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TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - Printable Version

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TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - PINCHER - 07-01-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
His second meeting to his return and Pincher still wasn’t able to fully process how or why he was alive. He did question it multiple times and still no answers were given to him by the voices that shrieked inside his head constantly, specifically at night. They were a constant ringing in his ears, burning and piercing as if demanding his attention. He had already begun killing for their desires, forced to turn back into the hitman he had tried so hard to bury and move on from. But old habits die hard, didn’t they? He knew he would never had been able to escape them, not in his mortal life nor in the life he was now. Was he even alive? Was he really considered to be living when he no longer had a heart beating in his chest? The organ was gone, somewhere left in the depths of the sea to be pushed through current after current. Little did Pincher know was that within the sea currents, there was a disturbance. One of explosive force that would trigger an immense problem for the desolated island and it's inhabitants, just because Pincher refused to cooperate with the very beings that had brought him back to the world. The price he paid for being too proud, the very cause of his death and his resurrection.

The muscular canine had decided to take a break from the weekly tasks that he was assigned to give this week since the duty tended to fry his brains when he had to brainstorm ideas for crewmates on what they could do. It was still early, the warm summer sun slowly crawling up the clear expansive sky that stretched above him. He felt it was a rather relaxing and peaceful day but something felt a little off, his body felt tense and the usual cool aura that he expressed was tainted with slight anxiety for the unknown. The unknown that was preparing to impact the Typhoon and the crew that he lead but for now Pincher simply focused on directing an awaiting pirate in the crow nest of the ship to blow the conch, the loud unique sound echoing through the air to remind everyone that it was time for a meeting. The obsidian colored Captain trekked through the ivory sandy hills that lead to the tunnel and eventually towards the underground dome that allowed there to be a view of sealife but when he entered the glass dome, he noticed that not a single trace of sea creatures swam around.

The crystalline saltwaters were empty, only coral and kelp slowly dancing along the waves that swayed them, the life of the coral reef no longer able to seen. Why? Pincher's fictional eyebrows knitted together with worry as the calculative arctic blue eyes of the doberman glanced around, attempting to piece together on the pecularity of the absenses and the odd feeling in his stomach that almost felt like knots were being tied with his intenstines. He swallowed the small pit of anxiety that had decided to build up in his throat before heading to hop on top of the throne's seat and waited until there were enough members for him to make announcements. "Welcome to the meeting, folks. First off, I would like to introduce some new faces that I hope will stick around and not be too much of a pain on our ass. Everyone greet Alpha, the horny one as well as Brad, the weirdo that tried to pick a fight with a column of concrete. Next up in our list is Honey, a chick that I thought was planting weird shit but I guess she's our new green thumb. Crownedprince is also one to be welcomed in, the kid seems friendly even if I'm ninety-nine percent sure that he's cursing us off in Korean. We also have some old faces deciding to show up that being our greedy Greed and Papercutter after his long travel. See that you make the freshmeat feel right at home." He flashed a toothy shark-like grin before the Captain raised a caramel paw to scratch softly under his chin as he let out a small "hmm" before deciding to jump to the spicy bits that most members paid attention to.

"Now here comes some promotions. Roxanne and Connor, you have shown a lot of potential lately and I was wondering if you two fucks are down in becoming Strikers. Goldenluxury and Cronas are also given the option to step up to Privateers, good job all of you. You have certainly been working and I've noticed. I have also noticed members deserving shoutouts, these being Greed and Rosemary, keep it up. But sadly, I have noticed that some of my high positions haven't been around as much. Argus and Wade get small warnings, I would just like to see you guys around a bit more. Keona, you recieve a warning. If you believe you are going to be inactivity, report to the inactivity notices so I know why you haven't been around but other than that, that's all for ranking updates." Pincher stated, voice ranging from pride in those that had shown potential but turning slightly sour when it came to warnings. He needed active contributing members in his ranks or else, it would all crumble to nothing and the male was not fond of chaos that did not hold any sort of calculation to it.

