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interview with lucifer ― o, joining - Printable Version

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interview with lucifer ― o, joining - candorosa - 07-01-2018

Kauko was ten months old when his parents sat him down and very politely told him to get the hell out of their home. They told him that he 'needed to learn independence' and that he couldn't 'mooch off them forever'. Apparently, he was 'old enough to survive for himself' and with a quick farewell and a kiss to his head, his parents kicked him out of their house faster than he could ask 'huh?'. In a confused daze, he grabbed the candy stash he had hidden and then meandered out in search of another place to call home.

At first, he was pretty damn pissed. They could have done a multitude of things before kicking him out. They could have talked it through, they could have taught him some more life lessons, but apparently, his parents' first step was to 'remove our son from our vicinity so we could canoodle like the old farts that we are'. A day later, his anger faded into a simmering annoyance, and by the time he had finished his lollipop the day after, he found himself unable to care. Now was his time to do something to settle the constant restlessness he had been feeling. His folks were doing him a favor.

Around a week or two, Kauko had stumbled upon a swamp, and judging from the scents assaulting his nose, a group who lived in that swamp. It took a few seconds before an idea hit him. He could join these guys and hopefully, they'd provide ways to stave off his boredom. He'd also appreciate a place to live because it was a pain to constantly search for shelter on top of food and water. With his mind made up, Kauko turned on his heel and set off to find some items.

After locating a stick and a dirty piece of white cloth, the young Norwegian forest cat quickly scribbled what he thought was, 'Please let me join or I'll die Sad', but he didn't know how to read or write so it just looked like unreadable chicken scratch. The only thing that was slightly recognizable was the sad face he had stuck as an afterthought. After tying the cloth to the stick, he shuffled back to the border whereupon he stuck the stick into the dirt to act as a flag. However, due to the lack of breeze, the cloth looked crumpled. 'Damn,' he thought with a click of his tongue. He guessed he just had to wait for someone to stumble across him. He didn't want to go shouting into the spooky swamp and have who-knew-what after his ass. With a sigh, Kauko settled himself back into his haunches and began to wait.

...After five minutes, he decided he had waited enough. "Hi?" Kauko called out as he craned his neck. He moved the lollipop in his mouth around before speaking up once more, "I'm a damsel in distress, dying of heartbreak, please let me join," He asked with the same monotone expression. He'd give his name once someone showed to, hopefully, soothe his breaking heart.
what's up with your true feelings?

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - Luciferr - 07-02-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"I'm going to need a name then - unless you want to be called 'damsel' for the rest of your days among us" hummed a voice from the shadows of the 'spooky forest' as a nine foot beast seemingly consisting of what happened when one took parts of a dragon and an overly large wolf beast and slammed the parts together - with a side of fire and metal for flavour.

War raised a brow expectantly at the much smaller cat - they had quite a few cats actually come to think of it, the guy might fit right in then - though the deity was very thankful the joiner had decided to actually stay on the border.

The amount of times he'd had to rescue new recruits from their own new home upon joining was getting out of hand.

/yo welcome ! C:

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-02-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich, as his mind had been recovering, was regaining some memories. They were all mixed however. There was this vague image of a circus and humans touching him, but there other memories too that didn’t quite fit. Like they weren’t from his life.

The bear dog was still coated in mud from the mask vigil, making him look like a mud beast with glowing eyes. He saw the child, a stranger, and started growling. To him, this was a sign of submission by the boy and Zimavich didn’t like it. He came up next to Fen, growling and baring his teeth, and drawing close to the child.
© madi

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - madster - 07-02-2018

next was malphas, his mouth dripping with gooey blood, having just finished a meal. he was thankful for beck's plentiful traps- many an idiot got stuck in them, and that meant fresh meat for him. malphas didn't have to eat other cats, he just delighted in the taboo nature of it all.

he stood by zimavich, glaring at fenris. did he have to look like that? was he overcompensating, definitely. he snickered at the thought. malphas was loyal to tanglewood, sure, but he was loyal to the concept. he didn't really care for anybody in the clan- save for a select few. most of them were self-righteous assholes masquerading as good people. maybe he was projecting a little too much.

