Beasts of Beyond
helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - Printable Version

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helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - Warringkingdoms - 07-02-2018

  The stress of taking care of the entire clan was beginning to weigh heavily on Rin.

  Granted, ensuring everyone was healthy was her job, and it was a job she was willing to do- but Bast had challenged death to a staring contest three times now, more and more vampires in need of a steady blood supply were popping up, and they were likely on the precipice of war with the Typhoon. It all got to be too much for one person. Rad was there too, but Rin had immense difficulty trusting in the person who had gotten Bast addicted to hard drugs in the first place.

  So, she might as well see if there was anyone else willing to go into the medical field. While Rin didn't exactly plan on leaving the field yet, she wasn't sure if she could keep up with the needs that the job expected of her and stay active around the clan right now, so if she eventually got demoted or had to step down, this would at least provide some insurance for the clan as a whole. Stepping into the Grand Circle, Rin cleared her throat, then called out, "Hey. I'm looking to find some potential new Halos- or Cleric's apprentices, for those who didn't know. Everyone who's interested, get over here."

  Once some people had gathered, she adjusted her scarf, then nodded. "If you want to try out, there are three steps I expect you to take. First, locate each of these types of herbs out in the territory and bring a small amount of each to me: comfrey root, chamomile, juniper, and burdock root. Working together to find these herbs is encouraged, both for learning collaboration skills and for safety reasons. Second, demonstrate your medical knowledge to me in some way. It can be through a medical training for the clan to partake in, or it can be something a little more... unusual."

  Glancing off to the side and quirking a brow, Rin added, "The third exercise will be initiated by me at some point, either late this week or early next week. It should be finished that same day." That would be an interesting surprise, she thought- she'd just need to get someone who wasn't trying out in on the plan. Looking back at the crowd, she finished, "The deadline for your tasks is sundown on Friday the 20th. Hop to it."

  /OOC: the deadline in real time is 11:59 P.M. EST on Friday the 20th
  /for the first two tasks, create a thread featuring your character completing the task- creativity is highly encouraged! both of the tasks can be completed collaboratively, but those who choose to complete them solo won't be penalized for it
  /I will start the thread for the third task- you won't find out what it is until that day, though
  /decisions should be made by midnight on Sunday the 15th- we might choose multiple applicants if everyone does well and there's enough space! even if you don't win, participating in the tryouts may make you more likely to be considered for a spot in the future
  /good luck, and most of all, have fun!
  /edit: extended

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts - imperia - 07-03-2018

A halo? Like an angel? Imperia wonders if that is the word the original Ascendants used to call healers or medics. If that is the case, the young she-wolf is interested in this series of jobs or tasks. Yes, they are tasks. And none of them sound that hard either. Even if she does not win the position of halo, or whatever it is, Peri will be happy just to do something she enjoys. Collecting and studying herbs reminds her of her mother. "Sounds like fun," the girl says with a faint smile. She will get started on the morrow.

/ i think u already saw the first one so here is the second;topicseen

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts - Cosmic - 07-05-2018

Halo rank? Medical branch? It sounded right up my ally. "I'm participating for sure!" I responded, giving a dip of my head and my tail oddly began to wag in excitement, even though I wasn't a dog. Well, I mean, I am a Fox hybrid, so I guess I am partially canine.

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts - Pele N. F. I. - 07-10-2018

[Image: solar_system_by_king_lulu_deer-db47d80.gif]
Pele was, she supposed, one of the last people one would expect to be here. She wasn't really a fighter no, but she was more of a scholar than she was a medic.

But, she really hadn't found her thing, she hadn't trained at all to be an observer. Studying books was a passing hobby, it wasn't a job that she could do here and make any real contributions. On top of that? She remembered how she'd seen the dead bodies of her family, and could do nothing to assist. They had revived later, but what if one day they didn't? What if one day they were going to be gone for good, and she could prevent it?

Rin, she looked so, tired. The fireball could see the stress of taking care of all of them, even her little scrapes from when she first started flying, weighing on her. It seemed to age her body more than time itself did. It hurt, to see her like that when she'd done so much for all of them.

"I'll try."
© [color=white]MADI

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - Warringkingdoms - 07-15-2018

  /went ahead and extended this! if anyone else wants to try and participate they can

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - Grimm - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 110%; "]"I'll try," they spoke softly, unsure what drove them to attempt it.

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - Shininglight - 07-18-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
// Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - trojan g. - 07-19-2018

Roman's tryout stuff;;

Re: helpless, hopeless -- open, Halo tryouts (EXTENDED TO 7/20) - MOONMADE - 07-19-2018

Moon's tryouts!!
- 1/2
- 2/2