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ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - guts - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Being a canine was weird. Church was, of course, used to being a human, with hands and feet. But that had changed ever since he arrived here, his fingers replaced with the digits on his paws, which were not as operational at all. Sometimes he'd catch himself trying to do things out of habit, and when he failed to do it because of his lack of hands, he got depressed. It was only a reminder that things had changed drastically in the past few days. Hell, he'd go back to that damn canyon if it meant having movable thumbs again, even if it was boring and ugly.

There were already a lot of stuff he didn't liked about being an animal, like when he would get hot and he'd automatically start panting, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. Of course he'd stop himself when he realized, but it only made the heat worse--and that was only one of many things. In short, he hated being like this, in this body. But he hated a lot of things, so it wasn't anything new.

"Stupid fucking dog body, screwing everything up," he grumbles under his breath as he walks through the territory, not really sure where he was going. He was just frustrated and wanted to get away from everything for a bit. But something caught his eye, a flash of color in the corner of his eye. Whipping his head around, he pads around in a circle, following his tail. For whatever reason, it's mesmerizing to him, and he has the sudden urge to catch it in his mouth.

Before long, he's chasing it around, spinning in a rapid circle out in the fields surrounding the Observatory. He was aware of what he was doing, and wanted to stop before anyone saw, but he wanted to catch his annoying-ass tail first.

/i didnt know what to do so have this weird thing


Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - Suiteheart - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][i love church sm omf]

Suiteheart had heard Church's words. Her ears had perked at the sound of someone headed in her direction, and with that, she had easily caught the Observer's comments. It caused an amused, lopsided grin to bloom upon her lips. Poor guy, she thought, he must really be having a shit time. She could relate, in a way. The first time had been stuck in the body of a polar bear had been absolute hell; she didn't know how to walk properly, she constantly broken things, she didn't really fit anywhere - it was a whole fucking mess, if she were honest. However, magically transforming from a human to a dog was... a little more advanced.

The white feline padded after the male, wondering what the hell he was going to get himself into. She half wondered if he was just out on patrol, and that thought almost caused her to turn around and head on her way. Suite had almost turned on her heels, but then she heard quick footfalls. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself trudging onward. It wasn't long before she came face-to-face with Church, who was chasing his tail.

A laugh immediately burst forth from her lips as she took the scene in. "Oh, sorry, Church. Didn't realize you were busy," she chuckled, wearing a goofy smile. Ah, she couldn't help it! Church seemed so upset about his current form, but here he was, doing normal canine things. It was just so amusing.

Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - imperia - 07-02-2018

When it comes to magically transforming from one creature to another, Imperia cannot relate. She has always been herself. The closest thing to a transformation for her is probably the rapid growth from small pup to a young adult. Peri has always has large eyes and limbs too long for her petite frame, though, so perhaps she can relate to the sentiment of feeling like she does not belong in her own body. Her mother and father were beautiful wolves the color of sand and stone and eyes the color of leaves in the spring. She looks nothing like either of them, and because she is definitely her mother's daughter, her father, Pierre, always accused Mother of infidelity. Maybe the accusations were true, and maybe they weren't, but she always felt as if there was a disconnect between herself and her father. She wanted to love him, but he was not very accommodating.

Much like Suiteheart, the young she-wolf is drawn to the sound of commotion. The speaker sounds so upset that Peri cannot resist the urge to make sure that he is okay. Slender limbs carry the meek predator quietly towards the point of origin. She slows as soon as Church and Suiteheart come into sight. Imperia still dons her leather satchel, the aroma of herbs and fresh flowers following her wherever she goes. She offers a friendly smile upon observing the situation. "Ah, hello," says the girl with a faint french accent. "That looks like fun." she means the tail-chasing. Peri has never done it herself, but she can often be found sitting in the warmest patch of sunlight. That's another natural canine instinct, right?


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Church wasn't the only one that was struggling with instincts. Agent Washington had guessed that there was something wrong with him when he realized that everyone here basically looked like a snack. Which made no real sense to the Freelancer until he came to the realization that yes, he was still a cat. Although, he was a smilodon, not something he knew about in history books until he managed to get hold of a textbook that helped him figure out exactly what he was that was for damn sure. Washington didn't like being an animal and was doing everything in his power to make sure that he was going to get home sooner or later. Even if it killed him. He couldn't afford to waste time in a place like this as it would just make returning back to his world a whole lot difficult. He had yet to figure out what planet he was on and he wasn't willing to ask for help. At least the simulation troopers were following his orders from time to time and he didn't have much to worry about them trying to fight back. One thing that Washington noticed was that he had yet to eat anything since he had arrived in this place. The thought of just eating raw meat didn't sit well with him and so he had tried to avoid it as much as possible. The Freelancer was working himself to death in secrecy, and no one realized his true condition. Especially with the armor that he always seemed to wear and never take off. He didn't like the idea of showing his face in front of those that he still considered to be potential enemies despite them not doing anything against him. There were plenty of things that Washington could be doing right now, and potentially searching for those that were like them was one of them. Church had mentioned that there were several caught in an explosion that blasted him and Caboose to this area. That had to be some correlation. Although Wash's situation was a little bit different as he had a massive ship crash land onto him before exploding. But the explosion seems to be the key between all of these events. He had been researching what planet they were on, and had sent Caboose and Church to look for other survivors.