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - candorosa - 07-07-2018

Kauko's ears perked when a voice pierced through the dense forestry, golden eyes shifting toward the source of the noise. And boy, oh, boy, was he in for a surprise. He did a double-take when the... whatever the hell that thing was, a wolf? When the wolf ambled towards the boy. He angled his head to look up at the creature, eyebrows furrowing for a few moments before his expression relaxed. "Don't really mind if you call me 'damsel', gramps, but the name's Kauko," he drawled, shifting from paw to paw. He was... intimidated, but he wasn't going to crack under the pressure. Hopefully.

His attention was drawn by the next individual to come across the pair, and well. Kauko's face molded into one of wariness at the blatant hostility. The boy quietly rose from his haunches, golden gaze never leaving the dog's form. He took a few steps back, willing himself not to peek at the other male to look at his reaction. "Hiya, hey, hey, um," he faltered. Was this a test? Shit, his only means to defend himself was beating the shit out of the guy with his white flag, but that would probably get him killed faster than a heart attack.

"Here," Kauko swiftly grabbed his candy sack, and after groping around for something suitable, pulled out some chili covered mango lollipops and a few Starbursts. He would attempt to slide the pieces of candy over to the dog as a peace offering. That was some good candy - if the dog necked him after Kauko offered him the good shit, then well he'd be dead, but he'd also be very pissed. He'd claw his way out of the afterlife and take back his candy before fucking off to Kitty Heaven.

Two others had joined the fray while he was trying not to become dog chow. Both didn't seem very concerned with the aggressive, mud-covered dog, so that helped calm the fluffy male's nerves. Kauko glanced at the first one, a male who seemed to be around the same age as him. He looked okay, disregarding the blood coating his mouth. Kauko sent him a mock-salute in greeting and a quirk of his eyebrows.

Kauko finally turned toward the last one to arrive, suppressing a snort at his comment. "I'm very much in distress," he said innocently, willing himself not to glance at the muddy dog who may or may not try to bite his head off. He listened as the male introduced himself (the only one who did in fact!) and nodded slowly. He didn't know what the hell was a Proxy, but he guessed it was something important if Vigenere felt the need to add that. "Alright, thanks man," he stole a glance toward the woods. "Any of you mind taking me to um, whats-its-name... the camp? I think? 'cuz I might get lost," he quickly added, "I'll get out of your fur after, promise, I'll even give you some candy - I've got these soda candies if you want any."

//thank you! <3
what's up with your true feelings?

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-07-2018

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - candorosa - 07-08-2018

Kauko nodded, grabbing his makeshift flag and unceremoniously shoving it inside his candy sack for easier carrying. The tom sent one more fleeting glance towards the others before shuffling toward Vigenere. At the mention of traps, Kauko made a face before moving closer to the feline. "Gotcha... um, what do the traps look like? ...Are there any other hazards?" He asked after a few moments, golden gaze moving about in an attempt to catch sight of a 'trap'. Maybe a more experienced animal would have known what a trap was, but Kauko was a sheltered boy and his attempts to imagine a trap resulted in a giant blank.
what's up with your true feelings?

Re: interview with lucifer ― o, joining - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

gramps hm? That was a new one, Fen snorted mildly "Gramps is more my father - Fenris is fine" though he shot a quick look to Zima's growling but otherwise let it be - the big dog likely wasn't going to do anything and they all had their quirks and views.

Steadfastly ignoring Malphas and his glares, Fenris nodded along with Vigenere's words and then answering Kauko's own "since you'll be living here, we can likely point out how they're marked so you'll know - as for other hazards, well we've got a large number of gators, so be careful around the waters" he shifted to follow vigenere and Kauko's path along the way.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]