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WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - Printable Version

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WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-02-2018

oh, did her dear father really believe he could become a high position in a group, thinking that she wouldn't hear of him? he was mistaken, if that was the case. aphra couldn't quite understand why her father would choose the typhoon of all places, with it being an island. although then again, she supposed she was about to join, despite how much she was going to hate getting the sand in her fur and getting wet.

"oh, darlings~" aphra called in a sing-song voice, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws. "my name's aphra, and i'm here to join." she paused for a few seconds, allowing anybody who happened to pass by the register what she said. "hopefully somebody knows a strange-looking feline by the name of caesar, yes?"
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - PINCHER - 07-02-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Family was something one could never really escape from though Pincher supposed some could become distant, scattered, and broken. That was what the Roux family was like or had been in the beginning. His family had been broken torn apart by his mother and father's spite. In his father's side, they were the Dalcas but Pincher had decided not to take that name but instead his mother's name. Dalcas were more horrifying than the Rouxes, full of killers and monsters with twisted minds and hearts. They disregarded care for their family relationships and Pincher knew that they were unstable so he had dropped them, hiding that side of his family and allowing the Rouxes to be replace it. It was odd that he took his mother's maiden name but he had wanted to carry it in her honor though he had no recollection of her. He didn't even know what she looked like or had been like. Maybe she had been a bad mother. Who knew.

The long limbed canine was stepping out of the jungle near the gate entrance, jaws clamped around a handle of a basket filled with rich tropical berries. He had been picking them to give them to Goldie, wanting to pamper her while she was healing. Just as he was about to head out, a scent and a voice caused the lithe male to halt on his tracks and turn his attention towards the source of the voice. A stranger. One made of ivory fur and it caused him to blink as she stuck out like a sore thumb as the Captain decided to meet her with his cool arctic blue eyes locking onto her gaze as he halted in front of her. "Hey. Why ya looking for angry lemon? If you're here to join just to cause trouble for Caesar, I'd suggest not to unless you want to be sharkbait." He answered flatly, his low rumbling voice holding a slight warning tone before he decided to set down the basket softly on the ground before adding "Name's Pincher. I'm the Captain here."
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Re: WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - coldblue - 07-02-2018

Where Pincher goes, interesting things tend to follow. That's what Coldblue tells himself to justify following along after his father for the past couple of days. It could not possibly be because he is worried about dear ole dad kicking the bucket again. And it certainly is not because he secretly vies for the Captain's attention. There a lot of things going on within Blue that he does not entirely understand--emotions, thoughts, impulses--but lying to himself has worked thus far and he is not prepared to stop anytime soon, either. Of course, acting as Pincher's little shadow also puts him in the prime position to notice all the gifts the older male gathers for Goldie. It makes Blue feel a bit strange as he gazes upon the berry-filled basket his father carries. On one side, he wholeheartedly agrees that his sister deserves all the presents and more. But, on the other, he is a bit envious that he never gets even a fraction of that sort of attention--from Pincher, from friends, from, well, anyone. Blue is the forgotten child, and as much as his fate is his own fault, can anyone really blame a child for feeling a disconnect from a parent who only just started truly parenting? Actually, Caesar definitely would blame him.

Not wanting to continue down that particular train of thought, Coldblue redirects his attention to the new girl who wants to see Caesar, of all people. Glacial blue eyes observe the female with guarded curiosity as the youth comes to stand in the shadow of his father. She is surprisingly normal looking for someone he associates with a little furry lemon. He would even go so far to say that the stranger is pretty, were it not for the uncomfortable feeling she inspires within him. "Yeah," he says in agreement to Pincher's words. "Caesar is kind of a di--" he glances up at the Captain before amending his original statement. "Caesar sucks." That's better.

Re: WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-02-2018

the first member of this group to approach was a large doberman and aphra couldn't help but raise her invisible eyebrows at the sight of him. he held a basket of fruit, and aphra did wonder what they were for. surely a welcoming gift for her, right? no, don't be ridiculous. she mused to herself. none of these typhoonites knew she was coming, so that basket probably wasn't for her. oh, but a girl could dream, couldn't she? aphra couldn't help but let out an amused snort at pincher's nickname for her father. angry lemon. she repeated to herself. ha, if her father knew of that nickname, he was bound to blow up. aphra did note that pincher introduced himself as the captain, and her tail flicked in interest. he would be a great person to try and knock up and a mischievous smile formed on her lips as she spoke, "oh, i'm not here to cause trouble with him. i'm his daughter." she knew that she was the only child he truly and genuinely liked, though he may not like her coming her uninvited. but he can get over it.

the next to approach was a little bengal kitten, a seal point to be exact. it was an interesting pelt pattern, and aphra was immediately attracted to his eyes. they were almost out-of-this-world, with a piercing gaze with them. it was an amazing color, especially with that pelt. being a seal point really brought out the color of his eyes. aphra let out a chuckle at coldblue's insults regarding her father and she purred whenever she replied to him, "i know how he is. i think it's funny, honestly. don't you?" although she supposed that him being a dick to others was annoying rather than amusing, but she quite liked the way people reacted.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher was rather startled by the realization that his son had decided to follow him since he wasn't used to Coldblue being interested in whatever he was doing at the moment. His pointed sharp ears swiveled briefly when he heard the footsteps of the child reach him, the darkness of his shadow swallowing the bengal though Pincher briefly glanced at him with the same cold glacial blue gaze as he took a step closer just in case Aphra was here to cause trouble. He was protective of his crew but had a more extreme case of protection when it came to his children. His broad shoulders rolled lazily as he heard Coldblue agree with him and a low chuckle rumbled out of his black gummed jaws as he heard his son halt from calling the savannah a dick. Not that it mattered since Pincher was used to hearing curse words left and right, they were pirates afterall.

Deciding to return his attention towards Aphra, Pincher's fictional eyebrows furrowed for a second of perplexed confusion as she explained that she was the daughter of the lemon colored hybrid. A brief expression of mild shock flashed through his crystalline blue gaze as he had never thought that Caesar would have children with anyone. He knew that the Cipher was connected to multiple others but children? How many did Caesar have? Was this the only descendant from the demon? He was tempted to question if he did but he restrained himself as he decided to slowly relax to the idea that she was here to do no harm or at least said she would. "His daughter...huh. That's suprising. But yeah, Caesar is here. So Welcome to the Typhoon, Aphra. If you got any questions, feel free to find me." He would reply, offering a dip of his obsidian colored head with his bright crimson earring softly bobbing against the wind that blew around them.
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Re: WE DON'T TAKE NO PRISONERS // open, joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-03-2018

aphra shrugged at pincher's comment about caesar having a child, though she could understand where that surprise came from. caesar was an ass, somebody who purposely didn't get along with others, so how did he find some chick to get with? well, aphra didn't know her mother very well, but from her understanding, it was just a one-night stand. she hadn't been born here in the typhoon, though she had been born on their territory. but her mother was killed almost as soon as she was weaned, and aphra knew it had been caesar who done it - mostly because she found him walking off from the scene. but honestly? she didn't care. her mother was too hover-y for her tastes, and aphra liked the freedom that her father gave her.

"of course, darling." aphra responded with a purr towards pincher's offer of going to find him if she had any questions. it was likely she wouldn't; she heard stories from all over the place about the typhoon and so far, everything has rang true. and hey - her father was here! that was perfect! maybe she'd find a way to see him at some point  if he didn't just show up here.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━