Setting the paw back down, the blue eyed immortal added "I'm doing weekly tasks for this week so go check them out. Also I have decided to extend the June Choice awards deadline to July 7th since the sudden rise of joiners can be added to your votes if you believe they deserve it. Snowbound has invited us to an event at their crib so anyone is free to go check it out. On Wednesday, I will be holding doctor tryouts to see if anyone if anyone is interested in trying out." Was he good at that sort of shit? No, not really but he needed to find a replacement for Lilyspoise despite his desire for her to return because she had not only been a doctor but a friend that he once had by his side. This left an uneasy ache in his empty chest but all that Pincher showed was a stoic facade as always. With a small moment to let himself catch his breath after rambling, he stated "That is all for this week. I would also like this moment to thank you all. You really have been a wonderful crew and I have never been prouder to be your leader. Keep up the great work. Meeting dismissed unless anyone has some shit to spill." With that, the tired father stepped off and was beginning to pad away when a sudden vibration caused the dome to tremble, his paws slowly shaking due to the sudden force causing the male to halt, eyes narrowing as he snapped his attention and glared in the distance within the ocean depths. He noticed something. Something...growing. And suddenly, it all clicked.

Fuck. Was all that Pincher was able to evacuate as he barked out explosively "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT NOW. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, GET THE HELL OUT!" With that, the lean figure of Pincher halted at the exit tunnel of the dome to wait for all his crewmates to turn tail and retreat back to the surface, his eyes wide with horror as he realized what was coming. A tsunami.

welcome joiners! awesome to have you here! > [member=1136]alpha[/member] / [member=1182]brad[/member] / [member=1126]crownedprince[/member] / [member=1174]honey[/member]
welcome back joiners, glad to have you back! > [member=697]GREED[/member] / [member=83]Papercutter[/member]
[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] & [member=#1119]CONNOR[/member] are promoted to Strikers, well done!
[member=48]goldenluxury[/member] & [member=885]cronas[/member] are promoted to Privateers, nice job my dudes!
Shoutouts to [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] & [member=697]GREED[/member] , keep it up!
Small warning to [member=218]ARGUS[/member] + [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] (y'all are doing fine, i'd just like to see you a bit more cSmile
Warning for [member=265]Keona.[/member]
June choice awards deadline has been extended to allow new members to be included!
Snowbound event, go check it out!
Medical tryouts will be created this Wednesday for anyone interested, keep a lookout!
weekly tasks for this week are hot and ready!
Tsunami thread will be posted after a few replies! Get ready for a wave of angst. (^;
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Caesar didn't find Pincher come back so weird, though he was a bit pissed about the entire situation. Reincarnation was a common thing, and possession was a thing demons had, so the fact that Pincher was still alive was just normal to Caesar, so he just didn't question it. He didn't really exactly question the status of the ocean, either, since he just didn't care about the ocean either. What he did care about, however, was the meeting that Pincher was about ready to start.

At the sound of the conch, Caesar made his way over and took a seat. He listened as Pincher started the announcements, although none of them really mattered to him since he wasn't mentioned - although Argus getting a warning did interest him. Caesar blocked out the rest of the announcements, but his attention was snapped into reality as the ground started to shake. The demon's fur puffed out as he was clearly confused what was going on, though he didn't get the sudden urgency in Pincher's voice. Of course he wouldn't; he's never lived near the ocean before, so he wouldn't exactly know what a tsunami was. "PINCHER!" Caesar yelled back, trying to run after the Captain as quickly as he could. "What the hell's going on?" Was it an attack of some sort? Then why would Pincher want everybody to evacuate? Sure, Caesar had limited powers but he sure as hell wasn't a fucking coward and would fight off whatever was attacking them.

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - Verdigris - 07-01-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The conch could be heard a few minutes after Paper walked away from the turtle statue, eliciting a nod from him- right, it was meeting day. With that, he headed towards the aquarium tunnel, though he hesitated upon passing by the huts. Something... didn't seem right. It was as though the earth was vibrating beneath his very feet, and even stranger, he couldn't hear any birds or other non-sentient life in the jungle.

  Furrowing his brow, he went inside his hut, went over to the chest on the side, and took his mother's book from inside. Stuffing it in a small satchel, he slung the strap around his form and headed towards the dome. It was probably best to leave the ruby in the hut in case anyone tried to pickpocket him- they were much more likely to try and steal a gem than a nondescript book- but he was getting a very bad feeling about this whole situation.