Agent Washington had somewhat memorized the names that Church had spoke of, but he didn't exactly have a perfect memory either. His massive body was still the size of a lion, meaning he dwarfed most of those that lived in this outpost. Which he still hadn't gotten used to speaking the name of this place either. Everything was weird. And wrong. He wanted to get out and he wanted to get out now. He blinked his golden optics behind his helmet as he made his way toward the border. Walking through the tall grass that covered the majority of the territory when he saw a couple animals that were surrounding someone. He tilted his head, before seeing a familiar blue. It was either going to be Church or Caboose. Since they both had blue helmets relative to everything else. His color scheme completely different from the likes of a simulation trooper, but that was the point. He was a Freelancer. Completely out of the league of a simulation trooper. Wash had yet to tell the troops the true meaning of what that really was. Thinking it would be better not to tell them unless they pissed him off. Which had yet to happen, but also wasn't hard to do either. The former human began to make his way over, his titanium alloy making a sound as he approached. Identifying the creature as Church himself, Caboose and Church being two different canine species. Agent Washington had made sure to approach from the side so that he didn't really approach others. His attention flickered to Suiteheart before looking toward the canine he didn't know, but he didn't bother asking their name. "Making good use of your time I see." The armored smilodon seemed to almost scold the soldier in front of him. They couldn't waste time giving into their instincts. Even if Church looked like a snack in his predatory mind considering how much smaller he was in comparison. Agent Washington was all about work and no play. He had to be. His life had always been on the line. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - guts - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//i love church 2 hes my boy

Church was doing his best to stop himself, but every time he managed to stand still, the tip of his tail would reappear in his vision and tempt him to continue all over again. So he was stuck in a loop, his attention momentarily caught by the presence of someone. Great. Too late to hope none would catch him now. "Yeah, busy," he comments back before snapping at his tail, nearly catching it and ending this whole thing. So close yet so far.

He had hoped that Suite would be the only one to come, but then Imperia shows up, an unfamiliar face he'd never seen before. A good first impression, of course. He would have introduced himself, but his focus was still on other things, determined to end this stupid game. "Fun my ass," is his snarky reply, stopping his circling to simply glare at his tail, which flickered as if to taunt him. "Who're you, anyway?"

Then there was Washington. He was always a beacon of sunshine, wasn't he? He had been patrolling for former teammates, but then certain things had taken priority and well, here he was. To be honest, this was somewhat better than looking around with no clue where they might have been, even if he was embarrassed to be seen like this. "Well, we have plenty of fucking time. Plus we weren't getting anywhere with our search," where the hell had Caboose went, anyways? Really, who knew with that idiot.


Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - Suiteheart - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart let another chuckle roll passed her lips at Church's answers towards everyone. He seemed to be a little more impatient than usual today, she noted. She chalked it up to the fact that he was zeroed in on chasing his tail, and until he caught it, nothing much else would matter. It was certainly a curious thing; as a feline, Suite hadn't ever really felt the need to chase her tail. Perhaps she had as a young child, but with 1000 years of memories in her head, she could scarcely remember what had happened yesterday.

She arched an eyebrow at the word "search," exchanging a quizzical look with Imperia. She couldn't recall whether or not Church or Washington or even Caboose had mentioned what they were searching for. She figured it must have meant they were looking for others like themselves. It made sense. There was strength in numbers and there was comfort in those from home. Knowing what loss great and small felt like, the feline could only hope the others found their friends.

"Don't get me wrong, chasing tail's just as important and finding whatever it is you guys're looking for," she began, amusement still painted upon her tone, "but if either of you need help, don't be afraid to ask. We're not too bad at finding things here. We might even be able to help you find your tail, Church. Ya know, since you can't much catch it."

Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - Roy Mustang - 07-02-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Animal instincts was something Roy learned the hard way. Roy, much like Church and Washington, wasn't originally a feline. For the majority of Roy Mustang's life, he had been human. He served in the Amestrian military, climbed the ranks all the way to Colonel by the time he was 29. People didn't like that he was ranked so high with his young age, but he had been determined to make it all the way to Fuhrer. He had been working on achieving that goal, with the support of his unit, until that terrible day occurred. Roy got caught in the middle of an activated human transmutation circle by mistake, unfortunately Roy can't even remember how it got activated. It cost him his life, and ultimately Riza's as well, as he came across her in this world.

Things like animal instinct felt so foreign and feral to Roy; he had a first hand experience with it. Maybe around a month ago, Roy was by himself down at the Pebble Coast, trying to get his mind out of a dark hole. The last thing he imagined was for the unexpected to happen- a rock slide. Pebbles around him shook. He heard rocks tumbling down the cliff, and by the time he noticed it- he didn't jump completely out of the way in time of a huge boulder coming directly at him. It ended up crushing the bones in his back, right leg. The boulder was too heavy to move, and Roy couldn't use his flame alchemy on it without hurting himself more. Roy remembered waiting hours, and with each passing hour, his patience began to dwindle. And that feral, foreign,and uncomfortable instinct began to speak to his mind. At the time, the idea to gnaw his own leg off sounded like a splendid idea. Roy welcomed that feeling with open arms and didn't even think of how bad of an idea it had been. Now in the present, Roy regrets his decision and even feels upset that he went along with the animal instinct. The Flame Alchemist has to live everyday with his choice now, and he can easily be reminded every time he looks at the remains of his leg(an unevenly cut, burn scar covered stump).

Roy came padding in after Washington, raising an invisible eyebrow at the sight before him. Church definitely didn't seem happy about chasing his tail, yet he continues to do it whether his tail is in view. Well, that's definitely an animal instinct driving him to do that, He thought to himself as he flicked an ear, not saying a word. It's not the worse thing in the world though, He continued to think, thinking back to what he did when he relied on an instinct he never dealt with/used before. His ears pricked up as Church began to reply back to Washington, before glancing at Suiteheart for a moment. What exactly is their 'search'? Have they told anyone about it, or are they keeping it to themselves? Was it to find others like them(there seems to be quite a number of them here) or was it for something else? "What exactly is your 'search'?" Roy questioned Church, gaze locking on the canine as he awaited an answer, eyes blinking.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Taking breaks wasn't in his vocabulary. At least not anymore. If he had been who he was back then when he first joined the organization that had recruited him in the first place. He would have been all for taking breaks here and there. But that didn't mean he was belonging in the category of lazy when it came down to stuff like that. Even if he did have downtime, he was at least doing something. Such as cleaning his equipment, reading up on the briefing that was sent to each of their individual tablets before going on the said mission in the next couple of days. He could train with the rest of the Freelancers if they wanted to. They were a team back then before everything went to shit and they betrayed one another to all sorts of different degrees. Or he could go to the mess hall and get something to eat or even talk to the triplets. Freelancers that weren't on the leaderboard but were working on climbing up the ranks with everyone else.

It was almost funny, around that time Georgia was actually around. Which, no one would tell Washington what had happened to the other guy, which was a little bit frustrating and confusing. But oh well. There were plenty of things that could be done with the organization that was constantly planning ahead for themselves. They were always one step ahead of their enemies, but not only that they were a step ahead of the Freelancers that were in the project. Which grew to be some concern to those that were lower ranked on the damned Leaderboard, but Washington again wasn't really one to question something like that in the first place. He wasn't exactly on the top of the list either, which meant that he didn't have a say in the first place of what was going to happen. He had once been a Corporal in the military, but when he was hired by the Project he had received a new rank. Most of those that were outside of the Project Freelancer didn't really consider much when it came to the rank.

But they could easily show those that doubted them that hey deserved a form of respect for how strong-willed they were and how they were willing to do anything to get the job done. After the failed implantation of a computer inside of his head, his personality had flipped itself. Causing him to be bitter toward others and more closed off. He didn't trust others because Project Freelancer could really be anyone that had come to join the group if they had ended up like him. There was also the chance that everyone in the crash ended up dying and that would be the end of that and he would have nothing to worry about. Highly unlikely though since he knew that most Freelancers could fall from a skyscraper and still manage to find a way to survive. The majority of those that were still around had their own AI's except for South and himself. It was all a disaster waiting to happen. A ticking time bomb. And now Washington was one himself. He wasn't here to make friends. Something that he constantly told himself over and over again. If the Ascendants tried to get into his way of getting back home, he would be more than willing to use the likes of force against them.

