o + joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-05-2018

Caesar did open his mouth to respond to Planecrash's comment about wanting to stay, but the guy went on quickly, answering his question about the bag. The Officer narrowed his eyes as Planecrash scoffed at him, clearly unhappy about being talked back to like that. "Well, damn, there's no need to get huffy and puffy about it, asshat." Caesar responded with a flick of his tail, returning his gaze to the strange creature. "But yeah, sure, whatever. You can stay. We can't exactly deny you." Should he even introduce himself at this point? "Name's Officer Caesar Cipher, by the way." His tone didn't lighten up as he said this, but hey at least that was over with, right?