  Arriving at the dome, Paper took a seat a few feet away from the throne, watching Pincher. The captain didn't seem worried outwardly, but then he would try and hide that he had blood cancer if he thought it would worry the crew, so the way he looked wasn't exactly an accurate descriptor of how he actually felt. Glancing at the outside of the dome, however, Paper couldn't see any sea creatures swimming around.

  Biting the inside of his cheek, he tried to listen to the announcements, but it was difficult to pay attention. "Congratulations to the promoted," he offered when Pinch called their names, trying his best not to sound distracted. Weekly tasks, Snowbound events, doctor tryouts, choice awards, thanks, it all seemed to blend together.

  As Pincher walked off, Paper stood up and got ready to leave- only to stumble as the dome shook. "Wha..." he muttered, gritting his teeth and glancing around. Was this what he had been sensing? Was there about to be a flood? The sky was clear, though, so it wasn't about to rain. How could there be a flood, then, unless... oh, no, he'd heard about occurrences like this, but he never would've thought it would actually happen to them.

  Pincher's yelling confirmed the horrific truth. Narrowing his eyes, Paper howled, "TIDAL WAVE! Get to high ground!" After taking a moment to check who was there, he bolted for the exit tunnel, internally going through the list of members in his head. If anyone wasn't in the dome when Pincher called out, then they'd need to be warned too. That, and he needed to go grab the ruby, and possibly help anyone who couldn't get out on their own- the only one he recalled that might have trouble was Goldenluxury, and Pincher could probably take care of that. Did he have time to get the ruby, though? The tsunami could strike at any moment.

  Bursting out onto the sand, Paper whipped his head around to gaze out at the horizon. The wave loomed in the distance, growing closer and closer by the second. Judging by the distance, he would probably have time to save the ruby, but then if someone had trouble getting out of the tunnel for some reason, he wouldn't be able to help them- and he had no idea how far inland they needed to get before the wave hit. Would they need to go back to the mainland? Or moreover, did they have time to go back to the mainland?

  Taking a deep breath, he shouted towards the huts, "Everyone not at the meeting, get as far uphill as you can! Wave incoming!" Then, looking back at the tunnel, he waited for Pincher to come out- if nothing else, he wasn't leaving without the captain and the rest of the crew. He was a lot of things, but a coward was not one of them. Besides, Pincher, having actual experience as a sailor, would know how far they needed to go to escape the wave.

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - Wade Wilson - 07-01-2018

actions "speech"
So much for everything going as planned. Wade had arrived to join the others, nodding his head to his warning as well as everything else. "Sorry there Cap. I'll get it together." he replied. He would turn to those promoted and offer his congratulations with a flashy smile. And then he caught it, just as everyone else began to notice; the receding waterline, flooding back farther than anyone would expect. And then the wave. Oh god the wave- growing in size and descending upon them rapidly with no mercy. "Surfs up, anyone?" What had been intended to be a nice confident quip came out as weak and unsteady. He'd never come face to face with a tsunami- of all things. Would they even be able to make it out in time? He hesitated, unsure as to whether he should run or stay and try to help or what. Wade was stunned.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - charrie graveyard - 07-01-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Connor had been napping in his zen garden when he heard the sound of the conch, stretching and letting out a giant yawn as he slowly began to wake up. As he began to head out of the garden, he gave one last glance at the pond to find all of his koi fish had vanished. Were they... hiding at the bottom? As if answering his questions, one of the largest of his koi (and also his favorite but... don't tell that to the other koi) Hank would move to hide in a small, hollowed out wooden log at the bottom of the pond. This wasn't normal, especially for Hank. It wasn't supposed to snow... was it going to storm maybe? But even then, the koi shouldn't be acting this way. What was going on?