It wasn't anything personal as they hadn't wronged him yet, but he had a gut feeling that they weren't going to like the way he would try to run things. He had been cooperative so far, but back when he was taking orders from a higher up, he had quickly shot the other guy in order to get what he wanted. Of course, back then that had been the right thing to do to save his platoon, but now he was only being selfish and thinking about himself. He was keeping a close eye on Church and Caboose because they were assets and nothing else. Church obviously had knowledge of Agent Texas and the project in general. Which made him slightly more important than Caboose, since the golden retrieve was something else entirely. Agent Washington's attention was primarily on the soldier in front of him and nothing else. He had to keep his troops in line after all. Even if there were two f them. He felt a scowl spread across his facial features as he listened to what Church had to say. The armored smilodon would shift his weight on his paws in irritation, but ultimately he kept himself calm. "No, I think you have the wrong idea. We still don't have any idea where we are and what could be happening without us, I don't think you've realized the severity of this situation." He sounded like he was scolding Church.

Which was exactly what he was doing. Was the other so daft to say that they had time when they were obviously running out of time? The longer they waited, the further away their solutions could move away from them. Did the guy even understand what it meant when it came to being punctual? "And if you weren't finding anything you should have come to me and I would have given you another assignment." Washington would state in a calmer tone this time. He no longer sounded like he was scolding the canine. The more frustrated he got through, the more that he could feel the forgotten implant scar on the back of his neck burn with more intensity. It only happened when he was around Church. Which wasn't good for him because Church was the only one that was remotely any help. Well, any sort of help a simulation trooper could be useful with. His attention turned toward Suiteheart though, noticing the look that was spreading across her face. Agent Washington refused to be less vague in order to give her an answer, as he knew when information should be stowed away instead of giving out.

It was the soldier part of him that had yet to disappear, and any information of Project Freelancer was completely confidential. Agent Washington would open his mouth to address the domestic cat before another face made his way forward. He didn't know this guy, not like it mattered since he didn't know a lot of people here. Maybe it would benefit him to at least get a roster of those that were stationed here so that he could have that knowledge at hand when he would need it. The wildcat had asked the same thing, and the Freelancer was quick to respond. "That information is confidential. I appreciate the offer to help though Suiteheart, ma'am, but I think we can manage." He wanted to have fewer people involved as much as possible. Obviously, it wasn't the most ideal way to deal with a situation they were in. But, he couldn't have any sort of information leaked. Through animal or not. His gold gaze turned to look back at Church, and even though his facial expression was hidden, it was almost a silent look that said 'don't say anything about it'."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - guts - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church didn't much care for Freelancers, that much was obvious. He knew what they could do, that they were backstabbing assholes who did what they wanted. After certain distasteful exchanges with them, he had learned that they weren't to be trusted. Even if he had had a special 'connection' with Tex, he still didn't trust her when she came to help them at Blood Gulch. Maybe he had started to at one point, but that had quickly been dashed out, with no hope of returning. The same went for all the rest in the Project.

He snorted at Suite's comment, but didn't get a chance to reply before someone else came in. He had never seen the guy before, and like a lot of people here, he was bigger than him. Go figures. He manages to stop spinning, though the world around him doesn't, and he ends up having to sit down as his vision settles. He's about to respond to Roy when Washington starts going off on him, a scowl twisting onto his face behind his helmet. Was he really scolding him here in front of all these people? He wasn't a child.

Turning to the white feline, he smirks as he begins to speak. "Oh, we're just looking for our friends. They might have come here like us, so we wanna find them before they get into any trouble," he explains, against Washington's wishes, of course. Under his gear, he side-eyes the smilodon. That'll teach you to scold me like a kid, you jackass.



"God, you military lot with your confidentiality are just as up-tight as I remember," he drawled as he approached the little group, yawning as if to punctuate his point. Bastille didn't really seem very bothered about it, though, and there was little indication of where he actually remembered that fact from. None of his past lives had been militarily inclined, though Pollie's first life had glancing proximity to war, which meant that the information likely leaked through from Grimm's hosts. Which was... an interesting development. Bastille rarely had fluid access to that store of memories and stories unless he tried to access them, which was not always easy, and for a moment he was struck with the strangeness of overflow. He shook it off, however, as Church started to speak up in direct contradiction to Wash, which prompted a smirk of amusement.

"You know, we usually get you human bunches in twos or threes, so I wouldn't hold your breath. I'd imagine they'd crop up in the same area if there are more, though, so maybe some of them are fucking around with the neighbors. It's not exactly hard to spot a bunch of helmets, I'd imagine," he provided, sounding faintly bored if only because he was fuckin' tired and a little shaky.