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STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Printable Version

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STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Bean - 07-01-2018

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Luciferr - 07-02-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"and here I thought I was the resident arsonist" an amused voice teased as Fenris made his way out of the dark and into the bonfire lit area, sauntering around it until he found a space suitable near Iota and quietly curled himself there, settling his claws underneath him like an overly large wolf-dragon-ish cat.

Ah, fire - the war God hummed as he idly basked in the glow, opening silberine-blue eyes to glance and gaze upwards at the clear night sky with a wistful tone before he turned and looked to Iota "you've certainly set up quite the event" smiling he motioned to the snacks and the like even if he'd yet to go for any - the flames lit his orange fur and made it dance like he was the fire in the evening being so evenly matched near in colour tone, well if it got out of hand he could corral it what with the sun these last few days.

/ugh short.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - madster - 07-02-2018

malphas came, if not only for the drinks. "hahaha, so funny." he muttered sarcastically in response to fenris' comment. he didn't care for fenris. sure, he was terrified of him, but malphas masked his fear with burning anger. a bonfire? he knew that meant social interaction, but he had been pretty numb emotionally for a bit. he was stressed and sick with god knows what, and he didn't want to bother nayru and so he suffered in silence.

"where's the alcohol? if i'm not flat on my ass in an hour i'm gonna be upset," he said flatly, sitting down.  "but.. good bonfire." he had little feelings for iota- he couldn't see her true intentions, ever, and that made him upset. he liked knowing what people were up to. iota was an enigma, seemingly fueled by her lust for nayru. which was fine, he thought. everybody had different motivations. then, he wondered if this bonfire was just a setup to attract the sawbone. there were no good people in tanglewood, after all.

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Nayru - 07-02-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]”You’re too young, Malphy. You’ll just make yourself sick,” Nayru interjected, arriving with a tiny frown. It had been the warm, foresty scent of a bonfire that had drawn her in, the warmth and light beckoning to her, urging her to step away from her magic and live a little bit. To say that she was pleased to see Iota (her darling best friend), Fenris (her dad), and Malphas (another of her dear friends) present was the understatement of the century. She did steal a bit of a heated glance in Vigenere’s direction though, paws instinctively tugging her scarf tighter around her neck. Not only had he insulted her, but now he was offering her patient alcohol? No, no, she wouldn’t have that today. But perhaps she should lighten up a bit. Obviously Iota had put this all together with the intent of getting them to bond and she, ever intrigued by anything Iota did, refused to purposefully ruin it.

Without thinking about it, she brushed absently against the blue-tinted female, a tiny smile curving her pale lips. [color=#6b7e99]”I want some schmoes,” She decided aloud. If they were anything like the ones at the meeting, she planned on eating many of them.

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Bean - 07-02-2018

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - beck. - 07-03-2018

    Wisps of smoke unfurling towards the waning moon were enough to distract him, tickling his tar-colored nose as he turned away from the ivy-covered wall he had been repairing and prompting a pitiable sneeze that made his lungs clench in a sudden spike of pain. The muddy feline recoiled back onto all four paws and hunched forward, one arm pressing against his chest to steady himself. Recovering from the sneeze, Beck tentatively sniffed at the air again, slightly parting his mouth as he had observed household cats do many times before. It was smoke from burning wood, and wasn't too far away. Did Fenrisulfr finally set the swamp ablaze? He was certain all the different gases floating around unseen in most wetlands would go up in flame at the drop of a match. A perk and a swivel of his notched ear disproved his theory; there weren't any animals screaming or running from an accidental inferno. For a moment, the poltergeist was stumped, slouching back into his own confusion -- it would probably be easier to figure out the cause of smoke if he just went to the source, right?

    All too eager to abandon his project of using mud to strengthen an uninhabited home, Beck predictably tracked grimy pawprints throughout the town's ruined streets while following the smoke trail, entire bottom half caked in mire. A blossoming orb tinted fiery orange illuminated the blurred darkness of his vision, flames lapping at the concealed stars and giving off the smoke shroud that caught his attention in the first place. Fuzzy silhouettes had partially encircled the blaze, reminding him of an activity he had witnessed too many times to count, be it in the ethereal flesh or through a television screen. "Are y'all havin' a campfire?" Beck murmured despite knowing the answer, head childishly tilting to the right as firelight bounced off his lifeless eyes. Who all was there? No matter how deeply he sniffed and wheezed, he couldn't detect any other smell despite smoke. Their voices were all he could go off of, which wasn't difficult as much as it was a bother to wait for everyone to speak up. He remained silent, intent on listening for individuals through the pop of embers and the crumble of scorched wood. At least until Nayru, who he could tell was the sawbone based on soft-spoken and accented lilt, mentioned "schmoes". Bewilderment twisted his scarred features, shooting a puzzled sneer towards the ex-princess before their mispronunciation dawned on him. "What? Oh -- they ain't called... schmoes or whatever ya said, they're called s'mores," he raspily corrected, rolling his eyes as he slumped further into his makeshift seat of moth-eaten cloth. A twitch could be seen on the unscathed half of his muzzle; he wished he could have one. But by now he had learned that any food he tried to ingest would either phase through his jaw before he had a chance to swallow, or if he tried hard enough, make him throw up nothing but blood and ectoplasm not even a few minutes later. Both of which he wasn't keen on going through in front of the creatures he was supposed to be leading. Maybe he could show off a bit to keep himself entertained? Beginning to knead his sternum to hopelessly get rid of the dormant pain deep within his chest, Beck turned his gaze to the figure he assumed was Iota and mumbled, "Can ya grab me a marshmallow?"

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Freyja - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The intense scent of fire was what drew her away from the book of fairy tales she was reading. Ever since she had been young, she was intrigued by the stories in her gigantic book. Princes and princesses, magic, true love. It was all so, so wonderful. She often wished her life was like that, but all her wishing and wanting was soon placed in the back of her mind. The campfire was calling to her, and Freyja intended to answer. Without much thought (which was not surprising in the Firebrand's case), the young goddess rose to her paws, grabbed her book, and followed the scent of burning wood.

When Freyja arrived, she was beaming. The bonfire Iota had made was so cute and quaint and charming - even if there was alcohol involved. Maybe her life was like a fairy tale. Each of the gathered individuals - Iota, Fenrisulfr, Malphas, Vigenere, Nayru, Beck - seemed like they belonged in a fantastical book one would read at bedtime. Her emerald gaze caught Nayru and Iota leaning against one another, and her smile soften. Maybe true love was real too.

"Iota, this is... wonderful! How'd you manage this all yourself?" she asked, drawing nearer. The seal point tabby took a close seat beside Beck, smiling brightly. Her tiny set of wings flapped gently every few heartbeats, an ever-present sign of her happiness. At Beck's request for a marshmallow, she nodded her head quickly. "Oh, can I have one too, please?" She had loved the s'mores Beck and Fenri made for the entirety of Tanglewood! She couldn't wait to have another!

Re: STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE | o, bonfire - Bean - 07-03-2018