It was only when a few minutes of Connor wandering around the edge of the pond, trying to account for all of his fish that he realized he had forgotten about the meeting. "Shit...!" He growled under his breath. He would have to deal with this later. Turning, the tabby dashed out of the garden, joining the rest of his crewmates as they made their way towards the dome. That was when he felt the rumblings deep in the Earth beneath his feet, causing him to pause before he was able to enter the tunnel. An earthquake? Turning to look at the volcano, he quickly determined that it wasn't the cause. No smoke was rising from its top. Perhaps it had happened out at sea? Oh- he didn't have time for this! Making his way down quickly now, he filed in with the rest of the Typhooners, sitting at the back close to the tunnel. He had made it in time, but barely.

Now that he was settled, Connor focused his attention on Pincher, ears positioned forward as he listened. There were plenty of new joiners this week- Crownedprince he knew, but the others were unfamiliar. He could meet them later, if he didn't leave before getting a chance to, anyway. Next were promotions- Roxanne was no surprise to him, but then he heard his name, a rush of different feelings filling his brain and causing the LED on his head to flicker yellow for a few moments. Him...? But... why? A part of him wanted to decline- the robotic part of him that told him "we have a mission, this rank will only get in the way. It will prevent us from leaving". But then, there was the feline part of him, the one arguing that "we'll get more information this way. if we decline, it'd be rude and it could blow our cover". There was something else, however... some other underlying reason he didn't want to pass up this promotion. Could it be that he... cared? Shaking his head, he cleared his throat to answer. "I-I'll... I'll glady accept your offer, Pincher! Thank you for the promotion- and congratulations to the others." Was he making a mistake? Maybe- but for some reason... he didn't seem to care too much.

As for the rest of the meeting, there were some events going on, choice awards and an event in... Snowbound. Interesting. Connor wasn't sure if he was going to attend or not but before he could even really think about it, a distant rushing noise caught his attention. Tsunami. Frozen in place as various frightened calls echoed around the dome, NPCs shoving past him in a panic to escape, it took him a minute to process everything before he too, fled with the others, giving Pincher a worried glance before he made his way out.


Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ Hearing that she was promoted made her ears twitch lightly as she found a bit of a surprised frown on her maw, she didn't think it would happen but she supposed that anything was possible. Eventually the frown was replaced with a smile "Fuck yeah, I'll accept." She had her tegu egg close to her chest twitching her whiskers in a bit of amusement listening to the rest of the announcements. She would utter a soft congratulations in their direction before she would notice a slight change in the atmosphere. She could feel her heart starting to race starting to see the cause of why she was nervous. It was a tsunami.

/ congrats y'all and track so sorry for late reply

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - ARGUS - 07-02-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] While the groups were more civilized in comparison to the normal sentient rouges that took refuge alone. Adopting non-sentient creatures for a mimicry of two leg development- Argus knew better than to think anyone here was above their animal nature. It was just instinct. With sentience came the curb to that instinct- and end to it's need with logic to reason everything out. But Argus had always been the first to toe that line. Let logic and reason fade away and let her instinct rule. It was the reason she only hunted at night beside the craving to eat near constantly, the reason her eyes still glowed blue onto occasion when she felt the need to tap into her powers beyond the mutation that sprouted from her back.

She did not need to look to her own companions to know something was wrong. The air tasted different on her tongue, the sea was more pungent leading up to the days of the meeting- but there was no dread. No nagging feeling of off-ness that usually settled onto her bones when it came to something supernatural acting- Nature driven things were harder to predict yes. Argus has never really lived close enough to water to deal with a tsunami if it were not for the fact that one hit her last home before she left. Their tiny little island then was wrenched to all hell- and the same things happening here- it should've been faster- she should have been faster in picking up on the clues along the week. But she was too busy trying to put on a facade of everything was normal she wasn't focusing on what was wrong in the first place.

The meeting went by without fanfare. Her eyes dull as half her mind went into thinking of something different while the Leader spoke. Pincher's words running over Argus' mind. Not entirely focusing mostly on the words as much as the sound. Unless it was a name that caught her interest- Promotions - lilypoise demoted - medical tryouts soon to come by - a warning? Hm. SHe let out a low hum along with Wade's words in her own form of acknowledgement. Trying to mentally pick apart what seemed so off so suddenly.

-Everyone was screaming. Concerned crewmates and cocky officers demanding what was going on when Argus' mind lineally clicked on the word tsunami. She was not the first to get out, if anything she lagged behind- wings flared and open in an intimidating gesture as she scanned the room for people she needed to grab. For now there was no one to be worried about. Everyone was moving- but Argus was aware how easily it would be for someone to get lost in the rush. She just hopped she could get them before they eventually got swept under.

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - ROSEMARY - 07-02-2018

How strange, that she stayed here long enough to listen to a second meeting - coincidentally her half-brother's second meeting since returning from the dead, as well. However, something seemed off with the sea; this seemed obvious by the lack of sea life. As Pincher spoke, she not so subtly scanned the coral reef above. Looking for any trace of the fish or reef sharks that usually bustled about, she felt a growing sense of dread in her chest. Her strongest magical affinity was anchored in water, so she felt quite uneasy with the sudden change in the ocean.

Flicking her tails, she nodded absentmindedly as she heard her name called, as well as other announcements that interested her. Most of them didn't - she hardly cared about promotions to the lower ranks or shoutouts. Thus far, it seemed that everyone other than Pincher held the same social standing, even if they technically outranked the others. Both officers, including the temporarily demoted Caesar, seemed to do nothing except ooze arrogance. And she didn't even know what the strikers and higher-strikers (Rosemary couldn't remember their name, for the life of her) apparently did that made them more important than the rest. Given her history of coming from a coven where the only ranking system was informally based on reputation and knowledge, the more strict hierarchy of the Typhoon went over her head with its subtleties.

She glanced at Roxanne for a moment, happily noting that her sister noticed the tegu egg - even though she didn't quite understand why Roxanne was carrying it around with her. About to question the winged feline about this, she instead snapped out of her lazy musings by Pincher's alarm call. The fur along her spine bristled as she suddenly put together the odd sensation she felt from the ocean; an she never felt in person before, but read about in books. Shooting out of the underground dome with her forked tail streaming behind her, the ocelot sharply turned as she reached the surface, looking out ahead at the sea.

No wonder the ocean life was nowhere to be found; there was a noticeable dip in the shore, more extreme than any low tide she'd seen before. Exposed starfish and coral baked in the hot sun, but she didn't linger on them for long. Instead, she squinted her four eyes as she locked onto a moving mass in the horizon. Freezing, her four eyes widened in shock. Her mind raced as she stood there, toes burning on the sand, as she tried to come up with a way to fix this. But she already knew, in the back of her head, there was no magic strong enough to stop this.

Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - Owlie - 07-03-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Krataa, himself, felt pretty okay his name wasn’t called. His old body was a limited on him and he had a routine of keeping to himself. They may as well make him the rainforest guard, since that’s where he was most of the time.

He.... had a bad feeling. Something wasn’t sitting right and it bothered his bore. During the meeting, the Emperor attempted to slip into meditation, to see what was wrong.... but he didn’t have enough time.
Krataa jumped down, yellow eyes landing on Wade. He moved, aimivg to Force Push WADE towards the entrance, as he too, began to run. The Emperor jumped up slightly, his paws beginning to levitate off the ground as he sprinted, using telekinesis on himself to lessen the strain on his body.



Re: TIDAL ACHE — MEETING 7.1.18 - Kian. - 07-03-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Kian sat quietly, tail resting gently over his paws as he listened, ear flicking.  That was a lot of new names, but he was sure he'd learn them again soon enough, from the new crewmates themselves.  There was a Snowbound event, and some doctor try-outs coming up, which he may keep an eye on, but he wasn't sure.  Keona's name grabbed the most attention from him, and he hummed quietly.  He didn't see the girl yet either, but he was sure she was around somewhere.

That in mind, Kian noticed instantly, that something was wrong with the ocean. The fae had always been connected to the water.  That's bad.  The rusty spotted cat jumped to his feet, ears flattened.  There was one option for the former captain; he was staying inside until he spotted and got his daughter out. Hopefully Seamus was somewhere above ground, already getting to safety, though he was not sure why he cared so much about his twin.  The bastard was more trouble than he was worth and Kian still didn't know why he had come to the Typhoon.

Kian stayed where he was, tail lashing to and fro.  While he was indeed looking for Keona, the pirate was not big on leaving without making sure most everyone else was out too.  An old instinct from being a captain, a leader once, himself.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi